Important Topics

Bones English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. I hung the washing out only two hours ago but it is already bone ....... thanks to the hot sunshine.
(a) parched
(b) dry
(c) clear
(d) dried
Answer. B

Interviews and Jobs English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Before you start applying for any job, you must be absolutely sure you have the right paper ........
(a) qualities
(b) qualifiers
(c) qualifying
(d) qualifications

Will or Shall English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Do you know the difference .......?
(a) between will and shall
(c) from will and shall
(b) of will and shall
(d) by will and shall
Answer. A

Wrapped round her finger English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. I can't ....... those silly people who always go around with their mobile phones glued to their ears.
(a) head
(b) hand
(c) stomach
(d) finger
Answer. C

In the Aeroplane English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Linda: Have you ever ....... before? Only it's my first time in a plane and I'm a little nervous.
(a) fled
(b) flown
(c) flowed
(d) flying
Answer. B

Today yesterday and tomorrow English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. I love that restaurant. In fact, I'm going there ....... night.
(a) today
(b) yesterday
(c) tomorrow
Answer. C

Question. I saw Canadian geese…

Hear my Story English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Personally I don't believe a word he told us because I think it was just a ....... story.
(a) big
(b) high
(c) tall
(d) long
Answer. C

Cliches English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. She's got the kind of job that seems to keep her occupied all the time — 24-........
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
Answer. D

Question. ......., I…

Phrasal verbs and traveling English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. After you buy an airplane ticket, you must ....... once you arrive at the airport in order to confirm the flight and get a seat on the aircraft.
(a) check over
(b) check in
(c) check out
(d) check off

The Farmer and his Sons English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. A farmer had two sons both of whom were not very ....... and avoided work if they could.
(a) industrial
(b) industrious
(c) industry
(d) industrialist
Answer. B