Refer to CBSE Class 9 Science Atoms and Molecules MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 9 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules Class 9 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 9 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 9 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 9 Science Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules
Class 9 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules in Class 9.
Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules MCQ Questions Class 9 Science with Answers
Read the Atoms and Molecules Class 9 MCQ as per latest NCERT book
(b) 8g
(c) 4g
(d) 1g
Question. If isotopic distribution of C-12 & C-14 is 98% and 2% respectively, then number of C-14 atoms in 12 g of C is:
(a) 1.244X1022
(b) 1.244X1023
(c) 3.88X1022
(d) 3.88X1022
Answer : A
Question. Identify the correct symbol of gold:
(a) Go
(b) Ge
(c) Gd
(d) Au
Answer : D
Question. The combining capacity of an element is called
(a) Valency
(b) Atomicity
(c) Atomic number
(d) Valence electrons
Answer : A
Question. Which is not represented by 1mole of Nitrogen gas?
(a) 6.023X1023 molecules of N2
(b) 12.046 X1023 atoms of N2
(c) 6.023X1023 atoms of N2
(d) 28g of N2
Answer : C
Question. 18g of water is electrolysed) The weight of oxygen obtained is:
(a) 16g
(b) 8g
(c) 4g
(d) 1g
Answer : A
Question. The balancing of chemical equations is in accordance with:
(a) Law of combining volumes
(b) Law of constant proportions
(c) Law of conservation of mass
(d) Both b and c
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following is a correct statement:
(a) Na2S is sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphite, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphate
(b) Na2S is sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphide, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphate
(c) Na2S is sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphate, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphite
(d) Na2S is sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphite, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphide
Answer : A
Question. The formula of Calcium phosphate is:
(a) CaPO4
(b) Ca(PO4)2
(c) Ca3(PO4)2
(d) Ca2(PO4)3
Answer : C
Question. Molecular weight of CuSO4.5H2O is equal to:
(a) 249.5
(b) 159.5
(c) 159.5 X90
(d) 159.5 +10 + 16
Answer : A
Question. How many moles of electrons weigh 1 kg. Mass of an electron is 9.1X10-31
(a) 6.022X1023
(b) 6.022X1023/9.1X10-31
((c) 1X1031/9.1
(d) 108/9.1X6.022
Answer : D
Question. Arrange the following in increasing number of molecules:
i. 0.5moles of H2
ii. 4g of H2
iii. 18g of H2O
iv. 2.2g of CO2
(a) I
(b) Iv< i
(c) I
(d) Iv
Answer : B
Question. Out of 1 g of oxygen gas, 1 g of oxygen atoms and 1g of ozone , maximum number of atoms are present in:
(a) 1g of oxygen gas
(b) 1g of oxygen atoms
(c) 1 g of ozone
(d) All have equal number of atoms
Answer : D
Question. The number of atoms present in 0.5 moles of Nitrogen atoms is same as in:
(a) 12 g of C
(b) 24 g of Mg
(c) 8 g of O
(d) 32 g of S
Answer : C
Question. Which of the following is not a postulate of Dalton’s atomic theory:
(a) All matter is made up of atoms
(b) Atoms are tiny indivisible and indestructive ultimate particles
(c) Atoms combine in small whole number ratios to form compounds
(d) Atoms of different elements can have the same mass
Answer : D
Question. 16g of S8 contains:
(a) 6.023x1023 Atoms of S
(b) 6.023x1023/8 atoms of s
(c) 6.023x1023/2 atoms of S
(d) 6.023x1023/16 atoms of S
Answer : D
Question. Which of the following has the smallest number of molecules?
(a) 0.1 moles of CO2
(b) 2g of H2 at STP
(c) 16g of O2 gas
(d) 3.4g of NH3
Answer : A
Question. An element X has valency equal to 3. What will be its formula with carbonate ions?
(a) X2CO3
(b) XCO3
(c) X2(CO3)3
(d) X(CO3)3
Answer : C
Question. The mass of a single atom of an element X is 2.65X 10-23g. The atomic mass and name of the element is:
(a) 16u, oxygen
(b) 16u, Sulphur
(c) 32u, oxygen
(d) 32u, Sulphur
Answer : A
(a) Oxygen:
(b) diatomic
(c) Ozone :_______
i. Monoatomic
ii. Diatomic
iii. Triatomic
iv. Tetra atomic
Answer : C
(a) 24g of Mg: 1 mole
(b) 35.5g of Cl2: _________
i. 0.5mol
ii. 1 mol
iii. 2moles
iv. 2.5 moles
Answer : A
Question : An element X is tetravalent and another element Y is d(d)alent. The compound formed by these two elements will be:
(a) XY
(b) XY2
(c) X2Y
(d) XY4
Answer : B
Question : Which of the following represents 12 u?
