CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set B

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Assignment for Class 10 Science Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound Class 10 Science Assignment

Question. The soap molecule has a -
a) hydrophilic head and hydrophilic tail
b) hydrophobic head and hydrophilic head
c) hydrophobic head and hydrophobic tail
d) hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail
Answer : D

Question. Identify the unsaturated compounds from the following
(i) Propane (ii) Propene (iii) Propyne (iv) Chloropropane
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii)
Answer : D

Question. The functional group present in propanal is
a) -OH
b) -COOH
c) -CO-
d) -CHO
Answer : D

Question. Buckminsterfullerene is an allotropic form of
(a) phosphorus
(b) sulphur
(c) carbon
(d) tin
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following statements are usually correct for carbon compounds? These
(i) are good conductors of electricity
(ii) are poor conductors of electricity
(iii) have strong forces of attraction between their molecules
(iv) do not have strong forces of attraction between their molecules
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer : D

Question. When vegetable oil is treated with hydrogen in the presence of nickel
Or (Palladium) as a catalyst, it forms vegetable ghee. This process shows
a) Anodising reaction
b) Substitution reaction
c) Displacement reaction
d) Addition reaction
Answer : D

Question : Match the following with the correct response: 
a. 1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B
b. 1-C, 2-B, 3-D, 4-A
c. 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C
d. 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D
Answer : A
Explanation: NaCl has ionic bonds between the sodium ion and the chlorine ion. Ammonia has polar covalent bonds between nitrogen atom and hydrogen atoms. Nitrogen molecule has non-polar covalent bonds between the two nitrogen atoms since the two atoms are alike. C60 is a member of fullerenes (Allotropes of carbon). Buckminsterfullerene contains a cluster of 60 carbon atoms joined together to form spherical molecules. 
Question : Diamond is not a good conductor of electricity because: 
a. It is not soluble in water.
b. It is very hard.
c. It has no free electrons to conduct electric current.
d. Its structure is very compact.
Answer : C 
Explanation: Diamond is not a good conductor of electricity because it has no free electrons in its structure (like graphite) to conduct electric current. 
Question : Substance ‘X’ is formed by the reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohol. It is used in making ice creams, cold drinks, perfumes and in flavoring agent. Name ‘X’. 
a. Aldehyde
b. Alkyne
c. Ester
d. Ketone
Answer : C 
Explanation: Substance X is an ester. The reaction in which a carboxylic acid combines with an alcohol to form an ester is called esterification. Some volatile esters with characteristic odours are used in synthetic flavours, perfumes, and cosmetics. Certain volatile esters are used as solvents for lacquers, paints, and varnishes; large quantities of ethyl acetate and butyl acetate are commercially produced for this purpose.
Question : Which one of the following is not in liquid state at 10°C? 
a.  H2O
b. Glacial acetic acid
c.  C2H5OH
d. Acetone
Answer : B
Explanation: Freezing point of pure ethanoic acid is 16.6 °C (61.9 °F). Freezing point of pure water is 0 °C. Freezing point of pure ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) is -114.1 °C. Freezing point of pure acetone is -95 °C. When ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is cooled below 10 °C, it freezes to form a colourless, ice-like solid. The solid looks like glacier and hence pure ethanoic acid is called glacial ethanoic acid (or glacial acetic acid).
Question : Statement A: Ethane decolorizes bromine water whereas ethyne does not.
Statement B: Mixture of water and alcohol is used in radiators of vehicles in cold countries. 
a. Statement B is true; Statement A is false.
b. Both - Statement A and Statement B - are true.
c. Statement A is true; Statement B is false.
d. Both - Statement A and Statement B - are false.
Answer : A
Explanation: Bromine water test is a test for unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Ethane undergoes addition reaction and decolorizes bromine water. Similarly, ethyne also decolorizes bromine water. Mixture of water and alcohol is used in radiators of vehicles in cold countries.
Alcohol is used for antifreeze mixture. Antifreeze is an additive which lowers the freezing point of a water-based liquid.
Question : Which among the following is a cleaner fuel? 
a. C6H12O6
b. CH3OH
c. C3H7OH
d. C2H5OH
Answer : D
Explanation: Ethanol (C2H5OH ) is a cleaner fuel. It is used as a fuel in cars along with petrol. It is also used as a fuel in spirit lamps. 

Question : The structural formula of ethyl ethanoate

Answer : B

Question : The compound which gives a brisk effervescence with sodium metal and not with sodium hydrogen carbonate is
(a) ethanol
(b) ethanoic acid
(c) both ethanoic acid and ethanol
(d) none of these
Answer : A

Question : Which is denatured spirit?
(a) ethanol only
(b) ethanol and methanol (50%)
(c) ethanol and methanol (5%)
(d) methanol only
Answer : C

Question : Drinking alcohol and driving may cause serious accidents. To discourage this, police randomly test drivers for alcohol using a breath analyser. The breath analyser works because
(a) Alcohol makes the breath dry and the machine registers moisture
(b) Alcohol makes the breath hotter which changes the machine reading
(c) Alcohol causes more saliva which the machine checks.
(d) Alcohol in the breath cause a chemical change registered by the machine.
Answer : B

Question : The by product of soap is
(a) isoprene
(b) glycerol
(c) butene
(d) ethylene glycol
Answer : B

Question : Tertiary butane gets oxidised with oxidising agents like alkaline KMNO4 to
(a) Isobutane
(b) Ter-butyl alcohol
(c) Secondary-propyl alcohol
(d) All of above
Answer : B

Question : According to IUPAC system, the correct name of the organic compound is

(a) 2-bromobutanoic acid
(b) 2-bromobutysis acid
(c) 3-bromobutanoic acid
(d) 3-bromo-2-hydroxybutan-2-one
Answer : C

