CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A

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Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Science Worksheet for Class 10

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf in Class 10. This test paper with questions and solutions for Class 10 Science will be very useful for tests and exams and help you to score better marks

Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Worksheet Pdf

MCQ Questions for NCERT Class 10 Science Heredity And Evolution

Question : The exchange in genetic material takes place in _____.
a. Vegetative propagation
b. Asexual reproduction
c. sexual reproduction
d. budding
Answer : C

Question : The maleness of a child is determined by ___.
a. X chromosome in zygote
b. Y chromosome in zygote
c. The cytoplasm of germ cells which determines the sex
d. Sex is determined by chance
Answer : B

Question : If a normal cell of human body contains 46 pairs of chromosomes then the numbers of chromosomes in a sex cell of a human being is most likely to be:
a. 60
b. 23
c. 22
d. 40
Answer : B

Question : What will be the number of chromosomes present in each gamete produced by the plants if the palisade cells of a species of plant contain 28 chromosomes in all?
a. 56
b. 28
c. 14
d. 4
Answer : C

Question : The following results were obtained by a scientist who crossed the F1 generation of pure-breeding parents for round and wrinkled seeds.
Dominants trait      Recessive trait          No. of F2 offspring
Round seeds          Wrinkled seeds          7524
From these results, it can be concluded that the actual number of round seeds he obtained was:
a. 1881
b. 22572
c. 2508
d. 5643.
Answer : D

Question : Which of the following determines the sex of a child?
a. The length of the mother’s pregnancy
b. The length of time between ovulation and copulation
c. The presence of an X chromosome in an ovum
d. The presence of a Y chromosome in a sperm
Answer : D

Question : Which one of these is likely to have been absent in free form at the time of origin of life ?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Ammonia
(d) Methane
Answer :  A
Question : The famous book “Origin of Species” was written by Charles Darwin in
(a) 1809
(b) 1859
(c) 1885
(d) 1871
Answer :  B
Question : Charles Darwin toured in a ship for five years it was
(a) Vikrant
(b) Phillips
(c) Alexander
Answer :  D
Question : The term evolution in Biology means that
(a) fossils are old
(b) life began in Sea
(c) living things constantly change
(d) none of the above
Answer :  C
Question : The theory of Natural selection of Darwin to explain organic evolution was based on
(a) modification in organs through used and disuse
(b) probability of reproduction, struggle for existence and survival of the fittest
(c) Inheritance of acquired characters
(d) appearance of sudden large variations, then inheritance and survival of those having these variations
Answer :  B
Question : Homologus structures have
(a) similar origin & dissimilar function
(b) dissimilar origin but similar function
(c) structurally as well as functionally similar
(d) normally non-functional
Answer :  A
Question : Analogous organs are those which are
(a) structurally similar
(b) functionally similar
(c) structurally as well as functionally similar
(d) normally non-functional
Answer :  B
Question : The idea of “Survival of fittest” was given by
(a) Darwin
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Lamarck
(d) Devries
Answer :  A
Question : Evolution is the best defined by
(a) inheritance of acquired characters
(b) descent by modifications
(c) spontaneous generation
(d) struggle for existence
Answer :  B
Question : Which one is not a vestigial organ in man ?
(a) Vermiform appendix
(b) Plica seminualris
(c) Ear muscles
(d) Epiglottis
Answer :  D
Question : Who wrote the “Origin of Species” ?
(a) G.J. Mendel
(b) Lamarck
(c) De-Vries
(d) Charles Darwin
Answer :  D
Question : When as organ is used it will develop and it is not used, it weakens to become vestigial. Who could have said this theory ?
(a) Darwin
(b) De-Vries
(c) Lamarck
(d) Mendel
Answer :  C
Question : Fossils are
(a) fovea in the retina of vertebrate eye
(b) remains of organisms presents in the rocks
(c) the fossa present in the bones
(d) foramens through which nerves pass
Answer :  B
Question : An experiment to prove that organic compounds were the basis of life, was performed by
(a) Oparin
(b) Miller
(c) Melvin
(d) Fox
Answer :  B
Question : Connecting link between Reptiles and Birds is
(a) dimetrodon
(b) dodo
(c) archaeopteryx
(d) sphenodon
Answer :  C
Question : According to the Neo-Darwinian theory which of the following is responsible for the origin of new species?
(a) Mutations
(b) Useful variations
(c) Mutations together with natural selection
(d) Hybridization.
Answer :  C
Question : Fossils are dated now by
(a) stratigraphic position
(b) amount of calcium residue
(c) association with other animals
(d) radioactive carbon contents
Answer : D
Question : Nucleoprotein gave most probably the first sign of
(a) life
(b) amino acid
(c) soil
(d) sugar
Answer :  A
Question : According to one of the most accepted theory the earth atmosphere before any life has originated consisted of water vapour, hydrogen, NH3 and
(a) methane
(b) nitrogen
(c) oxygen
(d) carbondioxide
Answer :  A
Question : Origin of life is due to
(a) spontaneous generation
(b) God’s will
(c) effect of sun rays on mud
(d) chemical evolution
Answer :  D

