CBSE Class 10 English Two Stories about Flying MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 10 English Two Stories about Flying MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 10 English Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying

Class 10 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying in Class 10.

Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying MCQ Questions Class 10 English with Answers

Question : When the pilot of the black aeroplane asked the narrator to follow him, in which direction did he turn the aeroplane?
(a) south
(b) north
(c) east
(d) west

Answer :   D

Question : What were the young seagull’s brothers and sister doing around him?
(a) curveting
(b) banking
(c) soaring
(d) all of the above

Answer :   D

Question : How would you describe the “risk” the narrator took?
(a) calculated
(b) impetuous
(c) unavoidable
(d) navigable

Answer :   B

Question : The woman at the control tower confirmed that:
(a) he could not land
(b) there was no facility
(c) there was no other aeroplane
(d) there was no signal

Answer :   C

Question : What did the seagull pretended?
(a) Running Fast
(b) Falling Asleep
(c) Crying
(d) None of the Above

Answer :   B

Question : What risk did the pilot take?
(a) flying back to Paris
(b) missing the breakfast he desired
(c) he took no risk
(d) flying his old Dakota straight into the storm

Answer :   D

Question : Who fell outwards and downward into space?
(a) Young Seagull
(b) Mother Seagull
(c) Father Seagull
(d) Brother Seagull

Answer :   A

Question : What food did the seagull’s mother get for it?
(a) earthworms
(b) fish
(c) insects
(d) rodents

Answer :  B

Question : Who is the author of the lesson ‘His First Flight’?
(a) Fredrick Forsyth
(b) Cynthia Moss
(c) Liam O’Flaherty

Answer :  C

Question : Nobody had come near the young seagull for the last :
(a) ten hours
(b) twelve hours
(c) twenty hours
(d) twenty-four hours

Answer :  D

Question : The compass was not working and:
(a) the radio was dead
(b) he lost his patience
(c) he lost his grip
(d) the steering was upset

Answer :  A

Question : The lesson “His First Flight” is about a ______
(a) pilot
(b) seagull
(c) parrot
(d) pigeon

Answer :  B

Question : The story is about a young –
(a) Dove
(b) Seagull
(c) Crow
(d) Peacock

Answer :   B

Question : What was the purpose behind calling Paris Control?
(a) To know about air traffic
(b) To know the direction of the route
(c) To know the details about landing
(d) None of the Above

Answer :  B

Question : Who is the author of “Black Aeroplane”?
(a) Liam O’ Flaherty
(b) Frederick Forsyth
(c) Roal Dahl
(d) Paulo Coehlo

Answer :  B

Question : Why could the writer not see anything outside the aeroplane?
(a) Because of lightning
(b) Because it was dark outside
(c) Because there was bird
(d) None of the Above

Answer :  B

Question : What were his parents teaching his brothers and sisters?
(a) to perfect the art of flying
(b) to skim the waves
(c) to dive for fish
(d) all of the above

Answer :   D

Question : The young seagull had lack of –
(a) Courage
(b) Morality
(c) Fear
(d) Enthusiasm

Answer :  A

Question : Select the most appropriate option for the following: devour : guzzle: : nibble : _______
(a) chew
(b) savour
(c) peck
(d) gulp

Answer:  C

Question : Select the correct option to fill in the blanks below: risk: risky :: _____ : _____
(a) danger: dangerously
(b) hazard: hazardous
(c) peril: imperilled
(d) caution : precaution

Answer :  B

Question : Out of excitement his family members were offering him –
(a) Star
(b) Dog fish
(c) Fruits
(d) Herring fish

Answer :  B

Question : Why didn’t the pilot turn the aeroplane back towards Paris?
(a) He wanted to meet his family
(b) He wanted to go on a holiday
(c) He did not want to miss the breakfast
(d) He did not like Paris

Answer :  C

Question : The title “Black Aeroplane” is based on?
(a) the aeroplane that helped the pilot
(b) the pilot’s aeroplane
(c) aeroplane in the stormy sky
(d) none of the above

Answer :  A

Question : ‘I’ here refers to:
(a) Robin Klein
(b) Liam O’ Flaherty
(c) Frederick Forsyth
(d) FI Bsor Ester

