CBSE Class 10 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set F

Refer to CBSE Class 10 English IEO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set F provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. IEO Olympiad Class 10 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 10 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 10 English IEO Olympiad

Class 10 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for IEO Olympiad in Class 10.

IEO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 10 English with Answers



1. I don’t think Raju will __________ to our opinion.
A. come round
B. run through
C. see about
D. pull together
Answer : A

2. She __________ with her sister quite often.
A. cuts in
B. clears on
C. falls out
D. runs into
Answer : C

3. The plan to build another factory __________.
A. cleared out
B. fell through
C. cut down
D. drew in
Answer : B

4. Rarely __________ mushrooms.
A. I eat
B. I ate
C. I have eaten
D. do I eat
Answer : D

5. Sheela is going to __________ cinema but her sister is going to __________ church.
A. the, no article
B. the, the
C. no article, the
D. no article, no article
Answer : A

6. There’s no point ________ staying up all night if your exam is tomorrow.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. up
Answer : C

7. If I had known his address, I __________ to see him.
A. will have gone
B. should have gone
C. would have gone
D. may have gone
Answer : C

8. She was __________ to hear the shocking news.
A. salvaged
B. agitated
C. indiscreet
D. aggressive
Answer : B

9. His __________ performance in the series earned him the trophy.
A. extra
B. erratic
C. contentious
D. consistent
Answer : D

10. When you arrive in Mumbai, we __________ for you at the airport.
A. wait
B. were waiting
C. will be waiting
D. were around
Answer : C

11. The flowers __________ are here.
A. who you asked for
B. you ordered
C. that you order
D. that you were booking
Answer : B


12. His indispensable position
A. requisite
B. prolific
C. appalling
D. euphoric
Answer : A

13. Their generous hospitality
A. courteous
B. mature
C. modest
D. profuse
Answer : D

14. The barren fields
A. sterile
B. mellow
C. putrid
D. endemic
Answer : A

15. The child’s longing for
A. abjuring
B. coveting
C. harmony
D. excitement
Answer : B

16. Abird-watcher
A. ornithologist
B. ophthalmologist
C. oncologist
D. osteologist
Answer : A


17. Are you and your friends going to get down the bus here?
A. Are you
B. and your friends
C. going to get down the
D. bus here?
Answer : C

18. Walking in the garden, a friend surprised him.
A. Walking
B. in the garden,
C. a friend
D. surprised him.
Answer : A

19. We are having plenty of time to get there.
Don’t worry.
A. We are having
B. plenty of time
C. to get there.
D. Don’t worry.
Answer : A

20. She gave me a good advise which I will follow all my life.
A. She gave me
B. a good advise
C. which I will follow
D. all my life.
Answer : B



Do we need a Censor Board? Shall we allow someone else the power to decide for us? Since the Censor Board has been excessively monitoring and regulating both movie and television content, censorship of the media has become a hotly debatable topic. Almost everybody accepts that there is excessive violence being portrayed on television which is affecting the viewers, especially children and teenagers. However, many do not believe that censoring programmes is the right approach. The argument against censorship is mainly centred around free choice. People supporting this position maintain that nobody should have the power to decide who gets to see what or when. It is the right of a person to view the content that they find appealing. They dismiss the idea of any regulatory body such as the Censor Board to dictate things to them. On the other hand, those in favour of censorship say that there is a need for regulation and control of information and ideas that are circulated among people within a society. They believe that there is content that may be inappropriate or offensive to the public and must be modified or taken off air.
In some instances, censorship has proved instrumental in avoiding tragic events such as communal riots. When tempers are already running high, it is best to avoid telecasting gory details of death and destruction which may incite further violence. While ignorance is a bane, there are times when it may actually prove to be bliss. This is true especially for cases when one does not know the complete truth as half-truths cause more harm than good. In such cases, censorship becomes necessary for the protection of the viewers. Also, when one considers the age of certain viewers, it becomes clear that they need somebody to explain certain parts of the content to them. Some movies or programmes have a public announcement at the beginning of the telecast that recommends parental guidance. However, it is not always possible for parents or guardians to see what children are watching and in such instances, it seems better that a regulatory body modifies the content.
These are compelling arguments but a thinking public does not appreciate when someone else dictates terms to them. A public debate is required to deliberate over the issues of censorship, including who is responsible for what the public watches, whether we need a committee that censors content and to what extent. There are no clear answers but since this issue directly relates to what youngsters are exposed to, it does need some reflective thinking.

21. Why does the writer begin the passage with questions?
A. She doesn’t know the answers.
B. She is a curious person.
C. The answers are obvious.
D. She wants to get the reader’s attention.
Answer : D

22. What do most people agree on?
A. TV is an important part of our lives.
B. We are overprotective of children.
C. Youngsters are influenced by media.
D. Violence has slow negative impact.
Answer : C

23. Why do some people support the Censor Board?
A. Censorship is less required in modern society.
B. All content cannot be made available to public.
C. They are conservative and believe in old values.
D. It is a controversial topic for the public.
Answer : B

24. The writer believes sometimes ignorance helps __________.
A. create blind supporters of the government
B. people to live normal lives
C. companies promote their interests
D. safeguard the public from unnecessary conflict
Answer : B

25. When people are extremely angry, it may be best to __________.
A. stay away from other people’s company
B. watch uncensored programmes
C. avoid events that are painful
D. modify content that may disturb others
Answer : D

26. Why is a warning about parental guidance not enough?
A. Parents may be unprepared to guide children.
B. Children may not listen to their guardians.
C. There maybe no adult supervision possible at all times.
D. No body pay sattention to such warnings.
Answer : C

