CBSE Class 10 Biology Life Processes Worksheet Set C

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 Biology Life Processes Worksheet Set C. Students and teachers of Class 10 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 Science Worksheets prepared by school teachers as per the latest NCERT, CBSE, KVS books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes

Class 10 Science students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf for Chapter 6 Life Processes in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 10 Science Worksheet for Chapter 6 Life Processes

Question. Single circulation is shown in which group?
(a) Sharks, whales
(b) Flying fish, bats
(c) Tree frogs, climbing perch
(d) Gold fish, carps
Answer : D

Question. The colour of urine is due to
(a) phytochrome
(b) cytochrome
(c) haemochrome
(d) urochrome
Answer : D

Question. How is a vein different from an artery?
(a) In carrying deoxygenated blood
(b) In having greater elasticity
(c) In having valves
(d) All of the above
Answer : D

Question. Double circulation can be seen in
(a) turtle
(b) chimpanzee
(c) boa
(d) dog
Answer : B

Question. Pacemaker of the heart is
(a) nervous tissue
(b) situated in the left atrium
(c) muscular tissue
(d) none of the above
Answer : C

Question. Heartbeat depends upon
(a) size of the animal
(b) physical activity
(c) pacemaker
(d) all of the above
Answer : D

Question. Which is/are incorrect?
(a) Right ventricle has the thickest wall.
(b) Left ventricle has the thickest wall.
(c) Valves are located in the left side.
(d) Pacemaker lies in the right side of the heart.
Answer : A

Question. What is correct about pulmonary vein?
(a) It supplies blood to the valves.
(b) It is the longest vein.
(c) It has pure blood that comes from the liver.
(d) It brings pure blood to the left atrium.
Answer : D

Question. When heart contracts to pump blood, the flow has to be unidirectional. This is ensured by
(a) valves
(b) muscles
(c) SA node
(d) pericardium
Answer : A

Question. What is correct about pulmonary artery?
(a) It contains pure blood.
(b) It contains impure blood.
(c) It sends blood to the gills.
(d) It sends blood to the walls of the heart.
Answer : B

Fill in the blanks.

Question. ...... is the reabsorption of water to maintain the balance of water in human body.
Answer : Osmoregulation

Question. Right side of the heart contains ...... blood.
Answer : impure

Question. Heart is situated in the middle of the ...... cavity.
Answer : thoracic

Question. The membrane that surrounds the heart is called ...... .
Answer : pericardial membrane

Question. Cardiac cycle is divided into ...... and ...... phase.
Answer : systolic, diastolic

Question. Crocodiles have ...... heart, but in turtles the heart is ...... .
Answer : four-chambered, transitional

Mark the statements True(T) or false(F).

Question. Arteries are more muscular than veins.
Answer : True

Question. Cardiac muscles are voluntary.
Answer : false

Question. Pericardial fluid is called lymph.
Answer : false

Question. The velocity of blood in veins is greater than that in arteries.
Answer : false

Question. In fish, the heart receives only pure blood.
Answer : false

Question. Bowman’s capsule is the unit of kidney.
Answer : false



1. Pathways of breakdown of glucose


Question. The pathway of respiration common in all living organisms is X; it occurs in the Y and the products formed are two molecules of Z. Identify X, Y and Z.
A. Glycolysis, Mitochondria, Pyruvic acid
B. Glycolysis, Cytoplasm, Pyruvic acid
C. Citric acid cycle, Cytoplasm, Phosphate
D. Kreb’s cycle, Mitochondria, Acetyl CoA
Answer : B

Question. During vigorous physical exercise, lactic acid is formed from glucose inside the muscle cells because
A. there is lack of oxygen
B. there is lack of water
C. there is excess of carbon dioxide
D. none of the above
Answer : A

Question. Type of respiration seen during fermentation
A. Aerobic
B. Anaerobic
C. Reduction
D. Oxidation
Answer : B

Question. End product of Aerobic respiration
B. Oxygen
Answer : D

Question. Amount of energy released is more during
A. Anaerobic respiration
B. Fermentation
C. Aerobic respiration
D. Reduction
Answer : C


Assertion Reason Type Questions

Following questions consists of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
A. Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
B. Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C. Assertion is true but reason is false.
D. Assertion is false and reason is true.