Answer :  C

Question : The young seagull was feeling more heat because –
(a) He was facing east
(b) He was afraid
(c) He was hungry
(d) It was a too sunny day

Answer :  C

Question : Who was alone on the ledge?
(a) Young Seagull
(b) Mother Seagull
(c) Father Seagull
(d) None of the Above

Answer :  A

Question : Which of the following mirrors the use of the literary device in “shrieking shrilly”?
(a) sparkling saga
(b) singing soft
(c) slippery sloppily
(d) sneeze silently

Answer : D

Question : The young seagull got mad by the sight – of ——.
(a) Food
(b) Sunny sky
(c) Vast sea
(d) His brothers and sister

Answer :  A

Question : When he looked down, he saw:
(a) the lights over buildings
(b) the lights on a tower
(c) the lights in the houses
(d) the lights of a big city

Answer : D




This imaginary story conveys the message that one learns by taking courage and not by sitting idle. A young seagull is fed lovingly by his parents. But when the time comes for him to fly, he feels himself afraid. At last, his mother hits upon a plan by persuading him with food in her beak. And the seagull finally learns how to fly.


The young seagull was alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister had already flown away. When he wanted to fly, he could not do so. He was afraid of flying. When his brothers and sister flew, he failed to gather the courage to fly. He was really very sad. His father and mother came to him. They asked him to fly. They even rebuked him. They threatened if he did not fly, he would die of hunger there. But he could not move.
That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then, no one has come near him. He had watched his parents and brothers and sisters flying. His parents had been perfecting his brothers and sister how to dive for fish.
They called him to fly. But he could not. The sun was rising. It was getting very hot. He felt the heat. He had not eaten for long. He had found a dried piece of a fish tail. But it was not enough. There was not even a single piece of food anywhere for him. He had gone forward and backward on the ledge. But he couldn’t fly. He wanted to reach his parents. There was a deep sea below. The ridge was high.
The seagull closed his eyes standing on one leg. He had the other leg hidden under his wing. He pretended to sleep. He thought that his parents didn’t take notice of him. However, mother was looking at him. He saw her tearing at a piece of fish at her feet. He was mad to see the food. He gave out a sound to get it.
His mother replied in a sound and looked at him. She picked a piece of the fish. She flew across to him with it. He leaned out tapping the rock with his feet. His mother flew across trying to get nearer to him.
The seagull had the food within the reach of his beak. But he could not get at it.
The seagull waited a moment in surprise. He wondered why his mother did not come nearer. He was so mad with hunger that he dived at the fish. He fell outwards with a scream and downwards into space.
His mother had swooped upwards. As he passed beneath her, he heard the swish of her wings. Then a great fear caught him. His heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted for a moment. The next moment, he felt his wings spread outwards. He felt the wind rushing against his breast feathers. It rushed under his stomach, and against his wings. He was not falling headlong now. He was soaring slowly downwards and upwards. He was no longer afraid.
The seagull gave out a joyous scream. He soared higher calling ‘ga, ga, ga’. His mother gave out ‘gaw col-ah’. Then his father flew over him screaming. Then he saw his brothers and sister flying around him.
They were roaring and diving. Then he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly. He commended himself to dive and soar. He was near the sea now, flying straight over it. He saw a vast green sea beneath him. His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on the green surface of water ahead of him. They were calling him to do the same thing. He dropped his leg to stand on the green sea. But his legs sank into it. He cried with fear. He tried to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger. He could not rise. His feet sank into the green sea. His belly touched it but he sank no further. He was floating on it. Around him was his family, crying and praising him. It was offering him scraps of dog-fish.
He had made his first flight.


Extract Based Questions

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer, and then maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. With a loud scream he fell outwards and downwards into space.

