CBSE Class 10 Science Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Assignment Set A

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Science Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Assignment Set A. Get printable school Assignments for Class 10 Science. Class 10 students should practise questions and answers given here for Chapter 16 Sustainable Management Of Natural Resources Science in Class 10 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 10 Science prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Sustainable Management Of Natural Resources

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 16 Sustainable Management Of Natural Resources in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 16 Sustainable Management Of Natural Resources Class 10 Science Assignment

Question. Ground water will not be depleted due to
(a) afforestation
(b) untreated sewage and industrial waste discharge
(c) loss of forest and decreased rainfall
(d) cropping of high water demanding crops

Answer : A

Question. Genetic diversity in agricultural crops is threatened by:
(a) introduction of high yielding varieties
(b) intensive use of fertilizers
(c) extensive intercropping
(d) imbalance in biological diversity

Answer : A

Question. Domestic cooking gas cylinder is filled with:
(a) Alcohol
(b) Diesel oil
(c) Liquid petroleum gas
(d) Coal gas

Answer : C

Question. Plants and animals are known as:
(a) biotic resources
(b) abiotic resources
(c) Machines
(d) None of these

Answer : A

Question. Which of the following animal has become almost extinct in India?
(a) Wolf
(b) Rhinoceros
(c) Hippopotamus
(d) Cheetah

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following is not done in a wildlife sanctuary?
(a) Fauna is conserved
(b) Flora is conserved
(c) Soil and flora is utilised
(d) Hunting is prohibited

Answer : C

Question. Which one of the following is a non-replenishable resource?
(a) minerals
(b) forests
(c) mineral fuel
(d) hydroelectricity

Answer : C

Question. Complete the following by choosing the correct option. In 1972, the West Bengal Forest Department recognised its failures in reviving the degraded .......... forests in the South-Western districts of the state.
(a) Teak
(b) Bamboo
(c) Sal
(d) Rosewood

Answer : C

Question. Overuse of resources leads to:
(a) floods and droughts
(b) energy crisis
(c) imbalance in biological diversity
(d) all the above

Answer : D

Question. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the renewable natural resource?
(a) It gets exhausted soon
(b) It requires millions of years to replenish
(c) It reappears at the rate it is used
(d) It cannot be replenished within a short period

Answer : C

Fill In The Blank

DIRECTION : Complete the following statements with an appropriate word/term to be filled in the blank space(s).

Question. Our resources like forests, wildlife, water, coal and petroleum need to be used in a .......... manner.
Answer : sustainable

Question. Dams are large or small structure which stop the natural flow of water for the purpose of .......... generation and .......... .
Answer : electricity, irrigation

Question. A layer of .......... present about 25 km from earth’s surface absorbs a great deal of incoming .......... rays of the sunlight.
Answer : ozone, ultraviolet

Question. All naturally occuring animals, plants and other forms of life in the forest are collectively called .......... .
Answer : wildlife

Question. Plants manufacture their food by using .......... energy.
Answer : solar

Question. Reactor generates .......... energy.
Answer : atomic

Question. ......... is the major source of fresh water and this water is neither used by animals nor exposed to evaporation.
Answer : underground water

Question. .......... also known as the breath of life, is essential for the chemical processes that sustain life.
Answer : oxygen

Question. ......... is a greenhouse gas.
Answer : Carbon dioxide

Question. .......... are termed as biodiversity hotspots.
Answer : forests

Match the following

Direction (Q1 and Q2): Match Column I with Column II.

Column I                                      Column II
(i) Reduce                                (a) Reprocess to make desired things
(ii) Recycle                               (b) Use again and again.
(iii) Reuse                                (c) Sustainable development.
(iv) Safe disposal of waste      (d) Less use of things.
Answer : (i) (d) (ii) (a) (iii) (b) (iv) (c)

Column I                                   Column II
(i) Himachal Pradesh             (a) Surangams
(ii) Rajasthan                         (b) Bandharas
(iii) Bihar                                (c) Kulhs
(iv) Karnataka                        (d) Khadins
                                              (e) Kattas
                                              (f) Ahars
Answer : (i) (c) (ii) (d) (iii) (f) (iv) (e)

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question. A person lives near a forest. Make a list of four items which he can get from forest to meet his daily needs.
Answer :  (i) Food, (ii) Fuel (iii) fodder for animals (iv) cotton for making clothes

Question. Write the full form of GAP?
Answer :  GAP stands for Ganga Action Plan. Nowadays it is named as ‘Namami Ganga Project.’