Fill in the Blanks :

Question. ____________ genes are those which decide the appearance of an organism only in the presence of another identical gene.
Answer: Recessive

Question. ____________ was the British scientist who proposed that life must have developed
Answer: J.B.S Haldane

Question. The theory of evolution of species by natural selection was given by ____________ .
Answer: Darwin

Question. The study of the pattern of chromosomes from parents to the offspring is called ……….. .
Answer: Heredity

Question. ____________ is the description of genes present in an organism.
Answer: Genotype

Question. The number of X chromosomes in a human ovum is ……….. .
Answer: two

Question. ……….. proposed the “Theory of Natural Selection”.
Answer: Charles Darwin

Question. Genes always work in ____________ .
Answer: pair

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

For question numbers 1 to 4 two statements are given-one labeled as Assertion (A) and the other labeled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given ahead:
(a) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true and ‘R’ is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ are true but ‘R’ is not correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) ‘A’ is true but ‘R’ is false.
(d) ‘A’ is false but ‘R’ is true.

Question. Assertion: The sex of a child in human beings will be determined by the type of chromosome he/she inherits from the father.
Reason: A child who inherits ‘X’ chromosome from his father would be a girl (XX), while a child who inherits a ‘Y’ chromosome from the father would be a boy (XY).
Answer : A

Question. Assertion: If one bacterium divides then two resultant bacteria divide again to generate four individual bacteria which will be highly identical.
Reason: It is due to asexual reproduction.
Answer : A

Question. Assertion: A geneticist crossed a pea plant having violet flowers with a pea plant with white flowers, he got all violet flowers in first generation.
Reason: White colour gene is not passed on to next generation.
Answer : A

Question. Assertion: Dominant traits express itself with or without the presence of recessive trait.
Reason: Recessive trait can express itself only in absence of dominant trait.
Answer : B

Question. Assertion: Two pink coloured flowers on crossing resulted in 1 red, 2 pink and 1 white flower progeny.
Reason: It is due to double fertilisation.
Answer : C

Important Questions for NCERT Class 10 Science Heredity And Evolution

Very Short Answer :
Question. What is sperm fuses and ovum?
Answer: The male gamete called sperm fuses and a female gamete called ovum.
Question. Who is the father of genetics? 
Answer: Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics.
Question. What do you mean by heredity? 
Answer: The transmission of characters from the parents to their offsprings is called heredity.

Question. Name the branch of science that deals with heredity and variation. 
Answer: Genetics

Question. Write the scientific name of men and garden pea. 
Answer: Men- Homo sapiens Garden pea- Pisum sativum

Question. What do you call the organs having same design but different function?
Answer: Homologous organs.

Question. All the variationsin a species do not have equal chances of survival. Why? 
Answer: All the variations do not have equal chances of survival as some variations might not be beneficial and would ultimately be eliminated.

Question. Name thQuestione ancestor of brocoli, kale and cabbage.
Answer: Wild cabbage.

Question. Who is the father of Genetics? 
Answer: Gregor Johann Mendel is the father of genetics.

Question. What determines the sex of a child?
Answer: Whether a child inherits X chromosome or Y chromosome from father determines the sex of the child.

Question. How can you determine evolutionary relationship?
Answer: By comparing DNA of different species.