Question. Assertion: Lipase helps in the digestion of proteins.
Reason: Digestion of proteins in small intestine needs basic medium
Answer : D

Question. Assertion: Chyme is the food which enters into the intestine from stomach.
Reason: Chyme is acidic in nature.
Answer : A

Question. Assertion: Aerobic respiration evolves less energy as compared to anaerobic respiration.
Reason: Mitochondria are the power house of the cell.
Answer : D

Question. Assertion: During transpiration the evaporating water carries away heat energy.
Reason: Due to water loss the osmotic pressure inside leaves increases.
Answer : C

Question. Assertion: Herbivores have longer intestine to allow cellulose to get digested.
Reason: Carnivores have shorter intestine to allow meat to get digested.
Answer : B

Question. Assertion: The four chambered heart does not mix oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
Reason: Four chambered heart is found in mammals with advanced body functions.
Answer : B


Class 10 Science Life Process Notes and Questions

Question. Where does blood go from the right ventricle?
Answer : Lungs

Question. How does Hydra throw out excretory matter?
Answer : Hydra excretes through its mouth.

Question. Which part of haemoglobin is excreted with bile?
Answer : The pigment “haem”

Question. What is the function of heart valves?
Answer : Prevention of backflow of blood

Question. Define single heart.
Answer : The heart with two chambers only, one atrium and one ventricle, is called single heart.

Question. What is the process of artificial purification of blood called?
Answer : Haemodialysis

Question: Write the functions of the following in the digestive process:
i. Bile
ii. Bicarbonate secreted by the duodenal wall.
iii. Pancreatic amylase.
Answer : i. Bile: It is secreted by the gall bladder and it emulsifies & it into the smaller droplets for their easy digestion.
ii. It provides alkaline medium in the duodenum which is needed for the action of pancreatic enzymes of different food components for their digestion.
iii. Pancreatic amylase enzyme digests starch and changes it into maltose.

Question:  A certain tissue in a green plant somehow get blocked and the leaves wilted. What was the tissue that got blocked?
Answer : The tissue that got blocked may be xylem. It is through the xylem that water and minerals absorbed by roots from the soil are transported to the leaves and other parts of the plant. So, if xylem is blocked, the leaves will not get the nourishment and will get wilted.

Question: How would it affect the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates if the duodenum of man if there is a blockade in the pancreatic duct?
Answer : Duodenum is the region where the pancreatic juice secreted by the pancreas enters. The enzymes pancreatic amylase and trwsin helps in the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. Thus, if there is a blockade, the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins gets affected.

Question: Name the cartilaginous fap which closes the glottis to check the entry of food into it during swallowing.
Answer : The tissue that got blocked may be xylem. It is through the xylem that water and minerals absorbed by roots from the soil are transported to the leaves and other parts of the plant. So, if xylem is blocked, the leaves will not get the nourishment and will get wilted.

Question: The two openings of the pharynx, one leading to trachea and the other leading to oesophagus, lie very close to each other. Yet food we swallow normally does not enter into our trachea. Why?
Answer : The food does not enter into trachea because during swallowing, the aperture leading to trachea (glottis) gets covered by a cartilaginous fap called epiglottis and the food has no other passage except going into the oesophagus.

Question: How does respiration in plants differ from that in animals?
Answer : In plants, all parts like the root, stem, leaves, etc., perform respiration individually., while in animals, either the general body surface or specific organs like the skin, gills, lungs, etc., are involved in respiration. The rate of respiration is much slower in plants than in animals. Unlike animals, there is little transport of gases from one part of the plant to another.

