CBSE Class 12 English Vistas On The Face Of It Susan Hill Assignment

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Assignment for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 6 On The Face Of It

Class 12 English students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Vistas Chapter 6 On The Face Of It in Class 12. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 12 English will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Vistas Chapter 6 On The Face Of It Class 12 English Assignment

The Story-line: Derry was a teenager, highly pessimistic and withdrawn from the mainstream society. - He developed this attitude after one side of his face was disfigured by acid. He avoided company of others and remained lonely lest he be noticed by other people. - He believed that no one loved him and his mother loved him because she was supposed to. - Well, Derry cannot be completely blamed for his pessimistic and aggressive attitude towards the world around him. - Once he heard two women commenting about his monstrous appearance. They said only a mother could love a face like his. - On another day Derry heard his parents conversing that he would not survive after their death because he was deformed. - The shock he received from these words was big. - On another occasion Derry heard his relatives saying that his being put in the hospital where he had been treated after the accident was good for him. In their opinion a deformed boy like Derry could accommodate himself with other deformed boys and girls. - Derry had his ears always open for such comments and used to respond to them in his silent way. - He concluded that the world altogether didn’t need a boy like him. - One day Derry accidently met a man called Mr. Lamb. - Mr. Lamb was an old man with a lame leg. After he became lame, Mr. Lamb began to develop a positive attitude with his deformity. - He worked hard to defeat this impairment and learnt to walk and climb ladders. - He was happy to be alive and ignored his lameness. - He made everyone his friend and had a house with no curtains and open doors. He welcomed anyone who came to him. - While Mr. Lamb took his impairment as a challenge and tried to overcome it, Derry believed that he was unwanted and lost. - His pain was physical and mental. Being a child he was not as strong as Mr. Lamb about suffering. - He couldn’t take the sneering and sympathizing world as taken by Mr. Lamb. - Mr. Lamb was able to sit smart and unaffected as long as he wore trousers and sat but Derry had no way to hide his face. - After meeting Mr. Lamb Derry realized how foolish he had been to believe his parents. - For him Lamb was a man who opened the doors of his closed world in an hour’s time the same of which were shut on him by his parents and therefore believed that his company with Lamb would make him a perfect person. - At the end Derry goes back to his house where his mother cross questioned him. She had instructed him not to step out of the house. - Derry tried to convince his mother that Mr. Lamb was an extremely good man but she was not ready to listen. - Ignoring his mother’s thoughtless restrictions, Derry left his home and ran to Mr. Lamb’s garden. - On reaching, Derry found a motionless Mr. Lamb fallen from the ladder. - He had fallen while pulling the crab apples down from the tree.

Justification of the Title:
According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, “On the Face of it” is an informal expression used to say that something seems to be good, true etc. An individual may be quite different from what we think of him or what he or she may apparently appear to be at first glance. There is the imperative need for us to view others by removing our glasses of prejudice, hatred, hearsay and dislike. On the face of it, Mr. Lamb appears to be mysterious, lonely, lame old fellow who lives in a neighborhood house with a huge garden, but in
reality he is very kind, generous, loving and altruistic. Similarly, although Derek has an ugly looking scary face, he is a fine lad of fourteen with a deep longing for love. There is nothing wrong with Mr. Lamb and Derek. What is wrong is the way people in their lives and around them view and treat them. On the face of it, there is so much of diversity, so many differences and divisions between the people and other species of the world but underneath is a oneness, a sameness – all of them are created by God and all of them need to live and grow together with love and mutual acceptance. As the play progresses the characters’ views about each other and our impression of them changes for the better. Thus, Susan Hill has quite appropriately entitled her play “On the Face of It”.

Theme: People who suffer from disabilities must always look at the bright side of things and adapt reality of life bravely. At the same time the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person. The disabled needs support and acceptance and not our pity. The title ‘On the Face of it’ is used to mean that something seems to be good, true etc. but that needs to be changed when you know more about it. Appearances are deceptive and most often, we go on dealing with impressions and prejudices about others without caring to know about them actually. People know Mr. Lamb as a lonely eccentric lame old man but in reality he is a very kind and generous man who longs for company and he loves his fellow human beings along with all the other creations of God. Similarly Derek appears to be an abominable ugly boy with a huge scar on his face whom no one loves or likes or befriends.
He is the object of other people’s hateful stares ridicules and neglect. Even his mother does not dare to kiss him on the cheek with the scar. Yet this boy who is suffering from an acute inferiority complex has a tender and sensitive heart. He wants to love and be loved. Fortunately he meets Mr. Lamb who transforms him with his healing touch.

