CBSE Class 10 Biology Control And Coordination Set F

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Biology Control And Coordination Set F. Download printable Science Class 10 Worksheets in pdf format, CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination Worksheet has been prepared as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Also download free pdf Science Class 10 Assignments and practice them daily to get better marks in tests and exams for Class 10. Free chapter wise worksheets with answers have been designed by Class 10 teachers as per latest examination pattern

Chapter 7 Control and Coordination Science Worksheet for Class 10

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf in Class 10. This test paper with questions and solutions for Class 10 Science will be very useful for tests and exams and help you to score better marks

Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination Worksheet Pdf


Question. Which of the following statements is correct about receptors?
(a) Gustatory receptors detect taste while olfactory receptors detect smell
(b) Both gustatory and olfactory receptors detect smell
(c) Auditory receptors detect smell and olfactory receptors detect taste
(d) Olfactory receptors detect taste and gustatory receptors smell
Answer. A

Question. Electrical impulse travels in a neuron from
(a) Dendrite axon → axonal end → cell body
(b) Cell body → dendrite → axon → axonal end
(c) Dendrite → cell body → axon → axonal end
(d) Axonal end → axon → cell body → dendrite
Answer. C

Question. In a synapse, chemical signal is transmitted from
(a) dendritic end of one neuron to axonal end of another neuron
(b) axon to cell body of the same neuron
(c) cell body to axonal end of the same neuron
(d) axonal end of one neuron to dendritic end of another neuron
Answer. D

Question. In a neuron, conversion of electrical signal to a chemical signal occurs at/in
(a) cell body
(b) axonal end
(c) dendritic end
(d) axon
Answer. B

Question. Which is the correct sequence of the components of a reflex arc?
(a) Receptors → Muscles → Sensory neuron → Motor neuron → Spinal cord
(b) Receptors → Motor neuron → Spinal cord → Sensory neuron → Muscle
(c) Receptors → Spinal cord → Sensory neuron → Motor neuron → Muscle
(d) Receptors → Sensory neuron → Spinal cord → Motor neuron → Muscle
Answer. D

Question.(i) The main thinking part of the brain is hind brain.
(ii) Centers of hearing, smell, memory, sight, etc. are located in fore brain.
(iii) Involuntary actions like salivation, vomiting, blood pressure is controlled by the medulla in the hind brain.
(iv) Cerebellum does not control posture and balance of the body.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (iii) and (iv)
Answer. C

Question. Posture and balance of the body is controlled by
(a) cerebrum
(b) cerebellum
(c) medulla
(d) pons
Answer. B

Question. Spinal cord originates from
(a) cerebrum
(b) medulla
(c) pons
(d) cerebellum
Answer. B

Question. The movement of shoot towards light is
(a) geotropism
(b) hydrotropism
(c) chemotropism
(d) phototropism
Answer. D

Question. The main function of abscisic acid in plants is to
(a) increase the length of cells
(b) promote cell division
(c) inhibit growth
(d) promote growth of stem
Answer. C

Question. Which of the following is not associated with growth of plant?
(a) Auxin
(b) Gibberellins
(c) Cytokinins
(d) Abscisic acid
Answer. D

Question. Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of which hormone?
(a) Adrenaline
(b) Thyroxin
(c) Auxin
(d) Insulin
Answer. B

Question. Choose the incorrect statement about insulin
(a) It is produced from pancreas
(b) It regulates growth and development of the body
(c) It regulates blood sugar level
(d) Insufficient secretion of insulin will cause diabetes
Answer. B

Question. Select the mis-matched pair:
(a) Adrenaline: Pituitary gland
(b) Testosterone: Testes
(c) Estrogen: Ovary
(d) Thyroxin: Thyroid gland
Answer. A

Question. The shape of guard cells changes due to change in the
(a) protein composition of cells
(b) temperature of cells
(c) amount of water in cells
(d) position of nucleus in the cells
Answer. C

Question. The growth of tendril in pea plants is due to
(a) effect of light
(b) effect of gravity
(c) rapid cell divisions in tendrillar cells that are away from the support
(d) rapid cell divisions in tendrillar cells in contact with the support
Answer. C

Question. The growth of pollen tubes towards ovules is due to
(a) hydrotropism
(b) chemotropism
(c) geotropism
(d) phototropism
Answer. B

Question. The movement of sunflower in accordance with the path of Sun is due to
(a) phototropism
(b) geotropism
(c) chemotropism
(d) hydrotropism
Answer. A

Question. The substance that triggers the fall of mature leaves and fruits from plants is due to
(a) auxin
(b) gibberellin
(c) abscisic acid
(d) cytokinin
Answer. C