Question : The substance not responsible for the hardness of water is
(a) sodium nitrate
(b) calcium hydrogen carbonate
(c) calcium carbonate
(d) magnesium carbonate
Answer : A

Question : The isomeric pair is
(a) ethane and propane
(b) propane and butane
(c) ethane and ethane
(d) butane and 2-methyl propane
Answer : D

Question : Soaps are formed by saponification of
(a) alcohols
(b) glycosides
(c) simple esters
(d) carboxylic acids
Answer : D

Question : Identify the product formed when methane reacts with chlorine in the presence of sunlight is
(a) C2Cl6
(b) CH3Cl
(c) CHCl4
(d) None of these
Answer : B

Question : Covalent compounds
(a) have high melting and boiling points
(b) are mostly soluble in water
(c) are formed between atoms of metals and non-metals
(d) are formed by the sharing of electrons in the bonding atoms.
Answer : D

Question : Vinegar is a solution of
(a) 30% – 40% acetic acid in alcohol
(b) 5% – 8% acetic acid in alcohol
(c) 5% – 8% acetic acid in water
(d) 15% – 20% acetic acid in water
Answer : C

Question : Which of the following can be used for the denaturation of ethyl alcohol?
(a) Methyl alcohol
(b) Pyridines
(c) Copper sulphate
(d) All of above
Answer : D

Question : The correct electron dot structure of a water molecule is

Answer : C

Question : Acetic acid was added to a liquid X kept in a test tube. A colourless and odourless gas Y was evolved. The gas was passed through lime water which turned milky. It was concluded that:
(a) Liquid X is sodium hydroxide and the gas Y is CO2
(b) Liquid X is sodium carbonate and the gas Y is CO2
(c) Liquid X is sodium acetates and the gas Y is CO2
(d) Liquid X is sodium chloride and the gas Y is SO2.
Answer : B


Very Short Answers

Question : Draw electron dot structure of carbon dioxide and write the nature of bonding between carbon and oxygen in its molecule. 
Answer :
 ..         ..
:O: :C: :O    : or O = C = C
 ..        ..
Covalent bond (double bond) is present in between C and O.

Question : List two properties of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon compounds we see around us, giving reason for each. 
Answer : Two properties of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon compounds are :
(a) Catenation : It is the ability of carbon to form bonds with other atoms of carbon.
(b) Tetravalency : With the valency of four, carbon is capable of bonding with 4 other atoms.
This forms huge number of compounds.

Question : List two chemical properties on the basis of which ethanol and ethanoic acid may be differentiated and explain how. Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain multiple bonds between two carbon atoms and these compounds show addition reactions. Out of saturated and unsaturated carbon compounds, which compounds are more reactive ? Write a test to distinguish ethane from ethene.
Answer :
(a) Ethanol does not react with sodium bicarbonate but ethanoic acid reacts with sodium bicarbonate releasing CO2 gas.
(b) Ethanol does not change the colour of blue litmus paper but ethanoic acid changes the colour of blue litmus to red due to presence of carboxylic acid group. Unsaturated carbon compounds are more reactive than saturated carbon compounds. Bromine water is decolourized by ethene but there is not change of colour of bromine water with ethane.

Question : Carbon has four electrons in its valence shell. Which type of compounds can be formed by carbon atom and why ? Give any one example of such compounds.
Answer : Covalent compounds can be formed by carbon atom because carbon atom has 4 valence electrons, hence it is not able to gain four electrons or form C4– ion or lose four electrons or form C4+ ion to attain noble gas configuration. So, it shares electrons to form covalent bonds and the covalent compounds.
Example : CH4 (methane) compounds.

Question : In a school laboratory the students are studying the properties of ethanoic acid through certain experiments. How can they test its acidic nature ? Give two tests.
Answer :
(a) Blue litmus turns red.
(b) On adding solid sodium carbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate, brisk effervescence is observed.

Question : If you add a few drops of acetic acid to a test tube containing (i) distillated water and (ii) aqueous solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate, what would you observe ? If a reaction takes place in any one of the above two cases, list its two observations.
Answer :
(a) No reaction with distilled water.
(b) Chemical reaction occurs with solution of NaHCO3.
Two observations are :
(i) Evolution of a colourless, odourless gas.
(ii) The gas is evolved with brisk effervescence.

Question : Write the molecular formula of (a) Methane and (b) Ethanol.
Answer :
(a) CH4 (b) C2H5OH or C2H6O

Question : You have four beakers A, B, C and D. Out of A and B one has hard water and the other has soft water. Out of C and D one has soap solution and the other has detergent-solution. How would you identify these liquids ? 
Answer : On adding soap solution lather will be formed in the beaker containing soft water only. While On adding detergent solution lather will be formed by both hard and soft water in both the beakers.

Question : What do you observe when you add sodium bicarbonate to acetic acid ? How would you identify the gas released in the reaction ? Describe briefly.
Answer : A colourless gas with brisk effervescence will be evolved which turns the lime water milky. When this gas is passed through it.

Question : Write the molecular formula of (a) ethane and (b) ethanoic acid 
Answer :
(a) C2H6

Question : Write the name of (a) CH4 and (b) CH3COOH.
Answer :
(a) Methane
(b) Ethanoic acid or Acetic acid

Question : Would you be able to check if water is hard using a detergent? 
Answer :  No, we can't check whether the water is hard or soft using a detergent. 
Question :  Which ions are responsible for making water hard? 
Answer :   Calcium ions (Ca2+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+) are responsible for making the water hard. 
Question : What are constituents of an antifreeze? 
Answer :  Ethylene glycol or ethanol is used as an antifreeze.
Question : Complete the following reaction, 
CH= CH+ Cl
Answer : 


