Partnership Business CUET General Test MCQs

Refer to Partnership Business CUET General Test MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for CUET General Test with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CUET, NCERT and KVS. Partnership Business CUET MCQ are an important part of exams for CUET General Test and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CUET CUET General Test and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for CUET General Test Partnership Business

CUET General Test students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Partnership Business in CUET.

Partnership Business MCQ Questions CUET General Test with Answers

Question: A and B started a business with the investment of Rs 80000 and Rs 60000 respectively. At the end of the year total profit in the business will be divided between them in the ratio of :
a) 2 : 3
b) 3 : 4
c) 2 : 1
d) 4 : 3

Answer: d

Question: A and B jointly invest Rs 2100 and Rs 3100 respectively in a firm. A is an active partner and hence he gets 25% of the profit separately. If their business yields them total Rs 1040 as profit, what will be the gain of each of them?
a) Rs 415, Rs 625
b) Rs 575, Rs 465
c) Rs 515, Rs 525
d) Rs 560, Rs 480

Answer: b

Question: A, B and C together took under lease a pasture ground for Rs 888. If in this pasture ground A put his 20 sheep out to graze for 2½ months, B put his 30 sheep out to graze for 4 months and C put his 36 sheep out to graze for 3½ months, find the lease amount paid by each of them.
a) Rs 205, Rs 315, Rs 378
b) Rs 150, Rs 360, Rs 378
c) Rs 170, Rs 360, Rs 358
d) Rs 228, Rs 360, Rs 300

Answer: b

Question: A and B started a business in partnership with the investment of Rs 4000 and Rs 6000 respectively. If at the end of the year total profit is Rs 2250, what will each of them get?
a) Rs 900, Rs 1350
b) Rs 800, Rs 1450
c) Rs 1000, Rs 1250
d) Rs 1200, Rs 1050

Answer: a

Question: Two partners invested Rs 12500 and Rs 8500 respectively in a business and decided that 60% of the profit incurred from the business will be equally divided between them while remaining profit will be assumed as interest on their capitals. If one of the partners gets Rs 300 more profit than the other, what is the total profit in the business?
a) Rs 3937.50
b) Rs 4940.50
c) Rs 3936.50
d) Rs 4156

Answer: a

Question: Samir and Saurabh started a joint firm. Samir’s investment was thrice the investment of Saurabh and the period of his investment was two times the period of investment of Saurabh. If Saurabh got Rs 4000 as profit, then their total profit is:
a) Rs 16000
b) Rs 20000
c) Rs 24000
d) Rs 28000

Answer: d

Question: Neeraj and Birju are partners in a business. They divide between them the profit incurred in the business in such a proportion that 2/5 th portion of the profit gained by Neeraj is equal to 1/3 rd portion of the profit gained by Birju. If total profit in the business is Rs 1210, find the profit earned by Birju.
a) Rs 780
b) Rs 660
c) Rs 680
d) Rs 590

Answer: b

Question: A, B and C started a business with the investment of Rs 5000, Rs 6000 and Rs 4000 respectively. A is an active partner and therefore he gets 30% of the profit separately. Rest of the profit is divided in the ratio of their capitals. If at the end of year, A’s profit is Rs 200 more than the sum of the profits made by B and C, find the profit made by each of them.
a) Rs 1620, Rs 1242, Rs 1178
b) Rs 1720, Rs 1252, Rs 1228
c) Rs 1510, Rs 1187, Rs 1133
d) Rs 1600, Rs 840, Rs 560

Answer: d

Question: A, B and C together took a pasture ground on rent at Rs 16 per month with a view to graze their sheep in this ground. A, B and C owned 70, 50 and 40 sheep respectively. After 4 months A sold 2/7 th portion of his sheep to B and 3 month after that C sold 2/5 th portion of his sheep to A. How much will each of them pay as rent after the end of a year?
a) Rs 70, Rs 70, Rs 52
b) Rs 76, Rs 76, Rs 40
c) Rs 80, Rs 76, Rs 36
d) Rs 40, Rs 76.30, Rs 76

Answer: b

Question: Premchand, Nanak and Prabhat together rented a house for 2 years and settled to pay Rs 1368 as rent. They lived together in this house for 5 months. Then Prabhat left the house and went away. 8 months after Nanak also went away and left the house for Premchand to live alone. How much did Premchand pay as rent of this house?
a) Rs 1025
b) Rs 950
c) Rs 880
d) Rs 780

Answer: b

Question: Sonu, Monu and Mohit together start a business with the investment of Rs 1800, Rs 1500 and Rs 1600 respectively. If at the end of the year, Monu gains a profit of Rs 900 the total profit in the business is :
a) Rs 2880
b) Rs 2940
c) Rs 3200
d) Rs 3240

