CBSE Class 7 English Punctuation Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 7 English Punctuation Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 7 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 7 English Punctuation in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 7 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 7 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 7 English Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest English books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 7 English Punctuation

Class 7 English students should download to the following Punctuation Class 7 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 7 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 7 English Worksheet for Punctuation

Using Commas Class 7 English

Commas make sentences easier to understand because they signal a pause or a separation between sentence parts.

Use commas to separate three or more items in a series.

No one knows whether Bigfoot is a man, a myth, or a monster.

Use a comma to show a pause after an introductory word.

No, Bigfoot has never been captured.

Use a comma after two or more prepositional phrases at the beginning of a sentence.

Despite years of searching, no one has gotten close to Bigfoot.

Use commas to set off words that interrupt the flow of thought in a sentence.

That doesn’t mean, however, that people will stop trying.

Use commas to set off names used in direct address.

Bethany, what would you do if you saw Bigfoot?

Exercise 1 Add commas where needed. Write C if the sentence is correct.

................... Bigfoot has thick fur, wide shoulders, and huge feet.

................... 1. Most people, naturally,would love to see Bigfoot.

................... 2. James, do you think you’d be afraid?

................... 3. No,Dr. Rico,I’d shake his hand.

................... 4. Some people, of course, think that Bigfoot is just a man dressed in an ape suit.

................... 5. People in the Himalayas tell stories of a creature called yeti.

................... 6. Yes, the yeti is similar to Bigfoot.

................... 7. “Wild men” have also been seen in Nepal, China,and Australia.

................... 8. The beast is called a yowie in Australia.

................... 9. Most strange creatures,fortunately, are seen in unsettled areas.

................... 10. No one, I think, has sighted a Bigfoot on a subway train.

................... 11. Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness monster,Juan?

................... 12. Loch Ness, of course,is in Scotland.

................... 13. On a map of Scotland,you’ll see that Loch Ness is huge.

................... 14. It is also, some people feel, deep enough to hide a monster.

................... 15. Beth, Lauro,and Heather wrote a report on Loch Ness.

................... 16. They decided,I believe, that the creature doesn’t exist.

................... 17. However, no one believed rumors about the Komodo dragon, either.

................... 18. On a remote island in Indonesia, many Komodo dragons were found.

................... 19. Modern scientists,it seems, are searching Loch Ness.

................... 20. The truth about the creature is hard to pin down, however.

................... 21. As a matter of fact,some people think that a prehistoric animal survives in Loch Ness.

................... 22. The beast,it appears, looks like the plesiosaur.

................... 23. The plesiosaur,if you’ll remember,was a water reptile whose limbs looked like paddles.

................... 24. Could it be, Juan,that this ancient animal is not really extinct?

................... 25. In the movies and on television,prehistoric animals are often seen.

................... 26. In 1938 a coelacanth was caught off the South African coast.

................... 27. This fish,it was thought,had been extinct for 70 million years.

................... 28. Do you conclude, Dr. Rico, that other prehistoric animals may yet be found?

................... 29. Yes, I believe that the world holds many surprises.

................... 30. Besides,there are many unexplored areas of the world.

................... 31. Believe it or not,scientists frequently find new species of life.

................... 32. In the Amazon, I read somewhere, there is a bird whose chicks have claws on their wings.

................... 33. Well,a prehistoric bird also had claws on its wings.

................... 34. Nevertheless,this does not mean that anyone will find a dinosaur.

Use a comma before and, or, and but when they join simple sentences.

Felicia constructed the model, and Paul painted it.

Daniel wants to go to the movies, but he has to do his homework.

You can come with us, or you can stay home and read.

Use a comma after the salutation of a friendly letter and after the closing of both a friendly letter and a business letter.

Dear Beth,             With love,             Sincerely,

Use a comma to prevent misreading.

Instead of three, four o’clock is a better time.

Exercise 1 Add commas where needed in the following letter.