The story is about a teenage boy, Derry, who has a burnt side of face. Mr. Lamb who is a disabled old man with an artificial leg, his leg has been blown in an explosion, It is made of tin. Derry enters his garden to see who lives inside and what is there inside it. Mr. Lamb not only welcomes him in his garden but also encourages him to lead a normal life, leaving behind his past. The people who are physically disabled should not be isolated we should help them fight loneliness and disappointment.


❑ Mr. Lamb Welcomes Derry
– in his garden in spite of jumping over the wall
– tries to make him comfortable
– tells him to pick crab apples
– talks to him, without considering his disability
– Derry thinks, pretending not to be afraid of his burnt face
– tells usually people afraid of his face
– Mr. Lamb asks but doesn’t probe
– tells Derry that he has a tin leg
❑ Mr. Lamb’s advice to Derry
– tells that in Nature shapes differ but quality is the same – no difference among the plants whether they are weeds, flowers and others all grow
– inside is important than outside
– accept yourself, not to fear others’ comments.
– calling Lamey-Lamb not bother him
– not to keep thinking of these things
– life offers many more things
– isolation not good
– inspires to look at thing positively
❑ Derry’s reaction to Mr. Lamb’s advice
– initially, very suspicious of Mr. Lamb
– never had anybody to talk to and understand
– not believe that he does not find him ugly
– later, fascinated by Mr. Lamb’s talk
– motivated and drawn towards him
❑ Mr. Lamb
– an old man with a tin leg
– lives alone, lonely
– found ways to overcome his loneliness
– keeps his gate open
– never curtains his windows
– imagines kids and people walking all over
– spends time listening to the bees
– has a positive approach to life
❑ Derry’s Transformation
– had bitter experience in the world
– tells Mr. Lamb about sarcastic comments about his looks
– Even his mother kisses on the other side of face
– not trust people and ignore their comments about his face
– sad that he will have only half a face
– Mr. Lamb’s meeting changes his outlook towards life
– talks to Mr. Lamb about his likes, dislikes and fears
– wants to be loved and appreciated
– wants to break free from the stigma of being disabled
– his going back to Mr. Lamb’s garden shows his changing personality.

Short Answer Questions:

Question. Who is Derry?
What self-opinion does he hold?
Answer: Derek, also called Derry was a young boy of 14. He was a quiet, shy and defiant boy. One side of his face was totally burnt by acid. He was a victim of an inferiority complex.

Question. Mr. Lamb says to Derry; ‘it’s all relative, beauty and the beast’, what essentially does he mean by that?
Answer: Mr. Lamb means to say that different people have different view pints to look at the same thing. Some find one thing beautiful, others find it ugly. It all depends on outlook and attitude. It is, therefore, important to adopt a positive attitude towards everything just like the Princess Beauty who loved the monstrous Beast in the fairy tale. The point is that what you look like, but what you are inside.

Question. What does Derry know about the fairy tale ‘Beauty and the Beast’? Why is he not convinced by its moral?
Answer: Derry had heard the tale; Beauty liked the monstrous Beast; when she kissed he turned into a handsome prince; moral was not how you look outside but how you look inside is important; Derry was not convinced as even if someone kissed he would never change and his mother always kissed him only on the other cheek.

Question. Mr. Lamb has successfully learned to cope with his loneliness. How?
Answer: He kept himself busy by gardening, rearing bees, making apple jam etc. Also, he kept the windows and doors open, to welcome all.

Question. What did Derry’s mothers think of Mr. Lamb?
Why did Derry’s mother stop him, going to Mr. Lamb? Derry’s mother does not hold a good opinion about
Answer: Mr. Lamb. She had heard many things about the old man, therefore stops Derry to visit Mr. Lamb. 

Question. How does Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry?
Answer: Mr. Lamb influences Derry – his optimistic philosophy – advised him not to give attention to other’s comments – try to be internally pure and strong – eliminate the negativity of life.

Question. Comment on the moral value of the play?
Answer: The moral of the play is very loud and clear. The physically disabled should focus on the brighter side of life and not to brood over the shortcomings. The society should accept them as they are and expand their social interactions .In this way they can fight out the loneliness, depression and disappointment.

Question. “It’s got nothing to do with my face and what I look like.” What attitudinal change do Derry’s words to his mother indicate?
Answer: Derry’s attitude is now positive & he looks forward to a better life, no longer hiding from others.

Long answer questions:

Question. How did Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry become a turning point in Derry’s life? 
Answer: Both Lamb and Derry handicapped, – Derry in the beginning withdrawn and defiant, – couldn’t stand people staring at him – Lamb open-minded and generous. - – kept garden gate open and welcomed all, – had a positive attitude, taught Derry not to indulge in self-pity/love life, – taught him the ways of dealing with people – Derry confessed to his mother that Lamb talked of things that nobody had ever talked of – things that gave him an optimistic outlook. – Even defied his mother. – Derry’s return to Lamb’s garden shows his appreciation for Lamb/ restored confidence.

