CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A

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Assignment for Class 10 Science Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 Science will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound Class 10 Science Assignment

Question : What are isomers? Draw the structure of two isomers of butane C4H10.
Answer :  The organic compounds having the same molecular formula but different structures are known as isomers. Isomers of butane C4H10.

Carbon and its compounds Assignment_1

Question : Name the functional group present in each of the following organic compounds.
(i) C2H5Cl (ii) C2H5OH
Answer : Functional group present in:
(i) C2H5Cl – chloro(halide) (ii) C2H5OH —- Alcohol

Question : Write the electron dot structure of ethane molecule, C2H4
Answer :

Carbon and its compounds Assignment_2

Question : Write the name and structure of an alcohol with three carbon atoms in its molecule.
Answer : Name of an alcohol: Propanol
Structure of propanol: H2C – CH2 – CH– OH

Carbon and its compounds Assignment_3

Question : Write the name and formula of the 2nd member of homologous series having general
Formula CnH2n.

Answer : CnH2n: alkene Name: propene(2nd member) formula: C3H6

Question : What are covalent compounds? Why are they different from ionic compound? List any Three characteristics properties.
Answer :  (i) The chemical bond formed by the sharing of electrons between two atoms is known as a covalent bond. The molecules formed by sharing of electrons between two or more same atoms or between two or more non-metals are called covalent compound.
(ii)Covalent compounds are different from ionic compounds as ionic compounds are Formed by transfer of electrons.
Characteristics of covalent compound:
(i) Covalent compounds usually have low melting and boiling point because force Of attraction between molecules is very weak.
(ii) Covalent compounds are usually insoluble in water but they are soluble in organic compound.
(iii) Covalent compounds do not conduct electricity as they do not contain ions.



Question : The number of single and double bonds present in benzenes are
(a) 9 and 6
(b) 9 and 3
(c) 12 and 3
(d) 12 and 6
Answer : B

Question : For gas welding used for welding broken pieces of iron, we normally use a mixture of
(a) Ethane and oxygen
(b) Ethene and oxygen
(c) Ethyne and oxygen
(d) Ethene and air
Answer : A

Question : The heteroatoms present is
CH3 – O – CH2 – CH2 (Br)
(a) oxygen
(b) carbon
(c) hydrogen
(d) bromine
Answer : D

Question : Identify the compound that undergoes bromination reaction:

Answer : D

Question : Bromine reacts with saturated hydrocarbon at room temperature in the
(a) absence of sunlight
(b) presence of water
(c) presence of sunlight
(d) presence of hydrochloric acid
Answer : C

Question : Identify the correct way of numbering an organic compound (according to IUPAC)

Answer : A

Question : Which of the following is used to oxidise ethanol to ethanoic acid?
(a) Alkaline KMnO4
(b) Conc. H2SO4
(c)  Acidified K2Cr2O7
(d) All of above
Answer : D

Question : Identify the functional group present in the following compound

(a) aldehyde
(b) bromine
(c) carboxylic
(d) both bromine and carboxylic group
Answer : D

Question : Which of the following is not a straight chain?

Answer : D

Question : The upper and lower homologue of C2H5OH are respectively
(a) methyl alcohol and butyl alcohol
(b) ethyl alcohol and propyl alcohol
(c) butyl alcohol and propyl alcohol
(d) propyl alcohol and methyl alcohol
Answer : D

Question : Which is not true about homologous series?
(a) They have same general formula.
(b) They differ from other by CH3 group.
(c) They have same functional group.
(d) They have same chemical properties.
Answer : B

Question : Ethanoic acid was added to sodium carbonate solution and the gas evolved was tested with a burning splinter. The following four observations were reported. Identify the correct observation.
(a) The gas burns with pop sound and the flame gets extinguished
(b) The gas does not burn but the splinter burns with pop sound
(c) The flame extinguishes and the gas does not burn
(d) The gas burns with a blue flame and the splinter burns brightly
Answer : C

Question : The general formula for alkanes is CnH2n+1–CHO. The value of ‘n’ for the first member.
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 0.5
(d) 1.1
Answer : B

Question : Name the following aromatic compound

(a) toluene
(b) aniline
(c) phenol
(d) furan
Answer : A

Question : An organic compound ‘X’ has the molecular formula C3H6O2. It has a pleasant smell but does not turn blue limus red. It has structural formula

Answer : B
Question : While cooking, if the bottom of the vessels is getting blackened on the outside, it means that: 
a. The food is not cooked completely
b. The fuel is not burning completely.
c. The fuel is burning completely.
d. The fuel is wet.
Answer : B
Question. Ethanol reacts with sodium and forms two products. These are
(a) sodium ethanoate and hydrogen
(b) sodium ethanoate and oxygen
(c) sodium ethoxide and hydrogen
(d) sodium ethoxide and oxygen