Question. Write one negative effect of affluent lifestyle of few persons on the environment.
Answer :  Air pollution and acid rain are negative effects on environment by the excessive use of vehicles and generators

Question. What is meant by bio diversity hot spots’?
Answer :  It is region where there is significant reservoir of biodiversity.

Question. What is biodiversity?
Answer :  The existence of variety of life in a natural ecosystem is called biodiversity.

Question. Name the state in which Indira Gandhi Canal has brought greenery?
Answer :  Rajasthan

Question. Find out the source of water in your region/locality. Is water from this source available to all people living in that area?
Answer :  The source of water in our region is ground water. Water from the source is available to all the people living in that area.
Question. Find out about the traditional systems of water harvesting/management in your region.
Answer :  In our region, the primary sources of water include groundwater. Groundwater is harvested with the help of bore wells. The harvested water is then stored in water tanks.
Question. What would be the advantages of exploiting resources with short-term aims? 
Answer :  The advantage of exploiting resources with short term aim would be self-centred satisfaction. They provide immediate advantages. 
Question. How would these advantages differ from the advantages of using a long term perspective in  managing our resources ? 
Answer :  Exploiting resources with short-term aim will only help in gaining profit for present generation while a  long term perspective in managing resources will help in providing benefits for the generations to come. 
Question. Why do you think there should be equitable distribution of resources? What forces would be  working against an equitable distribution of our resources? 
Answer :  Natural resources of the Earth must be distributed among the people uniformly so that each and every  one gets his share of the resource. Human greed, corruption, and the lobby of the rich and powerful are the forces  working against an equitable distribution of resources. 
Question. We saw in this chapter that there are four main stakeholders when it comes to forests and wildlife. Which among these should have the authority to decide the management of forests produce? Why do you think so?
Answer :  The forest department of the government should have the authority to decide the management of forest produces. This is because the forest department is the care taker of the forest land and is responsible for any damage to the forest.
Question. List any two traditional systems of water harvesting.
Answer :
Two traditional systems of water harvesting are:
1. Collection of water in ponds and
2. Construction of small earthen dams.

Question. State an instance where human intervention saved the forests from destruction.
Answer : Human intervention saved the Arabari forest range of West Bengal from destruction with active and willing participation of local community. The Sal forest of Arabari underwent a remarkable recovery.

Question. How do advantages of exploiting natural resources with short-term aims differ from the advantages of managing our resources with a long¬term perspective?
Answer : Exploiting resources with short-term aim is just to reap huge profit, whereas using resources with a long-term perspective is to reap the benefit in a sustainable manner so that these will last for generations to come.

Question. Name any two items which can be easily recycled but generally thrown in the dustbins by us?
Answer : (i) Envelops (ii) Carry bags.

Question. Name any two forest products, each of which is the basis for some industry.
Answer : 1. Pine wood for matchbox industry.
2. Bamboo for paper industry.

Question. Define the term ‘Conservation of environment’.
Answer : Conservation of environment means ‘to keep safe the environment as it is’, i.e. the sensible use of the earth’s natural resources in order to avoid excessive degradation and betterment of the environment.

Short Answers

Question. What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment friendly ?
Answer : (i) All the bulbs and tube-lights should be replaced with LED (Light Emitting Diode). 
(ii) At home, everyone should use natural ventilation and light on day time. 
(iii) We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags for shopping. 
(iv) We should avoid wastage of water. 
(v) For cooking food we should use LPG or solar cookers instead of microwave or oven.  

Question. State any four personal choices you would like to make to reduce energy consumption without affecting the quality of life or work explaining how each one of them would help you to do so.
Answer : 1. By switching off unnecessary lights and fans. This will reduce consumption of coal in production of electricity.
2. By using public transport such as bus, metro, train etc. as much as possible. This will reduce consumption of petrol and diesel.
3. By repairing leaked water taps. We can save water by following this method. This will save energy that is spent during treatment and pumping of water.
4. Reusing used paper, envelopes, etc. This will save the trees from which paper is made; it will also save energy spent on making and recycling papers.