Question. How did Mr. Lamb try to give courage and confidence to Derry?
Answer: Welcomed him and accepted him as he was. Told him its important to see how you are on the inside than how you look on the outside One cannot go through life being scared and alienated. Shouldn’t brood over limitations but count on his blessings-he had brain, legs, tongue, arms and thus was totally functional-this was a blessing. Enjoy simple
joys of everyday living with people around and nature, ignoring the unpleasant-see beauty in bees buzzing or humming-weeds growing-flowers blooming. One’s attitude matters. Individuals make a difference to the problem. Extended unconditional love, inspired him with love for life and instilled confidence in him to look at life in an optimistic way. Embrace his burnt face and rise above it.

Question. The lesson, ‘On The Face of It’, is an apt depiction of the loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by people on account of a disability. Explain. 
Answer: Loneliness and sense of alienation experienced by Derry and Mr Lamb, - Derry: – loner / pessimistic / suffered from severe negative complexes / anger and frustration / withdrawn and introverted / low confidence / indulged in self-pity, / suspicious of the intent of others (any two). Mr Lamb:- – inwardly – lonely, craved for company and acceptance, – outwardly – jovial, optimistic, lover of nature, social, outgoing, tolerant (didn’t mind children calling him Lamey Lamb or picking the Crab apples) – helpful, sensitive, independent

Question. Mr. Lamb inspite of his bravado is a lonely man. Comment.
Answer: He lived alone in a huge house with a sprawling garden, - He left his gate open, hoping that people would just walk in, - He pretends to have hundreds of friends but in reality has none, - Welcomes Derry in his garden and keeps him engaged in conversation, He puts Derry’s fears to rest, - Doesn’t curtain his windows as he doesn’t want to be shut away from the world, - The open window gives him the feeling of space and part of the world, - When he narrates his routine to Derry he creates an image of the house being full of people, - He visualizes people walking and sitting in front of fire sharing food and time, - In the end he says “they never come back.” Indicating the sadness he feels on alienation, - One almost can see through his bravado of being very busy with lots of friends.

Question. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behavior that the person expects from others?
Answer: Actual pain or inconvenience caused by physical impairment is often less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities, - – Physical disabilities caused pain once in life time like during war when Mr. Lamb got hurt and sometimes when its rainy, - – But after it this physical disability – set chain for other actions – caused mental agony – called Lamely lamb, mothers were afraid of sending the children because of his tin leg, - -Derry –burnt face –everyone pities him-only a mother could love that face, - -Both Mr. Lamb and Derry have been the victims of verbal atrocities, - -Mr. Lamb takes comments lightly, - -But Derry does not have the attitude like Mr. Lamb – Attitude of the people needs to be changed, - –Do not want sympathy but accept them as they are, -Wounds get healed –but bitter comments never forgotten leaves a scar.

Question. “Acid…ate my face up. It ate me up.” Describe the miseries suffered by Derry after the unfortunate incident he refers to.
Answer: Ignored by others or has to face curious looks, glances and questions, feels awkward and abnormal, sense of isolation, unkind comments, over-protective attitude of mother, no true friends.

Question. Various factors can lead to psychological changes in one’s personality. Discuss with reference to Derry’s experiences in On the face of it.
Answer: Burn scars and unkind attitude of others make him negative, encouraging, positive and kind attitude of Mr. Lamb changes his attitude.

Question.Explain: “Derry is a victim of his own complex.” How does there come a change in his thinking?
Answer: Derry is a young boy of fourteen years. One side of his face is badly burnt due to falling of the acid. He thinks it ‘the ugliest thing’ in the world. When he sees his face in the mirror, he gets afraid of himself. He has heard ladies saying ‘What a terrible face!’ None will like him. He becomes dejected, withdrawn and defiant. He is unable to face the world. He avoids the general public. All these facts turn Derry a victim of his own inferiority complex and negative attitude. By chance he sneaks into the garden of Mr. Lamb thinking it to be a secluded place. But Mr. Lamb interrupts him and tells that his door is always open. People can come and he has got so many friends. Consequently a surge of relief starts flowing in the mind of Derry. He is drawn towards him. Mr. Lamb tells that children tease and call him ‘Lamey Lamb’ but he never minds. He plays with them and gives them toffees. His viewpoint brings a great change in Derry. He becomes free from inferiority complex and decides to face the realities of life.