Answer : C

Question. CH3– CH2– OH Alkaline KMnO4 + Heat > CH3 – COOH
In the above given reaction, alkaline KMnO4 acts as
(a) reducing agent
(b) oxidising agent
(c) catalyst
(d) dehydrating agent

Answer : B

Question. Carbon exists in the atmosphere in the form of
(a) carbon monoxide only
(b) carbon monoxide in traces and carbon dioxide
(c) carbon dioxide only
(d) coal

Answer : B

Question. In which of the following compounds, — OH is the functional group?
(a) Butanone
(b) Butanol
(c) Butanoic acid
(d) Butanal

Answer : B

Question. Pentane has the molecular formula C5H12. It has
(a) 5 covalent bonds
(b) 12 covalent bonds
(c) 16 covalent bonds
(d) 17 covalent bonds

Answer : C

Question : Hardness of water is caused by: 
a. All of these
b. Mg(HCO3)2
c. CaCl2
d. CaSO4
Answer : A 
Question : Which of the following are not straight chain compounds? 
a. A, B and D
b. C and D
c. A and B
d. A and C
Answer : B
Question : What is denatured spirit? 
a. None of these
b. Ethanol only
c. Methanol only
d. Ethanol + Methanol (5%)
Answer : D
Question : Alcohols can be produced by the hydration of: 
a. Alkenes
b. Alkanes
c. Acids
d. Alkynes
Answer : A 

Very Answer Type Questions :

Question : Name the chemical reagent which oxidises ethanol to ethanoic acid. 
Answer : Ethanol is oxidised by acidifed sodium dichromate in a test-tube reaction, firstly to form ethanal and, with further oxidation, ethanoic acid.
Question : Why is pure ethanoic acid called glacial ethanoic acid (or glacial acetic acid)? 
Answer :  The melting point of pure ethanoic acid is 290 K. When ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is cooled below 10 °C, it freezes to form a colourless, ice-like solid. The solid looks like glacier and hence pure ethanoic acid is called glacial ethanoic acid (or glacial acetic acid). 
Question : State the part of soap molecule that attaches itself to dirt when soap is dissolved in water. 
Answer : Hydrophobic end also called as tail, i.e.long hydrocarbon chain moves away from water but attaches to dirt.

Question : Write the molecular formula of first two members of homologous series having functional group -Br. 
Answer : CH3Br, C2H5Br 

Question : Write the name and structure of an aldehyde with four carbon atoms in its molecule.
Answer : 
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_1

Question : How are covalent bonds formed ?
Answer : Covalent bonds are formed by the sharing of electrons between the atoms. 

Question : Write the molecular formula of the 2nd member of the homologous series where the first member is ethyne. 
Answer : C3H4, C4H6 

Question : Which element exhibits the property of catenation to maximum extent and why ?
Answer : Carbon, due to strong C—C bond. 

Question : Write the molecular formula of first two members of homologous series having function group – Cl.
Ans. The molecular formula of first two consecutive members of this series is:
CH3Cl (Chloromethane)
C2H5Cl (Chloroethane) 

Question : Name a cyclic unsaturated carbon compound.
Answer : Benzene. 

Question : Write the name and structure of an alcohol with three carbon atoms in its molecule.
Answer : Propanol,
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_2

Question : What is a homologous series of carbon compounds ?
Answer : A homologous series is the family of organic compound having the same functional group, and the successive (adjacent) members of which differ by CH2 unit or 14 atomic mass unit. 

Question : Write the molecular formula of the 2nd and the 3rd member of the homologous series whose first member is methane. 
Answer :. Ethane (C2H6)
Propane (C3H8

Question : Define catenation. 
Answer : The property of self-linking of atoms of an element through covalent bonds in order to form straight chain, branched chains or cyclic chains of different sizes is called catenation. 

Question : Write the next homologue of each of the following:
(i) C2H4
(ii) C4H6

Answer : (i) C3H6
(ii) C5H8 

Question : Write the name and formula of the 2nd member of homologous series having general formula CnH2n.
Answer : Name: Propene
Formula: C3H6

Question : Name the following compounds:
(i) CH3—CH2—OH, 
Answer : (i) Ethanol 

Question : Write the name and structure of an aldehyde with four carbon atoms in its molecule.
Answer : 
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_3

Question : Name the functional group present in propanone.
Answer : Ketone. 

Question : Write the number of covalent bonds in the molecule of ethane.
Answer : Seven covalent bonds. 