Dear Alicia,

I wanted to write to you yesterday,but I didn’t have time. We’re finally on our class trip, and it’s a lot of fun. Since 1990 three classes have gone to New York. Instead of New

York,Boston was our choice.

When we got here,some of us rested,but most of us went for a walk. I read for a while, and Antonia took a nap. Between three and four o’clock,five of us went to the aquarium. It was a holiday, so many children were there. The aquarium shop was great, and I bought a couple of souvenirs. I almost bought a poster,but I got a book instead. It would be a nice present for Andi,or I could give it to Juan. Antonia bought two sharks’ teeth,and she also bought a seashell.

Now it’s suppertime, and we’re getting ready to go out. I just combed my hair, but I haven’t brushed my teeth yet. I plan to wear slacks,and Antonia wants to wear a dress.

She’s hoping for seafood,but I’d rather have pizza. Afterward we might see a movie,or we could walk around town. If you talk to Jess, Antonia says to tell her hello. I’ll call you when I get home, and maybe we can get together

Exercise 2 Add commas where needed. Write C in the blank before each correct sentence.

................... Some people like lima beans, but Jim can’t stand them.

................... 1. Hakeem weeded the garden,and his mom picked the vegetables.

................... 2. The lightning hit the barn, but it didn’t catch fire.

................... 3. Is it raining,or did you just wash your hair?

................... 4. I’ve been to Kansas,but I’ve never seen Oklahoma.

................... 5. The cat is napping on the chair, and the dog is sleeping under the bed.

................... 6. Felipe’s first language is Spanish, and André speaks French.

................... 7. Ana’s favorite subject is geography,but she’s better at math.

................... 8. We wanted to buy that tape, but the store was sold out.

................... 9. Instead of twelve,six players got new uniforms.

................... 10. I’d talk louder,but I’m afraid I’d wake the baby.

................... 11. Can you babysit tonight, or do you already have plans?

................... 12. You bring the bat and ball,and Joe will bring the mitt.

................... 13. The violin was scratchy, but the trumpet sounded sweet and clear.

................... 14. Do you have relatives in Mexico,or is your whole family here?

................... 15. One twin was dressed in purple,and the other wore pink.

................... 16. Does Jaime want juice with supper, or would he rather have milk?

................... 17. Janelle came in first,four seconds ahead of Sonya.

................... 18. Heather was a scarecrow at the costume party,and Jill was a movie star.

................... 19. Ali was invited to dinner,but he didn’t feel well.

................... 20. Do you know how to do this problem, or shall I help you?

................... 21. That looks like a kangaroo,but I think it’s a wombat.

................... 22. The clown tripped on her shoelace, and the children laughed loudly.


Incorrect Use of Commas


Missing commas in a series of three or more items

com We saw ducks geese and seagulls at the park.

com Jake ate dinner watched a movie and visited friends.


We saw ducks, geese, and seagulls at the park.

Jake ate dinner, watched a movie, and visited friends.

If there are three or more items in a series, use a comma after each item except the last one.


Missing commas with direct quotations

com “The partysaid José “starts at seven o’clock.”

com “My new book” Roger exclaimed “is still on the bus!”


“The party,” said José, “starts at seven o’clock.”

“My new book,” Roger exclaimed, “is still on the bus!”

If a quotation is interrupted, the first part ends with a comma followed by quotation marks. The interrupting words are also followed by a comma.


Missing commas with nonessential appositives

com Maria our new friend is from Chicago.

com The old lane a tree-lined gravel path is a great place to walk on a hot afternoon.


Maria, our new friend, is from Chicago.

The old lane, a tree-lined gravel path, is a great place to walk on a hot afternoon.

Decide whether the appositive is truly essential to the meaning of the sentence. If it is not essential, set it off with commas


Missing commas with nonessential adjective clauses

com Karen who started early finished her work before noon.


Karen, who started early, finished her work before noon.

Decide whether the clause is truly essential to the meaning of the sentence. If it is not essential, then set it off with commas.