Question. Involuntary actions in the body are controlled by
(a) medulla in fore brain
(b) medulla in mid brain
(c) medulla in hind brain
(d) medulla in spinal cord
Answer. C


Following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Question. Assertion (A) : Insulin regulates blood sugar level.
Reason (R) : Insufficient secretion of insulin will cause diabetes.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion (A) : Animals can react to stimuli in different ways.
Reason (R) : All animals have a nervous system and an endocrine system involving hormones.
Answer. A

Question. Assertion (A) : The effect of auxin hormone on the growth of root is exactly opposite to that on a stem.
Reason (R) : Auxin hormone increases the rate of growth in root and decreases the rate of growth in stem.
Answer. C

Question. Assertion (A) : A receptor is a specialized group of cells in a sense organ that perceive a particular type of stimulus.
Reason (R) : Different sense organs have different receptors for detecting stimuli.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion (A) : The brain is also known as the central nervous system.
Reason (R) : Central nervous system controls and regulates the voluntary actions.
Answer. D


1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

'All the living organisms (plants and animals) respond and react to changes in the environment around them. The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called stimuli (singular: stimulus). The living organisms show response to stimuli such as light, heat, cold, sound, smell, taste, touch, pressure, pain, water, and force of gravity, etc. The response of organisms to a stimulus is usually in the form of some movement of their body parts. For example, if a man touches a very hot utensil accidently, he quickly pulls his hand away from the hot utensil. Here, heat is the stimulus and the man reacts by moving his hand away from the hot utensil. Similarly, when the Sun is bright, we close our eyes. In this case, light is the stimulus and we react by closing the eyes.

Question. Human respond to changes in their surrounding environment. The changes are known as _
a. activity
b. stimuli
c. action
d. coordination
Answer. B

Question. You close your eyes when your friend point the torchlight towards your eye. Which sensory organ is involved?
a. Skin
b. Eyes
c. Nose
d. Tongue
Answer. B

Question. A baby cried when hears the thunder. What is the stimuli that is involved?
a. smell
b. sound
c. taste
d. light
Answer. B

Question. Based on the situation below, which situation shown human respond to stimuli?
I- A boy pulls his hand when touching a hot object.
II- A girl is reading a book.
III- A girl closes her ear when hearing the thunder.
IV- A boy is walking to school.
a. I and III
b. I and IV
c. II and III
d.II and IV
Answer. A

Question. A response is ____
a. A change in the environment that causes a reaction
b. Something you write on a test
c. A reaction to a change in the environment
d. The way plants communicate
Answer. C

2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

The control and coordination in plants is done by plant hormones. The plant hormones coordinate the activities of the plant by controlling one or the other aspect of the growth of the plant. So, the plant hormones are also known as plant growth substances. The growth of a plant can be divided into three stages B cell division, cell enlargement and cell differentiation (or cell specialization), and these stages have particular locations in a plant.

CBSE Class 10 Biology Control And Coordination

These three stages of plant growth as well as promotion of dormancy, breaking of dormancy, stomata control, falling of leaves, fruit growth, ripening of fruits and ageing in plants are controlled by the various plant hormones.

Question. By which hormone the control and coordination of plants is done?
a. Photohormones
b. Phytohormones
c. adrenal hormones
d. growth hormones
Answer. B

Question.Which hormone promotes cell division?
a. Auxins
b. Gibberellins
c. Cytokinins
d. Abscisic acid
Answer. C

Question. Which hormone promotes cell the dormancy in seeds and buds?
a. Auxins
b. Gibberellins
c. Cytokinins
d. Abscisic acid
Answer. D

Question. Which hormone promotes the wilting and falling of leaves?
a. Auxins
b. Gibberellins
c. Cytokinins
d. Abscisic acid
Answer. D

Question. Plant hormones are
a. Physical substances
b. chemical substances
c. photo chemical substances
d. both a and b
Answer. B

3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

CBSE Class 10 Biology Control And Coordination

The human body contains a large number of cells A which are very long and branched, and look like electric wires. The longest branch of this cell is B whereas there are many small branches C.Any two A cells do not join to one another completely in the human body. There is a microscopic gap D between every pair of adjacent A cells through which electric impulse can pass by the release of a chemical substance.

Question. What are cells A?
a. neurons
b. axon
c. body cell
d. dendrites
Answer. A

Question. What is the name of (i) branch B, and (ii) branches C ?
a. synapse and neurons
b. axon and body cell
c. axon and dendrites
d. none of these
Answer. C

Question. What is the microscopic gap D known as?
a. synapse
b. fluid
c. gap zone
d. axon
Answer. A

Question. Which part of a neuron is responsible for receiving information?
a. axon
b. terminal fibre
c. dendrite
d. body cell
Answer. C

Question. The cells A are of ___ types.
Answer. C

4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

CBSE Class 10 Biology Control And Coordination

A gland P is located just below the stomach in the human body. The gland P secretes a hormone Q.The deficiency of hormone Q in the body causes a disease W in which the blood sugar level of a person rises too much. person having high blood sugar is called X.