Question : Select saturated hydrocarbons from the followings:
C3H6 , C5H10 , C4H10 , C6H14 , C2H4
Answer : C4H10; C6H14

Question : Write the molecular formula of the 2nd and 3rd member of the homologous series whose first member is ethene. 
Answer : C3H6 and C4 H

Question : Name the process of converting vegetable oil to vegetable ghee. 
Answer : Hydrogenation. 

Question : State the general formula of carboxylic acids. 
Answer :  The general formula of carboxylic acids is CnH2n+1COOH.

Question : Give the reaction to show how alcohol is converted into carboxylic acid.
Answer :


Question : Identify the compound

Answer : Propyne.

Question : Name the compound
Answer :


Question : Give the formula for the functional group of aldehyde
Answer :


Question : Complete the following reaction:

Answer :


Question : How can we convert CH3CH2OH into C2H4 ?
Answer : By adding conc. sulphuric acid into it which acts as dehydrating agent and removes water from it.


Question : Name the given compound
Answer : Name the given compound


Question : What is addition reaction? Give one example.
Answer : The process of adding hydrogen across the double bonds of unsaturated hydrocarbons is called addition reaction.


Question : Give the names of the functional group
(i) —CHO (ii) —C==O
Answer : (i) —CHO → Aldehyde


Question : The structural formula of an ester is


Name the alcohol and the acid from which it would have been formed.
Answer : Alcohol is C2H5OH ethanol
Acid is H3C—H2C—COOH propanoic acid.

Question : Give the electron dot structure of CH3Cl and C2H2.
Answer :


Question : Draw the electron dot structure of N2 and NH3.
Answer :


Short Answer Type Questions :

Question : Explain why soaps are not effective cleansing agents in hard water? 
Answer : It is because detergents form lot of lather even with hard water. Hard water contains Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions which react with soap to form Insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium called scum and soap goes waste. Detergents do not form insoluble compounds with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions therefore. These are more effective.
Question : Write the molecular formula and structural formula of acetaldehyde. 
Answer :   Molecular formula of acetaldehyde : CH3CHO
Structural formula of acetaldehyde:
Question : Explain the formation of scum when hard water is treated with soap. 
Answer : Soap does not work properly when the water is hard. A soap is a sodium or potassium salt of long chain fatty acids. Hard water contains salts of calcium and magnesium.
When soap is added to hard water, calcium and magnesium ions present in water displace sodium or potassium ions from the soap molecules forming an insoluble substance called scum. A lot of soap is wasted in the process.

Question : Give reason why carbon can neither form C4+ cations nor C4– anions, but forms covalent compounds. Also, state the reason to explain why covalent compounds are bad conductors of electricity and have low melting and boiling points? 
Answer : Carbon cannot form C4+ cation because removal of 4 electrons from a carbon atom would require a large amount of energy. 
Carbon cannot form C4– anion because it would be difficult for the nucleus with 6 protons to hold on to 10 electrons.
Hence, carbon atoms share electrons forming covalent compounds. 
Covalent compounds do not form ions/ charged particles and therefore do not conduct electricity. 
Inter-molecular forces of attraction are weak, hence they have low melting and boiling points. 

Question : An aldehyde as well as a ketone can be represented by the same molecular formula, say C3H6O. Write their structures and name them. State the scientific relation between the two.
Answer : (i) Propanal (aldehyde); 
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_4
(iii) Isomers (same molecular formula but different structural formula/different functional group)

Question : Give a test that can be used to confirm the presence of carbon in a compound. With a valency of 4, how is carbon able to attain noble gas configuration in its compounds? 
Answer : When carbon compound is burnt in the presence of oxygen, a gas is evolved. Gas evolved turns lime water milky.
By sharing its four valence electrons with other elements, carbon attains stable noble gas configuration. 

Question : What are covalent compounds? How are they different from ionic compounds? List any two properties of covalent compounds.
Answer : The compounds that are formed due to sharing of electrons between two atoms/compounds having covalent bonds. 
Ionic compounds are formed due to transfer of electrons from one atom to another/compounds having ionic bonds/compounds having attraction between oppositely charged ions 
(i) They are poor conductors of electricity 
(ii) They have low melting and boiling point. 

Question : What is meant by isomers ? Draw the structure of two isomers of butane, C4H10. Explain why we cannot have isomers of first three members of alkane series.
Answer : Isomers are the compounds which have the same molecular formula but different structural formula.
Isomers of Butane:
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_5
We cannot have isomers of the first three members of the alkane series because of the following laws of isomers:
(i) The parent chain should have the most number of carbon atoms.
(ii) The branching cannot be done from the first and the last carbon atom of the structure. 