Answer: b

Question: A started a business with an in vestm ent of Rs 4000. B joined him after 4 months and C joined him after 5 months. At the end of year they get profit in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 7. Find the ratio of capitals invested in the business by B and C
a) 1 : 2
b) 2 : 1
c) 3 : 2
d) 1 : 3

Answer: a

Question: Omdutt started a business with a capital of Rs 8000. After six months, Sanjay joined him with investment of some capital. If at the end of the year each of them gets equal amount as profit, how much did Sanjay invest in the business?
a) Rs 18000
b) Rs 17500
c) Rs 16000
d) Rs 16500

Answer: c

Question: Amit, Sumeet and Suresh started a business with capitals in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4. Amit took back half of his investment after 3 months and Sumeet took back one-third portion of his investment after 4 months. If at the end of year, Suresh gets a profit of Rs 3200, what is the total profit in the business?
a) Rs 6076 2/3
b) Rs 6066 2/3
c) Rs 8000
d) Rs 8333 1/3

Answer: b

Question: A, B and C buy a farm for Rs 100000. A contributes Rs 40000 in it. They sell it, and from the profit B gets Rs 2750 and C gets Rs 1750. What would be the profit of A?
a) Rs 2780
b) Rs 3000
c) Rs 3280
d) Rs 2785

Answer: b

Question: A, B and C started a business in partnership. A invested Rs 4000 for 8 months and Rs 6000 for 4 months. B invested Rs 3000 for 6 months and Rs 5000 for next 6 months of the year while C invested Rs 3000 for whole of the year. If at the end of year, total profit is Rs 7000, what will be the shares of A, B and C in the profit?
a) Rs 2800, Rs 2400, Rs 1800
b) Rs 2500, Rs 2600, Rs 1900
c) Rs 2600, Rs 2500, Rs 1900
d) Rs 2000, Rs 2700, Rs 2300

Answer: a

Question: A, B and C started a business in partnership with respective investment of Rs 20000, Rs 18000 and Rs 12000. A and B are active partners and therefore they get an additional profit of 12% and 8% respectively for supervision and other related work they do for improvement of the trade. Rest of the profit is divided among them in the proportion of their capitals. If profit made by A is Rs 648 more than B, find the profit earned by each of them.
a) Rs 3960, Rs 3312, Rs 1728
b) Rs 4960, Rs 3312, Rs 1728
c) Rs 3690, Rs 3132, Rs 1820
d) Rs 5960, Rs 3600, Rs 1750

Answer: a

Question: A, B and C together start a business. The amounts invested by A and B are in the ratio of 4 : 3 whereas the ratio of investments of B and C is 2 : 3. If the total profit earned is Rs 46000, what is C's share in the profit?
a) Rs 14000
b) Rs 15000
c) Rs 16000
d) Rs 18000

Answer: d

Question: Three labourers work for 5 hours, 6 hours and 7 hours respectively in a field and get wages in the proportion of time of working in the field) Three days after they increase their working hours by 1 hour. 4 days after they increase their working hours, work in the field gets finished) If their total wages is Rs 276, find the share of wages earned by each of them.
a) Rs 78, Rs 92, Rs 106
b) Rs 88, Rs 87, Rs 101
c) Rs 80, Rs 90, Rs 106
d) Rs 81, Rs 95, Rs 100

Answer: a

Question: Rani and Nisha started a business initially with Rs 5100 and Rs 6600 respectively. If the total profit is Rs 2730, what is the Rani’s share in the profit?
a) Rs 1190
b) Rs 1200
c) Rs 1530
d) Rs 1540

Answer: a

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MCQs for Partnership Business General Test CUET

Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for CUET General Test to develop the General Test CUET MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in CUET test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of General Test will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for CUET General Test. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for CUET General Test so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to CUET General Test MCQ Test for the same chapter.

Where can I download latest CUET MCQs for CUET General Test Partnership Business

You can download the CUET MCQs for CUET General Test Partnership Business for latest session from

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Yes, the MCQs issued by CUET for CUET General Test Partnership Business have been made available here for latest academic session

Where can I find CUET CUET General Test Partnership Business MCQs online?

You can find CUET CUET General Test Partnership Business MCQs on educational websites like, online tutoring platforms, and in sample question papers provided on this website.

How can I prepare for Partnership Business CUET MCQs?

To prepare for Partnership Business MCQs, refer to the concepts links provided by our teachers and download sample papers for free.

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Yes, there are many online resources that we have provided on available such as practice worksheets, question papers, and online tests for learning MCQs for CUET General Test Partnership Business