CBSE Class III Mathematics

Download Class 3 Mathematics Worksheets with important questions and answers, assignments, NCERT Solutions, Sample Papers and Question Papers with solutions, latest syllabus, online tests and many other useful study material prepared based on latest guidelines, term examination pattern and blueprint issued by CBSE and NCERT. Also see Drawing for Class 3.


Following are some critical points which the Class 3 Mathematics students and their parents should keep in mind while studying mathematics. Following are the activities which students should be able to perform:

  1. Students should be able to count large number of objects from their surroundings by making groups of 100,10 and ones
  2. Parents can help the students to write a number (up to 999) and the other group reads it.
  3. Students of class 3 Maths can apply place values for writing greatest/ smallest numbers with three digits. (Digits may or may not repeat.)
  4. Arrange concrete objects and draw different multiplication facts/ combinations of a given number, for example 6 mangoes can be arranged as
  5. Develop multiplication facts of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 using different ways e.g., Skip counting, and by using repeated addition. You can even download some Worksheets for class 3 Mathematics to check your understanding.
  6. Experience equal sharing and grouping and connecting them mathematically in their own context. for example, sharing of equal number of sweets among children
  7. Observe various 3D shapes available in the surroundings and discussions may be held for identification of similarities and differences with respect to their corresponding 2D. Shapes like triangle, square, circle cut outs of cardboard
  8. Make 2D shapes through paper folding/ paper cutting activities and worksheets.
  9. Describe the properties of 2D shapes in their own words/languages like number of corners, edges on a shape, etc. floor, on the footpath, etc., to draw conclusion that all shapes do not tile.
  10. Conduct role play of seller and buyer in selling/buying situation where lots of addition and subtraction of amounts using play money may be done
  11. Measure the length of objects in their surroundings by using scale/ tape. Students may be encouraged to estimate the length first and then verify it by actual measurement. Sample Papers for Class 3 Maths are the best way to test this skill.
  12. Use simple balance to compare and find weight of common objects in terms of nonstandard units likes small stones, packets of objects, etc.
  13. Measure capacities of different containers and describe their experiences of doing so, e.g., finding how many jugs can fill a bucket or how many glasses can be filled from one jug full of water
  14. Use of vocabulary about time and calendar through discussions/ story telling
  15. Attempt to read a clock and calendar. Have you checked the NCERT Books for Class 3 Maths ?
  16. Observe patterns both geometrical and numerical and discuss them. (Presentation by the group may be one in front of the whole class)
  17. Collect and record data in their own way and use pictograph to represent it. for example, flower of different colours in the school garden or the number of boys and girls present a class
  18. To interpret pictographs from magazines and newspaper which can be displayed in the classroom.