(a) Mass of 1 hydrogen atom
(b) Mass of C-12 atom
(c) Mass of 0-16 atom
(d) 1/12th of mass of C-12 atom
Answer : D
Question : The word “mole” was introduced around 1896 by:
(a) Wilhelm Ostwald
(b) John Dalton
(c) Avogadro
(d) Vergilious
Answer : A
Question : One gram of which of the following contains largest number of oxygen atoms?
(a) O
(b) O2
(c) O3
(d) All contains same
Answer : C
Question : Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is
(a) 40
(b) 30
(c) 48
(d) 36
Answer : A
Question : A change in the physical state can be brought about
(a) only when energy is g(d)en to the system
(b) only when energy is taken out from the system
(c) when energy is either g(d)en to, or taken out from the system
(d) without any energy change
Answer : C
Question : What is the formula mass unit of ZnO?
(a) 18 u
(b) 81 u
(c) 88 u
(d) 188 u
Answer : B
Question : Formula for Aluminium Oxide is:
(a) AlO
(b) AlO2
(c) Al3O2
(d) Al2O3
Answer : D
Question : How many molecules are present in one gram of hydrogen?
(a) 6.02 × 1023
(b) 3.01 × 1023
(c) 2.5 × 1023
(d) 1.5 × 1023
Answer : B
Question : The correct symbol for silver is:
(a) Ag
(b) S
(c) Ar
(d) AI
Answer : A
Question : 1 u or 1 amu means
(a) 1/12th mass of C-12 atoms
(b) Mass of C-12 atom
(c) Mass of O-16 atom
(d) Mass of Hydrogen molecule
Answer : A
Question : The chemical symbol for sodium is
(a) So
(b) Sd
(c) NA
(d) Na
Answer : D
Question : Who laid the foundation of laws of Chemical Combination:
(a) Democritus
(b) Lavoisier
(c) Dalton
(d) Proust
Answer : B
Question : The molecule having an atomicity of 4 is:
(a) Sulphate molecule
(b) Ozone molecule
(c) Phosphorus molecule
(d) Methane molecule
Answer : C
Question : The percentage of copper and oxygen in samples of CuO obtained by different methods were found to be the same. The illustrate the law of:
(a) Constant proportion
(b) Conservation of mass
(c) Multiple proportions
(d) Reciprocal proportions
Answer : A
Question: Which of the following is not a postulate of Daltons atomic theory:
(a) Atoms of different elements can have the same mass
(b) All matter is made up of atoms
(c) Atoms are tiny indivisible and indestructive ultimate particles
(d) Atoms combine in small whole number ratios to form compounds
Answer: A
Question: a. 24g of Mg: 1 mole
b. 35.5g of Cl2: _________
(a) 0.5mol
(b) 1 mol
(c) 2moles
(d) 2.5 moles
Answer: A
Question: a. Oxygen: diatomic
b. Ozone :_______
(a) Triatomic
(b) Monoatomic
(c) Diatomic
(d) Tetra atomic
Answer: A
Question: The mass of a single atom of an element X is 2.65X 10-23g. The atomic mass and name of the element is:
(a) 16u, Sulphur
(b) 16u, oxygen
(c) 32u, oxygen
(d) 32u, Sulphur
Answer: B
Question: An element X has valency equal to 3. What will be its formula with carbonate ions?
(a) X2(CO3)3
(b) X2CO3
(c) XCO3
(d) X(CO3)3
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following has the smallest number of molecules?
