Click on the following links to download Value Based Questions | VBQs for Class 1 to Class 12 and per latest format suggested by CBSE. All VBQs are available to download in PDF.
VBQs for Class 12
VBQs for Class 11
VBQs for Class 10
VBQs for Class 9
VBQs for Class 8
VBQs for Class 7
VBQs for Class 6
VBQs for Class 4
Value Based Questions for all classes. Click on the below classes to access subjects and chapter wise VBQs designed as per the syllabus issued by CBSE
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Questions that test the values, morals, and ethics of CBSE students are called VBQs
VBQs help CBSE students to develop and test critical thinking and values
No, generally all CBSE teachers suggest that students should provide detailed and thoughtful answers
Honesty, respect, empathy and responsibility type of values are tested in VBQs
VBQs have to be answered in detail with reference to various values
Students read the questions carefully, critical think about the question, read widely, and reflect on the values to be written in the answers
Yes, VBQs help students to develop important values and morals which will help them in their entire life
Yes but CBSE teachers generally prefer long and detailed answers for Value based questions
Students can look for questions that test values, morals, and ethics, such questions are always VBQs