Question: How does respiration in plants differ from that in animals?
Answer : In plants, all parts like the root, stem, leaves, etc., perform respiration individually., while in animals, either the general body surface or specific organs like the skin, gills, lungs, etc., are involved in respiration. The rate of respiration is much slower in plants than in animals. Unlike animals, there is little transport of gases from one part of the plant to another.

Question: How does respiration in plants differ from that in animals?
Answer : The acid is formed in the mouth after a sugary food (chocolates and sweet) has been taken. This acid lowers the pH in the mouth. Tooth decay starts when the pH of acid formed in the mouth falls below 5.5. This is because then the acid becomes strong enough to attack the enamel of our teeth and corrode it.

Question: Compare the functioning of alveoli in the lungs and nephron in the kidneys with respect to their structure and functioning.
Answer : Comparison between alveoli and nephron:

Question: Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with petroleum jelly. How will it affect the plant? State two reasons.
Answer : The plant will not remain healthy for long due to the following reasons:
1. There will be no transpiration.
2. There will be no exchange of gases which will affect the rate of photosynthesis.

Question: What are the necessary conditions for autotrophic nutrition and what are its by-products.
Answer : Conditions necessary for autotrophic nutrition are:
(i) Light
(ii) Chlorophyll
(iii) Water and
(iv) Carbon dioxide
By-products are:
(i) Oxygen and
(ii) Water

Question: How are the alveoli designed to maximize the exchange of gases?
Answer : The walls of the alveoli is folded and has large surface areas. It contain an extensive network of blood vessels which provide a surface where the exchange of gases can take place.

Question: What would be the consequence of a deficiency of hemoglobin in our bodies?
Answer : Haemoglobin is a pigment present in RBC. It has a high afinity for oxygen. It carries oxygen from lungs to various tissues which are deficient in oxygen. Presence of less hemoglobin will result in less supply of oxygen to tissues. A person having less hemoglobin will get tired soon and will have a pale look.

Question: What are the components of the transport system in human beings? What are the functions of these components?
Answer : The components of human transport system include:
(a) Heart- receives and pumps the blood.
(b)Arteries- carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to various organs.
(c) Veins- Bring back blood to heart.
(d) Capillaries- exchange of various materials and gases between blood and tissues.

Question: How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process take place?
Answer : Digestion of fats takes place in small intestine. Fats entering in intestine are in the form of large globules. Bile juice breaks down these large globules into smaller globules. Afterwards fat digesting enzyme lipase present in pancreatic juice and intestinal juice converts it into fatty acids and glycerol.

Question: How are water and minerals transported in plants?
Answer : Water and minerals are transported in plants through xylem which consists of trachieds and vessels. Water and minerals absorbed by root hairs present in root by osmosis is passed to xylem tissues of root. From root xylem it passes to stem xylem and thus water reaches to leaves.

Question: Write one feature which is common to each of the following pairs of the term/organs.
i) glycogen and starch
ii) chlorophyll and haemoglobin
iii) gills and lungs
iv) arteries and veins.
Answer : i) Carbohydrate (food)
ii) Pigments.
iii) Respiratory organs.
iv) Blood vessels.

Question: What are the components of transport system in highly organized plants?
Answer : The transport system of higher plants consists of xylem and phloem. Xylems have vessels and trachieds to transport water and minerals from root to other part of the plants. Phloem, which consists of sieve tubes and companion cells, transport food from leaves to storage organs and other parts of plant.

Question: What are differences between the transport of materials in xylem and phloem?
Answer : Difference between transport in xylem and phloem:

Question: What are differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Name some organisms that use anaerobic mode of respiration.
Answer : Difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration:
Anaerobic respiration takes place in yeast, some bacteria and some internal parasites like tapeworm.