(a) 2g of H2 at STP
(b) 3.4g of NH3
(c) 0.1 moles of CO2
(d) 16g of O2 gas
Answer: C
Question: 16g of S8 contains:
(a) 6.023x1023/16 atoms of S
(b) 6.023x1023 Atoms of S
(c) 6.023x1023/8 atoms of s
(d) 6.023x1023/2 atoms of S
Answer: A
Question: The number of atoms present in 0.5 moles of Nitrogen atoms is same as in:
(a) 12 g of C
(b) 8 g of O
(c) 24 g of Mg
(d) 32 g of S
Answer: B
Question: Out of 1 g of oxygen gas, 1 g of oxygen atoms and 1g of ozone , maximum number of atoms are present in:
(a) All have equal number of atoms
(b) 1g of oxygen gas
(c) 1g of oxygen atoms
(d) 1 g of ozone
Answer: A
Question: Arrange the following in increasing number of molecules:
i. 0.5moles of H2
ii. 4g of H2
iii. 18g of H2O
iv. 2.2g of CO2
(a) iv < i < iii < ii
(b) i < iii < iv < ii
(c) iv < iii < ii < i
(d) i < ii < iii < iv
Answer: A
More Questions.......................
Question: How many moles of electrons weigh 1 kg. Mass of an electron is 9.1X10-31
(a) 108/9.1X6.022
(b) 6.022X1023
(c) 6.022X1023/9.1X10-31
(d) 1X1031/9.1
Answer: A
Question: Molecular weight of CuSO4.5H2O is equal to:
(a) 159.5 X90
(c) 249.5
(b) 159.5
(d) 159.5 +10 + 16
Answer: C
Question: The formula of Calcium phosphate is:
(a) Ca3(PO4)2
(b) CaPO4
(c) Ca(PO4)2
(d) Ca2(PO4)3
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following is a correct statement:
(a) Na2S is sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphite, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphate
(b) Na2S is sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphide, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphate
(c)Na2S is sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphate, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphite
(d) Na2S is sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphite, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphide
Answer: A
Question: The balancing of chemical equations is in accordance with:
(a) Both b and c
(b) Law of combining volumes
(c) Law of constant proportions
(d) Law of conservation of mass
Answer: A
Question: 18g of water is electrolyse The weight of oxygen obtained is:
(a) 8g
(b) 16g
(c) 4g
(d) 1g
Answer: B
Question: Which is not represented by 1mole of Nitrogen gas?
(a) 6.023X1023 atoms of N2
(b) 6.023X1023 molecules of N2
(c) 12.046 X1023 atoms of N2
(d) 28g of N2
Answer: A
Question: The combining capacity of an element is called
(a) Valency
(b) Atomicity
(c) Atomic number
(d) Valence electrons
Answer: A
Question: Identify the correct symbol of gold:
(a) Au
(b) Go
(c) Ge
(d) Gd
Answer: A
Question: If isotopic distribution of C-12 & C-14 is 98% and 2% respectively, then number of C-14 atoms in 12 g of C is:
(a) 1.244X1022
(b) 1.244X1023
(c) 3.88X1022
(d) 3.88X1022
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?
(a) 19 CO2
(b) 1 g N2
(c) 1 g H2
(d) 1 g CH4
Answer : C
Question: The molecular formula of potassium nitrate is ________.
(a) KNO3
(b) KNO
(c) KNO2
(d) KON
Answer : A
Question: What is the latin name of sodium?
(a) Kalium
(b) Plumbum
(c) Natrium
(d) None of the above
Answer : C
Question: The combining capacity of an element is called
(a) Valency
(b) Atomicity
(c) Atomic number
(d) Valence electron
Answer : A
Question: Which of the following statements is not true about an atom?
(a) Atoms are not able to exist independently.
(b) Atoms are the basic units from which molecules and ions are formed.
(c) Atoms are always neutral in nature.
(d) Atoms aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see, feel or touch.
Answer : D
Question: The law of definite proportions was given by:
(a) John Dalton
(b) Humphry davy
(c) Proust
(d) Michael Faraday
Answer : C
Question: The most remarkable concept that Dalton’s atomic theory proposed was that of the:
(a) atomic weight
(b) atomic mass
(c) molar mass
(d) none of the above
Answer : B
Question: Who coined the term ‘Parmanu’ for the smallest indivisible particles?
(a) Leucippus
(b) L. Lavoisier
(c) Kanad
(d) None of them
Answer : C
Question: Identify the correct symbol of Gold.
(a) Go
(b) Gd
(c) Ge
(d) Au
Answer : D
Question: Which one of the following phrases would be incorrect to use?
(a) A mole of an element
(b) A mole of a compound
(c) An atom of an element
(d) An atom of a compound
Answer : D
Question: The chemical symbol for barium is:
(a) B
(b) Ba
(c) Be
(d) Bi
Answer : B
Question: The molecular formula of potassium nitrate is ________.