Missing commas with introductory adverb clauses

com When the wind rises too high the boats lower their sails.


When the wind rises too high, the boats lower their sails.

Place a comma after an introductory adverbial clause.

Incorrect Use of Apostrophes


Singular possessive nouns

apos Pablos new bicycle is in Charles yard.

apos Bills video collection is really great.

apos That horses saddle has real silver on it.


Pablo’s new bicycle is in Charles’s yard.

Bill’s video collection is really great.

That horse’s saddle has real silver on it.

Place an apostrophe before a final -s to form the possessive of a singular noun, even one that ends in -s.


Plural possessive nouns that end in -s

apos The girls team won the tournament.

apos The boats sails are very colorful against the blue sky.

apos The model cars boxes are in my room.


The girls’ team won the tournament.

The boats’ sails are very colorful against the blue sky.

The model cars’ boxes are in my room.

Use an apostrophe by itself to form the possessive of a plural noun that ends in -s.


Plural possessive nouns that do not end in -s

apos The deers best habitat is a deep, unpopulated woodland.

apos The childrens clothes are on the third floor.


The deer’s best habitat is a deep, unpopulated woodland.

The children’s clothes are on the third floor.

When a plural noun does not end in -s, use an apostrophe and an -s to form the possessive of the noun.


Possessive personal pronouns

apos The poster is her’s, but the magazine is their’s.


The poster is hers, but the magazine is theirs.

Do not use apostrophes with possessive personal pronouns.


Confusion between its and it’s

apos The old tree was the last to lose it’s leaves.

apos Its the best CD I have ever heard them put out.


The old tree was the last to lose its leaves.

It’s the best CD I have ever heard them put out.

Use an apostrophe to form the contraction of it is. The possessive of the personal pronoun it does not take an apostrophe.

Incorrect Capitalization


Words that refer to ethnic groups, nationalities, and languages

cap Many irish citizens speak both english and gaelic.


Many Irish citizens speak both English and Gaelic.

Capitalize proper nouns and adjectives referring to ethnic groups, nationalities, and languages.


The first word of a direct quotation

cap Yuri said, “the rain off the bay always blows this way.”


Yuri said, “The rain off the bay always blows this way.”

Capitalize the first word of a direct quotation if it is a complete sentence. A direct quotation is the speaker’s exact words.

Visiting Paris

This landmark in Paris is a prime attraction for tourists. What is its name?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the commas in the sentence are used correctly, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If at least one comma in the sentence is missing or is used incorrectly, write the letter for “incorrect.” You will need to reverse and divide the letters into words.

1. Melissa, and her family went to Europe last summer, and they visited London, Paris, and Rome.
R. Correct
O. Incorrect
Answer. O

2. Melissa found these cities to be wonderful, but her little sister Megan would have preferred to go to the beach instead.
I. Correct
H. Incorrect
Answer. I

3. Jonathan, Melissa’s brother thought that Paris was the most interesting city.
E. Correct
W. Incorrect
Answer. W

4. Melissa, on the other hand, felt that Rome was more interesting.
R. Correct
L. Incorrect
Answer. R

5. While in Rome the family, visited Melissa’s great-grandmother.
O. Correct
T. Incorrect
Answer. T

6. Of course, it was exciting to visit all of the countries.
L. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. L

7. A trip to Europe, in my opinion would be a great experience.
T. Correct
F. Incorrect
Answer. F

8. As she packed to return home, Melissa already looked forward to visiting Europe again.
E. Correct
T. Incorrect
Answer. E


Continental City

This is the only city in the world that is located on two continents. What is its name?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the end punctuation and commas are used correctly, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If the end punctuation or a comma is missing, or is used incorrectly, write the letter for “incorrect.”

