Download Question papers with solutions for past 10 years for all classes and subjects. Click on the below classes to download subject wise question papers of CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations and various schools for other classes. Please click on the class and subject wise links below to download previous year question papers for Class 1 to 12. Its important for students to understand the type of questions which were asked in previous year examinations, this will help them to properly prepare and get more marks in this year exams
Previous Year Question Papers for Classes 1 to 12
CBSE students can click on the links below to download last year's question papers for any subject of your class. It has been advised by teachers that students should always refer to previous year question papers to understand the type of questions that have been asked. This will help them to prepare properly for the current year exams.
Also, by solving the past year's papers and comparing answers with the solutions provided by us you will be able to identify areas of improvement and your mistakes. You can concentrate more on your weak areas and this will help to improve overall performance in your exams.
You can click on the class and subject-wise links below to download the CBSE NCERT and KVS question papers. You will see that many questions are asked again in exams, you can practice such important questions and answers and score more marks in upcoming exams.
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12
Previous year board exam question papers for class 12 are important study material for students preparing for their board exams. These solved question papers will help them to understand the paper pattern, marking scheme, and the type of questions that can be asked in exams. By solving these papers, Class 12 students can identify their weak and strong areas and work on them accordingly. These solved papers will help them to gain more confidence and will also help in managing time during the exam. Students can learn how to prioritize important and high marks questions to maximize their score. Click on the subject wise links below to get board papers which will help them to achieve their desired results in board exams.
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 11
Previous year question papers for class 11 are an essential for students to prepare effectively for their upcoming exams. These solved question papers give standard 11 students an understanding of the question pattern, types of questions, and the weightage given to different topics in the papers. By regularly solving these papers, students will be able to test their knowledge and identify their weak areas on which they can devote more time. Last year question papers also help students to understand the difficulty level of the questions and the time required to answer them. Class 11 students should click on the below subject wise links to download question papers and use them for practice.
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 10
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 9
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 8
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 7
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 6
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 5
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 4
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 3
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 2
Previous Year Question Papers are an important resource for Class 2 students. These question papers help students to understand the pattern and type of questions asked in the school exam. Parents should give these papers to students to assess their preparation and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Students will be able to manage their time during the examination. Prepare examination type condition at home to help class 2 students prepare for exams.
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 1
Previous Year Question Papers for Class 1 to Class 12
More Study Material
The best-followed practice is taking the past five-year question papers and finding questions of the same topic and preparing them well. This applies to all the subjects which can be achieved by stepping on the topics of one subject and then moving on to the next subject and vice versa.
You accept it or not, the main point of exam preparation is going through past exams. It is vital to revise your entire curriculum syllabus easily and quickly. This provides the base idea for the upcoming exams and you could easily gain from this.
When you go through the past year question papers you will get to know about the important and repeated questions asked. The important topics of a particular subject in the past year question papers provide you the blueprint to a number of questions available as hidden resources.
When you go through the past year question papers you will get to know about the important and repeated questions asked. The important topics of a particular subject in the past year question papers provide you the blueprint to a number of questions available as hidden resources., is the best website which has the largest collection of past year question papers with answers which you can download in Pdf
From our website, you can download all the question papers for all subjects which have come in previous year exams. You can download all practice papers in Pdf format
We have provided the biggest database of last year question papers from CBSE, NCERT and KVS which you can download in Pdf format
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers are basically the question papers of past year examinations which were conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in India
CBSE Previous Year Question Papers are important as they give students an understanding of examination pattern, marking scheme, and types of questions asked in the past CBSE exams
By solving CBSE Previous Year Question Papers students can understand the weightage given to different topics, improve their time management skills, problem-solving abilities and gain more confidence
Download the CBSE past year question papers and practice then by creating examination conditions at hone and then compare your answers with the solutions provided on
On CBSE Previous Year Question Papers have been provided for major subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, and more