(a) KNO3
(b) KNO
(c) KNO2
(d) KO
Answer : A
Question: The atomic mass of carbon is:
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 23
Answer : A
Question: Who coined the term ‘Parmanu’ for the smallest indivisible particles?
(a) Leucippus
(b) L. Lavoisier
(c) Kanad
(d) None of them
Answer : C
Question: The mass of sodium in 11.7 g of sodium chloride is:
(a) 2.3g
(b) 4.6g
(c) 6.9g
(d) 7.1g
Answer : B
Question . Which of the following correctly represents 360g of water?
(i) 2 moles of water
(ii) 20 moles of water
(iii) 6.022 × 1023 molecules of water
(iv) 1.2044 × 1025 molecules of water
(a) (i)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer. (d) (ii) and (iv)
Question . The molecular formula of potassium nitrate is ________.
(a) KNO3
(b) KNO
(c) KNO2
(d) KON
Answer : A
Question . Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?
(a) 19 CO2
(b) 1 g N2
(c) 1 g H2
(d) 1 g CH4
Answer : C
Question . 3.42 g of sucrose are dissolved in 18 g of water in a beaker. The numbers of oxygen atoms in the solution are:
(a) 6.68 ×1023
(b) 6.09 ×1022
(c) 6.022 ×1023
(d) 6.022 ×1021
Answer : A
Question . What is the formula mass unit of ZnO?
(a) 18 u
(b) 81 u
(c) 88 u
(d) 188 u
Answer : B
Question: The chemical symbol for nitrogen gas is
(a) Ni
(b) N2
(c) N+
(d) N
Answer : B
Question: The molecule having an atomicity of 4 is:
(a) Sulphate molecule
(b) Ozone molecule
(c) Phosphorus molecule
(d) Methane molecule
Answer : C
Question: How many times an atom of sulphur is heavier than an atom of carbon?
(a) 32 times
(b) 12 times
(c) 8/3 times
(d) 12/32 times
Answer : C
Question . Which of the following represents a correct chemical formula?
(a) CaCl
(b) BiPO4
(c) NaSO4
(d) NaS
Answer : B
Question : Which of the following statements is not true about an atom?
(a) Atoms are not able to exist independently.
(b) Atoms are the basic units from which molecules and ions are forme(d)
(c) Atoms are always neutral in nature.
(d) Atoms aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see, feel or touch.
Answer : D
Question: Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is
(a) 40
(b) 30
(c) 48
(d) 36
Answer : A
Question: The number of oxygen atoms in 4.4 g of CO2 is approx.
(a) 6 × 1022
(b) 6
(c) 12 × 1023
(d) 1.2 × 1023
Answer : D
Question: The molecule having an atomicity of 4 is:
(a) Sulphate molecule
(b) Ozone molecule
(c) Phosphorus molecule
(d) Methane molecule
Answer : C
Question: Choose the law of conservation of mass
(a) Mass neither be created nor formed
(b) Mass can neither be created nor reform
(c) Mass can neither be created nor destroyed
(d) Mass can neither be created nor alive
Answer : C
Question: The number of molecules in 16.0g of oxygen is:
(a) 6.02 × 1023
(b) 6.02 ×10−23
(c) 3.01 × 10−23
(d) 3.01 × 10−23
Answer : D
Question: 4g of iodine and 14.2g of chlorine are made to react completely to yield a mixture of ICl and ICl3 . Calculate the ratio of moles of ICl and ICl3 :
(a) 1: 1
(b) 2: 1
(c) 3: 1
(d) 1: 2
Answer : A
Question: One gram of which of the following contains largest number of oxygen atoms?
(a) O
(b) O2
(c) O3
(d) All contains same
Answer : C
Question: The law of definite proportions was given by:
(a) John Dalton
(b) Humphry davy
(c) Proust
(d) Michael Faraday
Answer : C
Question: Atomic radius is measured in…………
(a) Kg
(b) cm
(c) Mm
(d) nm
Answer : D
Question: The chemical symbol for barium is:
(a) B
(b) Ba
(c) Be
(d) Bi
Answer : B
Question : Which of the following represents the correct relation between Avogadro’s number (No), number of particles (N) and moles (n)?
(a) n = N / No
(b) n = No / N
(c) n = N No
(d) all are correct
Answer : A
Question : When an atom loses electrons, it is called a (an) ______ and has a _____ charge.