Class 10 Science Life Process Notes and Questions

Question: Which of the organs perform the following functions in humans?
1. Absorption of food.
2. Absorption of water
Answer : i. Absorption of food takes place in small intestine.
ii. Large intestine

Question: What type of respiration takes place in human muscles during vigorous exercise and why?
Answer : During vigorous exercise, anaerobic respiration takes place in human muscles. During exercise our energy requirement increase, so our striated muscles start respiring anaerobically in the lack of oxygen and producers ATP molecules.

Question: Why the walls of trachea are supported by cartilaginous rings?
Answer : The trachea is supported by cartilaginous rings which prevent the collapsing even when there is not much air in it.

Question: Meat is easier to digest as compared to grass. Why?
Answer : It is easier to digest meat because our digestive juices contain enzymes which can easily digest meat but our body does not digest cellulose which is a main component of grass.

Question: What are the raw materials for photosynthesis?
Answer : Raw materials for photosynthesis are –
1. Carbon – dioxide
2. Water

Question: Describe an experiment to prove that carbon – dioxide is essential for the process of photosynthesis.
Answer : Experiment showing is essential for photosynthesis.1) Take a potted plant with elongated leaves
2) Take an empty bottle and put a little amount of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in it.3) Now cut the cork of the bottle into two parts and place it on one of the leaves of the potted plant in between the two parts of the cork.4) Now put the bottle in the presence of sunlight 72 – 96 hours.5) Now test the leaf for the presence of starch.

Question: Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the oxygen requirements of multicellular organisms like humans?
Answer : As in multicellular organisms, all the cells are not in direct contact with environment, simple diffusion does not meet the requirement of all the body cells.

Question: Name the substrates for the following enzymes
1. trypsin
2. amylase
3. pepsin
4. lipase
Answer : a) Protein
b) Starch
c) Protein
d) Lipids

Question: Why doesn’t the lungs collapse even after forceful expiration?
Answer : Even after forceful expiration to the maximum capacity, some amount of air remains in the lungs, known as residual volume. So, the lungs doesn’t collapse even after forceful expiration.

Question: Describe the structure and functioning of nephron.
Answer : Each nephron is a cluster of very thin-walled blood capillaries. Each capillary cluster in the kidney called glomerulus is associated with the cup shaped Bowman’s capsule that collects the filtered urine. Nephron filters the blood in order to remove nitrogenous waste. They also absorb some useful substance such as glucose, amino acids, minerals and major amount of water from filtrate.

Question: What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive?
Answer : All the living organism must have movement at molecular levels along with respiration and other life process like nutrition, respiration, transportation and excretion to be called alive.

Question: What will happen if carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin?
Answer : If the hemoglobin binds with carbon monoxide strongly, the oxygen will not be carried with blood leading to death of the organism.

Question: “If there were no algae there would be no fish in the sea”. Comment.
Answer : Algae produce 02 as a result of photosynthesis. l’his oxygen is utilized by the fishes in the sea for carrying out respiration. If there were no algae, no oxygen would have been produced. Thus, fishes might have died.

Question: How are the lungs designed in human beings to maximize the area for exchange of gases?
Answer : In lungs, the bronchioles terminate in balloon-like structures called alveoli. The alveoli contain network of blood capillaries that increase the surface area for exchange of gases.

Question: Describe double circulation in human beings. Why is it necessary?
Answer : In mammals and birds the blood goes through the heart twice during each cycle. This is known as double circulation. Deoxygenated blood which enters right auricle and then it enters the right ventricle from where it is pumped to lungs for oxygenation. From lungs after oxygenation it comes to left auricle and then enters left ventricle from where it is pumped to various parts of body. Such system of circulation does not allow mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood which allows efficient supply of oxygen to the body.

Question: What is the advantage of four chambered of heart?
Answer : The right and left parts are separated by a septum to prevent oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from mixing. This fulfills the constant use of energy to maintain their body temperature. Their energy needs are high, which are fulfilled efficiently because of non – mixing of oxygenated & deoxygenated blood.