Question. Why is the progeny always tall when a tall pea plant is crossed with a short pea plant? 
Answer: Some genes are dominant and others are recessive. Tallness is a dominant trait and hence the progeny is always tall when crossed with a short plant.

Question. Name the place where human species have genetic roots.
Answer: Africa.

Question. What is hybrid?
Answer: A new form of the plant resulting from a cross of different varieties of a plant is called hybrid.
Question. What is phenotype? 
Answer: The characteristic or trait which is visible in an organism is called phenotype.
Short Answer :

Question. How are the areas of study—evolution and classification—interlinked?
 For classification of organisms we generally group the organisms of same characteristics together and those with different characteristics are grouped or classified separately. A set of characteristics tells about the level of evolution of an organism.

Question. What evidence do we have for the origin of life from inanimate matter?

Answer: Miller and Urey in 1953 assembled an atmosphere similar to that thought to exist at early period (Gases like ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulphide) over earth. This was maintained at a temperature just below 100°C and sparks were passed through the mixture of gases to simulate lighting. At the end of a week 15% of the carbon (from methane) had been converted to simple compounds of carbon including amino acids which make up protein molecules. Presence of protein cell membrane correlates with above experiment. This shows that life originated from inanimate matter.

Question : a. Why did Mendel choose garden pea for his experiments? Write two reasons.
b. ‘Different species use different strategies to determine sex of a newborn individual. It can be environmental cues or genetically determined.’ Explain the statement by giving example for each strategy.
Answer : 
a. Reasons:
(i) Pea plant is small and easy to grow.
(ii) A large number of true breeding varieties of pea plant are available.
(iii) Both self and cross-pollination can be made possible. Because this plant has a short life cycle, the results may be gathered and evaluated more quickly.
(iv)The garden pea possesses a number of features that are diametrically
opposed to one another.
b. Environmental Cue: (i) In some animals, the temperature at which fertilised eggs are kept determines whether the developing animal in egg is male or female.
(ii) In some animals like snail, individual can change sex.
Genetical Cue: A child who inherits an X-chromosome from her father will be a girl and one who inherits a Y- chromosome from the father will be a boy.

Question : If we cross pure-bred tall (dominant) pea plant with pure-bred dwarf (recessive) pea plant we will get pea plants of F1 generation. If we now self- cross the pea plant of F1 generation, then we obtain pea plants of F2 generation.
a. What do the plants of F2 generation look like?
b. State the ratio of tall plants to dwarf plants in F2 generation.
c. State the type of plants not found in F2 generation but appeared in F2 generation, mentioning the reason for the same.
d. State Mendel's laws of inheritance.
Answer : 
a.All plants of F1 generation will be tall plants. b. 3:1 c. Dwarf trait is recessive trait which was not expressed in the F1 generation, the recessive trait gets expressed in the F2 generation after self pollination.
d. Laws of Mendel
•Law of Dominance says that a gene has two contrasting alleles and one always expresses itself in the organism.
•Law of Segregation says that traits get segregated completely during the formation of gametes without any mixing of alleles.
•Law of Independent Assortment says that the traits can segregate independently of different characters during gamete formation.

Long Answer

Question. In a monohybrid cross between tall pea plants (TT) and short pea plants (tt) a scientist obtained only tall pea plants (Tt) in the F1 generation. However on selfing the F1 generation pea plants he obtained both tall and short plants in F2 generation. On the basis of above observations with other angiosperms also can the scientist arrive at a law? If yes, explain the law. If not, give justification for your answer.
Answer: Yes, the scientist arrives at Law of Dominance according to which the trait that gets expressed in F1 generation is dominant and the trait which gets expressed along with dominant trait in F2 generation is recessive trait which expreses itself only in homozygous condition.

Question. The given box diagram represents the ratio of females to males or the sex ratio in our country for 10 decades (1901 to 2001). Answer the following questions in the light of your knowledge of sex determination and the data presented in the box diagram.
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A

(i) What does the bar diagram show?
(ii) As per scientific knowledge regarding sex determination, what should be the sex ratio or the male to female ratio at a given point of time?
(iii) Assign one reason to the trend showing deviation from the expected sex ratio.
(iv) Suggest a way by which such a trend can be stopped.
Answer: (i) Bar diagram shows the proportion of females in the population over a decade.
(ii) 1 : 1
(iii) Female foeticide
(iv) Banning sex tests of unborn baby; increasing awareness and education.