Short Answers

Question : Write the name and chemical formula of the simplest organic acid. 
Answer :  Formic acid is the simplest organic acid.
Question : Diamond is a poor conductor of electricity while graphite is a good conductor. Give reason. 
Answer :  In diamond, all the four valence electrons of carbon are involved in the formation of covalent bonds. Thus, no free electrons are available to conduct electricity. Whereas, in graphite, three electrons in the valence shell of carbon are involved in the formation of covalent bond. The fourth electron is free to move. So,it conducts electricity.
Question : Give names of the following: 
(a) An aldehyde derived from ethane
(b) Ketone derived from butane
(c) Compound obtained by the oxidation of ethanol by chromic anhydride
Answer :
Question : Name the product formed when an organic acid and alcohol react in the presence of acid catalyst. Write the equation and give two uses of the product formed.  
Answer :  When an organic acid and alcohol reacts ester is formed by the process is known as esterification reaction for e.g. formation of ethyl ethanoate which is a ester of ethanoic acid and ethanol. Reaction is given as:
Ester is used in preparing perfumes and flavouring agents.
Question : Mention the essential material (chemicals) to prepare soap in the laboratory. Describe in brief the test of determining the nature (acidic/alkaline) of the reaction mixture of saponification reaction.
Answer : The essential chemicals required to prepare soap in the laboratory are oil and sodium hydroxide solution. In order to determine the nature of the reaction mixture of saponification reaction, we dip red litmus paper into it which will turn blue after a while indicating that it is a basic mixture.

Long Answers

Question : An organic compound A is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a molecular formula C2H4O2. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweet smelling compound B.
i. Identify the compound A.
ii. Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound B.
iii. How can we get compound A form B?
iv. Name the process and write corresponding chemical equuation.
v. Which gas is produced when compound A reacts with washing soda? Write the chemical equation. 
Answer :
i. A is ethanoic acid (CH3COOH). Commonly, known as acetic acid. Its 5 % solution in water is used to prepare vinegar, which is used as preservatives for pickles.
Question : Identify the compounds A to E in the following reaction sequence. 
Answer :

Important MCQs for NCERT Class 10 Science Carbon and its Compounds

Question : Which of the following structures correctly represents the electron dot structure of a chlorine molecule:

CBSE Class 10 Science Chemistry Carbon and its compounds Assignment

Answer : A

Question : While cooking, if the bottom of the vessel is getting blackened on the outside, it means that:
A) The food is not cooked completely
B) The fuel is not burning completely
C) The fuel is wet
D) The fuel is burning completely

Answer :  B

Question : Cation is formed when:
A) Atom gains electrons
B) Atom loses electrons
C) Proton is lost by the atom
D) Atom shares electrons

Answer :  B

Question : The property of self-linkage among identical atoms to form long chain compounds is known as:
A) Catenation
B) Isomerisation
C) Superposition
D) Halogenation

Answer :  A

Question : Which of the following statements about graphite and diamond is true:
A) They have the same crystal structure
B) They have the same degree of hardness
C) They have the same electrical conductivity
D) They can undergo the same chemical reactions

Answer :  D

Question : The byproduct of soap is:
A) Isoprene
B) Glycerol
C) Butane
D) ethylene glycol

Answer :  B

Question : Carbon exists in the atmosphere in the form of:
A) Only carbon monoxide
B) Carbon monoxide in traces and carbon dioxide
C) Only carbon dioxide
D) Coal

Answer :  C

Question : A molecule of ammonia (NH3) has:
A) Only single bonds
B) Only double bonds
C) Only triple bonds
D) Two double bonds and one single bond

Answer :  A

Question : In which of the following compounds -OH is the functional group:
A) Butanone
B) Butanol
C) Butanoic
D) Butanal

Answer :  B

Question : Chlorine reacts with saturated hydrocarbons at room temperature in the:
A) absence of sunlight
B) presence of sunlight
C) presence of water
D) presence of hydrochloric acid

Answer :  B

Question : Hydrocarbon are compounds made of:
A) C & H
B) C & O
C) C & H2O
D) C & He

Answer :  A

Question : Which among the following can react with sodium metal:
A) Ethane
B) Propane
C) Ethanol
D) Ethene

Answer :  C

Question : –CHO Group is:
A) Aldehydic group
B) Alcholic group
C) Ketonic group
D) Acidic Group

Answer :  A

Question : Natural Rubber is a polymer of:
A) Chloroprene
B) Isoprene
C) Propene
D) Neoprene

Answer : B

Question : The number of covalent bonds in C4H10 is:
A) 10
B) 11
C) 12
D) 13

Answer : D


Question : Match the following with the correct response: 
a. 1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B
b. 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C
c. 1-C, 2-B, 3-D, 4-A
d. 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D
Answer : D
Explanation: Ionic bonds are formed between cations and anions. Catenation is the linkage of atoms of the same element into longer chains. Catenation occurs most readily in carbon. Pyridine is added to alcohol to make it unsuitable for drinking. Most of the synthetic detergents are nonbiodegradable. They cannot be decomposed by micro-organisms like the bacteria. 
Question : Hydrocarbon with molecular formula has: 
a. 10 covalent bonds
b. 7 covalent bonds
c. 13 covalent bonds
d. 6 covalent bonds
Answer : C
Explanation: Butane C4H10 has 3 C-C covalent bonds and 10 C-H covalent bonds. Thus, it has 13 covalent bonds. 
Question : The structural formula of an ester from which an acid and an alcohol is formed is as follows. Name the acid and the alcohol. 
a. Formic acid, Ethanol
b. Ethanoic acid, Ethanol
c. Propanoic acid, Methanol
d. Formic acid, Propanol
Answer : D
Explanation: HCOOCH2CH2CH3 + H2O --> HCOOH + CH3 CH2CH2OH
The ester is HCOOCH2CH2CH3. The product HCOOH is formic acid or methanoic acid (carboxylic acid) and CH3CH2CH2OH is propanol (alcohol).
Question : The functional group present in ethanol is: 
a. Carboxyl group
b. Ester group
c. Alcoholic group
d. Aldehydic group
Answer : C
Explanation: The functional group present in ethanol (C2H5OH) is the alcoholic group (-OH group). The hydroxyl group attached to a carbon atom is known as alcohol group. 

