Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 9 Biology Diversity In Living Organisms Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 9 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organism in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 9 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 9 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 9 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organism
Class 9 Science students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf for Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organism in Class 9. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 9 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 9 Science Worksheet for Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organism
Question. What are autotrophic bacteria? Give an example for autotrophic bacteria.
Ans : The bacteria which synthesize their own food from inorganic substances are called autotrophic bacteria.
Example : Nostoc, Anabaena.
Question. What are heterocysts?
Ans : The colourless specialized cells of nostoc filament meant for fixing atmospheric nitrogen are called heterocysts.
Question. What are chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria?
Ans : The bacteria which oxidize inorganic substances like nitrate, nitrities and ammonia to release energy in the form of ATP are called chemosynthetic bacteria.
Question. What are mycoplasmas?
Ans : The smallest living organisms without cell walls and survive without oxygen are called mycoplasmas.
Question. What are planktons?
Ans : The microscopic organisms which floats on water are called planktons.
Question. Name the chemical component of cell wall of Diatoms.
Ans : Chitin.
Question. What are euglenoids?
Ans : The fresh water organisms found in stagnant water with protein rich particle in their cell wall are called euglenoids.
Question. What are plasmodium?
Ans : Aggregation of slime moulds under suitable conditions are called plasmodium, which may grow and spread over several feet. During unfavorable conditions they differentiate and follows fruiting bodies.
Question. Name parasitic protozoa.
Ans : Entamoeba, Plasmodium (Malarial parasite).
Question. Name the disease caused by Trypanosoma.
Ans : Sleeping sickness.
Question. What are the characteristic features of mammals?
Ans : Characteristic features of mammals :
(a) Body is covered with hair.
(b) Skin is provided with sweat and sebaceous glands.
(c) Heart is four-chambered.
(d) Fertilization is internal.
(e) Females have mammary glands to produce milk to nourish their young ones.
(f) External ear–pinna present.
(g) Eyes have eye lids.
(h) Warm-blooded.
(i) Respiration through lungs.
Question. What is the importance of heterotrophic bacteria?
Ans :
(1) Conversion of milk to curd.
(2) Antibiotic productions.
(3) N2 fixation in leguminous roots.
(4) Act as pathogen, causing diseases like cholera, typhoid, tetanus.
(5) Damage corps (citrus canker disease)
(6) Act as ‘Scavengers of nature’ by decomposing dead and decaying organic matter.
Question. Name the 2 methods of protistan’s reproduction.
Ans : (1) Asexual reproduction (cell fusion),
(2) Sexual reproduction (zygote formation).
Question. What are prokaryotes? Give one example for prokaryote.
Ans : The organisms which do not have well organized nucleus in their cell are called prokaryotes. Organisms containing incipient nucleus (Nucleoid) in their cells are called prokaryotes. Example : Bacteria, Nostoc (cyano bacteria/ B.G. Algae)
Question. Give one example for ciliated protozoans.
Ans : Paramecium.
Question. Which one is called malarial parasite?
Ans : Plasmodium.
Question. Name the disease caused by plasmodium.
Ans : Malaria.
Question. Which fungi act as a source of antibiotics?
Ans : Penicillium.
Question. What are saprophytic fungi?
Ans : The heterotrophic fungi which absorb soluble organic matter from dead substrates are called saprophytes.
Question. How are pores or holes all over the body of Porifera important?
Ans : The pores present all over the body of the organisms lead to a canal system that helps in circulating water throughout the body to bring in food and oxygen.
Question. If you are provided seeds of gram, wheat, rice, pumpkin, maize and pea. Classify these as Monocots/ Dicots.
Ans : Monocots : Wheat, Rice, Maize. Dicots : Gram, Pumpkin, Pea.
Question. What are hermaphrodites? Give two examples.
Ans : Hermaphrodites are the organisms that have both the sexes. Thus, it can produce both sperms and eggs and called hermaphrodites. Example : Sponges, earthworms.
Question. Give general characteristics of Porifera.
