Important Topics

High and Low English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. She's ....... a high at the moment because everything is going her way.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) for
(d) at
Answer. B

Question. I have high…

US Government English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Tax that is calculated and dependant on the amount a person earns in a democracy is called ....... tax.
(a) sales
(b) income
(c) service
Answer. B

Where am I English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. Excuse me I ....... if you can help me.
(a) expect
(b) hope
(c) believe
(d) wonder
Answer. D

Question. I certainly will if I ........…

Idioms with the phrasal verb pull English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. I was told that his chances for ....... the surgery were slim and if he did make it, he was given little hope for the next 24 hours.
(a) pulling in
(b) pulling out
(c) pulling through
(d) pulling down

Keeping Quiet Summary

Keeping Quiet Summary Class 12 English and Explanation, Notes and FAQs (English and Hindi)

Introduction to Keeping Quiet Explanation 

The poem 'Keeping Quiet' written by Pablo Neruda, portrays the meaning of peace…

At the Station English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. The train now ....... at the platform 6 is the 10.45 for London.
(a) sitting
(b) standing
(c) waiting
(d) remaining
Answer. B


Mental Ability Calendar Solved Questions

We have to find the day of the week on a mentioned date. Certain concepts are defined as under.

Odd Days
The no. of days exceeding the complete no.
of weeks in a duration is the no. of odd days…

Much, many, a lot, lots English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. How ....... people are coming?
(a) lots
(b) much
(c) a lot
(d) many
Answer. D

Question. How ....... does the book cost?

How to describe people: attitude expressions English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. My wife is always ....... when she gets her period and becomes angry at me for no reason at all.
(a) jealous
(b) talkative
(c) content
(d) bad-tempered
Answer. D

Improving Verbal Skills English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. You can tell that this car has been very well made and is certainly ....... to the other makes in this garage.
(a) better
(b) clearer
(c) above
(d) superior
Answer. D…