Assertion and Reasoning Based Questions

Directions : In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the correct choice as :
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true, but reason is false.
(d) If assertion is false but reason is true.

Question. Assertion : Carbon and its compounds are used as fuels.
Reason : They give lot of heat and light when burnt in air.
Answer : (a) 

Question. Assertion : Detergents are better cleansing agent than soaps.
Reason : It is because they work with soft water.
Answer : (c) 

Question. Assertion : General formula of alkanes is CnH2n + 2.
Reason : It is because they are saturated compounds.
Answer : (b) 

Question. Assertion : Hard water contains magnesium and phosphate salts.
Reason : It is because they are easily available in water.
Answer : (d) 

Question. Assertion : Ethane is the homologous of methane.
Reason : It is because it differs by CH3 group.
Answer : (b) 

Creating Based Questions

Question. Covalent bonds formed as a result of sharing of electron pairs between two atoms are strong in nature. But the covalently bonded molecules have low melting and boiling points compared to the ionic molecules. What is the reason behind such behaviour ?
Answer : Covalent bond is formed by equal sharing of valence electrons between two atoms, hence there is no charge separation along the bond formed and they have weak intermolecular forces. Due to this, covalently bonded molecules have low melting and boiling points.

Question. Why are the unsaturated carbon compounds more reactive than saturated carbon compounds?
Answer : Unsaturated carbon compounds have double or triple bonds between carbon atoms, which are less stable than the sigma bonds and hence more reactive than saturated compounds which have single bond.

Question. Which property of ethanol enables its use in preparation of certain types of medicines ?
Answer :  Ethanol is a very efficient solvent hence, it is used as a base for many medicines which are prepared in suspension or solution form.

Question. A shiny soft metal is put in a test tube containing ethanol, a reaction takes place within the test tube with evolution of bubbles. The gas is collected and exposed to a burning candle. The gas burns with a pop sound.
(i) Name the shiny soft metal.
(ii) Name the gas evolved as a result of chemical reaction.
(iii) Write the equation for chemical reaction.
Answer : 
(i) The shiny soft metal is sodium.
(ii) Hydrogen gas is evolved as a result of the reaction between sodium metal and ethyl alcohol. The presence of hydrogen gas can be tested by bringing a burning candle near a gas filled bubble, hydrogen gas burns with a pop sound.
(iii) The reaction equation can be given as :
2Na(s) + 2C2H5OH(l)   →   2C2H5ONa + H2(g)

Question : Question.Give a chemical test to distinguish between ethanol and ethanoic acid.
Answer : Ethanoic acid is a two-carbon containing compound with a carboxylic acid functional group. Addition of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution to the ethanoic acid leads to evolution of bubbles from the reaction mixture. The gas evolved is carbon dioxide. Whereas, addition of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution to ethanol does not give any bubbles.

Question : Question. What is the product formed when a hydrocarbon is oxidised completely in presence of oxygen ?
What is the name of reaction ?
Answer : A hydrocarbon is oxidised completely to give carbon dioxide and water along with heat and light. The reaction is known as combustion.

Question. Why do the burners of gas or kerosene stoves contain small holes ?
Answer : The small holes present in burners of gas or kerosene stoves are actually small inlets for air to allow sufficient oxygen rich air mixture which ends up in giving clean blue flame.

Case study question

1. Water is a simple molecule consisting of one oxygen atom bonded to two different hydrogen atoms. Because of the higher electronegativity of the oxygen atom, the bonds are polar covalent (polar bonds). The oxygen atom attracts the shared electrons of the covalent bonds to a significantly greater extent than the hydrogen atoms. The molecule has a bent structure, the H—O—H bond angle is about 105°.

Question : What is the shape of water molecule?
(a) Linear
(b) Trigonal planar
(c) Bent
(d) Octahedral

Answer : C

Question : The correct electron dot structure of a water molecule is
(a) H O O
(b) H O O
(c) H O H
(d) H O O

Answer : C

Question : Which of the following statement is true regarding the electronegativity of atoms in water molecule?
(a) Hydrogen is more electronegative than oxygen
(b) Hydrogen is less electronegative than oxygen
(c) Electronegativity is same in Hydrogen and oxygen
(d) Hydrogen and oxygen do no show significant electronegativity in water

Answer : B

Question : The H—O—H bond angle in water molecule is
(a) 109.5°
(b) 180°
(c) 90°
(d) 105.0°

Answer : D

Question : Select the correct type of bonding in a water molecule
(a) Ionic Bonding
(b) Covalent Bonding
(c) Hydrogen Bonding
(d) None of these

Answer : B


Very Short Answers 

Question : Name the organic acid present in red ants. 
Answer : The acid produced by ants is called formic acid.   
Question : Name the functional groups present in the following compounds.
iv. CH3CH2OH
Answer : i. The functional group present in given compound is Ketone,
ii. The functional group present in given compound is Carboxylic acid, -COOH
iii. The functional group present in given compound is Aldehyde, -CHO
iv. The functional group present in given compound is Alcohol, -OH
Question : What is the common name of ethanoic acid? How ethanoic acid is different from vinegar? Give the use of vinegar in our daily life. 
Answer :  Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH) is commonly known as acetic acid. The dilute solution of acetic acid in water (6-8%) is known as vinegar. The vinegar is used for preserving food sausage, pickles, etc. 
Question : What are the various ways in which an atom can achieve the noble gas configurations? 
Answer : An atom can achieve the noble gas configurations by transfer of electrons to/from the other atom(s) or by sharing of electrons with other atom(s).