Question : The number of carbon compounds is more than those formed by all other elements put together. Justify the statement by giving two reasons.
Answer : (i) Due to self linking ability of carbon/catenation.
(ii) Since carbon has a valency of four it can form bonds with four other atoms of carbon or atoms of some other monovalent element.
(iii) Due to small size of carbon it forms very strong and (or) stable bonds with other elements.

Question : (a) Why most of the carbon compounds are poor conductor of electricity ?
Answer : (a) Carbon compounds form covalent bonds/do not dissociate into ions/do not have charged particles (ions)/do not have free electrons.

Question : Draw the structures of the following compounds and identify the functional group present in them:
(i) Butanoic acid
(ii) Bromopropane
(iii) Butyne 
Answer : 
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_6

Question : What is a homologous series of carbon compounds?
Give an example and list its three characteristics.
Answer : A series of compounds in which the same functional group substitutes for hydrogen in a carbon chain is called a homologous series. 
Example: Alkane / Alkene / Alkyne / Alcohol or any other one correct example.
(i) They have same general formula.
(ii) They have same functional group.
(iii) The difference in the molecular mass of two successive member is 14u.
(iv) The difference in the molecular formula of two successive member is of CH2 unit.
(v) They have similar chemical properties.

Question : Which compounds are called (i) alkanes, (ii) alkenes and (iii) alkynes ? C4H10 belongs to which of these? Draw two structural isomers of this compound.
Answer : • Alkane
Saturated hydrocarbon with C–C single bond
• Alkene
Unsaturated Hydrocarbon with double bond in C=C
• Alkyne
Unsaturated Hydrocarbon with triple bond in C ≡ C
• Alkane 
2 structural isomers
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_7

Question : How would you distinguish experimentally between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid? 
Answer :  The following two tests are used:
i. Litmus test: Treat the given compound with blue litmus solutions. If the blue litmus solution turns red, it is a carboxylic acid and if does not turn red, it is an alcohol.


ii. Sodium bicarbonate test: Add some sodium bicarbonate solution to the given compound. If there is a brick evolution of a colourless and odourless gas (CO2 ) which turns freshly prepared lime water milk, it is carboxylic acid and if there is no effervescence, it is an alcohol.  
Long Answer Type Questions :
Question : i. What are hydrocarbons? Give examples.
ii. Give the structural differences between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with two examples each.
iii. What is functional group? Give examples of four different functional groups. 
Answer : i. The compounds that are made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms are called hydrocarbons, e.g. methane (CH4), ethane (CH2 = CH2). Ethyne (C2H2), cyclohexane (C6H12), benzene (C6H6)etc.
ii. In saturated hydrocarbons, all the four valencies of carbon are satisfied by a single covalent bond while in unsaturated hydrocarbons, double or triple bonds are required to satisfy the valencies of carbon, e.g.
a. Saturated hydrocarbons
Methane (CH4), Ethane (CH3 — CH3)
b. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
Ethene (H2C = CH2), Ethyne (HC ≡ CH)
iii. A functional group is an atom or group of atoms that define the structure (or the properties) of organic compounds. The four examples are:
a. -OH Alcohol
b. -COOH Carboxylic acid
c. -CHO Aldehyde
d. -X Halogen 

Question : Why are certain compounds called hydrocarbons ? Write the general formula for homologous series of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes and also draw the structure of the first member of each series. Write the name of the reaction that converts alkenes into alkanes and also write a chemical equation to show the necessary conditions for the reaction to occur. 
Answer : The hydrocarbons are the compounds that consist of carbon and hydrogen.
The alkanes are known as the saturated hydrocarbons as they have compounds of carbon that are single bonded and has the general formula CnH2n+2
Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons and are made up of compounds of carbon that are double bonded and has the general formula CnH2n.
Alkynes are also unsaturated hydrocarbons that are made up of compounds of carbon that are triple bonded and have a general formula CnH2n – 2
The structure of the first members of each series are as follows:
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_8
The hydrogenation reaction is a reaction that helps in converting unsaturated hydrocarbons to the saturated hydrocarbons. The conversion of alkenes to alkane is an example of hydrogenation reaction.
CBSE Class 10 Science Carbon and its compounds Assignment Set A_9

Question : What is methane ? Draw its electron dot structure. Name the type of bonds formed in this compound. Why are such compounds: (i) poor conductors of electricity and (ii) have low melting and boiling points ? What happens when this compound burns in oxygen ?
Answer : Methane is a colourless and highly flammable gas produced on decomposition of vegetation naturally in marshlands. It is the simplest hydrocarbon (CH4).
Electron dot structure:
All the bonds present between four hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom at the centre are covalent bonds.
(i) Methane is a poor conductor of electricity as all the bonds present are covalent bonds. Hence, no free electrons are available for conduction of electricity.
(ii) As force of attraction between the molecules are not very strong in covalently bonded carbon compounds, therefore, methane being a covalent compound has very low melting and boiling point.
When methane burns in oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and large amount of heat and light is released.
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + heat and light

