Refer to CBSE Class 3 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set G provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 3 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. NSO Olympiad Class 3 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 3 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 3 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 3 Science NSO Olympiad
Class 3 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for NSO Olympiad in Class 3.
NSO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 3 Science with Answers
Question. Which of the following is NOT a food preservation method?
A Canning
B Pickling
C Steaming
D Drying
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following breathes through the same organ as the animal shown here?
Answer : D
Question. Select the option which correctly fills the boxes X and Y of the given flow chart.
Answer : C
Question. Preeti suddenly falls down while playing on a swing. She gets an injury in her chest. Now she has difficulty in breathing and she also complains of pain in chest while laughing, yawning, etc. Which of these body organs has been damaged?
Answer : A
Question. Study the given classification table regarding functions of different body parts. Which of the following can be 'X'?
A Heart
B Small intestine
C Stomach
D Kidney
Answer : D
A Stem
B Root
C Flower
D Leaf
Answer : D
Question. Study the given figures regarding different beaks X, Y and Z.
Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding X, Y and Z?
A Y could possess curved claws called talons to catch prey.
B Z could possess three toes in front and one at the back to perch on to a branch.
C X could possess webbed feet.
D Both A and B
Answer : C
Question. Read the given statements.
Select the option that correctly fills the above blanks.
A 1 - Weaver bird, 2 - Leaves and dried grass
B 1 - Tailor bird, 2 - Stones and pebbles
C 1 - Flamingo, 2 - Mud
D 1 - Partridge, 2 - Twigs and grass
Answer : B
Question. What would happen if snake is completely removed from the given food chain?
Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Peacock
a. Frog population will increase.
b. Grasshopper population will increase.
c. Peacock population will increase.
d. Peacock population will decrease.
A b and d
B a and b
C b and c
D a and d
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following types of houses is most commonly used by nomads?
Answer : B
Question. Refer to the given flow chart and select the correct option regarding P, Q and R.
A P can be nylon but R can never be silk.
B Q can be rayon but P can never be jute.
C R can be silk and P can be polyester.
D P can be nylon or rayon and R can be jute or silk.
Answer : C
Question. Raju's grandfather has weak eyesight and cannot see without spectacles. He has lost his spectacles. Which of these means of communication would help him to get updates?
A a and b
B a and d
C c and d
D All of these
Answer : C
Question. Which one of the following shows the path that a donut takes after it has been eaten?
A Mouth → Stomach → Small intestine → Large intestine → Anus
B Mouth → Food pipe → Stomach → Small intestine → Large intestine → Anus
C Mouth → Food pipe → Stomach → Large intestine → Small intestine → Anus
D Mouth → Food pipe → Stomach → Small intestine → Anus
Answer : B
Question. Why are the days shorter and colder in winter?
A The earth is spinning slower during this time.
B There are more clouds covering the earth and blocking the sun.
C The earth is tilted away from the sun and the sun's rays strike the earth less directly.
D The moon is causing fewer rays to get to the earth.
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following NOT reduces force that opposes motion?
A Tiling a floor
B Putting oil on the hinges
C Applying powder on the carrom board
D None of these
Answer : D
Question. Study the given flow chart carefully. Which of the following correctly identifies P, Q and R?
P | Q | R | |
A | Ice cube | Cold Drink | Oxygen |
B | Oxygen | Hydroge | Water Vapour |
C | Coca cola | Milk | Vinegar |
D | Water Vapour | Oxygen | Milk |
Answer : A
Question. The given figure shows that
A Matter has definite shape and volume
B Matter can be compressed
C State of matter can be changed one form to another
D None of these.
Answer : C
Question. Why two astronauts CANNOT talk to each other in space?
A Sound cannot be heard due to Moon's gravitational force.
B Sound reflects back.
C Sound travels only in straight line.
D Sound cannot travel through vacuum
.Answer : D
Question. A student rubs her hands together on a cold winter day. The heat that warms her hands is produced by_______.