Question. Why are forests considered “biodiversity hot spots”? List two ways in which an individual can effectively contribute to the management of forests and wildlife.
Answer : Biodiversity is measured by the number of different life forms found in an area. In a forest, various species exist which include bacteria, fungi, ferns, plants, nematodes, insects, birds, reptiles and mammals. Forests are therefore considered as biodiversity hot spots. 
An individual can contribute in the management of forests and wildlife by:
1. avoiding cutting down of forests and killing of wildlife.
2. educating people about the importance of forests and wildlife in our life.

Question. Name any four categories of people who depend on the forest resources, mentioning major needs of each category.
Answer : 1. Local people who live around forests: They use forests for grazing their cattles, collecting fruits, firewood, bamboo and thatch.
2. Industrialists: They collect raw , materials from forests for their industries.
3. Tourists: They visit forests for recreation.
4. Forest department of Government: They control the resources of forest.

Question. List any four disadvantages of using fossil fuels for the production of energy.
Answer : Disadvantages:
1. Fossil fuels cause pollution.
2. They also cause acid rain.
3. They disturb ecology.
4. They cannot be reused, i.e. they are non-renewable.

Question. Why must we conserve our forests? List any two causes for deforestation to take place.
Answer : We must conserve our forests as they are of great value. The reasons for conserving forests are:
1. Forests help in protection of land and retaining sub-soil water.
2. Forests check floods and maintain ecosystem.
Therefore, forests must be conserved for economic and social growth.
Two causes for deforestation taking place are:
1. For industrial needs.
2. For development projects like building of roads or dams.

Question. What is an equitable distribution of resources in a society and why is it necessary? State any two factors which work against an equitable distribution of resources.
Answer : Equitable distribution of resources means ensuring benefits from the development of resources to all human beings.
There should be equitable distribution of resources because every living being has an equal right on the natural resources of the earth. If anybody is using them excessively, it means somewhere else somebody is being deprived of it Factors which work against equitable distribution of resources are:
1. Advancement and development of society.
2. Energisation and materialization.

Question. Why should we conserve forests and wildlife? 
Answer : We should conserve forests and wildlife because: 
1. they maintain ecological balance, 
2. they provide biological diversity, and 
3. they provide a number of valuable products like firewood, fruits, honey, ivory, medicines, dyes, resins, etc. 
Question. Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of forests. 
Answer : (i) Planting of trees to combat deforestation. 
(ii) Placement of security forces in forests to prevent the poaching and smuggling of forest resources. 
(iii) Incorporating steps to protect the forest dwellers without disturbing their lifestyles. 
(iv) Avoiding the conversion of forest land into roads, buildings, and dams.  
Question. Compare the above system with the probable systems in hilly/mountains areas or plains or plateau regions.
Answer : In hilly regions, rainwater is often collected and channeled with the help of a stream. The stream is diverted to different areas with the help of canals for the purpose of irrigation. In mountainous regions, water is commonly obtained from the rivers that flow from the glaciers.
In the plains, water is obtained from many natural sources such as lakes and rivers. Groundwater is also harvested with the help of bore wells for irrigation and human consumption. 
Question. What changes would you suggest in your home in order to be environment-friendly?
Answer : (i) All the bulbs and tube-lights should be replaced with LED (Light Emitting Diode).
(ii) At home, everyone should use natural ventilation and light on day time.
(iii) We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags for shopping.
(iv) We should avoid wastage of water.
(v) For cooking food we should use LPG instead of microwave or oven.
Question. Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment-friendly?
Answer : (i) Plant enough trees in the school.
(ii) Leaking taps should be repaired so that water is not wasted.
(iii) Bring food in reusable boxes, not in plastic bags or in aluminium foil.
(iv) Teachers can educate students about environmental conservation.
(v) There should be more windows in school for natural light.
Question. On the basis of the issues raised in this chapter, what changes would you incorporate in your lifestyle in a move towards a sustainable use of our resources?
Answer : (i) All the bulbs and tube-lights should be replaced with LED (Light Emitting Diode).
(ii) At home, everyone should use natural ventilation and light on day time.
(iii) We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags for shopping.
(iv) We should avoid wastage of water.
(v) For cooking food we should use LPG instead of microwave or oven.
Question. What can you as an individual do to reduce your consumption of the various natural resources?
Answer : (i) All the bulbs and tube-lights should be replaced with LED (Light Emitting Diode).
(ii) At home, everyone should use natural ventilation and light on day time.
(iii) We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags for shopping.
(iv) We should avoid wastage of water.
(v) For cooking food we should use LPG instead of microwave or oven.