Question : What is homologous series?
Answer : It is a series of organic compounds having same functional group and similar chemical properties

Question : The molecular formula of two members of a homologous series are C3H4 and C6H10. Write the molecular formula of a member of this family with five carbon atoms in a molecule.
Answer : C5H8

Question : An alkene ‘P’ has three carbon atoms and an alcohol ‘Q’ has four carbon atoms. Write the formulae of P and Q.
Answer : ‘P’ is CH3–CH=CH2, ‘Q’ is CH3CH2CH2CH2OH

Question : Write the general formula of alkenes. Write the name of the simplest alkene.
Answer : CnH2n, Ethene is simplest alkene

Question : Write the next homologue of each of the following: (i) C2H4, (ii) C4H6
Answer : (i) C3H6, (ii) C5H8

Question : Write the molecular formula of benzene and state the number of double bonds in its structure.
Answer : C6H6, It has three double bonds

Question : Write the molecular formula of alcohol derived from butane.
Answer : C4H9OH or CH3CH2CH2CH2OH (Butan-1-ol)

Question : Write the molecular formula of an alkyne containing 10 atoms of hydrogen.
Answer : C6H10

Question : Write the name and molecular formula of the fourth member of alkane series. 
Answer : C4H10, Butane (CH3CH2CH2CH3)

Question : Write the name and formula of second member of homologous series with general formula CnH2n+2
Answer : C2H6, Ethane

Question : Write the name and formula of second member of homologous series having general formula CnH2n–2.
Answer : C3H4, Propyne


Short Answers

Question : Explain giving chemical equation, how are esters prepared? Specify any one property and one use of esters. 
Answer :  Ethyl ethanoate which is a ester of ethanoic acid and ethanol.
The process is called esterification.
Question : Name the following compounds. 
Answer : i. Propanone (CH3COCH3)
ii. Butanal (C3H7CHO)
iii. Methanoic acid (HCOOH)
Question : Why is the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid an oxidation reaction? 
Answer :  During the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid 1 oxygen atom is added to the ethanol to convert ethanoic acid. Addition of oxygen is nothing but oxidation. Hence, the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid called an oxidation reaction.
Question : An aldehyde as well as a ketone can be represented by the same molecular formula, say C3H6O. Write their structures and name them. State the relation between the two in the language of science. 
Answer :   An aldehyde as well as a ketone both are different functional groups and can be represented by the same molecular formula, say C3H6O.
Their structures are as follows:
Such compounds with identical molecular formula but different structures are called structural isomers. Where number of atoms of each type remain same only the arrangement changes. 

Question. What is a homologous series? Explain with an example.
Answer : A homologous series can be defined as a family of organic compounds having the same functional group, similar chemical properties and the successive members of which
differ by a – CH2 group or 14 mass units. For example, CH3OH (methanol), CH3CH2OH (ethanol), CH3CH2CH2OH (propanol), CH3CH2CH2CH2OH (butanol), etc. constitute a homologous series of alcohols. They have the same functional group, i.e., —OH (hydroxyl). Since they have the same functional group, they show similar chemical properties. The difference between any two successive members is a —CH2 group and 14 mass units. Their physical properties such as melting point and boiling point increase as the molecular mass increases. Their solubility in water, however, decreases with increase in molecular mass.

Question. What are covalent bonds? Show their formation with the help of electron dot structure of methane. Why are covalent compounds generally poor conductors of electricity?
Answer : Covalent bonds are those bonds which are formed by sharing the valence electrons between two atoms. Electron dot structure of methane is shown in the figure. Covalent compounds are generally poor conductors of electricity because they do not have free electrons or ions.

Question. Taking a suitable example show the formation of a molecule bonded by triple covalent bond.
Answer : Nitrogen (atomic number 7) atom has an electronic configuration of K L 2 5 indicating the presence of 5 electrons in the outermost L-shell. Thus, each nitrogen atom needs three electrons to attain the nearest stable noble gas electronic configuration of neon gas. So, two nitrogen atoms combine together by sharing 3 electrons each to form a molecule of nitrogen.

Question. Why are most carbon compounds poor conductors of electricity?
Answer : Due to catenation, carbon forms covalent bonds with the constituent elements in the carbon compounds, hence it does not have mobile electrons and carbon compounds do not dissociate themselves into ions and hence, they are poor conductor of electricity.

Question. What are covalent compounds? Why are they different from ionic compounds? List their three characteristic properties.
Answer : Covalent compounds are those compounds which are formed by sharing of valence electrons between the atoms e.g., Hydrogen molecule is formed by mutual sharing of electrons between two hydrogen atoms. They are different from ionic compounds as ionic compounds are formed by the complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another e.g., NaCl is formed when one valence electron of sodium gets completely transferred to outer shell of chlorine atom. The characteristic properties of covalent compounds are :
(i) They are generally insoluble or less soluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.
(ii) They have low melting and boiling points.
(iii) They do not conduct electricity as they do not contain ions.

Question. Why are carbon and its compounds used as fuels for most applications?
Answer : Carbon burns in oxygen or air to form carbon dioxide gas. The reaction is highly exothermic. That is why different forms of coal are used as fuels. The most important compounds of carbon are hydrocarbons. Just like carbon, hydrogen also readily burns in oxygen or air to form water producing heat. The hydroca rbon methane (CH4) is a constituent of natural gas. Propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10) are present in liquid petroleum gas (L.P.G.). Petrol and kerosene also contain different hydrocarbons. Therefore, these are used as fuels.

Question. What would be the electron dot structure of a molecule of sulphur which is made up of eight atoms of sulphur? (Hint : The eight atoms of sulphur are joined together in the form of a ring).
Answer : The atomic number (Z) of sulphur is sixteen and its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 6. The sulphur atom has six valence electrons. The chemical formula of sulphur molecule
is S8. Each sulphur atom is linked to similar atoms on either sides by single covalent bonds and thus, completes its octet.
The molecule is in the form of a ring also represented by crown shape.