Question. Both Mr. Lamb and Derry represent two serious aspects of life, though their origin can be called the same. Explain the statement.
Answer: Both Mr. Lamb & Derry are physically handicapped – but have a different perspective on life – Derry an escapist – intentionally distances himself from people – likes solitude – considers his burnt face as the ugliest thing – believes none even his mother will never love him. On the other hand Mr. Lamb – an open hearted & broad minded – does not let his disability affect his life – being an optimistic – takes life as it comes, enjoys sitting in the sun – reading books – growing flower & weeds – with
his positivism enlightens Derry who then follows his foot step.

Question. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr Lamb in spite of himself?
Answer: Derry’s meeting with Mr Lamb –chance – pain of having a burnt face is expressed in this meeting- Mr Lamb convinces him through his conversation that beauty is relative- explains that the world is as one looks at it- Mr Lamb advises him to listen to nature- also tells him that hating people will burn him more than acid itselfone had to watch, listen and think to notice the difference- all these things attract Derry to Mr Lamb- decides to go back and inform his mother that he would continue living with him- has learnt to look at the brighter side of things.

Question. In which section of the play does Mr Lamb display signs of loneliness and disappointment? What are the ways in which Mr Lamb tries to overcome these feelings?
Answer: Mr Lamb’s leg –blown off years back-kids called him Lamey-Lamb – there are various indicators that reveal his loneliness- spends his time listening, watching and thinking- tells Derry that he has lots of friends- Derry understands that he was lying- refuses to tell the names of his friends- when Derry speaks of going homebecomes apprehensive that he would never come back- not fond of curtains because it shuts off the people and the world from him- likes to keep the windows open- to hear the wind- tries to overcome his loneliness by enticing people into his garden- keeping the gate open.

Question. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often less that the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behaviour that the person expects from others?
Answer: People who are physically challenged- expect more acceptance and no ostracism- they have to be accepted as contributing citizens- issues of physical accessibility are just the tip of the iceberg- Derek in the play suffers because of the pain caused by people rejecting him on account of his face- suffers pangs of alienation within his family- the words of compassion that he hears- not genuine- even his mother kisses him on the other cheek- these people need to be given time and space to overcome their handicaps and live life to the fullest- Mr Lamb in the play has overcome this and is able to even influence Derry to look at life optimistically.

Question. Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr Lamb’s brief association effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in the future?
Answer: Although Derek stay with Mr Lamb for a brief period of time- association leaves an indelible print on his mind- attitude towards life is totally changed- from a shy, bitter and complex-torn lad he has been transformed into a mature and confident individual- already started considering Mr Lamb as his guide- and even explain to his mother-“You shouldn’t believe all that you hear”-doesn’t care about how he looks likethis transformation effected by Mr Lamb is there to stay in his life- negativity now is a matter of the pasttrains himself to be immune to what others have to say or feel about himself- will lead a wonderful life in the future.

Question. Mr. Lamb is a man of numerous positive qualities. Mention the qualities which make him overlook the deformity of Derek? Why do you think he changes the topic when Derek talks about his ugliness?
Answer: So far Derek always stared at – conscious of his deformity – Mr. Lamb – talks – views him from a totally different angle – sympathetic, understanding, compassion, a considerate attitude and positivity - didn’t attach any importance to the outburst of Derek about his handicap - knew - he was drowned in self pity and self rejection - paying undue attention to his deformity - Mr Lamb didn’t want Derek to dwell unduly on the issue of his ugly looks - so changed the topic the moment the boy started elaborating it - also wanted to impress upon Derek that in order to lead a healthy life one must accept one’s lot - Life accords us so many bounties which merit appreciation - mentions healthy and ripe apples and jelly he was going to make out of them was an indirect reflection on the sweetness that life is full of that is available - his indifference to Derek’s outburst indirectly aimed at helping him learn the lesson of positivity in life.


Question. Why does Mr Lamb invite Derry to give him a hand?
(a) To make jelly
(b) To pick apples
(c) Since September is the best time of the year
(d) Since Mr Lamb is lame

Answer: B

Question. Why is Derry drawn towards Mr Lamb?
(a) Lamb‘s physical disability
(b) Lamb‘s pessimistic approach
(c) Lamb‘s positive attitude
(d) Lamb‘s sympathy

Answer: C

Question. Why did Derry laugh after listening to the story of a man who locked himself in a room?
(a) Others laughed at him
(b) slipped over a banana peel
(c) bus ran over him
(d) picture fell on his head

Answer: D

Question. Assertion (A) Mr Lamb grows weeds in one part of his garden.
Reason (R) There is nothing God made that doesn‘t interest Mr Lamb.
(a) A is true but R is false
(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is false but R is true
(d) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation for A