Question. Name gland P.
a. Pancreas
b. Adrenal
c. Thyroid
d. Hypothalamus
Answer. A

Question. Name hormone Q.
a. Insulin
b. Thyroxine
c. Adrenaline
d. Growth hormone
Answer. A

Question. What is disease W?
a. Diabetes
b. Obesity
c. Asthma
d. Arthritis
Answer. A

Question. Name the person X.
a. Obese person
b. Diabetic person
c. Cancerous person
d. Asthmatic person
Answer. B

Question. Which is the target organ of both adrenaline and insulin?
a. Heart
b. Kidney
c. Liver
d. Pancreas
Answer. C

5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

CBSE Class 10 Biology Control And Coordination

The organ A which is located inside the skull of our body is protected by a bony box B and it is surrounded by three membranes C. The space between the membranes are filled with a liquid D which protects the organ A from mechanical shocks. The organ A in combination with another organ E makes up the central nervous system.

Question. What is organ A?
a. Brain
b. Heart
c. Spinal cord
d. Kidneys
Answer. A

Question. What are B and C?
a. Spinal cord and hypothalamus
b. Cranium and cerebrum
c. Cranium and meninges
d. Neurons and brain
Answer. C

Question. While walking barefooted, if we happen to step on a sharp piece of stone, we immediately lift our foot up. Which of the two organs, A or E, is directly involved in this action?
a. A
b. E
c. Both A and E
d. None of these
Answer. B

Question. Name the organ E.
a. Meninges
b. Cranium
c. Spinal cord
d. Medulla
Answer. C

Question. What is D ?
a. Blood plasma
b. Cranium fluid
c. Cerebrospinal fluid
d. Medulla
Answer. C



Question. Name two specialised tissues that provide control and coordination in multicellular organisms.
Answer. Nervous and muscular tissues.

Question. List two body functions that will be affected if cerebellum gets damaged.
Answer. a. Walking in a straight line.
b. Picking up a thing from the ground.

Question. Which part of the nervous system controls reflex arcs?
Answer. Spinal cord.

Question. Which gland secretes growth hormone in human beings?
Answer. Pituitary gland.

Question. Name the sensory receptors found in the nose and on the tongue.
Answer. Olfactory receptors, gustatory receptors.

Choose the correct answer from the following options:
1. The branched protoplasmic extension of the cell body of a neuron
a. Axon                     b. dendrites        c. nerve ending        d. myelin sheath
2. Part of the brain which maintain posture and equilibrium
a. Hypothalamus       b. Cerebrum        c. Spinal cord          d. Cerebellum
3. The receptors for taste are called
a. Olfactoreceptors    b. gustatory receptors     c. thermo receptors      d. tango receptors
4. The central nervous system comprises
a. Brain and cranial nerves           b. Brain and spinal cord         c. Spinal cord and spinal nerves
d. brain, spinal cord and cranial nerves
5. Involuntary actions like blood pressure and vomiting are controlled by
a. medulla                   b. pons               c. cerebellum      d. hypothalamus
6. The main thinking part of the brain
a. fore-brain                b. hind-brain       c.mid-brain         d. spinal cord
7. The bony structure which protects spinal cord
a. cranium                  b. meninges         c. vertebral column       d. all the above
8. The gap between two neurons is called a
a. dendrite                  b. synapse           c. axon d. impulse
9. The brain is mainly responsible for
a. maintaining the balance     b. thinking      c. regulating involuntary actions      d. all the above
10. The nerves which carry information towards the brain and spinal cord
a. Motor nerve        b. Sensory nerve          c. Mixed nerve                                d. Cranial nerve
 Answer the following question
1. How our brain is protected?
2. How muscle cells move according to the impulse they receive from the brain?
3. Name the parts of the hind brain. What are the major functions of these parts?
4. What are receptors? Where are they located?
5. Briefly explain how nerve impulses travel in the body.
6. Which is the largest part of the brain? Write the main functions of this part.
7. Draw the labelled diagram of neuromuscular junction
8. Draw a labelled diagram of human Brain.
9. Define reflex actions.
10. Draw a schematic representation of reflex arc
• Differentiate the following
1. Stimulus and impulses
2. Spinal nerves and motor nerves
3. Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
4. Neuro muscular junction and synaptic junction
5. Voluntary actions and involuntary action


Please click on below link to download CBSE Class 10 Biology Control And Coordination Set F

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CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 7 Control and Coordination Worksheet

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