(a) Anion, positive
(b) Cation, positive
(c) Anion, negative
(d) Cation, negative
Answer : B
Question: Selenium ingested in the amount of 90 micrograms per day causes loss of hair. How many selenium atoms are in this size sample? (Atomic weight: Se = 78.96.)
(a) 6.9 × 1023
(b) 8.8 × 1017
(c) 8.8 × 1022
(d) 6.9 × 1017
Answer : D
Question : …………….. for some elements as proposed by Dalton.
(a) Shape
(b) Initiator
(c) Symbol
(d) Color
Answer : C
Question: The percentage of copper and oxygen in samples of CuO obtained by different methods were found to be the same. The illustrate the law of:
(a) Constant proportion
(b) Conservation of mass
(c) Multiple proportions
(d) Reciprocal proportions
Answer : A
Question: The number of atom in 4.25g of NH3 is approximately:
(a) 1×1023
(b) 2×1023
(c) 4×1023
(d) 6×1023
Answer : D
Question: How many molecules are present in one gram of hydrogen?
(a) 6.02×1023
(b) 3.01×1023
(c) 2.5×1023
(d) 1.5×1023
Answer : B
Question: Which of the following is not a postulate of Daltons atomic theory:
- a) Atoms of different elements can have the same mass
- b) All matter is made up of atoms
- c) Atoms are tiny indivisible and indestructive ultimate particles
- d) Atoms combine in small whole number ratios to form compounds
Answer : A
a. 24g of Mg: 1 mole
b. 35.5g of Cl2: _________
- a) 0.5mol
- b) 1 mol
- c) 2moles
- d) 2.5 moles
Answer : A
a. Oxygen: diatomic
b. Ozone :_______
- a) Tetra atomic
- b) Monoatomic
- c) Diatomic
- d) Triatomic
Answer : D
Question: The mass of a single atom of an element X is 2.65X 10-23g. The atomic mass and name of the element is:
- a) 16u, oxygen
- b) 16u, Sulphur
- c) 32u, oxygen
- d) 32u, Sulphur
Answer : A
Question: An element X has valency equal to 3. What will be its formula with carbonate ions?
- a) X2(CO3)3
- b) X2CO3
- c) XCO3
- d) X(CO3)3
Answer : A
Question: Which of the following has the smallest number of molecules?
- a) 2g of H2 at STP
- b) 3.4g of NH3
- c) 0.1 moles of CO2
- d) 16g of O2 gas
Answer : C
Question: 16g of S8 contains:
- a) 6.023x1023/8 atoms of s
- b) 6.023x1023 Atoms of S
- c) 6.023x1023/16 atoms of S
- d) 6.023x1023/2 atoms of S
Answer : C
Question: The number of atoms present in 0.5 moles of Nitrogen atoms is same as in:
- a) 8 g of O
- b) 12 g of C
- c) 24 g of Mg
- d) 32 g of S
Answer : A
Question: Out of 1 g of oxygen gas, 1 g of oxygen atoms and 1g of ozone , maximum number of atoms are present in:
- a) 1g of oxygen atoms
- b) 1g of oxygen gas
- c) All have equal number of atoms
- d) 1 g of ozone
Answer : A
Question: Arrange the following in increasing number of molecules:
i. 0.5moles of H2
ii. 4g of H2
iii. 18g of H2O
iv. 2.2g of CO2
- a) iv < i < iii < ii
- b) i < iii < iv < ii
- c) iv < iii < ii < i
- d) i < ii < iii < iv
Answer : A
Question: How many moles of electrons weigh 1 kg. Mass of an electron is 9.1X10-31
- a) 108/9.1X6.022
- b) 6.022X1023
- c) 6.022X1023/9.1X10-31
- d) 1X1031/9.1
Answer: A
Question: Molecular weight of CuSO4.5H2O is equal to:
- a) 249.5
- b) 159.5
- c) 159.5 X90
- d) 159.5 +10 + 16
Answer: A
Question: The formula of Calcium phosphate is:
- a) Ca3(PO4)2
- b) CaPO4
- c) Ca(PO4)2
- d) Ca2(PO4)3
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following is a correct statement:
- a) Na2S is sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphite, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphate
- b) Na2S is sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphide, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphate
- c) Na2S is sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphate, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphite
- d) Na2S is sodium sulphite, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphite, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphide
Answer: Na2S is sodium sulphide, Na2SO3 is sodium sulphite, Na2SO4 is sodium sulphate
Question: The balancing of chemical equations is in accordance with:
- a) Both b and c
- b) Law of combining volumes
- c) Law of constant proportions
- d) Law of conservation of mass
Answer: A
Question: 18g of water is electrolyse The weight of oxygen obtained is:
- a) 16g
- b) 8g
- c) 4g
- d) 1g
Answer: A
Question: Which is not represented by 1mole of Nitrogen gas?