Answer: D

Question. Classify (1) to (4) as Fact (F) or Opinion (O), based on your reading of On The Face Of It.
(1) Mr Lamb lives in a house without curtains
(2) Beast should never change into a handsome prince.
(3) One side of Lamb‘s face got burned
(4) It‟s bound to make you feel bad things....and say them.
(a) F – 1 & 3 ; O - 2 & 4
(b) F - 1, 2, 3; O - 4
(c) F - 2; O - 1, 3 & 4
(d) F- 3 & 4; O - 1 & 2

Answer: A

Question. Why doesn‘t Mr Lamb use curtains at the windows?
(a) To hear rain on the roof
(b) To not to shut things in and shut things out
(c) To not to let boys steal apple
(d) All of these.

Answer: B

Question. How can Mr Lamb hide his handicap?
(a) By locking himself up
(b) By gaining confidence
(c) By wearing trousers
(d) By not talking to people

Answer: C

Extract Based Questions:

1. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Everyone is. It doesn‟t matter who they are, or what they say, or how they look. How they pretend. I know. I can see.

Question. What do others think when they see his face?
(a) That‘s a terrible thing
(b) That‘s the ugliest thing
(c) They feel sorry for the boy
(d) All of these

Answer: D

Question. Who does 'I‘ refer to?
(a) Lamb
(b) Susan Hill
(c) Derry
(d) Derry’s mother

Answer: C

Question. Why does Derry say that everyone is afraid of him?
(a) He is short tempered
(b) He is reserved
(c) He hates others
(d) His face is ugly because of the scar

Answer: D

Question. What is it that he can see?
(a) What others think
(b) What others read
(c) What others see
(d) What others feel

Answer: A

II. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
‘’Everyone is. It doesn’t matter who they are, or what they say, or how they look. How they pretend. I know. I can see.’’

Question. Why should they pretend?
Answer: To hide their shock

Question. Who is 'I‘?
Answer: Derry/ Derek/ boy with half burnt face.

Question. What do they pretend?
Answer: Pretend that they are not afraid.

Question. Who are they?
Answer: People around him/ people who see/meet him.

III. "And no one’ll kiss me, ever. Only my mother, and she kisses me on the other side of my face, and I don’t like my mother to kiss me, she does it because she has to. Why should I
like that? I don’t care if nobody ever kisses me.”

Question. Why is he not happy when his mother kisses him?
Answer: Derry feels that his mother kisses him because she is bound to show her love/console him and not because she is ready to accept him with a half-burnt face/ Mother
does so out of helplessness, forced to make her son at ease.

Question. Identify the work and the author.
Answer: On The Face Of It by Susan Hill.

Question. Who is the speaker?
Answer: Derry/Derek

Question. Why does his mother kiss on the other side of his face?
Answer: To avoid the acid burnt side

Important Questions NCERT Class 12 English Vistas "On the Face of It"

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question. Why does Derry ask Mr Lamb to put on trousers?
Answer: To hide his tin leg. To escape.

Question. I want the world....I want it....I want it... What does Derry do to not to lose the world?
Answer: became confident, wants to face the world having a whole face. By going to Mr Lamb‘s garden.

Question. Why does Derry say that people are afraid of him?
Answer: Lack of confidence, half burned face, people either stare/pretend.

Question. Mr Lamb is leading a lonely life despite his attempts to overcome his loneliness. How do we know about his loneliness?
Answer: Lonely for he has no friends. Does not expect even Derry‘s return.

Question. Mr Lamb has allowed weeds to grow in his garden. Why?
Answer: Appreciates life. Perspective/attitude matters. Not prejudiced.

Question. It‟s bound to make you feel bad things....and say them. I don‟t blame you. When and why does the mother say so?
Answer: Derry insists on visiting Mr Lamb, half burned face, mother feels that to be the reason.

Question. Why does Derry not like being near people?
Answer: Half burned face, people staring at him, talking about his appearance, avoids people to escape.

Question. How did the man who locked himself up meet his end?
Answer: Man so scared, wanted to protect his life but died for a picture fell on his head.

Question. Why does Derry weep after he reaches the garden?‘
Answer: Reached garden to be with Mr Lamb. To prove to the old man that he can do it.
But Mr Lamb is no more.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question. If you were to give a different ending to the story, “On The Face of It” how would you end it?
The play is quite sad and open ended. According to me, the play should have ended on a positive note, giving the reader a sense of hope. I feel, even if Mr. Lamb dies in the end, Derry would show some positive changes in his character. He would not remain his old withdrawn and defiant self. Instead, he would become as cheerful, open and friendly as Mr. Lamb.