Ans :
(a) Animals with pores all over the body.
(b) Body is not well differentiated.
(c) Non-motile animals remain attached to solid support.
(d) Body is covered with hard outer skeleton. Example : Sponges.
Question. Give the characteristics of Arthropoda with 2 examples.
Ans :
(a) Arthropoda means jointed legs.
(b) Animals are bilaterally symmetrical and segmented.
(c) It has an open circulatory system.
(d) This is the largest group of animals.
Examples : Spider, scorpions, crabs, house flies.
Question. Give the characteristics of Ayes.
Ans : (a) Aves/birds can fly.
(b) Streamlined body.
(c) Hollow and light bones.
(d) Forelimbs are modified into wings.
(e) Warm-blooded animals, heart with four chambers.
(f) Egg laying animals.
(g) Beak present, teeth are absent.
Question. Write briefly about lichens.
Ans :
(1) Lichens are symbiotic close association of two different organisms such as algae and fungi.
(2) Algal component of lichen known as phycobiont which is photosynthetic in nature.
(3) Fungal component of living form is known as mycobiont which is non-photosynthetic, but helps in absorption of minerals, nutrients and water.
(4) Lichens are very good pollution indicator as they do not grow in polluted areas.
Question. Define species.
Ans : Species are organisms within genus with slight difference from other and capable of breeding and perpetuate.
Question. What is symbiotic relationship?
Ans : It is a relationship between two organisms in which both of them are benefitted, e.g., fungi gets food from blue-green algae and in return blue-green gets shelter (lichens).
Question. What is saprophytic nutrition?
Ans : The organisms that use dead and decaying organic matter as mode of nutrition is known as saprophytic nutrition.
Question. Name the plant amphibian.
Ans : Bryophyta, e.g. funaria.
Question. What are cryptogamae?
Ans : The plants with hidden reproductive organs are called cryptogamae, e.g., fern.
Question. Which divisions of the plant kingdom are called cryptogams? Why are they called so?
Ans : Thallophyta, Bryophyta and Pteridophyta divisions of plant kingdom are called cryptogamae. All these divisions have hidden reproductive organs.
Question. What are angiosperms?
Ans : Angiosperms are the group of plants with covered seeds. These are flowering plants.
Question. What is the meaning of triploblastic?
Ans : Animals which have three layers of cells : ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm from which differentiated tissues can be made, e.g. tapeworm.
Question. What is bilateral symmetry?
Ans : Anything is said to have bilateral symmetry if its body have same design in left and right halves of the body.
Question. What do you mean by “cold-blooded animals”?
Ans : Cold-blooded animals are the animals that show the variation in their body temperature according to the surroundings, e.g., fish, amphibians, reptiles.
Question. Name a fish with skeleton made up of cartilage.
Ans : Shark.
Question. What is taxonomy?
Ans : The systematic study of identification, classification and naming of oraganisms is called taxonomy.
Question. Name the 2 kingdoms of classification?
Ans : (1) Plantae or Metaphyta
(2) Animalia or Metazoa
Question. What are Eukaryotes? Give an example of Eukaryotes?
Ans : Organisms which have well organized nuclei (True nucleus) are called Eukaryotes.
Example : Amoeba, mango, Man.
Question. What are multicellular organisms? Give an example for multi cellular organisms.
Ans : Organisms whose body is made up of many numbers of cells are called multicellular organisms.
Example : Spirogyra, Mango, Man.
Question. Who proposed five kingdom classification?
Ans : R.H. Whittaker (1969).
Question. What are Monerans?
Ans : Prokaryotic celled, unicellular and Autotrophic organisms.
Question. Name the kingdom which includes Bacteria.
Ans : Kingdom Monera.
Question. What is diatomaceous earth?
Answer : Accumulation of cell wall deposition of dead diatoms.
Question. Which are chief producer of oceans?
Answer : Diatoms.
Question. Write the characteristic features of the kingdom – protista.
Answer :
(1) All protists are single celled eukaryotes.