Question. A blue flower plant denoted by BB is crossed with that of white coloured flower plant denoted by bb.
(i) State the colour of flower you would expect in their F1 generation plants.
(ii) What must be the percentage of white flower plants in F2 generation if flower of F1 plants are self – pollinated?
(iii) State the expected ratio of the genotypes BB and bb in the F2 progeny?
Answer: (i) In the first generation i.e. in F1, generation, all the flower plants will be of blue colour. It can be shown as follows: 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
(ii) When flowers of f1 generation are self-pollinated: 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
So, in F2 generation, there will be three blue Flowers and one white flower. So the ratio of blue flower plant to ratio of white flower plant is
3 : 1 but we need to find the ratio percentage of white flower which is calculated as follows:
Percentage = no. of white flower plant / Total plants in F2 generation x 100
Percentage = 1/4 x 100
So, Ratio percentage of white flower plant is 25%
(iii) The expected ratio of the genotypes BB and Bb in the F2 progeny is as follows: 

CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A

Question. The sex of a new born child is a matter of chance and none of the parents may be considered responsible for it. Draw a flowchart showing determination of sex of a newborn to justify this statement.
Answer: In human beings, there are two types of sex chromosome X and Y; female have XX chromosome whereas male have XY chromosome. Females produce eggs which carry only X chromosomes but males contain half of the sperms with X chromosomes and other half with Y chromosomes. During fertilisation when X carrying sperms fuse with an egg which
contains X chromosome the offsprings will be a female (XX). But when Y bearing sperms fuses with an egg (X) the offspring will be male (XY). Thus the sex of a child is determined by the type of sex chromosome X or Y received by the male gamete. 

CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A

Question. Answer the following questions:
(i) What are dominant and recessive traits?
(ii) “Is it possible that a trait is inherited but may not be expressed in the next generation? Give a suitable example to justify this statement.
Answer: (i) The trait which can express its effect over contrasting trait is called dominant trait whereas the trait which cannot express its effect over contrasting trait or which gets suppressed by the contrasting trait is called recessive trait. The inherited trait which is not expressed will be a recessive trait.
(ii) In Mendel’s experiment, when pure tall pea plants were crossed with pure dwarf pea plants, only tall pea plants were obtained in
F1 generation. On selfing the pea plants of F1 generation both tall and dwarf pea plants were obtained in F2 generation.
Reappearance of the dwarf pea plants in F2 generation proves that the dwarf trait was inherited but not expressed in F1 generation. The recessive trait does not express itself in the presence of the dominant trait. So, it is possible that one trait may be inherited but may not be expressed in an organism.

Question. Observe the ears of all the students in the class. Prepare a list of students having free or attached earlobes and calculate the percentage of students having each (Fig. below). Find out about the earlobes of the parents of each student in the class. Correlate the earlobe type of each student with that of their parents. Based on this evidence, suggest a possible rule for the inheritance of earlobe types.
Answer: It is observed that earlobe is attached to the side of head in some of students and not in others. Majority of students have free ear lobes. After observing the earlobes of parents it is found that free earlobes always occur in those cases where one or both the parents have free ear lobes. However attached earlobes were observed in atleast one of the two parents of children having attached earlobes. Earlobe trait is inherited from parents. Suppose earlobe trait is controlled by two alleles L or l. Individuals with free ear lobe have alleles LL or Ll and attached ear lobes have alleles ll. So free ear lobe is dominant trait and attached earlobe is recessive trait.

Question. Give the basic features of the mechanism of inheritance?
Answer: The basic features of mechanism of inheritance are:
(a) Traits are controlled by genes.
(b) Genes are present on chromosomes.
(c) Each gene controls one character.
(d) There may be two or more forms of a gene.
(e) One form may be dominant over the other.
(f) An individual possesses two forms of genes which may be similar or dissimilar.
(g) The two forms of gene separate at the time of gamete formation.
(h) The two forms of gene are brought together in a zygote after fertilisation.

