Important Topics

Where am I English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Excuse me I ....... if you can help me.
(a) expect
(b) hope
(c) believe
(d) wonder
Answer. D

Question. I certainly will if I ........…

Cross Questions English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Jane: Did you know you broke the glass when you ....... the door last night?
(a) smashed
(b) crashed
(c) slammed
(d) slashed
Answer. C

What Comes Next English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. What I'll do now is ........
(a) up to me
(b) through me
(c) across me
(d) on to me
Answer. A

Question. I'm very tired so I think I'll…

Proofreading MCQs with Answers English Grammar

Giant Lizard

This lizard can grow to be ten feet long and weigh up to 360 pounds. What is the name of this lizard?
To answer the question, read each sentence below and identify the sentence’s grammatical mistake. There will be…

My computer and me English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. I just don't get on with computers ....... all.
(a) by
(b) at
(c) in
(d) with
Answer. B

Question. They always go ....... with me and break…

The Broadcast English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Welcome to Radio News and now over to our ....... who's covering the procession this morning.
(a) reviewer
(b) reporter
(c) announcer
(d) introducer
Answer. B

At the Theatre English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. It was one of those plays where the ....... moved at great speed.
(a) acting
(b) act
(c) actor
(d) action
Answer. D

Question. There are…

Expressions with heart: heartache, heartthrob, heartburn English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Getting over a break-up is hard to do. Instead of wallowing in your ......., try to take positive steps to put your failed relationship behind you.
(a) heartbeat
(b) heartburn
(c) heartache
(d) heartbreak…

At the pub English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Charles: I don't think I've ....... you before in this pub.
(a) see
(b) seen
(c) seeing
(d) saw
Answer. B

Question. Deborah: No, this is my…

Idioms with the phrasal verb knock English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. I usually ....... work at about 4:00 o'clock and run to the station to catch the train to my next job.
(a) knock on
(b) knock off
(c) knock up
(d) knock out
Answer. B…