Question. List four changes you would incorporate in your life style in a move towards sustainable use of available resources.
Answer : 
(i) Taking a bus, using cycle or walking.
(ii) Using CFL at home and switching off lights when not required.
(iii) Using the stairs instead of lift.
(iv) Wearing an extra sweater on cold days instead of encouraging the use of heaters.

Question. What are natural resources? State two factors that work against an equitable distribution of these resources.
Answer : 
The resources obtained from the earth and which are naturally occuring are called natural resources.
Two factors which works against an equitable distribution of these resources are:
(i) Materialisation and (ii) Energisation

Question. What is Chipko Movement? Why should we conserve forests? 
Answer :
It is the movement initiated by local people in the Reni Village of Garhwal by preventing the cutting down of trees by hugging the trees. It was initiated by Sunder Lal Bahuguna to stop the commercial exploitation of forest.
We should conserve forest because it is of great benefit to us as it holds soil, water, prevents floods, brings rain fall, maintain ecological balance on the earth.

Question. List four advantage of water harvesting. 
Answer :
Water harvesting is useful because
(i) It provides water for potable use.
(ii) It provides water for irrigation.
(iii) It provides water for recharging underground water reservoir.
(iv) It provides water for vegetation to grow.

Question. What is wild life? How is wild life important for us?
Answer :
Wild life means all the animals and plants that grow and live in forest, grow naturally, are not cultivated, domesticated and tamed.
Importance of wildlife:
(i) They help in maintaining ecological balance.
(ii) They provide aesthetic value for human beings.

Question. List some traditional ways used by local organizations for water harvesting.
Answer : Some traditional ways used by local organizations for water harvesting are
(i) Digging small pits and lakes (ii) Simple watershed systems
(iii) Building small earthen dams (iv) Constructing dykes, sand and limestone reservoirs
(v) Set up rooftop water collecting units.

Question. Explain two main advantages associated with water harvesting at the community level.
Answer : Two advantages associated with water harvesting at community level are:
(i) Water harvesting is an ideal solution to water problems in areas having inadequate water resources. It mitigates the effect of drought.
(ii) It improves the quality of water and helps in raising groundwater level.

Question. Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environment friendly?
Answer : (i) Making a compost pit at the backyard of garden
(ii) Switching on fans and light in the rooms which are not being used
(iii) Throwing organic and recyclable waste in separate bins
(iv) Growing more plants
(v) Using paper on both side.

Question. What are the reasons of destruction of forests?
Answer : Forests are destroyed:
(i) For Cultivation of crops (Deforestation.)
(ii) For firewood, charcoal, mineral ores, timber, bamboo, fodder and raw materials for paper, rubber and other forest products like gum, resin, medicinal plants, spices, oils, ‘etc. Due to extensive deforestation animals and birds migrate to other places or die of hunger and their number decreases.
(iii) Because of water, land and air pollution caused by industries resulting in the death of wild animals and plants.
(iv) Because of urbanization (building cities and establishment of estates) leads to the death of wildlife.
(v) Because of forest fires, heavy floods, etc. kill the wildlife, extensive hunting of animals for food, money and luxury items decreases the number of wildlife.

Question. List any two causes of our failure to sustain availability of underground water. 
Answer :
Two causes which led to the failure of sustaining the availability of underground water are:
(i) Population: With the increase in population the demand is also increasing which is depleting the underground water.
(ii) Industrialisation: As the industries need more water to manufacture its goods, this led to decrease in the level of underground water.