Question. How do Mendel’s experiments show that the:
(i) Traits may be dominant or recessive
(ii) Traits are inherited independently.
Answer: (i) When Mendel crossed pure tall pea plants with pure dwarf pea plants in F1 generation only tall plants were produced. When these F1 plants were self-pollinated in F2 generation both tall and dwarf plants were produced in the ratio of 3: 1. In F1 generation only tall plants were found so it showed that tall is a dominant character. In F2 generation dwarf plants appeared which shows that dwarf is a recessive trait which is expressed only in recessive condition. 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
(ii) When Mendel crossed pure pea plants with round, yellow seeds with pure plants with wrinkled, green seeds in F1 generation all pea plants with round and yellow seeds were produced. This shows that round and yellow are dominant characters whereas green and wrinkled are recessive characters. Again when these F1 plants were crossed round, yellow pea plants as well as green, wrinkled seeds pea plants were produced. But in addition to these two new characters were produced i.e., round and green, wrinkled and yellow seeds pea plants were produced. This shows that two pair of characters combine in F1 generation but they get separated and behave independently in F2 generation. 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
Round-yellow, round-green, wrinkled-yellow, wrinkled-green – 9: 3: 3:1

Question. Mrs. Joshi, an eight months pregnant lady was suggested by her doctor to get an ultrasound done. She went to a radiologist with her husband and got the ultrasound done. When the ultrasound was done, her husband asked doctor about the sex of the baby in the womb.
(i) Is it ethical to determine the sex of the foetus? Why?
(ii) What is the chance of giving birth to a girl child in human beings?
(iii) What has government done to stop female foeticides?
Answer: (i) No, it is not ethical to determine the sex of the foetus because sex determination may lead to female foeticides which results in death of a girl child and thus the sex ratio become unbalanced in a society.
(ii) The chance of giving birth to a girl child in human beings is 50%.
(iii) Government has imposed a ban on sex determination techniques to stop female foeticides.

Question. Give the cross between RRYY x rryy for both F1 and F2 generation?
What are the combinations of characters produced in F2 generation and give reasons for appearance of new progeny?
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
Round-yellow, round-green, wrinkled-yellow, wrinkled-green in the ratio of 9: 3: 3: 1 are produced in F2 generations. New characters round-green and wrinkled-yellow are produced because when pure round-yellow pea plants are crossed with pure wrinkled-green pea plants the inheritance of one pair of character is independent of other pair i.e., the inheritance of character of round seed is not linked with yellow seed or the inheritance of wrinkled seed is not linked with green seed. The contrasting traits segregate and inherits independently and results in the formation of new combination of characters.
(b) The flowers of pea plants are hermaphrodite, i.e flowers have bisexual characteristics.
(c) Easy to obtain pure breed plant through self-fertilisation
(d) The generation time of pea plants is less.
(e) They have excellent disease resistance and have an optimal rate of survival.

Question. Acquiring characteristics or traits from one generation to the other is nothing but inheritance. Here, both the parents contribute equally to the inheritance of traits. It was Gregor Mendel, known as the Father of Genetics, who conducted immense research and studied this inheritance of traits. It was with his research on plant breeding that he came up with the laws of inheritance in living organisms. He conducted his experiments on pea plants to show the inheritance of traits in living organisms. He observed the pattern of inheritance from one generation to the other in these plants. 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A

(i) Name which Mendel’s experiments shows that traits are inherited indepe dently?
(ii) What is observed by Mendel in his experiment about the phenotype and genotype?
(iii) Define the term Genotype.
(iv) What do you understand by dominant alleles?
Answer: (i) The Dihybrid cross experiment that Mendel performed with the pea plants, shows that traits are inherited independently. In a cross between two plants with two pairs of contrasting characters, the expression of traits occurs independently.
(ii) In F2, the phenotype ratio is 9: 3: 3: 1. The genotype ratio is a very complex one.
(iii) Genotype: It is the complete heritable genetic identity of an organism. It is the actual set of alleles that are carried by the organism.
(iv) When an allele affects the phenotype of an organism, then it is a dominant allele. It is denoted by a capital letter. For example, ‘T’ to express tallness.