(2) It includes plant protist (photosynthetic protozoans) and animal protists.
(3) Protist members are primarily agnatic in nature and some are Parasitic.
(4) The kingdom protista links with other plants, fungi and animals.
(5) Same protistans members have flagella or cilia as locomotory organs.
(6) Protists reproduce asexually by binary fission and sexually by aprocose involving cell fusion and Zygote formation
Question. Give the characteristics of amphibians.
Answer : Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in water.
(a) They are cold-blooded.
(b) Heart is three-chambered.
(c) Fertilization is external.
(d) Respiration through lungs on land and through moist skin when in water. Examples : Frog, Toads.
Question. Write the two characteristic features of kingdom protista?
Answer : (1) All are single celled eukaryotes.
(2) It includes plant protists (photosynthetic protozoan) and animal protozoan’s (protista).
(3) Some prostistan members have flagella or cilia as locomotary organs.
(4) Protists reproduce asexually by binary fission and sexually by a process involving cell fission and zygote formation.
Question. Why do most of the amphibians lay their eggs in water while reptiles lay their eggs on land?
Answer : Amphibians lay their eggs in water because the young ones have gills in initial stages of hatching out of egg by that they can breathe in water. But in case ofreptiles the young ones’ need warmth in initial stages of hatching out of egg so the reptiles lay their eggs on land.
Question. What are the characteristic features of reptiles?
Answer : The characteristics of reptiles :
(a) Dry scaly, impermeable skin.
(b) Respiration through lungs.
(c) Cold-blooded
(d) Internal fertilization.
(e) Heart is three chambered.
(f) Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs are present.
Question. Which is the locomotory organ of paramecium or ciliated protozoans.
Answer : Cilia.
Question. Give one example for sporozoan.
Answer : Plasmodium.
Question. What are the conventions followed for writing the scientific names?
Answer : The conventions followed while writing the scientific names are :
1. The name of the genus begins with a capital letter.
2. The name of the species begins with a small letter.
3. When printed, the scientific name is given in italic.
4. When written by hand, the genus name and the species name have to be underlined separately.
(b) Phylum—Arthropoda
(c) Phylum—Platyhelmithes
(d) Phylum—Aschelminthes
(e) Phylum—Mollusca
(f) Phylum—Echinodermata
Question. Identify the phylum for the following characteristics given :
(a) Organisms with joint appendages.
(b) Organisms are generally flatworms.
(c) Body is segmented.
(d) Skin of organisms is full of spikes.
Answer : (a) Arthropoda
(b) Platyhelminthes
(c) Annelida
(d) Echinodermata.
Question: What are parasitic fungi?
Answer : The heterotrophic fungi which absorb food from living plants and animals are called parasitic fungi.
Question: What are symbionts?
Answer : The association of 2 organisms in which both the organisms are mutually benefited are called symbionts.
Example : Fungi with algae as lichens.
Question: Give an example for euglenoids.
Answer : Euglena (photosynthetic protozoan).
Question: What are slime moulds?
Answer : Saprophytic protists are called slime moulds.
Question: Name the kingdom which includes single celled eukaryotes.
Answer : Kingdom Protista.
Question: Why bryophytes and pteriodophytes grow in moist and shady places?
Answer : Bryophytes and pteriodophytes need water for their reproduction. Because reproduction in these organisms can take place when water helps in carrying male gamete to female gamete.
Question: Name the writer who wrote the book “The Origin of Species”.
Answer : Charles Darwin wrote the book “The Origin of Species” in 1859.
Question: Give examples of the organism belonging to Monera and Protista kingdom.
Answer : Monera — Anabaena, blue-green algae.
Protista — Euglena, Paramecium, Amoeba.
Question:Give examples of pteridophyte.
Answer : Marsilea and fern.
Question: Write the name of three mammals that live in water.
Answer : Whale, platypus and dolphins.
Question: Write the salient features of protozoans.
Answer :
(1) All protozoans are eukaryotic, microscopic, unicellular.