1. A continent is a large land mass.
T. Correct
M. Incorrect
Answer. T

2. Most geographers divide the Earth into seven continents, but some, consider Europe and Asia to be parts of one huge continent.
E. Correct
N. Incorrect
Answer. N

3. This huge continent is usually referred to as Eurasia.
S. Correct
O. Incorrect
Answer. S

4. Europe and Asia, in my opinion, are separate continents.
U. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. U

5. What is your opinion on that.
R. Correct
A. Incorrect
Answer. A

6. I wonder what percentage of geographers consider Europe and Asia to be a single continent?
M. Correct
I. Incorrect
Answer. I

7. Of all the continents, Asia, has the largest population.
S. Correct
L. Incorrect
Answer. L

8. The continent with the smallest human population, of course, is Antarctica.
B. Correct
M. Incorrect
Answer. B


Biggest Island

This is the biggest island in the world. What is its name?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. Determine whether the end marks and commas are used correctly. If an end mark is missing or is used incorrectly, write the letter for “end mark” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If a comma is missing or is used incorrectly, write the letter for “comma.” If the sentence is correct, write the letter for “no mistake.” You will need to reverse the letters.

1. Islands are small, bodies of land surrounded by water.
S. End mark
A. Comma
E. No mistake
Answer. A

2. The only difference between an island, and a continent is size.
U. End mark
N. Comma
A. No mistake
Answer. N

3. Having an area of about 2.9 million square miles, Australia is the smallest continent
D. End mark
L. Comma
R. No mistake
Answer. D

4. No island, therefore, can be larger than Australia.
H. End mark
W. Comma
N. No mistake
Answer. N

5. Great Britain is an island country that is located off the western coast of France.
U. End mark
A. Comma
R. No mistake
Answer. R

6. Some islands, such as the Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanoes.
T. End mark
L. Comma
N. No mistake
Answer. L

7. Many islands are home to countless plants, animals, and people.
N. End mark
S. Comma
E. No mistake
Answer. E

8. I’d like to know how many people liveon islands throughout the world?
G. End mark
B. Comma
I. No mistake
Answer. G

Name Change

Fort Dearborn was one of the fi rst names for the site that became this major American city. What city was built on this site?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Determine whether the colons and semicolons are used correctly. If the sentence is correct, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If a colon or semicolon is missing, or is used incorrectly, write the letter for “incorrect.” You will need to reverse the letters.

1. As the early settlers moved westward from the original thirteen colonies, they experienced many hardships: however, the promise of a new life drew them forward.
N. Correct
I. Incorrect
Answer. I

2. The government encouraged westward expansion; as a result, pioneers by the thousands headed to the frontier.
A. Correct
U. Incorrect
Answer. A

3. Daniel Boone was a frontiersman; he led settlers: to Kentucky.
V. Correct
C. Incorrect
Answer. C

4. In history; Amy is studying about the pioneers.
D. Correct
C. Incorrect
Answer. C

5. History is her fi rst class in the morning at 8:30: and she enjoys this class.
S. Correct
G. Incorrect
Answer. G

6. In her opinion, it is amazing how the pioneers survived the following hardships: severe storms, drought, lack of food, and attacks by Native Americans.
H. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. H

7. The pioneers kept moving westward; they conquered the frontier.
O. Correct
R. Incorrect
Answer. O



This colony was the fi rst to declare independence from England, six months before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Which colony was this?
To answer the question, match the words on the left with their correct form on the right. Choose your answers according to the specifi c form called for in the parentheses after the word. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its number at the bottom of the page. You will need to reverse the letters and divide them into words.

1. brother (plural possessive) A. brothers’ I. brother’s
Answer. A

2. sister (singular possessive) N. sisters’ S. sister’s
Answer. S

3. child (plural possessive) U. childrens’ I. children’s
Answer. I

4. kitten (singular possessive) M. kitten’s G. kittens’
Answer. M

5. city (plural possessive) R. cities’ S. cities’s
Answer. R

6. car (singular possessive) O. cars’ W. car’s
Answer. W

7. puppy (plural possessive) P. puppies’ I. puppie’s
Answer. P

8. we have (contraction) N. we’ve S. we’ave
Answer. N

9. can not (contraction) J. cann’t E. can’t
Answer. E

10. they are (contraction) H. they’re A. the’re
Answer. H


Famous Battle

This was the fi rst major armed confl ict between American and British troops in what was to become the Revolutionary War. Where did this confl ict occur?
To answer the question, read each sentence below. If the apostrophes are used correctly, write the letter for “correct” in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If at least one apostrophe is used incorrectly or is missing, write the letter for “incorrect.” You will need to reverse the letters.