Question : i. Write the names of the functional groups in
ii. Describe a chemical test to distinguish between ethanol and ethanoic acid.
iii. Write a chemical equation to represent what happens when hydrogen gas is passed through an unsaturated hydrocarbons in the presence of nickel as a catalyst? 
Answer :
i. a. Ketone (R-CO-R)


b. Aldehyde (R-CHO)


ii. Distinguish between ethanol and ethanoic acid:


a. Ethanol does not react with metal carbonate while ethanoic acid reacts with metal carbonates to form salt, water and CO2.


e.g. 2CH3COOH + Na2CO→ 2CHCOONa + CO2+ H2


b. Ethanol does not react with NaOH while ethanoic acid reacts with NaOH to form sodium ethanoate and water




c. Ethanol can undrergo oxidation to produce aldehyde and futher it can oxidize to produce acid.


iii. saturated hydrocarbon is obtained as hydrogen gas passed through unsaturated hydrocarbon. The reaction is an example of addition reaction better known by the name of hydrogenation reaction.

Question : Reaction of water with aluminium carbide gives a colourles. gas. The gas is:
a. Methane
b. Acetylene
c. Ethane
d. Propane
Answer : A

Question : In saponification process, the fatty acid present in the oils is neutralised by adding
a. Sodium hydroxide
b. Aluminium hydroxide
c. Calcium hydroxide
d. Magnesium hydroxide
Answer : A

Question : Diabetic patients sometimes use this artificial sweeteners
a. Glycerol
b. Cane Sugar
c. Brown Sugar
d. Molasses
Answer : B

Question : This is not true regarding the micelle. 
a. The micelle stay in solution as a colloid
b. Micelle will not come together to precipitate
c. There is ion-ion repulsion
d. The dirt suspended in the micelles is very difficult to get rinsed oil
Answer : D

Question : This is not a characteristic of members of a homologous series. 
a. They possess varying chemical properties
b. Their properties vary in regular and predictable manner
c. Their formulae fit the general molecular formula
d. Adjacent members differ by one carbon and two hydrogen atoms
Answer : A

Question : Temporary hardness of water is due to compound 'A' and can be removed by adding compound 'B'. A and B respectively can be : 
a. Mg(HCO3)2, CaCO3
b. CaSO4, HCl
c. CaCl2, MgSO4
d. Ca(HCO3)2,Ca(OH)2
Answer : D

Question : A gas on passing through ammonical AgNO3 does not give any precipitate but decolourises alkaline KMnO4 The gas may be : 
a. C2H6
b. C2H4
c. C2H2
d. C3H8
Answer : C

Question : Acetic acid, with the molecular formula CH3 COOH has
a. 8 covalent bonds
b. 7 covalent bonds
c. 9 covalent bonds
d. 10 covalent bonds.
Answer : A

Question : Consider the chemical formulae CH3COOH and HCOOCH3 and choose the incorrect statement:
a. Both have the equal boiling point
b. Both have the equal molecular weight
c. Both have the equal number of covalent bonds
d. Both are not the same compound
Answer : A

Question : The path of light gets illuminated when passed through the solution: 
a. Blood solution(aq)
b. Brine solution (aq)
c. Copper sulphate solution(aq)
d. Acetic acid solution(aq)
Answer : C

Question : The number of structural isomers of the compound having molecular formula C4H9Br is :
a. 3
b. 5
c. 4
d. 2
Answer : C

Question : The total number of electrons and the number of electrons involved in the formation of various bonds present in one molecule of propanal (C2H5CHO) are respectively :
a. 32 and 20
b. 24 and 20
c. 24 and 18
d. 32 and 18
Answer : A

Question : Ethanol is made unfit for drinking by adding 
a. Propanol
b. Methanal
c. Methanol
d. Ethanal
Answer : C

Question : The general formula CnH2nO2 could be for open chain 
a. diketones
b. carboxylic acids
c. diols
d. dialdehydes.
Answer : B

Question : The correct decreasing order of priority for the functional groups of organic compounds in the IUPAC system of nomenclature is
a. –SO3H, –COOH, –CONH2, –CHO
b. –CHO, –COOH, –SO3H, –CONH2
c. –CONH2, –CHO, –SO3H, –COOH
d. –COOH, –SO3H, –CONH2, –CHO
Answer : D

Question : The IUPAC name of neopentane is 
a. 2, 2-dimethylpropane
b. 2-methylpropane
c. 2, 2-dimethylbutane
d. 2-methylbutane
Answer : A

