Refer to CBSE Class 8 English The Treasure Within MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 8 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 4 The Treasure Within Class 8 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 8 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 8 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 8 English Chapter 4 The Treasure Within
Class 8 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 4 The Treasure Within in Class 8.
Chapter 4 The Treasure Within MCQ Questions Class 8 English with Answers
Question. Contractor had nightmares about
(a) his maths examination
(b) his failure in the class
(c) never finding a job
(d) losing his mother
Answer: A
Question. For his SSC examination
(a) contractor worked hard
(b) contractor copied
(c) contractor had advance knowledge of the question papers
(d) contractor’s Principal helped him
Answer: A
Question. “Putting design, construction, psychology and sociology together and making a sketch from all that is ‘__________’”
(a) Architecture
(b) French
(c) Design
(d) Mathematics
Answer: D
Question. What did the Principal warn hafeez about?
(a) He would not allow him to join if didn’t do good in entrances
(b) He would not allow him to join if didn’t do good in French
(c) He would not allow him to join if didn’t do good in German
(d) He would not allow him to join if didn’t do good in Architecture
Answer: A
Question. What did they do when he created a “distraction”?
(a) Played hide and seek
(b) Played chor police
(c) Played hopscotch
(d) Played football
Answer: B
Question. Why according to him did the nightmares disappear?
(a) He was no longer afraid of the subject
(b) His psyche must have gotten over it
(c) He did not have enough time for nightmares
(d) Both b and c
Answer: D
Question. What is the full form of HC?
(a) Hafeez Contractor
(b) Hafeez Chopra
(c) Himansh Chopra
(d) Himansh Contractor
Answer: A
Question. Why according to him did the nightmares disappear?
(a) He was no longer afraid of the subject
(b) His psyche must have gotten over it
(c) He did not have enough time for nightmares
(d) Both B and C
Answer: B
Question. Hafeez was-
(a) A very good sportsman
(b) Senior Champion for so many years
(c) Cricket captain
(d) All of the Above
Answer: D
Question. How often did he receive canning?
(a) Every day
(b) Every two days
(c) Twice a week
(d) Once every week
Answer: D
Question. “In the college for architecture, nobody who had got below _____ per cent was allowed to enter”
(a) 80-85
(b) 85-90
(c) 90-95
(d) 75-80
Answer: A
Question. Which drawing did he find defective in the architect’s office?
(a) A house detail
(b) A balcony detail
(c) A bathroom detail
(d) A window detail
Answer: D
Question. What was Mrs Gupta’s advice to Hafeez?
(a) To drop out of school
(b) To join the Army upon growing up
(c) To join the police force upon growing up
(d) To become an architect upon growing up
Answer: D
Question. How did he help students who lost their button?
(a) Give them his button
(b) Cut a button out of chalk
(c) Cut a button out of eraser
(d) He did not help them
Answer: B
Question. What did Hafeez and his friend compete about?
(a) Designing forts
(b) Designing guns
(c) Designing ammunition
(d) All of the Above
Answer: D
Question. Contractor loved
(a) learning books
(b) talking to his friends
(c) playing games
(d) helping his mother
Answer: C
Question. Since when did the nightmares stop?
(a) Last 4-5 years
(b) Last 5-6 years
(c) Last 4 years
(d) Last 5 years
Answer: A
Question. In which standard did he lose interest in studies?
(a) First standard
(b) Second standard
(c) Third standard
(d) Fourth standard
Answer: C
Question. In which standard did the words of his Principal influence him?
(a) Third standard
(b) Fifth standard
(c) Seventh standard
(d) Eleventh standard
Answer: D
Question. How did he help students who lost their button?
(a) Give them his button
(b) Cut a button out of chalk
(c) Cut a button out of eraser
(d) He did not help them
Answer: B
Question. Who had a conversation with Hafeez contractor?
(a) Bela Bose
(b) Bela Raja
(c) Bela Rani
(d) Bela Ram
Answer: B
Question. How much marks did Hafeez get in SSC exam?
(a) 30 percent
(b) 40 percent
(c) 50 percent
(d) 60 percent
Answer: C
Question. Which grade did Hafeez get in entrance exam?
(a) A
(b) A ++
(c) A+
(d) B +
Answer: C
Question. Which subject did he hate the most?
(a) Architecture
(b) English
(c) Mathematics
(d) Drawing
Answer: C
Question. Name the editor of Sparsh, Bangalore
(a) Ms Meera Raja
(b) Ms Bobita Raja
(c) Ms Bela Raja
(d) Ms Priya Raja
Answer: C
Question. ‘…… I don’t have to think about education and there is absolutely no time to get ——.’
(a) Nightmares
(b) Studies
(c) Tired
(d) Rest
Answer: A
Question. ‘I used to be a very good —–.’
(a) Influence
(b) Sportsman
(c) Singer
(d) None of these
Answer: B
Question. How did he feel when teachers pull him out of the class?
(a) Ashamed
(b) Nothing
(c) Sacred
(d) None of these
Answer: B
Question. Every Saturday, why they were allowed to go into town?
(a) To visit museum
(b) For shopping
(c) To play in the park
(d) To watch movies
Answer: D
Question. What was the percentage needed to enter the collage for architecture?
(a) 80-85
(b) 60-65
(c) 90-95
(d) 75-80
Answer: A
Question. What were the languages available in Jai Hind collage?
(a) French
(b) Chinese
(c) German
(d) Both (a) & (c)
Answer: D
Question. Who taught him French?
(a) His teacher
(b) He, himself
(c) His friend
(d) His cousin
Answer: D
Question. What did his cousin’s husband ask him to design?
(a) Balcony
(b) Classroom
(c) Study room
(d) House
Answer: D
Question. Name the friend he used to had competition with –
(a) Behram Divecha
(b) Behram Adivar
(c) Berham Divecha
(d) Behram Dwicha
Answer: A
Question. ‘—– and —— i could deal with, maths was very ba(d)’
(a) Science
(b) Geography
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) English
Answer: C
Question. ‘Here we almost come to a full circle where Mr Contractor has derived his own interpretation of —– talking it from…’
(a) Knowledge
(b) Mathematics
(c) Skills
(d) Talent
Answer: B
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MCQs for Chapter 4 The Treasure Within English Class 8
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 8 English to develop the English Class 8 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 8 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 8 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 8 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 8 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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