NEET Biology Photosynthesis MCQs Set C

Refer to NEET Biology Photosynthesis MCQs Set C provided below. NEET Full Syllabus Biology MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free download. The MCQ Questions for Full Syllabus Biology with answers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, NEET books and examination pattern suggested in Full Syllabus by NEET, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Photosynthesis are an important part of exams for Full Syllabus Biology and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for NEET Full Syllabus Biology and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Full Syllabus Biology Photosynthesis

Full Syllabus Biology students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Photosynthesis in Full Syllabus. These MCQ questions with answers for Full Syllabus Biology will come in exams and help you to score good marks

Photosynthesis MCQ Questions Full Syllabus Biology with Answers



Question: Which of the following pigments contains open pyrolle ring?

  • a) Phycobilins
  • b) Xanthophylls
  • c) Chlorophylls
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Xanthophylls


Question: In which of the following light, rate of photosynthesis is maximum?

  • a) discontinuous white
  • b) white
  • c) red
  • d) blue

Answer: discontinuous white


Question: Quantum yield of photosynthesis is

  • a) 12.5%
  • b) 13%
  • c) 8 %
  • d) 13.5 %

Answer: 12.5%


Question: During light phase of photosynthesis ______ is oxidized and ______ is reduced

  • a) Water and NADP
  • b) CO2 and Water
  • c) Water and CO2
  • d) NADPH2 and CO2

Answer: Water and NADP


Question: During dark phase of photosynthesis ______ is oxidized and ______ is reduced

  • a) NADPH2 and CO2
  • b) Water and CO2
  • c) Water and NADP
  • d) CO2 and Water

Answer: NADPH2 and CO2


Question: The visible product of photosynthesis is ______.

  • a) starch
  • b) fructose
  • c) cellulose
  • d) cellulose

Answer: starch


Question: To produce 3 glucose molecules ______ ATP and ______ NADPH2 molecules are required.

  • a) 54, 36
  • b) 54, 30
  • c) 36, 60
  • d) 18, 12

Answer: 54, 36


Question: Glycolytic reversal is a part of ______.

  • a) dark phase of photosynthesis
  • b) anaerobic respiration
  • c) light phase of photosynthesis
  • d) aerobic respiration

Answer: dark phase of photosynthesis


Question: RuBp carboxylase acts as RuBp carboxygenase at ______ CO2 conc. And ______ O2 conc

  • a) low, high
  • b) low, low
  • c) high, high
  • d) high, low

Answer: low, high


Question: The source of CO2 during calvin cycle in C4 plant is

  • a) Malic acid
  • b) OAA
  • c) PEP
  • d) RuBP

Answer: Malic acid


Question: Dicot which follow C4 pathway is____.

  • a) Amranthu
  • b) wheat
  • c) Maize
  • d) Mango

Answer: Amranthu


Question: Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll is maximum in _____ light.

  • a) blue
  • b) red
  • c) yellow
  • d) blue-violet

Answer: blue


Question: The oxygen molecule in glucose formed during photosynthesis comes from

  • a) CO2
  • b) atmosphere
  • c) Organic acids
  • d) Water

Answer: CO2


Question: Dimorphic chloroplast are present in ______.

  • a) all of these
  • b) sorghum bicolor
  • c) sacchrum officinale
  • d) zea mays

Answer: all of these


Question: Red pigment in tomato is

  • a) Lycopene
  • b) Lutein
  • c) Anthocyanin
  • d) None of the above

Answer: Lycopene


Question: Solarisation refers to ______.

  • a) destruction of chlorophyll
  • b) formation of sugar with help of water and energy
  • c) synthesis of chl
  • d) None of the above

Answer: destruction of chlorophyll


Question: Dark reaction requires light reaction for

  • a) reduction of PGA
  • b) carboxylation of RUBP
  • c) regeneration of RuBP
  • d) formation of hexose sugar

Answer: reduction of PGA


Question: Emerson effect proves

  • a) concept of two photosystem in plant
  • b) photorespiration
  • c) photophosphorylation
  • d) there are light and dark reaction in photosynthesis

Answer: concept of two photosystem in plant


Question: there are light and dark reaction in photosynthesis

  • a) Pitcher plant
  • b) cuscutta
  • c) Bryophyllum
  • d) Algae

Answer: Pitcher plant


Question: Light reaction of photosynthesis results in formation of ______.

  • a) All of these
  • b) ATP
  • c) NADPH + H+
  • d) O

Answer: All of these


More Questions....................................


Question: Chlorophyll-a differes from chlorophyll-b in having—

  • a) Methly group instead of aldehyde group
  • b) Aldehyde group instead of methyl group
  • c) Methyl group instead of ethyl group
  • d) Only phytol tail instead of head

Answer: Methly group instead of aldehyde group


Question: In non-cyclic photophosphorylation

  • a) All the above
  • b) Electron flow is unidirectional
  • c) Both PSI and PSII are involved
  • d) ATP is generated

Answer: All the above


Question: In con-cyclic photophosphorylation, the electron emitted by P680 is replaced by electron from

  • a) Water
  • b) NADP
  • c) Ferridoxin
  • d) Chlorophyll-a

Answer: Water


Question: 85-90% (9/10) of all photosynthesis in the world is carried out by

  • a) Algae of the oceans
  • b) Scientists in the laboratory
  • c) Herbs
  • d) Shrubs

Answer: Algae of the oceans


Question: Primary and secondary processes of Photosynthesis takes place in ______ and ______ respectively

  • a) Grana and stroma
  • b) Stroma and lamellae
  • c) Stroma and grana
  • d) Thylakoid and quantasome

Answer: Grana and stroma


Question: Which one occurs during both cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation

  • a) Formation of ATP
  • b) Release of O2
  • c) Formation of NADPH2
  • d) Involvement of both PSI and PSII

Answer: Formation of ATP


Question: The photochemical process in photosynthesis which needs both PSI and PSII also involves

  • a) All of these
  • b) Z-scheme of electron transfer
  • c) Photolysis of water
  • d) Synthesis of assimilatory power

Answer: All of these


Question: For synthesis of one molecule of glucose, the requirement of ATP and NADPH2 is respectively

  • a) 18 and 12
  • b) 12 and 8
  • c) 15 and 10
  • d) 30 and 15

Answer: 18 and 12


Question: Which of the following element is needed for chlorophyll biosynthesis?

  • a) Magnesium
  • b) Chlorine
  • c) Calcium
  • d) Copper

Answer: Magnesium


Question: The two enzymes responsible for primary carboxylation in C3 and C4 pathway, respectively are

  • a) RuBP carboxylase and PEP carboxylase
  • b) PEP carboxylase and pyruvate carboxylase
  • c) PEP carboxylase and RuBP carboxylase
  • d) RuBP carboxylase and RuBP oxygenas

Answer: RuBP carboxylase and PEP carboxylase


Question: _______ are placed one above the other to form stack of coins

  • a) thylakoids
  • b) cristae
  • c) F1 particles
  • d) oxysomes

Answer: thylakoids


Question: The head and tail of chlorophyll are made up of

  • a) Pophyrine and phytol
  • b) Pyrrole and tetrapyrrole
  • c) Porphyrine and phyrin
  • d) Tetrapyrrole and magnesium

Answer: Pophyrine and phytol


Question: The numbner of photons needed for the evolution of one molecule of oxygen is

  • a) 8
  • b) 2
  • c) 12
  • d) 18

Answer: 8


Question: Action spectrum is

  • a) A graph showing rate of photosynthesis
  • b) A graph showing absorption of light
  • c) A graph showing amount of CO2 released
  • d) A graph showing amount of light absorbed

Answer: A graph showing rate of photosynthesis


Question: C40H56O2 is molecular formula of

  • a) Xanthophyll
  • b) Chlorophylls
  • c) Carotenes
  • d) Phycobillins

Answer: Xanthophyll


Question: Quantasome contains

  • a) 230-250 chlorophyll molecules
  • b) 150-200 chlorophyll molecules
  • c) 200 chlorophyll molecules
  • d) 300-350 chlorophyll molecules

Answer: 230-250 chlorophyll molecules


Question: Erythrose monophosphate (4C) is formed during

  • a) Regeneration of RuBP
  • b) CAM pathway
  • c) Conversion of fructose to glucose
  • d) C4 pathway

Answer: Regeneration of RuBP


Question: Donor and acceptor of electrons is the same chlorophyll molecule in

  • a) Cyclic phtophosphorylation
  • b) Substrate level phosphorylation
  • c) Photorespiration
  • d) Non-cyclic photophosphorylation

Answer: Cyclic phtophosphorylation


Question: If a photosynthsing plant releases O18, it is concluded that the plant has been supplied with

  • a) Water containing O18
  • b) Oxygen in the form of ozone
  • c) Carbon dioxide containing O18
  • d) Sugar containing O18

Answer: Water containing O18


Question: Which of the following connet the primary and secondary processes of photosynthesis?

  • a) ATP and NADPH2
  • b) Ferridoxins
  • c) ATP
  • d) NADPH2

Answer: ATP and NADPH2


Question: C4 plants can perform photosynthesis

  • a) Even in low CO2 concentration
  • b) Even in low light intensity
  • c) Only in high intensity of light and high CO2
  • d) none of the above

Answer: Even in low CO2 concentration


Question: In Hill’s experiment, Hill used ______ as oxygen acceptor

  • a) Haemoglobin
  • b) NADP
  • c) FAD
  • d) Hydrogen

Answer: Haemoglobin


Question: Fret channel is a another name for

  • a) Space present in stroma lamellae
  • b) Intergranal lamellae
  • c) Stroma lamellae
  • d) Grana lamellae

Answer: Space present in stroma lamellae


Question: Bundle sheath chloroplast of C4 plants are

  • a) Large and agranal
  • b) Large and granal
  • c) Small and granal
  • d) Small and agranal

Answer: Large and agranal


Question: In C3 pathway, out of 12 molecules of 3-PGAL, how many are used for regeneration of RuBP?

  • a) 10
  • b) 8
  • c) 12
  • d) 6

Answer: 10


Question: Plant is kept in 300 ppm CO2 concentration. What will happen to it

  • a) Plant will show normal photosynthesis
  • b) Respiration will be greatly decreased
  • c) Plant will grow but will not die
  • d) Plant will die soon

Answer: Plant will show normal photosynthesis


Question: All plastids have essentially same structure because

  • a) One type of plastid can be differentiated into another type of plastid depending on cell requirements
  • b) All plastids store starch, lipid and proteins
  • c) They are localized in aerial parts of plants
  • d) They have to perform same function

Answer: One type of plastid can be differentiated into another type of plastid depending on cell requirements


Question: Give the correct name of indicated part A and B (CHART)


  • a) A- cytocrome-b& f B-Thylakoid
  • b) A- cytopalsm B-Thylakoid
  • c) A- Thylakoid B-cytocrome-a & a3
  • d) A- cytocrome-a & a3 B -Thylakoid

Answer: A- cytocrome-b& f B-Thylakoid


Question:  Which process is indicated by the given chart?


  • a) Synthesis of ATP by chemiosmosis
  • b) Synthesis of food by chemiosmosis
  • c) hydrolysis of water by chemiosmosis
  • d) transfer of electron by chemiosmosis

Answer: Synthesis of ATP by chemiosmosis


Question: Choose the correct statement

  • a) Chl a is blue green pigment with formula C55H72O5N4Mg
  • b) Xanthophyll is pigment with formula C40H60
  • c) Both
  • d) none of the above

Answer: Chl a is blue green pigment with formula C55H72O5N4Mg


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NEET Full Syllabus Biology Photosynthesis MCQs

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MCQs for Biology NEET Full Syllabus Photosynthesis

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Photosynthesis MCQs Biology NEET Full Syllabus

All MCQs given above for Full Syllabus Biology have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of Full Syllabus can refer to the answers which have been also provided by our teachers for all MCQs of Biology so that you are able to solve the questions and then compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Full Syllabus Biology so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. All study material for Full Syllabus Biology students have been given on studiestoday.

Photosynthesis NEET Full Syllabus MCQs Biology

Regular MCQs practice helps to gain more practice in solving questions to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of Photosynthesis concepts. MCQs play an important role in developing understanding of Photosynthesis in NEET Full Syllabus. Students can download and save or print all the MCQs, printable assignments, practice sheets of the above chapter in Full Syllabus Biology in Pdf format from studiestoday. You can print or read them online on your computer or mobile or any other device. After solving these you should also refer to Full Syllabus Biology MCQ Test for the same chapter

NEET MCQs Biology Full Syllabus Photosynthesis

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Yes, the MCQs issued by NEET for Full Syllabus Biology Photosynthesis have been made available here for latest academic session

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Regular revision of MCQs given on studiestoday for Full Syllabus subject Biology Photosynthesis can help you to score better marks in exams

What are MCQs for Full Syllabus Biology Photosynthesis

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Photosynthesis Full Syllabus Biology are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.