Question : Match the following with the correct response: 
a. 1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B
b. 1-C, 2-B, 3-D, 4-A
c. 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C
d. 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D
Answer : A
Explanation: NaCl has ionic bonds between the sodium ion and the chlorine ion. Ammonia has polar covalent bonds between nitrogen atom and hydrogen atoms. Nitrogen molecule has non-polar covalent bonds between the two nitrogen atoms since the two atoms are alike. C60 is a member of fullerenes (Allotropes of carbon). Buckminsterfullerene contains a cluster of 60 carbon atoms joined together to form spherical molecules.
Question : Diamond is not a good conductor of electricity because: 
a. It is not soluble in water.
b. It is very hard.
c. It has no free electrons to conduct electric current.
d. Its structure is very compact.
Answer : C
Explanation: Diamond is not a good conductor of electricity because it has no free electrons in its structure (like graphite) to conduct electric current.
Question : Substance ‘X’ is formed by the reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohol. It is used in making ice creams, cold drinks, perfumes and in flavoring agent. Name ‘X’. 
a. Aldehyde
b. Alkyne
c. Ester
d. Ketone
Answer : C
Explanation: Substance X is an ester. The reaction in which a carboxylic acid combines with an alcohol to form an ester is called esterification. Some volatile esters with characteristic odours are used in synthetic flavours, perfumes, and cosmetics. Certain volatile esters are used as solvents for lacquers, paints, and varnishes; large quantities of ethyl acetate and butyl acetate are commercially produced for this purpose.

Very Short Answers

Question : Would you be able to check if water is hard using a detergent? 
Answer : No, we can't check whether the water is hard or soft using a detergent. 
Question : What are constituents of an antifreeze? 
Answer : Ethylene glycol or ethanol is used as an antifreeze.

Question : Write the number of covalent bonds in the molecule of butane (C4H10).
Answer :  (i) Four, (ii) Four

Question : Which of the following is not observed in a homologous series? Give reason for your choice.
(a) Change in chemical properties (b) Difference in -CH2 and 14u molecular mass
(c) Gradation in physical properties (d) Same functional group 

Answer : (a) It does not occur due to the presence of the same functional group.

Question : The general formula of three compounds A, B and C is CnH2n. ‘B’ has the highest boiling point and ‘C’ has the lowest boiling point.
(i) Mention the type of compounds A, B and C.
(ii) Which of these has minimum number of carbon atoms?
(iii) Name the homologous series to which A, B and C belong

Answer :  (i) Unsaturated hydrocarbons with double bonds.
(ii) ‘C’ has minimum boiling point, so ‘C’ has minimum no. of C-atoms.
(iii) Alkene

Question : An alkane has molecular weight 86. Write its molecular formula. What will be its physical state?
Answer : C6H14 has molecular weight of 6 × 12 + 14 = 86u.
It is in liquid state at room temperature

Question : The molecular formula of ‘A’ is C10H18 and ‘B’ is C18H36. Name the homologous series to which they belong. 
Answer : ‘A’ belongs to Alkynes, ‘B’ belongs to Alkenes.

Question : Write the next homologous of CH3CH2OH and HCOOH.
Answer : CH3 – CH2 – CH2OH. Propanol and, CH3COOH ethanoic acid

Question : Write the molecular formula of first two members of homologous series having functional group Cl.
Answer : The general formula of the compounds having – Cl functional group is CnH2n + 1Cl. Its two members are:
(i) CH3Cl (ii) CH3 – CH2 – Cl

Question : Write the molecular formula of the 2nd and the 3rd member of the homologous series whose first member is methane (CH4).
Answer :  (i) CH3CH3 (Ethane); where n is 2
(ii) CH3CH2CH3 (Propane); where n is 3

Question : What is homologous series of carbon compounds? Give an example and list its three characteristics.
Answer : The series of organic compounds having same functional group and similar chemical properties is called homologous series. For example,
Alkane: CH4 C2H6 C3H6
Methane Ethane Propane
Characteristics: • Each successive member differ by CH2 unit.
• They have gradation in physical properties.
• They have similar chemical properties due to presence of same functional group


Short Answers

Question : Write the name and chemical formula of the simplest organic acid. 
Answer :  Formic acid is the simplest organic acid.
Question : Give names of the following: 
(a) An aldehyde derived from ethane
(b) Ketone derived from butane
(c) Compound obtained by the oxidation of ethanol by chromic anhydride
Answer :

Long Answers

Question : An organic compound A is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a molecular formula C2H4O2. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweet smelling compound B.
i. Identify the compound A.
ii. Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound B.
iii. How can we get compound A form B?
iv. Name the process and write corresponding chemical equuation.
v. Which gas is produced when compound A reacts with washing soda? Write the chemical equation. 
Answer :
i. A is ethanoic acid (CH3COOH). Commonly, known as acetic acid. Its 5 % solution in water is used to prepare vinegar, which is used as preservatives for pickles.