Question. What are the two properties of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon compounds we see around us?
Answer : (i) Catenation : Carbon has the unique property of self linking which is known as catenation. In fact, any number of carbon atoms can be linked to one another by covalent
bonds. This is on account of the stability of C — C bonds since the size of the carbon atom is quite small.
(ii) Linking of carbon with other atoms : Carbon is tetravalent in nature and can readily unite with atoms like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, etc. by electron sharing.

Question. Consider the molecular models of the two organic compounds shown below: 
CBSE Class 10 Science Chemistry Carbon and its compounds Assignment
(a) Name the homologous series that compounds I and II belong to and give its general formula.
(b) Write the molecular formulae of next homologue of both compounds I and II.
Answer : (a) Alkenes with general formula CnH2n.
(b) Next homologue of compound (I) is C3H6 i.e., propene and next homologue of compound (II) is C5H10 i.e., pentene.


Long Answers

Question : Name the following compounds. 
Answer :  According to the question, Given compounds are
Question : What are alcohols? What is its general formula? Give the names and molecular formula of first three members of the homologous series of alcohols. 
Answer : The organic compounds containing the hydroxyl or alcoholic group (–OH) as the functional group are called alcohols. These are obtained by replacing one hydrogen atom of an alkane by –OH group. For example,

Question. What happens when (write chemical equation in eachcase) 
(a) ethanol is burnt in air ?
(b) ethanol is heated with excess conc. H2SO4 at 443 K ?
(c) a piece of sodium is dropped into ethanol ? 
Answer :
(a) CH3CH2OH + 3O2   → 2CO2 + 3H2O + Heat + light
                        Conc H2SO4
(b) CH3CH2OH       →                CH2 = CH2 + H2
                          Δ 443k 
(c) 2CH3CH2OH + 2Na → 2CH3CH3ONa + H2

Question. Explain esterification reaction with the help of a chemical equation. Describe an activity to show esterification.
Answer :
The reaction of carboxylic acid with alcohol forms an ester. This process of formation of ester is called esterification.
Activity :
(a) Take 1 ml of ethanol and 1 ml of glacial acetic acid in a boiling tube and mix the contents well.
(b) Add few drops of conc. H2SO4 to it.
(c) Warm the contents on a water bath for a few minutes.
(d) Now pour the solution in a beaker containing 20-50 ml of water. 
(e) A sweet fruity smell indicating formation of an ester is observed.

Question. Two carbon compounds X and Y have the molecular formula C4H8 and C5H12 respectively. Which one of these is most likely to show addition reaction ? Justify your answer. Also give the chemical equation to explain the process of addition reaction in this case.
Answer :
X = C4H8 is an alkene.
Y = C5 H12 is an alkane.
X being an alkene i.e., butene is unsaturated compound and will show addition reaction as they have free electrons for bonding.
CH3CH2CH = CH2 + H2  Pd/Ni→   CH3CH2CH2CH3
CH3CH = CHCH3 + Cl    hv→     CH3ClCHClCHCH3

Question. Two carbon compounds X and Y have the molecular formula C3H6 and C4H10 respectively. Which one of the two is most likely to show addition reaction ? Justify your answer. Also give the chemical equation to explain the process of addition reaction in this case.
Answer :
C3H6 is propene i.e., unsaturated hydrocarbon. C4H10 is butane i.e., saturated hydrocarbon. Thus, propene being unsaturated shows addition reaction.
CH3 — CH = CH2 + Cl2   →  CH3CH — CH2Cl

Question. Why does micelle formation takes place when soap is added to water ? Will a micelle form in other solvents such as ethanol also ? 
Answer : Soap may be represented by the formula RCOONa where R is an alkyl group which represents long chain of carbon with fifteen or more atoms. Oil drops containing dirt particles and water do not mix. Soap helps in their mixing by reducing interfacial tension or friction. Actually it forms a sort of bridge between oil drops and water in which the alkyl portion (hydrophobic end) point towards oil drop while other portion (hydrophilic end) is directed towards water. This is known as micelle formation. Thus, soap helps in the formation of a stable emulsion between oil and water. Ethanol and other similar solvents which are of organic nature do not help in micelle formation because soap is soluble in them.

Question. Catenation is the ability of an atom to form bonds with other atoms of the same element. It is exhibited by both carbon and silicon. Compare the ability of catenation of the two elements. Give reasons.
Answer : Carbon has the maximum capacity of catenation. The reason for this is the smaller size of of carbon which makes the C–C bonds strong. The size of silicon is greater than Carbon. This makes Si—Si bonds comparatively weaker than C – C bond.

Question. (a) What is the atomic number of carbon. Write its electronic configuration.
(b) What type of chemical bonds re formed by carbon ? Why ?
(c) Name the three allotropic forms of carbon.
Answer :
(a) The atomic number of carbon is 6. Its electronic configuration is 2, 4.
(b) Carbon forms covalent bonds because it can achieve the inert gas electron arrangement only by sharing of electrons.
(c) Diamond, graphite and buckminster fullerene.

Question. (a) Give the general name of the class of compounds having the general formula CnH2n–2. Write name of the first member of this homologous series.
(b) The general formula of a homologous series of carbon compounds is CnH2n. Write the molecular formulae of the second and fifth members of the series.
(c) Write the molecular formulae of the third and fourth members of homologous series of carbon compounds represented by the general formula CnH2n+2.
Answer :
(a) Alkynes, CnH2n–2
First member : Ethyne : C2H2
(b) Second member : C3H6
Fifth member : C5H12
(c) Third member : C3H8
Fourth member : C4H10

Question. Preetam and Satnam were revising the chapter on Carbon and its compounds. Preetam said, “It is quite amazing that diamond and graphite are both allotropes of carbon but the two have completely different properties. While diamond is the hardest material, graphite is soft”.
(a) What is the cause of different nature of these two substances ?
(b) What is the core of lead pencils ?
Answer :
(a) The difference in nature of the two substances is due to structure of the two allotropes. In diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms forming a rigid three dimensional structure. In graphite, each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms in the same plane, giving a hexagonal array. The fourth valency is satisfied by weak bonding between carbon atoms in one plane with the corresponding atoms in the other planes above and below a particular plane.
(b) Lead pencil is a monomer. Actually it is graphite which the core of the pencil is made of.