(a) Who is ‘He’?
(a) The father seagull
(b) The young seagull
(c) The brother seagull
(d) The neighbour seagull

Answer : B

(b) Whom was he waiting for?
(a) his mother
(b) his father
(c) his sister
(d) his brother

Answer : A

(c) What did he dive at?
(a) at the crab
(b) at the shark fish
(c) at the bird
(d) at the fish

Answer : D

(d) With a ___________ scream, he fell outwards and downwards into space.
(a) slight
(b) slow
(c) high
(d) loud

Answer : D


With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downward into space. Then a monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted a minute. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. The wind rushed against his breast feathers, then under his stomach and against his wings.

(a) What did the young seagull learn?
(a) to swim
(b) to walk
(c) to hunt
(d) to fly

Answer : D

(b) How long did the young seagull’s fear last?
(a) for a while
(b) for few minutes
(c) for a day
(d) for a week

Answer : A

(c) Find the word from the passage which means the same as ‘terrible’.
(a) dangerous
(b) risky
(c) awful
(d) monstrous

Answer : D

(d) Who fell outwards and downward into space?
(a) The brother seagull
(b) The father seagull
(c) The mother seagull
(d) The young seagull

Answer : D


He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge, and standing on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing he closed one eye, then the other and pretended to be falling asleep. Still they took no notice of him.

(a) Who is ‘they’ in the above lines?
(a) other birds
(b) seagull’s parents
(c) other seagulls
(d) the fishes

Answer : B

(b) What was the Seagull afraid of?
(a) singing
(b) eating
(c) flying
(d) dancing

Answer : C

(c) Trace a word from the passage which means ‘the edge of land before a steep slope’.
(a) brink
(b) pretended
(c) asleep
(d) stepped

Answer : A

(d) The young seagull pretended to be falling __________.
(a) from the edge
(b) and got hurt
(c) asleep
(d) from the height

Answer : C


They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea. His legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and attempted to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger and he could not rise, exhausted by the strange exercise. His feet sank into the green sea, and then his belly touched it and he sank no further. He was floating on it, and around him his family was screaming, praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of dog–fish. He had made his first flight. 

(a) What was the ‘green flooring’ on which his brothers and sister had landed?
(a) green grass
(b) green sea
(c) green carpet
(d) green field

Answer : B

(b) His __________ sank into the green sea.
(a) beak
(b) wings
(c) feathers
(d) feet

Answer : D

(c) Which word in the passage means the same as ‘Summoning or luring by silent signal’?
(a) shrilly
(b) screaming
(c) beckoning
(d) praising

Answer : C

(d) How was the young seagull feeling after strange exercise of trying to fly?
(a) excited
(b) exhausted
(c) happy
(d) very weak

Answer : B


He dropped his legs to stand on the green sea. His legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and attempted to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger and he could not rise, exhausted by the strange exercise. His feet sank into the green sea, and then his belly touched it and he sank no further. He was floating on it, and around him his family was screaming, praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of dog fish.

(a) Who was tired and weak with hunger?
(a) The young seagull
(b) Mother seagull
(c) Father seagull
(d) Brother seagull

Answer : A

(b) His family was praising him because he had made a ____________ flight.
(a) smart
(b) extra-ordinary
(c) successful
(d) unsuccessful

Answer : C

(c) Find the synonym of the word ‘tired out’ from the passage.
(a) attempted
(b) strange
(c) sank
(d) exhausted

Answer : D

(d) What was the family offering him?
(a) grains
(b) small fish
(c) scraps of dog fish
(d) bread crumbs

Answer : C


His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly, upbraiding him, threatening to let him starve on his ledge unless he flew away. But for the life of him. he could not move. That was twenty four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him, The day before, all day long, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. He had, in fact, seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock, while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle.

(a) His parents reproached him to __________.
(a) swim
(b) fly
(c) jump
(d) sleep

Answer : B

(b) Why couldn’t the young Seagull move from the ledge?
(a) he was feeling tired
(b) he was lazy
(c) he was afraid
(d) he wanted to sleep

Answer : C

(c) Find a word from the extract which means ‘to eat’.
(a) ledge
(b) circled
(c) starve
(d) devour

Answer : D

(d) What did the parents do in pride?
(a) circled
(b) screamed
(c) cackled
(d) shouted

Answer : C

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MCQs for Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying English Class 10

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 10 English to develop the English Class 10 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 10 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 10 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

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