Question : Which of the following hydrocarbons undergo addition reactions?
C2H6, C3H8, C2H2 and CH4
Support your answer by a chemical equation.
Answer : Only C2H2 will undergo addition reaction.
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

Question : Write the next homologue of propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) and butanal (CH3CH2CH2CHO).
Answer : Next homologue of propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) is butanol (CH3CH2CH2CH2OH).
Next homologue of butanal (CH3CH2CH2CHO) is pentanal (CH3CH2CH2CH2CHO).

Question : What is a functional group? Give examples of four different functional groups.
Answer : Functional group: An atom/group of atoms joined in a specific manner which is responsible for the characteristic chemical properties of the organic compounds. Examples are hydroxyl group
(– OH), aldehyde group (– CHO), ketonic group (C=O ), carboxylic acid group (–COOH), etc.

Question : Complete the following reactions :

Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds
Answer : 
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

3 Marks Question :

Question : Give reasons for the following :
(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons show addition reactions but not saturated hydrocarbons.
(b) Carbon only forms covalent compounds.
Answer : (a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons such as ethene (C2H4) and ethyne (C2H2) have double or triple covalent bonds respectively. Hence they show addition reactions to form new single covalent bond while saturated hydrocarbons have only single covalent bonds so they do not show addition reaction.
(b) Carbon has four valence electrons. Thus, it is not in a position to donate/accept four electrons so as to acquire a stable neon gas like structure. Thus, in order to enter into a chemical reaction, it shares its valence electrons with other elements. So it forms only covalent compounds.

Question : (a) Define the term functional group. Identify the functional group present in the following compounds :
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

(b) What will you observe on adding a 5% alkaline potassium permanganate solution drop by drop to some warm ethanol taken in a test tube? Write the name of the compound formed during the above chemical reaction.
Answer : (a) Functional group : The functional group in an organic compound is an atom or a group of atoms bonded together in such a unique fashion, that it is usually the site of chemical reactivity of an organic molecule.
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

(b) On adding a 5% alkaline potassium permanganate solution, the pink colour of potassium permanganate fades at once, continue adding drops of potassium permanganate, till the colour stops fading. At this stage the ethanol is completely oxidised to ethanoic acid.
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

Question : (a) Write the names of :
(i) CH3 — CH2 — CHO
(ii) CH3 — CH2 — OH
(b) Name the gas evolved when an alcohol reacts with sodium. Give chemical equation for the reaction involved.
(c) Which two of the following compounds belong to same homologous series?
C2H6O, C2H6O2, C2H6, CH4O
Answer : (a) (i) Propanal (ii) Ethanol
(b) Ethanol reacts with sodium to give sodium ethoxide and hydrogen gas.
2CH3CH2OH    +     2Na     →    2CH3CH2ONa      +      H2(g)
Ethanol                Sodium         Sodium ethoxide       Hydrogen
(c) C2H6O and CH4O are of same homologous series.

Question : What is ethanol? Draw the structure of ethanol molecule. How does ethanol behave with the following:
(a) Sodium
(b) Excess of concentrated sulphuric acid at 443 K?
Write chemical equation for each reaction.
Answer : Ethanol is the second member of the homologous series of alcohols.

Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

Question : An organic compound ‘A’ is an essential constituent of wine and beer. Oxidation of ‘A’ yields an organic acid ‘B’ which is present in vinegar. Name the compounds ‘A’ and ‘B’ and write their structural formula. What happens when ‘A’ and ‘B’ react in the presence of an acid catalyst?
Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
Answer : ethyl alcohol is an essential constituent of wine and beer. Therefore, A is ethyl alcohol. Oxidation of ethyl alcohol gives acetic acid. Vinegar contains acetic acid. Therefore, B is acetic acid.
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

Question : (a) Distinguish between esterification and saponification reactions of organic compounds.
(b) With a labelled diagram to describe an activity to show the formation of an ester.
Describe an activity to show the formation of an ester in the school laboratory.
Answer : (a) A chemical reaction in which an alcohol reacts with alkanoic acid to form a sweet smelling compound (ester) is called esterification.
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

A chemical reaction in which an ester gets hydrolysed in the presence of sodium hydroxide to form the constituent alcohol and sodium salt of the alkanoic acid is called saponification.
CH3COOC2H5       +   NaOH        →         CH3COONa      +      C2H5OH
Ethyl ethanoate      Sodium hydroxide       Sodium acetate     Ethanol