Question. An organic compound A having the molecular formula C3H8O is a liquid at room temperature. The organic liquid A reacts with sodium metal to evolve a gas which burns causing a little explosion. When the organic liquid A is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid at 170°C, it forms a compound B which decolourises bromine water. The compound B adds on one molecule of hydrogen in the presence of Ni as catalyst to form compound C which gives substitution reactions with chlorine.
(a) What is compound A ?
(b) What is compound B ?
(c) What type of reaction occurs when A is converted into B ?
(d) What is compound C ?
(e) What type of reaction takes place when B is converted into C ?
Answer :
(a) A is propanol, CH3–CH2–CH2OH.
(b) B is propene, CH3CH = CH2.
(c) Dehydration reaction.
(d) C is propane, CH3CH2–CH3.
(e) Addition reaction.

Question. Give reasons :
(a) Why is pure ethanoic acid known as glacial aceticacid ?
(b) Why is ethanol used as antifreeze ?
(c) What is gasol ?
Answer :
(a) Pure ethanoic acid has a low freezing point. It freezes and looks like glaciers.
(b) Ethanol mixed with water freezes at temperatures lower than water. Thus, a mixture of water and ethanol is used in radiators of cars in cold countries.
(c) Gasol is a mixture of petrol and alcohol.

Question. What happens when hydrogen is added to a vegetable oil in the presence of nickel ? Name the reaction and write one difference between the physical property of the vegetable oil and the product obtained in this reaction. Write the role of nickel in this reaction.
Answer : When hydrogen is added to a vegetable oil in the presence of nickel the vegetable oil is converted into saturated fat. The reaction is called hydrogenation reaction. Vegetable oil is liquid whereas saturated fat is solid at room temperature. Nickel acts as the catalyst in this reaction.

Question. What are covalent compounds ? How are they different from ionic compounds ? List any two properties of covalent compounds. 
Answer : The compounds that are formed due to sharing of electrons between two atoms of compounds are having covalent bonds.
Ionic compounds are formed due to transfer of electrons from one atom to another while covalent compounds are formed by the sharing of electrons :
The two properties of covalent compounds are :
(a) Covalent compounds are poor conductors of electricity
(b) They have low melting and boiling point.

Question. Ethanoic acid reacts with absolute ethanol in the presence of Conc. H2SO4 to form a compound.
(a) Write the smell and class of compounds to which this compound belong.
(b) Write the chemical equation for the reaction and state the role of Conc. H2SO4 in the reaction.
(c) Write one use of the product of this reaction.
Answer :
(a) Pleasant or fruity smell and it belongs to Esters.
(b) CH3COOH + C2H5OH       →           CH3COOC2H5          
Conc. H2SO4 acts as a catalyst or dehydrating agent.
(c) Used in perfume industry and as flavouring agent.

Question. What is a homologous series of carbon compounds ?Write the formula of the fourth and fifth member of a homologous series having general formula CnH2n + 1 OH. List two differences in physical properties found in the two consecutive members of a homologous series. 
Answer : A group of organic compounds having the same functional group and similar structures in which two
successive members differ by –CH2 group. C4H9OH and C5H11OH.
(a) They differ by a mass of 14 u and show gradation in properties.
(b) Their boiling point increases with increase in molecular mass.

Question. Complete the following chemical equations :
(a) CH3COOH + Na2CO3
(b) CH3COOH + NaOH →
(c) CH3COOC2H5 + NaOH →
Answer :
(a) CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → 2CH3COONa + H2O + CO2
(b) CH3COOH + NaOH → 2CH3COONa + H2O
(c) CH3COOC2H5 + NaOH → CH3COONa + C2H5OH

Question. Give reason why carbon can neither form C4+ cations nor C4– anions, but forms covalent compounds which are bad conductors of electricity and have low melting and boiling points ? 
Answer :
Carbon cannot form C4+ cation because removal of 4 electrons from a carbon atom would require a large amount of energy. While it cannot form C4- anion because it would be difficult for the nucleus with 6 protons to hold on to 10 electrons. Hence, carbon atoms share electrons forming covalent compounds. Covalent compounds do not form ions, charged particles and therefore do not conduct electricity and the Inter molecular forces of attraction are weak, hence they have low melting and boiling points.

Question. Name two oxidising agents that are used for the conversion of alcohols to acids. Distinguish between ethanol and ethanoic acid on the basis of (a) litmus test, and (b) reaction with sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Answer : Alkaline KMnO4 and Acidified KrCr2O7 are used as oxidising agents to convert alcohols to acids.
(a) Ethanol does not affect litmus paper whereas Ethanoic acid turns blue litmus red.
(b) Ethanol does not react with NaHCO3 whereas Ethanoic acid gives brisk effervesence with the evolution of colourless gas CO2.

Question. An organic compound ‘P’ is a constituent of wine. ‘P’ on reacting with acidified K2Cr2O7 forms another compound ‘Q’. When a piece of sodium is added to ‘Q’ a gas ‘R’ evolves which burns with a pop sound. Identify P, Q and R and write the chemical equations of the reactions involved.
Answer : P — Ethanol, Q — Ethanoic acid, R — Hydrogen.
CH3CH2OH        Acidified K2Cr2O7→     CH3COOH
2CH3COOH + 2Na → 2CH3COONa + H2

Question. A student is studying the properties of acetic acid in his school laboratory. List two physical and two chemical properties which he must observe and note in his record book.
Answer :
Physical properties :
(a) Smell like vinegar,
(b) Colourless liquid.
Chemical properties :
(a) turns blue litmus red,
(b) gives brisk effervescence with sodium carbonate.