Question. A woman with blonde curly hair married a man with black soft hair. All of their children in first generation had black soft hair but in next generation children had different combinations in the ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1. State the law that governs this expression.
Answer: Law of independent assortment governs this expression which states that inheritance of factors controlling a particular trait in an organism are independent of each other i.e., during the time of reproduction two pairs of factors of each of the two traits in a dihybrid cross segregate independently during gamete formation and randomly formed combinations in F2 generations.

Question. Given below is the experiment carried out by Mendel to study inheritance of two traits in garden pea. 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A

(i) Fill the boxes.
(ii) Why did Mendel carry experiment with two traits?
(iii) What were his findings with respect to inheritance of traits in F1 and F2 generations?
Answer: (i) 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
(ii) Mendel carried out experiment with two traits to study the independent assortment of characters during inheritance.
(iii) In F1 generation though both the traits were inherited but only dominant traits [i.e., round, yellow characters] are expressed, the recessive traits, [wrinkled, green] were not expressed. But in F2 generation both dominant and recessive traits were expressed in the ratio 9: 3: 3: 1.

Question. Guinea pig having black colour when crossed with a guinea pig having same colour produced 80 offspring, out of which 60 were black and 20 were white. Now find out:
(i) What is the possible genotype of the guinea pigs?
(ii) Which trait is dominant and which trait is recessive?
(iii) What is this cross called and what is its phenotypic ratio?
Answer: (i) The possible genotype of the guinea pigs is Bb × Bb.
(ii) Black colour is dominant and white colour is recessive.
(iii) This is an example of monohybrid cross and its phenotypic ratio is 3 : 1.

Creating Based Questions :

Question. With the help of two suitable examples, explain why certain experiences and traits earned by people during their lifetime are not passed on to their next generations. When can such traits be passed on?
Answer: Learning skills like swimming, dancing and low weight of beetle due to starvation earned by people during their lifetime are not passed on to their next generation. If a person knows swimming or dancing, it is not necessary that this trait is seen in the progeny because learning a new skill does not change the genes of the germ cells of humans. Also, low weight in a beetle is not a trait that can be inherited by the progeny of a starving beetle. These traits or experiences occur in the somatic cells which do not involve germ cells and genetic materials. Therefore, these traits are not passe on to their next generation. Traits can be passed only when they have some direct effect on the genes. For example, if a mutation is caused in the germ cells of a person due to exposure to some harmful radiations, it is highly likely that the mutation caused will be passed on to the subsequent generations.

Question. Study the table given below and answer the questions.
In a human, how many chromosomes are present in:
(i) a brain cell?
(ii) a sperm in the testes?
(iii) an egg which has just been produced by the ovary?
(iv) a skin cell?
(v) a fertilised egg?
Answer: (i) 46.
(ii) 23.
(iii) 23.
(iv) 46.
(v) 46.

Question. Study the table given below and answer the following questions. 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A

(i) What is sex determination?
(ii) What are the sex chromosomes in the males?
(iii) What are the sex chromosomes in the females?
(iv) s Is the father responsible for the sex of the child?
Answer: (i) The process by which the sex of a newborn organism is detected is called sex determination.
(ii) The males have two sex chromosomes which are X and Y.
(ii) The sex chromosomes in the females are X and X.
(iv) Yes, it is the father that gives either the X or Y chromosome to the child. In case, the child receives the X chromosome from the father, then it has XX chromosome, and it develops into a female child. However, if the father gives Y chromosome, then the child develops into a male as it gets XY chromosome.

Question. “A brother and sister are more related to each other in comparison to the case when any one of them is related with his or her cousin”.
Through this statement what will we get to know about their ancestors?
Answer: A brother and sister are more closely related to each other which means that they have common ancestors more recently as compared to the case when any one of them (brother or sister) is related to the cousin. A brother and sister have their “parents” in common while a brother or sister and cousin have “grandparents” in common.

Question. Ram met with an accident. John his school mate takes him to the hospital where Ram (AB blood group) needs blood transfusion. John also has AB blood group and is willing to donate his blood but Ram’s mother object by saying “John belongs to different community so has different type of blood”. Give your opinion about Ram’s mother views.
Answer: Blood group does not depend on community, same blood group is same for all communties. Blood group AB has two alleles A and B in the people of all communities.