(b) Activity
Pour 1 ml of ethanol (absolute alcohol in a test tube).
Pour 1 ml of glacial acetic acid in the alcohol and then a few drops of conc. sulphuric acid.
Warm the contents of the test tube in a hot water bath for 10 minutes.
Pour the contents of the test tube in another beaker containing 20 ml of water.
Smell the contents of the beaker. You will will find a sweet fruity smell. This smell is due to the formation of the ester, ethyl ethanoate.
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

Question : An ester has the molecular formula C4H8O2.Write its structural formula. What happens when this ester is heated in the presence of sodium hydroxide solution? Write balanced chemical equation for the reaction and name the products. What is a saponification reaction?
Answer : 
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

The reaction between an ester and an alkali to form the sodium salt of an alkanoic acid and an alcohol is known as saponification.

Question : What is ethanol? State its two properties. What happens when it is heated with excess of concentrated H2SO4 at 443 K? What role does concentrated H2SO4 play in this reaction? Write chemical equation of the reaction involved and the structural formula of the main product formed.
Answer : ethanol is the second member of the homologous series of alcohols.
When ethanol is heated with excess of concentrated H2SO4 at 443 K it dehydrates to form ethene.
Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds

Question : (a) What is vinegar?
(b) Describe with a chemical equation, what happens when sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with ethanoic acid?
Answer : (a) A 5 – 8% solution of acetic acid in water is known as vinegar.
(b) When sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with ethanoic acid, carbon dioxide gas is liberated.

Question : What is ethanoic acid? Write the formula of the functional group present in this acid. What special name is given to its 5 – 8% solution in water? How does ethanoic acid react with sodium carbonate? Write the chemical equation of the reaction and common name of the salt produced.
Answer : Ethanoic acid is the second member of the homologous series of alkanoic acid. Functional group in ethanoic acid is — COOH.5 – 8% solution of ethanoic acid in water is known as vinegar.
Ethanoic acid reacts with sodium carbonate to liberate carbon dioxide gas.
2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → 2CH3COONa + H2O + CO2
The salt produced is sodium acetate.

Question : What is a homologous series of compounds? List any two characteristics of a homologous series.
Answer : A group of members of the same class of organic compounds which differ from each other by a – CH2 group when arranged in the ascending order of molecular mass is called a homologous series.
Characteristics of a homologous series :
(i) All members of a homologous series can be represented by a general formula.
(ii) Each member of a homologous series differs from the next member by a – CH2 group.


Case Study Based Question :

1. Read the following and answer the following Question :

The two characteristic features in carbon are tetravalency and catenation, which are put together give rise to a large number of compounds. Many have the same non-carbon atom or group of atoms attached to different carbon chains. Carbon compounds, except for oxides of carbon, carbonate and hydrogen carbonate salts study under organic chemistry.
The carbon compounds which contain carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons. Among these, the saturated hydrocarbons are called alkanes. The unsaturated hydrocarbons containing one or more double bonds are called alkenes. Those containing one or more triple bonds are called alkynes.

Question : When a carbon atom shares electrons with the neighbouring carbon atoms, it forms a straight chain or a branched chain or a closed chains of carbon atoms, name such property of carbon.
Answer : Catenation

Question : Define the property of carbon mentioned in Question : (a).
Answer : The property of carbon atoms to link with other carbon atoms of the atoms of other elements with single, double or triple envalent bonds, so as to form a large number of compounds is called catenation.

Question : Give reasons for the following observation:
The element carbon forms a very large number of compounds.
Answer :
(i) Carbon has the unique ability to form bonds with other carbon atoms, so as to form long straight chains, branched chains and closed rings, giving rise to a large number of molecules.
(ii) Carbon atom has four valence electrons, therefore, it can bind itself with four more carbon atoms with single covalent bonds, or with different atoms of monovalent elements.
A compound C (molecular formula, C2 H4 O2) reacts with Na-metal to form a compound R and evolves a gas which burns with a pop sound. Compound C on treatment with an alcohol A in the presence of an acid forms a sweet smelling compound S (molecular formula, C3H6O2). On addition of NaOH to C, it also gives R and water. S on treatment with NaOH solution gives back R and A.

Question : Identify C, R, A, S and write down the reactions involved.
Answer : C — Ethanoic acid
R — Sodium salt of ethanoic acid (sodium acetate) and gas evolved is hydrogen.
A — Methanol
S — Ester (methyl acetate)

Class 10 Science Carbon and Its Compounds
Chapter 01 Chemical Reactions and Equations
CBSE Class 10 Science Chemical Reactions and Equations Assignment

CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound Assignment

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b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 10 Science Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science with answers relating to Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
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a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
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c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 10 Science Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Chapter 4 Carbon And Its Compound Class 10

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