Long Answers

Question. How can you as an individual contribute or make a difference to the management of
(a) forests and wildlife, (b) water resources and (c) coal and petroleum?
Answer : (a) Forests and wildlife:
1. By planting more trees.
2. By making mass awareness about the importance of forests and wildlife towards ecological balance.
3. By preventing the wastage of forest produce.
(b) Water resources:
1. Make judicious use of water.
2. Install a rain-water harvesting system.
3. Get leaking taps repaired immediately.
4. Be conscious about municipal taps, i.e. close them if they are unnecessarily running.
(c) Coal and petroleum:
1. Try to use public transport for travelling, as this would reduce fuel consumption.
2. Use solar cooker and solar heater.
3. Make people aware of the importance of these resources.
Question. We saw in this chapter that there are four main stake holders when it comes to forests and wildlife. Which among these should get the maximum benefit of forest produce? Why do you think so?
Answer : Stakeholders are:
(i) People living in or around forests who are fully dependent on forests for their life
(ii) The forests Department of Government, owners of the land are working to control the resources from forests
(iii) The industrialists using forest produce but not dependent on the forests in any one area.
(iv) People involved in wild life and nature conservation.
Each of the above groups depends on forests in a different way
I. Local people Around Forests Used
(i) Use of bamboo to make huts
(ii) Use of baskets for collecting and storing food materials
(iii) Use of wood to make implements for agriculture, fishing and hunting
(iv) Do fishing and hunting for forest
(v) Gather fruits, nuts and medicines from forests
(vi) Graze cattle in forests
These people lived in forests for centuries and ensured sustainable use of resources
II. The forest department of government
(i) Later British took over most of the forest areas and exploited forests ruthlessly for their needs
(ii) Local people were forced to depend on smaller areas
(iii) Forests started becoming over exploited due to monoculture (growing same crop again and again on a piece of land).
(iv) After India became independent, forest department took over
(v) Management practices ignored local needs and knowledge
(vi) Large areas were cleared and were converted to monoculture of pine, teak or eucalyptus.
(vii) This lead to destruction of biodiversity in the area
(viii) Needs of local people could no longer be met from such forests
(ix) But these plantations worked as an important source of revenue for the forest of department
(x) These plantations are being used by industrialists to reveal timber, paper, lac and sports equipment.
III. The industrialists
(i) Forests provide raw material for various industries
(ii) Industrialists have access to these raw materials at artificially low rates
(iii) Industries have greater reach than local people
(iv) Industrialists are not interested in sustainability of forests
(v) After cutting teak trees in one area, they shift to another.
They do not ensure that one particular area should yield optimal amount of some produce for all coming up generations.
IV. Nature and wildlife enthusiastic
(i) They are not dependent on the forests
(ii) They have realized the need to preserve bio-diversity
(iii) For example, Bishnoi community in Rajasthan take forests and wildlife conservation as a religious tenet Out of all stakeholders, local people should be involved in management of forests and get maximum benefit from them as they look after them as their own sustenance is dependent on them.
Question. List five things you have done over the last one week to-
(a) conserve our natural resources,
(b) increase the pressure on our natural resources.
Answer : (a) To conserve our natural resources:
(i) Travelled by a CNG bus for long distances and walk for short distances.
(ii) Used recycled paper
(iii) Thrown biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate bins
(iv) Planted trees
(v) Harvested rainwater.
(b) To increase the pressure on our natural resources:
(i) Used non-renewable resources of energy
(ii) Wasted water
(iii) Wasted electricity
(iv) Used plastics and polythene bags for carrying goods
(v) Used escalators.
Question. How degraded Sal forests of Arabari forest range in Midnapore district were protected? What ways were followed to save them? Who was the person behind it? What conclusion do you derive from it?
Answer : In 1972, West Bengal forest department recognized its failures in the revival of the degraded sal forest in southwestern districts of the state. This had led to alienation of people by the administration. Result was clash between forest officials and villagers. These conflicts were major factor in fueling the militant peasant movements led by the nexalities. Later the department changed its strategy. In the Arbari forest range of Midnapore district, far seeing forest officer A.K. Banerjee and villager got involved in the protection of 1,272 hectares of badly degraded Sal forest.
(i) Villager were given employment in the programme of replenishment of forests i.e., silviculture and harvesting operations
(ii) 25 percent of the final harvest.
(iii) Allowed fuel, wood and fodder collection on payment of nominal fee.
As a result of active participation of people mainly the local community, the Sal forests of Arbari underwent recovery by the year 1983.
From above example we can reach to the conclusion that by keeping local people out and using forests cannot prove to be successful in the long run. Forest has to be used sensibly keeping both environment and development sound.
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