Question. Why a mice whose tail has been removed by surgery does not produce tailless mice?
Answer: A mice whose tail has been removed by surgery does not produce tailless mice because tailless character is not present in germ cells of mice so, it is an acquired character which cannot be passed onto the next generation.

Question. A Blue Colour Flower Plant Denoted by Bb is crossbreed with that of White Colour Flower Plant Denoted by Bb.
(i) State the Colour of Flower You Would Expect in Their F1 Generation Plants.
(ii) What must be the percentage of white flower plants in F2 generation if flowers of f1 plants are self-pollinated?
(iii) State the expected ratio of the genotypes BB and Bb in the F2 Progeny.
Answer: (i) Blue colour flower plant: BB
(ii) White colour flower plant: bb
(iii) The cross involved is as follows: 
CBSE Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution Worksheet Set A
(a) In F1 generation, all plants will have blue flower.
(b) In the F2 generation, 25% of flowers are white in colour.
(c) The ratio of the genotypes BB and Bb in the F2 generation would be 1(BB): 2(Bb).


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CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Worksheet

The above practice worksheet for Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution has been designed as per the current syllabus for Class 10 Science released by CBSE. Students studying in Class 10 can easily download in Pdf format and practice the questions and answers given in the above practice worksheet for Class 10 Science on a daily basis. All the latest practice worksheets with solutions have been developed for Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their examinations. Studiestoday is the best portal for Printable Worksheets for Class 10 Science students to get all the latest study material free of cost.

Worksheet for Science CBSE Class 10 Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution

Teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 10 Science to develop the Science Class 10 worksheet. If you download the practice worksheet for the above chapter daily, you will get better scores in Class 10 exams this year as you will have stronger concepts. Daily questions practice of Science printable worksheet and its study material will help students to have a stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them experts on all scoring topics. You can easily download and save all revision Worksheets for Class 10 Science also from without paying anything in Pdf format. After solving the questions given in the practice sheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Science designed by our teachers

Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution worksheet Science CBSE Class 10

All practice paper sheet given above for Class 10 Science have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of Class 10 can be assured that the answers have been also provided by our teachers for all test paper of Science so that you are able to solve the problems and then compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. All study material for Class 10 Science students have been given on studiestoday.

Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution CBSE Class 10 Science Worksheet

Regular printable worksheet practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution concepts. Practice worksheets play an important role in developing an understanding of Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution in CBSE Class 10. Students can download and save or print all the printable worksheets, assignments, and practice sheets of the above chapter in Class 10 Science in Pdf format from studiestoday. You can print or read them online on your computer or mobile or any other device. After solving these you should also refer to Class 10 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 10 Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution

CBSE Class 10 Science best textbooks have been used for writing the problems given in the above worksheet. If you have tests coming up then you should revise all concepts relating to Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution and then take out a print of the above practice sheet and attempt all problems. We have also provided a lot of other Worksheets for Class 10 Science which you can use to further make yourself better in Science

Where can I download latest CBSE Practice worksheets for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution

You can download the CBSE Practice worksheets for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution for the latest session from

Can I download the Practice worksheets of Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution in Pdf

Yes, you can click on the links above and download chapter-wise Practice worksheets in PDFs for Class 10 for Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution

Are the Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Practice worksheets available for the latest session

Yes, the Practice worksheets issued for Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Class 10 Science have been made available here for the latest academic session

How can I download the Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Class 10 Science Practice worksheets

You can easily access the links above and download the Class 10 Practice worksheets Science for Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution

Is there any charge for the Practice worksheets for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution

There is no charge for the Practice worksheets for Class 10 CBSE Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution you can download everything free

How can I improve my scores by solving questions given in Practice worksheets in Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Class 10 Science

Regular revision of practice worksheets given on studiestoday for Class 10 subject Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free Practice test papers for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution

Yes, provides all the latest Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution test practice sheets with answers based on the latest books for the current academic session

Can test sheet papers for Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Class 10 Science be accessed on mobile devices

Yes, studiestoday provides worksheets in Pdf for Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution Class 10 Science in mobile-friendly format and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets.

Are practice worksheets for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution available in multiple languages

Yes, practice worksheets for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity And Evolution are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi