Refer to Social Intelligence CUET General Test MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for CUET General Test with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Social Intelligence CUET MCQ are an important part of exams for CUET General Test and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET CUET General Test and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for CUET General Test Social Intelligence
CUET General Test students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Social Intelligence in CUET.
Social Intelligence MCQ Questions CUET General Test with Answers
Each of the following questions is followed by four alternatives. Select the most appropriate answer.
Question: In the examination hall, you find that your question paper is too tough to be answered satisfactorily by you. The best thing you can do is:
a) try cheating from your neighbouring candidate.
b) leave the paper and walk out.
c) try attempting those questions first of which you know something.
d) complain to the examiner about the toughness of the question paper.
Answer: c
Question: Your best friend is annoyed with you for certain reasons. You will :
a) try your best to reason out your friend’s annoyance.
b) go out and make new friends.
c) show indifference.
d) remind the friend of your good friendship.
Answer: a
Question: You were invited to a party, but on the day of the party you are informed that the party has been cancelled. You will :
a) try to find out the reason for its cancellation.
b) decide that you will never go to that place ever again.
c) not discuss the matter with anyone.
d) hold the party at your place instead.
Answer: a
Question: You find that the cooking gas cylinder is leaking.
The first thing you would do is :
a) switch off the light.
b) close the knob of the cylinder.
c) call the fire brigade for help.
d) alert all the members at home.
Answer: b
Question: While returning home from a far away place you find that your pocket has been picked. You will :
a) try to hitch-hike to home.
b) hire a taxi and pay on reaching home.
c) go to the nearest police station and lodge an FIR.
d) call home and ask someone to pick you from the place you made the phone call.
Answer: b
Question: Your friend has not invited you to his marriage party, you will :
a) ignore the whole affair.
b) send him your best wishes.
c) attend the ceremony.
d) hold it against him.
Answer: b
Question: You are interviewed for a new job. Which of the following questions is most important to you?
a) Remuneration you will be paid.
b) Opportunities for promotion.
c) Scope to develop your ideas and use them to improve the working of the organisation.
d) All the above are equally important.
Answer: d
Question: You are walking down the street and suddenly you see two hundred-rupee notes on the pavement. What action will you take?
a) Give the money to beggar.
b) Pocket it yourself.
c) Deposit it in the nearest police station.
d) Leave it as it is.
Answer: c
In each question below a combination of name and address is given in the first column at the left, followed by four such combinations, one each under the columns (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to find out the combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the first column. The number of that column which contains that combination is the answer. If all the combinations are different, the answer is ‘(e)’.
Triveni Atma
Opp Lal Banglow
Varanasi -221002
a) Triveni Atma
Opp Lal Bangalow
Varanasi -221002
b) Triveni Atma
Opp Lal Banglow
Varanasi -220012
c) Triveni Atma
Opp Lal Banglow
Varanasi -221002
d) Triveni Athma
Opp Lal Banglow
Varanasi -221002
Answer: c
Tara Lal Appa
Javagal street
Calicat 673005
a) Tara Lal Appa
Javagal Stree
Calicat 673005
b) Tara Lal Appa
Javagal street
Calicut 673005
c) Tara Lal Appa
Javagal street
Calicat 670035
d) Tara Lal Appa
Javagal streat
Calicat 673005
Answer: a
Iqbal Rehman
Bhandri Gali
Post Box No -3097
a) Iqbal Rehman
Bhandri Ghali
Post Box No -3097
b) Iqbal Rehman
Bhandri Gali
Post Box No -3097
c) Iqbal Rehman
Bhandri Gali
Post Box no -3097
d) Iqbal Rahman
Bhandri Gali
Post Box No -3097
Answer: b
Jaganpa Shinde
Christ phot co.
Tel no -27363
a) Jaganpa Shinde
Christ photo co.
Tel no -27363
b) Jaganpa Shinde
Christ phot co.
Tel no -27363
c) Jaganpa Shinde
Christ phot co.
Tel no -273633
d) Jaganna Shinde
Christ phot co.
Tel no -27363
Answer: b
N.R. Savitri
Giri Girls hostal
a) N.R. Savitri
Giri Girls hostal
b) N.R. Savitri
Giri Girls hostel
c) N.R. Savitri
Giri Girls hostal
d) N.R. Savithri
Giri Girls hostal
Answer: a
Madam Brulopher
Jung villa
Banjaram Hills
a) Madam Bruloper
Jung villa
Banjaram Hills
b) Madam Brulopher
Jung villa
Banjaram Hill
c) Madam Brulopher
Jung Villa
Banjaram Hills
d) Madam Brulopher
Jung Villa
Banjaram Hills
Answer: d
Samartha sen
C 20/05 Guftga Bldg
B. No. - 1631
a) Samartha sen
C 20/05 Guftga Blg
B. No. - 1631
b) Samartha sen
C 200 Guftga Bldg
B. No. - 1631
c) Samartha sen
C 20/05 Guftga Bldg
B. No. - 1631
d) Samartha sen
C 20/05 Guflga Bldg
B. No. - 1631
Answer: c
Phiroz Gerabl
Harmit palace
Samaita nagar
a) Phiroz Gerabi
Harmit palace
Samaita nagar
b) Phiroz Gerabl
Harmit place
Samaita nagar
c) Phiroz Gerabl
Harmit palace
Samaita nager
d) Phiroz Gherabl
Harmit palace
Samaita nagar
Answer: d
Nitu gajadhar
Shersing Haveli
Jaipur -302006
a) Nitu gajadhar
Shersing Haveli
Jaipur -302006
b) Nitu gajadar
Shersing Haveli
Jaipur -302006
c) Nitu gajadhar
Shersing Haveli
Jaipur -303006
d) Nitu Gajadhar
Shersing Haveli
Jaipur -302006
Answer: a
MCQs for Social Intelligence General Test CUET
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for CUET General Test to develop the General Test CUET MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in CUET test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of General Test will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for CUET General Test. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for CUET General Test so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to CUET General Test MCQ Test for the same chapter.
You can download the CUET MCQs for CUET General Test Social Intelligence for latest session from
Yes, the MCQs issued by CUET for CUET General Test Social Intelligence have been made available here for latest academic session
You can find CUET CUET General Test Social Intelligence MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.
To prepare for Social Intelligence MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.
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