Question. Why did Derry insist that he would go back to Mr. Lamb?
Derry insisted that he would go back to Mr. Lamb because it was for the first time that Derry felt comfortable and happy in someone’s presence. That someone was Mr. Lamb. While Derry was jovial with Mr. Lamb, Derry completely forgot about his burnt face. He felt that he too could live an independent life for he had all his faculty intact. Therefore, even though his mother forbade him from meeting Mr. Lamb, Derry insisted on going; he did not want to lose his new found companion.

Question. What change took place in Derry when he met Mr. Lamb?
Derry a young boy, angry withdrawn and defiant. One side of his face was burnt because of which he lacked self-confidence. He was lonely because he had no friends. People either feared him, found him disgusting to look at, treated him with pity or made fun of him. Derry had alienated himself from the society completely. One day, Derry sneaked into Mr. Lamb’s garden and it became a turning point in his life.

One of Mr. Lamb’s leg was made out of tin. Due to his physical impairment, he could not move around much. As a result, Mr. Lamb too was isolated from the rest; children called him lamey- Lamb. However, it did not affect him. Instead, he always kept the gates of his garden open.

Seeing Derry suffer so much at such a young age Mr. Lamb struck up a conversation with him, spending time with Mr. Lamb made Derry look at the world and love and admire everything he saw and heard. Mr. Lamb encouraged Derry to make friends and not be bothered by their comments. He told the boy not to hate people.

Mr. Lamb’s life and attitude inspired Derry quite a lot. In spite of his handicap, Mr. Lamb lived an independent and happy life seeing his positive approach to life, Derry decides to get rid of the habit of self-pity and face the world boldly with his newly gained self-confidence.

Question. How did Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry become a turning point in Derry’s life?
Answer: Derry is a withdrawn and defiant boy. He does not like to be around people because they look at his face and pass uncharitable remarks. Once, one side of his face got burnt by acid, which left a scar on his face. This created a complex in his mind. He thinks that people are afraid of him. Mr. Lamb is a physically challenged man, one of whose leg is made of tin.

Mr. Lamb is a complete contrast to Derry when it comes to his attitude and outlook towards life. He is an optimist who does not allow trivial teasing and name calling do not bother him. In fact, he likes having company. Mr. Lamb is not repulsed by Derry’s scarred face. Neither he is angry nor put off by the boy’s rudeness. Instead, Mr. Lamb understands Derry’s anguish and tries to make him realise that being handicapped is not a drawback. His meeting with Mr. Lamb becomes a turning point in Derry’s life because Derry is ready to overcome his obstacles and face the world. He finds courage and strength to get what he wants.

Question. In what sense is the friendship between Mr. Lamb and Derry fruitful?
Mr. Lamb helped Derry overcome his sense of inferiority. He advised him not to pay too much attention to what others thought about him; to celebrate life and its wonders. Mr. Lamb brought about a positive change in Derry’s attitude.

Question. Both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. It is the responsibilityof society to understand and support people with infirmities so that they do not suffer from a sense of alienation. As a responsible citizen, write in about 100 words what you would do to bring about a change in the lives of such people.
In the story, both Derry and Lamb are physically impaired and lonely. To bring about a change in the lives of such people, as a responsible citizen, I shall treat them with respect and honour and not punish them with heartless ridicule and pity. People like Derry and Mr. Lamb expect empathy, rather than sympathy from others. Therefore, instead of looking down upon them with a pessimistic approach, I shall be supportive and considerate. They must be treated as equals. That is why I shall encourage them to take part in all activities. They deserve to study in regular educational institutions and get regular jobs. Therefore, advocation of this idea is very important. Only proper awareness and empowerment can make the world view them as equals and at same time make the ‘differently abled’ people feel socially accepted.


• The play depicts beautifully yet grimly the sad world of the physically impaired.
• It is not the actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment that trouble a disabled man but the attitude of the people around him.
• Two physically impaired people, Mr. Lamb with a tin leg and Derry with a burnt face, strike a band of friendship.
• Derry is described as a young boy shy, withdrawn and defiant.
• People tell him inspiring stories to console him, no one will ever kiss him except his mother that too on the other side of his face
• Mentions about a woman telling that only a mother can love such a face.
• Mr. Lamb revives the almost dead feelings of Derry towards life.
• He motivates him to think positively about life, changes his mind set about people and things.
• How a man locked himself as he was scared-a picture fell off the wall and got killed.
• Everything appears to be the same but is different- Ex. of bees. And weeds · The gate of the garden is always open.
• Derry is inspired and promises to come back.
• Derry's mother stops him but he is adamant saying if he does not go now it would be never.
• When he comes back he sees lamb lying on the ground
• It is ironical that when he searches a new foothold to live happily, he finds Mr. Lamb dead.
• In this way the play depicts the heart rendering life of physically disabled people with their loneliness, aloofness and alienation.
• But at the same time it is almost a true account of the people who don't let a person live happily.