A Friction
B Gravity
C Light
D Magnetism
Answer : A
Question. Which two life processes occur in both plants and humans?
A Growing and reproducing
B Germinating and making food
C Growing and making food
D Germinating and reproducing
Answer : A
Question. In the following four groups of plant parts used as food, one member is odd one out. Select the option in which the odd member is encircled INCORRECTLY?
Answer : D
Question. Why do some animals hibernate in the winter?
A To find food for their young ones
B To cope up with environmental changes
C To attract a mate
D To avoid predators
Answer : B
Question. The two body systems work together to allow a person to move, talk and run are
A Digestive and Excretory systems
B Skeletal and Muscular systems
C Integumentary and Respiratory systems
D Respiratory and Reproductive systems
Answer : B
Question. A relationship between a consumer and producer is best illustrated by a
A Snake eating a bird
B Tree absorbing minerals
C Lion hunting a deer
D Deer eating grass.
Answer : D
Question. Study the given flow chart and select the option which can fill empty spaces X, Y and Z correctly.
A X - Rice, Y - Butter, Z - Milk
B X - Rice, Y - Cottage cheese, Z - Apple
C X - Mango, Y - Wheat, Z - Rice
D X - Milk, Y - Black gram, Z - Butter
Answer : B
Question. How many times do you need to use a mug (250 mL) to fill up a bucket (5 L) with water?
A 15 times
B 25 times
C 10 times
D 20 times
Answer : D
Question. Refer to the given picture and select the correct statement.
A Library is in the East of post office.
B Post office is in the South of temple.
C Park is in the West of Riya's home.
D Temple is in the North of Riya's home.
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following groups of activities requires water?
A Paragliding, Scuba diving, Skiing
B Rafting, Scuba diving, Swimming
C Parasailing, Skiing, Scuba diving
D Swimming, Paragliding, Skiing
Answer : B
Question. Sumit went out for a movie with his parents. He saw some flames of fire in the parking area.
Which of the following safety signs he should look for to control the situation?
Answer : A
Question. From new moon to full moon phase you see______.
A A gradually decreasing lighted portion of the moon
B An increasing lighted portion of the moon
C More of the lighted portion, than the unlighted portion of the moon throughout
D The same portion of the lighted side of the moon throughout
Answer : B
Achievers' Section
Question. Study the given classification chart for different parts of plants that we eat. Which of the following belongs to group a, b, c and d respectively?
Answer : D
Question. Study the given table and select the correct option regarding P, Q R and S.
A S could use grass, twigs and leaves to weave a nest on a tree with its beak.
B P could make its nest on the ground with a few stones or pebbles.
C Q could make its nest on the higher branches of tall trees or rocks.
D R could make hole in trees with its beak and use it as a nest.
Answer : B
Question. Names of four types of planet are hidden in the given puzzle. Solve the puzzle and select the option which is NOT hidden in the puzzle.
A Smallest planet in the Solar System.
B Planet that takes about 365 days to revolve around the Sun.
C Largest planet in the Solar System.
D Third planet from the Sun.
Answer : C
Question. P is the state of matter that changes into state Q on cooling and changes into state R on heating. Select the option that correctly identifies the character of P, Q and R.
P | Q | R | |
A | Has no fixed volume | Has fixed shape | Has fixed shape |
B | Has fixed volume | Has no fixed volume | Has no fixed shape |
C | Has fixed shape | Has no fixed volume | Has no fixed shape |
D | Has no fixed shape | Has fixed volume | Has no fixed volume |
Answer : D
Question. What should Jaya do to make the shadow of Object X larger?
(1) She should put Object X nearer to the screen.
(2) She should put Object X further away from the light source.
(3) She should put Object X nearer to the light source.
A (1) and (3)
B (1) and (2)
C (3) only
D (2) only
Answer : C
MCQs for NSO Olympiad Science Class 3
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 3 Science to develop the Science Class 3 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 3 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 3 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 3 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 3 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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