- a) 6.023X1023 atoms of N2
- b) 6.023X1023 molecules of N2
- c) 12.046 X1023 atoms of N2
- d) 28g of N2
Answer: A
Question: The combining capacity of an element is called
- a) Valency
- b) Atomicity
- c) Atomic number
- d) Valence electrons
Answer: A
Question: Identify the correct symbol of gold:
- a) Au
- b) Go
- c) Ge
- d) Gd
Answer: A
Question: If isotopic distribution of C-12 & C-14 is 98% and 2% respectively, then number of C-14 atoms in 12 g of C is:
- a) 1.244X1022
- b) 1.244X1023
- c) 3.88X1022
- d) 3.88X1022
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?
(a) 19 CO2
(b) 1 g N2
(c) 1 g H2
(d) 1 g CH4
Answer : C
Question. The molecular formula of potassium nitrate is ________.
(a) KNO3
(b) KNO
(c) KNO2
(d) KON
Answer : A
Question. What is the latin name of sodium?
(a) Kalium
(b) Plumbum
(c) Natrium
(d) None of the above
Answer : C
Question. The combining capacity of an element is called
(a) Valency
(b) Atomicity
(c) Atomic number
(d) Valence electron
Answer : A
Question. Which of the following statements is not true about an atom?
(a) Atoms are not able to exist independently.
(b) Atoms are the basic units from which molecules and ions are formed.
(c) Atoms are always neutral in nature.
(d) Atoms aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see, feel or touch.
Answer : D
Question. The law of definite proportions was given by:
(a) John Dalton
(b) Humphry davy
(c) Proust
(d) Michael Faraday
Answer : C
Question. The most remarkable concept that Dalton’s atomic theory proposed was that of the:
(a) atomic weight
(b) atomic mass
(c) molar mass
(d) none of the above
Answer : B
Question. Who coined the term ‘Parmanu’ for the smallest indivisible particles?
(a) Leucippus
(b) L. Lavoisier
(c) Kanad
(d) None of them
Answer : C
Question. Identify the correct symbol of Gold.
(a) Go
(b) Gd
(c) Ge
(d) Au
Answer : D
Question. Which one of the following phrases would be incorrect to use?
(a) A mole of an element
(b) A mole of a compound
(c) An atom of an element
(d) An atom of a compound
Answer : D
Question. The chemical symbol for barium is:
(a) B
(b) Ba
(c) Be
(d) Bi
Answer : B
Question. The molecular formula of potassium nitrate is ________.
(a) KNO3
(b) KNO
(c) KNO2
(d) KO
Answer : A
Question. The atomic mass of carbon is:
(a) 12
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 23
Answer : A
Question. Who coined the term ‘Parmanu’ for the smallest indivisible particles?
(a) Leucippus
(b) L. Lavoisier
(c) Kanad
(d) None of them
Answer : C
Question. The mass of sodium in 11.7 g of sodium chloride is:
(a) 2.3g
(b) 4.6g
(c) 6.9g
(d) 7.1g
Answer : B
Question . Which of the following correctly represents 360g of water?
(i) 2 moles of water
(ii) 20 moles of water
(iii) 6.022 × 1023 molecules of water
(iv) 1.2044 × 1025 molecules of water
(a) (i)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
Answer. (d) (ii) and (iv)
Question . The molecular formula of potassium nitrate is ________.
(a) KNO3
(b) KNO
(c) KNO2
(d) KON
Answer : A
Question . Which of the following contains maximum number of molecules?
(a) 19 CO2
(b) 1 g N2
(c) 1 g H2
(d) 1 g CH4
Answer : C
Question . 3.42 g of sucrose are dissolved in 18 g of water in a beaker. The numbers of oxygen atoms in the solution are:
(a) 6.68 ×1023
(b) 6.09 ×1022
(c) 6.022 ×1023
(d) 6.022 ×1021
Answer : A
Question . What is the formula mass unit of ZnO?