Question. Who is Derry? What self-opinion does he hold?
Answer: Derek, also called Derry was a young boy of 14. He was a quiet, shy and defiant boy. One side of his face was totally burnt by acid. He was a victim of inferiority complex.

Question. How does Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry?
Answer: Mr. Lamb influences Derry by his optimistic philosophy. He advised him not to give attention on other's comments, try to be internally pure and strong and eliminate the negativity of life.

Question. What did Derry's mothers think of Mr. Lamb?
Why did Derry's mother stop him, going to Mr. Lamb?
Answer: Derry's mother does not hold a good opinion about Mr. Lamb. She has heard many things about the old man, therefore stops Derry to visit Mr. Lamb.

Question. Why does Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end?
Answer: Actually Mr. Lamb has taught Derry, the most important lesson of life. He advises him not to care about the comments made by others. He now no longer cares about his burned face or looks. He is more concerned what he thinks and feels what he wants to hear and see. He knows if does not go back, he will never go back. Therefore he returns back.

Question. Comment on the moral value of the play?
Answer: The moral of the play is very loud and clear. The physically disabled should focus on the brighter side of life and not to brood over the shortcomings. The society should accept them as they are and expand their social interactions .in this way they can fight out the loneliness, depression and disappointment.

Question. Mr. Lamb says to Derry; 'it's all relative, beauty and the beast', what essentially does he mean by that?
Answer: Mr. Lamb tells Derry that it all depends upon people's individual perceptions. A thing is a beauty for one while that beauty may be a beast for others.


Question. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behavior that the person expects from others?
Actual pain or inconvenience caused by physical impairment is often less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities - Physical disabilities - caused pain once in life time - But after it this physical disability - set chain for other actions - caused mental agony ' -called Lamely lamb, mothers were afraid of sending the children because of his tin leg. -Derry -burnt face -everyone pities him-only a mother could love that face -Both Mr. Lamb and Derry have been the victims of verbal atrocities ' -Mr. Lamb takes comments lightly - -But Derry does not have the attitude like Mr. Lamb ' -Attitude of the people needs to be changed -Do not want sympathy but accept them as they are -Wounds get healed -but bitter comments never forgotten leaves a scar.

Question- What was common in Derry and Mr. Lamb?
(a) vision impairment
(b) physical impairment
(c) war
(d) none

Answer : B

Question- Why did Mr. Lamb help Derry?
(a) because both were victims of war
(b) both were sad
(c) both were victims of physical impairment
(d) because he wanted Derry to change his view of life.

Answer : D

Question- Who is Derry?
(a) Derek- a boy of 14 and has acid burnt on his face
(b) a small boy
(c) a boy
(d) a young boy

Answer : A

Question- What unites Mr. Lamb and Derry?
(a) their age
(b) their woes
(c) their life stories
(d) their physical impairment

Answer : D

Question- How does Mr. Lamb keep himself busy?
(a) by reading books
(b) by chatting with people
(c) by pulling down the ripe crab apples of his garden
(d) all of the above

Answer : D

Question- Why did Derry go to Mr. Lamb's garden?
(a) to steal apples
(b) to speak to Mr. Lamb
(c) to help the old man
(d) to feel that place

Answer : D

Question- How did Derry enter the garden?
(a) from the front gate
(b) from the side gate
(c) from back gate
(d) by climbing the garden wall

Answer : D

Question- Who has written the lesson ‘On The Face Of It’?
(a) Susan Hill
(b) William Sydney
(c) Salman Rushdie
(d) Chetan Bhagat

Answer : A

Question- What is this play featuring?
(a) an old man and a small boy meeting in old man's garden
(b) gossip of old man
(c) old man's woes
(d) brave acts of a small boy

Answer : A 

Question- Who is Mr. Lamb?
(a) a young man
(b) a middle aged man
(c) an old man
(d) a priest

Answer : C

Question- Why did Mr. Lamb keep the door of his garden open?
(a) to keep an eye over his garden
(b) to be safe
(c) to chat with the people and the children who come there to take fruit
(d) none

Answer : C

Question- Why did children call Mr. Lamb Lamey Lamb?
(a) because he stopped them from taking apples
(b) he spoke rudely
(c) they didn't like him
(d) because of his broken leg in a bomb explosion

Answer : D


THEME: This play highlights the discrimination faced by the people who suffer from some handicap.