Question. (a) What is a homologous series ? Explain with an example.
(b) State two characteristics of a homologous series.
(c) The molecular formula of an organic compound is C18H36. Name its homologous series.
(d) Select the hydrocarbons which belong to the same homologous series. Give the name of each series. CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C4H10, C3H4, C3H6
(e) What is meant by ‘heteroatom’ ? Give examples. Write the names and formulae of two organic compounds containing different heteroatoms.
Answer :
(a) A homologous series is a group of organic compounds having similar structures and similar chemical properties in which the successive compounds differ by CH2 group. Example of homologous series : All the alkanes have similar structures with single covalent bonds and show similar chemical properties, so they can be grouped together in the form of a homologous series. Homologous series of alkanes : Methane, CH4; Ethane, C2H6; Propane, C3H8; Butane, C4H10; Pentane, C5H12.
(b) (i) All the members of the homologous series can be represented by the same general formula.
(ii) Any two adjacent homologues differ by 1 carbon atom and 2 hydrogen atoms in their molecular formulae.
(c) Alkene, CnH2n
(d) Alkanes: CH4; C2H6 ; C4H10
Alkenes : C2H4, C3H6
Alkynes : C2H2, C3H4
(e) In an organic compound, any atom other than carbon and hydrogen is called a heteroatom.
Example : Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Oxygen (O)
Chloromethane – CH3Cl and methanol –CH3OH.

Question. Explain the given reactions with the examples :
(a) Hydrogenation reaction
(b) Oxidation reaction
(c) Substitution reaction
(d) Saponification reaction
(e) Combustion reaction
Answer :
(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons add hydrogen in the presence of nickel catalyst to give saturated hydrocarbons.
R2C = CR2 + H   Ni→    R2C — CR4
                                          |      |
                                          H     H
(b) Ethanol is oxidised to ethanoic acid in the presence of alkaline KMnO4 on heating.
                     Alc. KMnO4
CH3CH2OH      Hert →       CH3COOH
(c) In the presence of sunlight, chlorine is added to hydrocarbons.
CH4 + Cl2    hv→    CH3Cl + HCl
(d) CH3COOC2H5 + NaOH → CH3COONa + C2H5OH Ester Used in the preparation of soap.
(e) Most carbon compounds release a large amount of heat and light on burning
CH4 + 2O → 2H2O + Heat and light

Question. (a) Write a chemical test to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
(b) Name the products formed when ethane burns in air. Write chemical equation for the reaction showing various types of energies liberated.
(c) Write the reaction between methane and chlorine in the presence of sunlight. Why is this reaction considered a substitution reaction ?
Answer :
(a) Bromine water test is used to differentiate between the unsaturated compounds (like alkanes and alkynes) and the saturated compounds. For this purpose, bromine is used in the form of bromine water. Bromine water has a red-brown colour due to the presence of bromine in water. When bromine water is added to an unsaturated compound, then bromine gets added to the unsaturated compound and the red-brown colour of bromine water is discharged. So, if an organic compound decolourises bromine water, then it will be an unsaturated hydrocarbon (containing a double bond or a triple bond,) but saturated hydrocarbon (alkenes) do not decolourise bromine water.
(b) Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O)
2C2H6 + 7O2 → 4CO2 + 6H2O + Heat + Light
(c) CH4 + Cl2   sunlight→ CH3Cl + HCl ; This reaction is considered a substitution because hydrogen atom is replaced by chlorine atom.

Question. What are esters ? How are esters prepared ? Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved. What happens when an ester reacts with sodium hydroxide ?
Write the chemical equation for the reaction and also state the name and use of this reaction. 
Answer :
Esters : They are sweet-smelling organic compounds,with the general formula RCOOR’ (R and R’ are similar or dissimilar alkyl groups)
Preparation of ester : Esters are prepared by esterification which is a reaction between carboxylic acids and alcohols in the presence of an acid.
For example, when ethanoic acid reacts with ethanol in the presence of an acid, ethyl ethanoate is formed. Ethyl ethanoate is an ester, and has a sweet smell.
CH3CH2OH   +   CH3COOH     Acid →   CH3COOCH2CH3            + H2O
Ehanol             Ethanoic acid                Ethyl ethanoate (Ester)     Water
Reaction with sodium hydroxide :
Ethyl acetate (an ester) reacts with sodium hydroxide (base) to form ethanol (alcohol) and ethanoic acid (carboxylic acid.)
Ethyl ethanoate                     Ethanol         Ethanoic acid
( Ester)
Thus, alcohol and carboxylic acid can be reclaimed from an ester by reacting it with an acid or a base. This reaction is used in the preparation of soaps and it is known as saponification reaction.

Question. What are micelles ? Why does it form when soap is added to water ? Will a micelle be formed in other solvents such as ethanol also ? State briefly how the formation of micelles help to clean the clothes having oily spots.
Answer :
Soap molecules have two ends – at one end is the hydrocarbon chain which is water repellent, whereas at the other end there is the ionic part which is water soluble end. When soap is dissolved in water it forms a group of many molecules, known as micelle. These micelles are formed because their hydrocarbon chains `come together and the polar ends are projected outwards. Micelle formation in ethanol will not occur because the hydrocarbon chain end of the soap will dissolve in ethanol. Soaps in the form of micelle are able to clean dirty clothes having oily spots, as the oily dirt is collected in the centre of the micelle, which forms an emulsion in water and on rinsing, the water washes away the micelles with dirt attached to them

Chapter 01 Chemical Reactions and Equations
CBSE Class 10 Science Chemical Reactions and Equations Assignment

CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound Assignment

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