(a) 18 u
(b) 81 u
(c) 88 u
(d) 188 u
Answer : B
Question. The chemical symbol for nitrogen gas is
(a) Ni
(b) N2
(c) N+
(d) N
Answer : B
Question. The molecule having an atomicity of 4 is:
(a) Sulphate molecule
(b) Ozone molecule
(c) Phosphorus molecule
(d) Methane molecule
Answer : C
Question. How many times an atom of sulphur is heavier than an atom of carbon?
(a) 32 times
(b) 12 times
(c) 8/3 times
(d) 12/32 times
Answer : C
Question . Which of the following represents a correct chemical formula?
(a) CaCl
(b) BiPO4
(c) NaSO4
(d) NaS
Answer : B
Question . Which of the following statements is not true about an atom?
(a) Atoms are not able to exist independently.
(b) Atoms are the basic units from which molecules and ions are forme(d)
(c) Atoms are always neutral in nature.
(d) Atoms aggregate in large numbers to form the matter that we can see, feel or touch.
Answer : D
Question. Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is
(a) 40
(b) 30
(c) 48
(d) 36
Answer : A
Question. The number of oxygen atoms in 4.4 g of CO2 is approx.
(a) 6 × 1022
(b) 6
(c) 12 × 1023
(d) 1.2 × 1023
Answer : D
Question. The molecule having an atomicity of 4 is:
(a) Sulphate molecule
(b) Ozone molecule
(c) Phosphorus molecule
(d) Methane molecule
Answer : C
Question . Choose the law of conservation of mass
(a) Mass neither be created nor formed
(b) Mass can neither be created nor reform
(c) Mass can neither be created nor destroyed
(d) Mass can neither be created nor alive
Answer : C
Question. The number of molecules in 16.0g of oxygen is:
(a) 6.02 × 1023
(b) 6.02 ×10−23
(c) 3.01 × 10−23
(d) 3.01 × 1023
Answer : D
Question.4g of iodine and 14.2g of chlorine are made to react completely to yield a mixture of ICl and ICl3 . Calculate the ratio of moles of ICl and ICl3 :
(a) 1: 1
(b) 2: 1
(c) 3: 1
(d) 1: 2
Answer : A
Question. One gram of which of the following contains largest number of oxygen atoms?
(a) O
(b) O2
(c) O3
(d) All contains same
Answer : C
Question. The law of definite proportions was given by:
(a) John Dalton
(b) Humphry davy
(c) Proust
(d) Michael Faraday
Answer : C
Question . Atomic radius is measured in…………
(a) Kg
(b) cm
(c) Mm
(d) nm
Answer : D
Question. The chemical symbol for barium is:
(a) B
(b) Ba
(c) Be
(d) Bi
Answer : B
Question . Which of the following represents the correct relation between Avogadro’s number (No), number of particles (N) and moles (n)?
(a) n = N / No
(b) n = No / N
(c) n = N No
(d) all are correct
Answer : A
Question 23. When an atom loses electrons, it is called a (an) ______ and has a _____ charge.
(a) Anion, positive
(b) Cation, positive
(c) Anion, negative
(d) Cation, negative
Answer : B
Question. Selenium ingested in the amount of 90 micrograms per day causes loss of hair. How many selenium atoms are in this size sample? (Atomic weight: Se = 78.96.)
(a) 6.9 × 1023
(b) 8.8 × 1017
(c) 8.8 × 1022
(d) 6.9 × 1017
Answer : D
Question . …………….. for some elements as proposed by Dalton.
(a) Shape
(b) Initiator
(c) Symbol
(d) Color
Answer : C
Question. The percentage of copper and oxygen in samples of CuO obtained by different methods were found to be the same. The illustrate the law of:
(a) Constant proportion
(b) Conservation of mass
(c) Multiple proportions
(d) Reciprocal proportions
Answer : A
Question. The number of atom in 4.25g of NH3 is approximately:
(a) 1×1023
(b) 2×1023
(c) 4×1023
(d) 6×1023
Answer : D
Question. How many molecules are present in one gram of hydrogen?
(a) 6.02×1023
(b) 3.01×1023
(c) 2.5×1023
(d) 1.5×1023
Answer : B
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MCQs for Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules Science Class 9
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