CBSE Class 12 English On the face of it Susan Hill Assignment

Lamb inspires Derry

Teaches him:
*watching, listening &thinking
*shows him positive side of life.
* life cannot be lived in fear-narrates the story of a man who feared death-but died when a painting fell off the wall in the house &killed him.

Derry inspired:
*despite his mother's protests -returns to Lamb
*Lamb has a fall-dies.
*Derry is inspired to live life to the full.

Q1 .Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words:

(i) How did Mr. Lamb get one of his legs blown off? What do children call him?

Value points: Mr. Lamb's leg was blown off by a bomb. The children call him "Lamey- Lamb."

(ii) Why does Derry say, "People are afraid of me"?

(iii) How does Mr. Lamb spend his time?

(iv) Why is Derry withdrawn and defiant?

(v) What changes comes in Derry at the end of the play?

Important Questions NCERT Class 12 English Vistas "On the Face of It"

Question. How does Mr. Lamb keep himself busy when it is a bit cool?
Answer : When it is a bit cool, Mr. Lamb likes to keep himself busy by breaking crab apples and making jelly from them. He enjoys the humming of bees in his garden while he sat in the sun reading books.

Question. How did Derry’s handicap damage his life?
Answer : Fourteen years old Derry had half a burnt face, which resulted in poor self image. He became conscious of people’s stares and their comments hurt him. This made him avoid people. Eventually, he become introvert. Thus, Derry’s handicap damaged his life.

Question. Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Comment.
Answer : Mr. Lamb and Derry have different sorts of physical disability. While Mr. Lamb has a tin leg, one side of Derry’s face was burnt by acid and now is scarred. Both Derry and Mr. Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Both suffer alienation from the society. Derry feels that he is feared rather than accepted by the society because of his scarred face. Mr. Lamb also has to face name calling-‘Lamey-Lamb’ although it does not bother him much. Loneliness has caused constant pain for both Derry and Mr. Lamb. They both crave for friends, but neither of them have it. However, while his isolation makes Derry a bitter person, Mr. Lamb has a positive outlook and believes that being a handicap is not a drawback. Both expect that the society would neither treat them differently, as freaks, nor with pity. They want to be treated with empathy as equals.

Question. How did Mr. Lamb try to give courage and confidence to Derry?
Answer : When Mr. Lamb found Derry in his garden, he did not make him go away. Instead, Mr. Lamb welcomed Derry in a cheerful way accepting him as he was. Although Derry behaved rudely with him, he remained calm and cordial as if Derry’s bad temper and defiance did not bother him at all. Derry was always angry and bitter because one side of his face was burnt. His face seemed to scare everybody. He withdrew himself from the society because of which he lacked courage and self confidence. Mr. Lamb’s behaviour towards Derry was completely different from others. He told Derry that it’s important to see how one is inside than how one looks on the outside. He inspired Derry with love for life and told him one cannot go through life being scared and alienated. Mr. Lamb asked Derry to enjoy simple joys of everyday living with people around and nature, ignoring the unpleasant. He initiated courage and confidence in Derry by telling him not to brood over limitations but count his blessings.

Question. What is the bond that unites the two- the old Mr. Lamb and Derry, the small boy? How does the old man inspire the small boy?
Answer : Mr. Lamb turned Derry into a confident boy from a complex one. Both were physically handicapped but with different perspectives towards life. In the beginning Derry was a defiant and withdrawn boy who hated meeting people.
Their stares, jibes and pity made him frustrated. He suffered a lot due to his burnt face and had a pessimistic approach to life. Mr. Lamb transformed his vision of life and suggested to live it on his own terms. Mr. Lamb discussed his own situation with Derry to make him understand that he should be open-minded. He told him that God has made all the things and one should not keep oneself in a room forever. He also kept his garden gate open and welcomed all.
Moreover, Derry could open up the layers of his heart and complexes in front of Mr. Lamb, which unburdened his heart. He got a new ray of hope in his life. He also taught Derry to use whatever God had given to him. The lesson of Mr. Lamb could not be ignored by Derry. He was disheartened to find about his death.
To meet Mr. Lamb, defying his mother and his return to Lamb’s garden shows his appreciation for living life as shown by Lamb. He learnt the lesson of optimism.

Question. Why did Mr. Lamb help Derry?
Answer : Mr. Lamb helped Derry because he too was handicapped, therefore he understood how Derry felt. Also, he was concerned about Derry’s negative attitude towards life. Mr. Lamb wanted to save the little boy from the habit of self-pitying.

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CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 6 On The Face Of It Assignment

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