Question: After a vigorous exercise, you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. Why does this happen?
Answer : The sudden build up of lactic acid in our muscles during vigorous, exercise, causes muscular cramps in our leg muscles. 

Question: Veins and arteries catty blood. Which of these carry blood?
1. Away from the heart?
2. Back to the heart?
Answer : a) Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
b) Veins carry blood back to the heart.

Question: What are the two stages in photosynthesis?
Answer : Two stages in photosynthesis –
a) Light reaction – Light energy breaks up water molecular into hydrogen and oxygen, called photolysis of water
b) Dark reaction – Fixation and conversion of carbon – dioxide (CO ) into a simple carbohydrates glucose. 

Question: State two vital functions of kidney.
Answer : Function of kidney are –
1. It maintains water balance in the body tissues.
2. It controls calcium levels in the blood to maintain healthy bones


Q1 How exchange of gases take place in plants?

Q2 Differentiate between photosynthesis and respiration.

Q3 Explain the mechanism of breathing in human beings.

Q4 How does water rise in tall trees?

Q5 Leaves of a potted plant are coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this plant remain healthy for long? State the 3 reasons for your answer.

Q6 How is prepared food transported to different parts of the plant?

Q7 What is blood? What are the components of blood? Also write the function of each component.

Q8 What are the advantages of having very thin and highly branched capillaries for blood flow?

Q9 What is the difference between the blood flowing in the arteries and that flowing in the veins?

Q10 What is the meaning of the term “Double circulation”?

Q11 What will happen if excess bleeding takes place and what natural device preventing it?

Q12 Correct the false statement

a) The walls of the atrium are thicker than the ventricles

b) The oxygen carrying blood goes into the left auricle

c) Valves open on both the sides.

d) Xylem transports food material.

e) The blood circulation in man is of open type in man

Q13 Differentiate between excretion ands osmoregulation? Describe how excretion takes place in amoeba.


1. Give 5 examples each of physical and chemical changes that take place around us in our day to day life.

2. When a magnesium ribbon is burnt in air, what are the two observations that you make?

3. Write a balanced chemical equation to represent decomposition of lead nitrate on heating. What are brown fumes due to?

4. Make a list of at least 10 cations and 10 anions.

5. Taking help from the list prepared in Q4,, write the chemical formulae of:-

(i) Barium chloride (ii) Sodium Sulphate (iii) Ammonium phosphate (iv) Calcium hydroxide

(v) Aluminium carbonate (vi) Magnesium hydrogen carbonate (vii) Zinc sulphide

(viii) copper (׀) chloride (ix) Potassium Bromide (x) Lead nitrate (xi) Iron ( ׀׀׀) oxide (xii) Sodium Oxide (xiii) Silver sulphide (xiv) Calcium Fluoride

6. Write the following in the form of balanced chemical equations:-

(a) Calcium carbonate decomposes on heating to form calcium oxide and carbon – di – oxide.

(b) When ammonium hydroxide is added to a solvent of iron (ll) Sulphate, a green ppt of iron (ll) hydroxide and ammonium Sulphate are formed.

(c) When a nail of iron is added to a solution of copper Sulphate, iron (ll) Sulphate and copper metal are formed.

(d) Zinc reacts with dil hydrochloric acid to form zinc chloride and hydrogen gas is liberated.

7. A chemical reaction which is both combination as well as exothermic, is used by us for white washing purposes. Write the equation for the same.

8. What is a decomposition reaction? Give 2 examples each of decomposition taking place due to heat, light and electricity.

Q14 What is dialysis? How is it useful?

Q15 What is excretion? How is solid and gaseous waste excreted in humans?

Q16 List the functions of blood. 

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CBSE Class 10 Science Sustainable Management of Natural Resources Worksheet

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CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes Worksheet

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Worksheet for Science CBSE Class 10 Chapter 6 Life Processes

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Chapter 6 Life Processes worksheet Science CBSE Class 10

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Chapter 6 Life Processes CBSE Class 10 Science Worksheet

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