27. What should the public do about this issue?
A. Everyone should constitute a Censor Board.
B. Debate on what kind of censorship is required.
C. It should agree that there are no answers.
D. Plan programmes for teenagers and children.
Answer : B


It looks like all that’s reported these days is bad news. Gone is the (28) the papers for pleasure. Some of us blame news channels for plaguing us with morbid scenes of calamities, injustice and terror, asserting that there (29) be a (30) process to maintain a balance between how much good and bad news we get.
While it’s given that there’s more that disheartens us nowadays, technology and satellites have helped journalists turn in their data more promptly. One wonders if reporters get to ground zero in nanoseconds because they have implants of disaster sensors. As more information from a wider range pours in, viewers receive a (31) of bad news packaged as breaking news. Then there is our (32) quest for emotioninvoking, stunning visuals. On 9/11, most people would have stayed glued to images of a major disaster with hardly anybody noticing the successful attempts of a village at generating its own power needs. News channels, with their frensied craving for top viewership ratings, understand and cash in on this.
Like it or not, it is important to bring catastrophic events to public notice, for it is only then that we are (33) to take action. And with so much good still left in the world, few of us would dare miss out on a (34) to do our bit for the world we live in. So in the end, bad news is good news when somebody decides to do something about a heart-rending situation.

A. era of learning
B. age of seeing
C. age of reading
D. time of thinking
Answer : C

A. let
B. ought to
C. was to
D. can
Answer : B

A. screening
B. blacklisting
C. identification
D. attesting
Answer : A

A. showcase
B. barrage
C. element
D. network
Answer : B

A. fickle
B. minor
C. extra
D. inherent
Answer : D

A. spurned towards
B. spirited to
C. spurred on
D. stirred for
Answer : C

A. chance
B. luck
C. plan
D. risk
Answer : A



35. Priya : Did you end up buying that car?
Rani : No, I’m having __________ about buying that car now.
A. wonder that
B. hard time
C. no ideas
D. second thoughts
Answer : D

36. Gina : I love volleyball.
Akash : ______________?
Gina : At weekends. I’m too busy during the week.
A. Where do you like playing
B. What sports do you like
C. Who else plays volleyball here
D. When do you usually practise
Answer : D

37. If I’m happy looking at a financial statement, it’s probably in the __________.
A. red
B. blue
C. green
D. black
Answer : D

38. Boss : Have you seen Jolly today?
Krish : No sir, I think he’s __________.
A. on sick leave
B. always there
C. under stress
D. worked hard
Answer : A

39. Renu : I spend most of my evenings watching TV. I think I’m turning into a __________.
Bunty : Oh really! I thought you were a bookworm because you read so much. I have always seen you with a book in hand.
A. rotten apple
B. couch potato
C. carrot top
D. forbidden fruit
Answer : B

40. Sheena : How are your swimming classes going?
Raju : .__________ I’m enjoying myself.
A. So far, so good
B. You can say that again
C. We can take it from here
D. It’s not funny at all
Answer : A

41. Rachel : Sheena, meet my friend, Shruti. I know you both will.__________
A. hit it off
B. get over
C. go off
D. kick on
Answer : A

42. H oney : Hey! Roma, where have you been?__________.
A. You can count on me
B. I haven’t seen you in ages
C. L et’s all stay in touch
D. I guess we’ll meet again
Answer : B

43. Ravi : Have you seen that latest horror movie?
Ram : __________.
A. I’m head over heels in this
B. L et’s get it over with
C. Yes, I was scared out of my wits
D. You were frightened
Answer : C

44. Jia : __________. I’ll be back in a minute.
A. I have to work late tonight
B. M y exams got over this week
C. P lease make yourself comfortable
D. We are expecting some friends
Answer : C

45. Ravi : You can have the bike for half price.
Kiran : __________.
A. That’s small talk
B. M oney talks
C. L ook, who’s talking
D. You talked me into it
Answer : D



46. A lia’s performance __________ others’ acting.
A. eclipsed
B. damaged
C. denounced
D. outsourced
Answer : A

47. This procedure allows very little __________ for mistakes.
A. outlook
B. conditions
C. restraint
D. latitude
Answer : D

48. Choose the word closest in meanin g to the under lined word.
That precocious lad
A. mysterious
B. exceptionally intelligent
C. very fit
D. very simple
Answer : B

49. Choose the part of the sentence that has an error.
No offence intended as I don’t agree with the president’s comment.
A. No offence intended
B. as I don’t
C. agree with
D. the president’s comment.
Answer : B

50. Choose the best option to complete the conversation.
Tom : Do you have any information about tonight’s party?
Siya : Yes, __________.
A. it’s a black-tie event, not a casual gettogether
B. we are going to gatecrash
C. we’ve planned to take French leave
D. I am currently busy with myself
Answer : A



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MCQs for IEO Olympiad English Class 10

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 10 English to develop the English Class 10 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 10 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 10 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CBSE MCQs for Class 10 English IEO Olympiad

You can download the CBSE MCQs for Class 10 English IEO Olympiad for latest session from

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Yes, the MCQs issued by CBSE for Class 10 English IEO Olympiad have been made available here for latest academic session

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You can find CBSE Class 10 English IEO Olympiad MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for IEO Olympiad Class 10 MCQs?

To prepare for IEO Olympiad MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

Are there any online resources for CBSE Class 10 English IEO Olympiad?

Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for Class 10 English IEO Olympiad