1. The Revolutionary War was fought between the colonies’ and England.
A. Correct
N. Incorrect
Answer. N

2. Many colonists’ loyalty to the Crown was strong, and they didn’t support the war.
O. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. O

3. The king’s advisors didn’t understand the colonists’ deep resentment of Parliament’s laws.
G. Correct
R. Incorrect
Answer. G

4. “No taxation without representation” became the colonists’ rallying cry.
T. Correct
N. Incorrect
Answer. T

5. Many American’s hoped the problem wouldn’t lead to war.
A. Correct
N. Incorrect
Answer. N

6. But in many people’s opinions war was inevitable.
I. Correct
L. Incorrect
Answer. I

7. Relations between the colonists’ and England were poor for several years.
H. Correct
E. Incorrect
Answer. E

8. No one could’ve predicted how King Georges actions could push the colonies to fi ght.
P. Correct
L. Incorrect
Answer. L

9. After several years’ of anger toward England, by April of 1775 war couldn’t be avoided any longer.
I. Correct
X. Incorrect
Answer. X 

By Another Name

Before Tennessee became a state in 1796, a part of it was organized as a separate state with another name. What was this “state” called?
To answer the question, read the paragraph below and determine whether each underlined apostrophe is used correctly. Starting with the fi rst sentence, write the letters beneath the correctly used apostrophes in order on the blanks at the bottom of the page.

Kristen, Sues best friend, is an expert on the states. Sue is certain that there
                    C                                                          H
isnt anything Kristen does not know about the states. For instance, she knows all the
states capitals, their biggest cities, and their populations. She also knows each states
        R                                           E                                                                               A
most important industries and tourist sites. Kristens favorite state, of course, is
                                                                  U           N
Tennessee. Thats because she was born there. In Kristens opinion, Tennessees natural
                          K                                                                 E                               L
beauty makes it a wonderful place to live. Sue couldnt agree more with her best
friends opinion, because Sues home is there, too.
          S                                  N

Punctuate and rewrite the following sentences

1. here i am master i am ready to go wherever you want me to go he said

2. rita meena and seema were seen playing badminton in the morning

3. geeta’s father mr arun kumar is a police officer

4. we left for agra yesterday

5. what a remarkable victory

6. what a fine ship is there struggling in the cruel waves cried sunita

7. oh tom she said in surprise you can work when you want to only you hardly ever want to

8. do you remember the day michael climbed the church spire the old woman asked

9. high and low rich and poor wise and foolish all must die

10. always help the poor

11. the door was opened the things scattered the boxes broken nalini cried may god save us

12. milton the great english poet was blind

13. tell me who has beaten you

14. alas the plane has crashed

15. hello are you here ram

16. our hockey team will visit mynmar pakistan srilanka and japan

17. do you know where amit lives

18. during my stay in Sri Lanka i visited mihintale which is regarded as the cradle of Buddhism

19. may i help you in work

20. seema said what is the time is it time for me to go to school yet


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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 7 Punctuation

We hope students liked the above worksheet for Punctuation designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 7 English released by CBSE. Students of Class 7 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 7 English on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for English by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 7 English to develop the English Class 7 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 English designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 English in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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Are there any websites that offer free test sheets for Class 7 English Punctuation

Yes, provides all latest NCERT Punctuation Class 7 English test sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

What topics are covered in CBSE Class 7 English Punctuation worksheets?

CBSE Class 7 English Punctuation worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 7 English scores?

Regular practice with Class 7 English worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.