(2) They are heterotrophic, live as predators or parasites (plasmodium and Trypanosoma).
(3) They are believed to be primitive relatives of animals.
(4) Protozoans are grouped into four major groups, such as :
(p) Amoeboid protozoans
(q) Flagellated protozoans
(r) Ciliated protozoans
(s) Sporozoans
Question: What is the importance of classification?
Answer : Classification is important because :
(a) Classification makes the study of wide variety of organisms systematic and easier.
(b) It projects a picture of all organisms and their interrelation with each other.
(c) It provides a base for the study of other branches of biology.
(d) It is useful in the study of ecology, which deals with the inter-relation of an organism with their environment.
(e) It helps to establish a hierarchy of groups of organisms.
Question: What are parasites? Name two protozisum parasites you have studied.
Answer : The organisms which depend on the other host organism for their requirement of food are called parasites.
Examples : (1) Plasmodium, (2) Trypanosoma.
Question: Give the characteristics of mammals.
Answer :
(a) Mammals are warm-blooded animals.
(b) Four-chambered heart.
(c) Mammary glands for production of milk to nourish their younger one.
(d) Skin has hairs, sweat glands and oil glands.
(e) Most of them produce their young ones (viviparous).
Question: Give the characteristics of Protista.
Answer : (a) Organisms are unicellular and eukaryotic.
(b) Locomotion is possible by using parts like cilia, flagella, etc.
(c) Nutrition is either autotrophic or heterotrophic.
(d) E.g., algae, protozoa.
Question. Why should we keep fruits and vegetables in refrigerator?
Answer : To prevent food from getting bad due to bacterial or fungal infections.
Question: Name the cell wall component of fungi.
Answer : Chitin and polysaccharides.
Question: Give an example for flagellated protozoans.
Answer : Trypanosoma, Euglena.
Question: Name parasitic flagellated protozoan.
Answer : Trypanosoma
Question: Name the kingdom which includes monerans.
Answer : Kingdom Monera.
Question: Give an example for kingdom Monera.
Answer : Bacteria, Nostoc, Mycoplasma.
Question: What are unicellular organisms? Give an example for unicellular organisms?
Answer : One celled or Single celled organisms are called unicellular organisms.
Example : Chlamydomonas, Amoeba, Euglena.
Question: What is evolution?
Answer : Evolution is the change in heritance characteristics of organism over generations.
Question: Who made 1st attempt for scientific basis of classification?
Answer : Aristotle.
Question: On what morphological criteria Aristotle classified the plants?
Answer : Based on the morphological nature of the stem.
Question. What is biodiversity?
Answer : Various types of living organism found in a particular region is called biodiversity.
Question:Name the reproductive organ of plants.
Answer : Flower.
Question: What are gymnosperms?
Answer : Gynosperms are the group of plants that bear naked seeds, e.g., pines, deodar.
Question: What are cotyledons?
Answer : Plant embryos in seeds have structures called cotyledons. Cotyledens are also known as seed leaves.
Question: Name the five kingdoms of living organisms?
Answer :
(1) Kingdom — Monera,
(2) Kingdom — Protista,
(3) Kingdom — Fungi (mycota),
(4) Kingdom — Plantae (metaphyta),
(5) Kingdom — Animalia (metazoan).
Question: Define radial symmetry.
Answer : When any plane axis passing through the central axis of the body divides the animal into two halves that are mirror image, is called radial symmetry. For example : sponges, starfish.
Question: Give example of two fish which have skeleton made up of both bone and cartilage.
Answer : Tuna and rohu.
Question: What is biological classification?
Answer : Grouping of organisms based on similarities and dissimilarities is called biological classification.
Question: What are heterotrophic bacteria?
Answer : The bacteria which do not synthesize their own food but depend on other organisms or dead organic matter are called heterotrophic bacteria.
Question: Due to global warming coral is getting diminished in all the oceans/ water bodies. People in Lakshadweep island protects their corals by not allowing people/ tourist to take few pieces away.
(a) Name the phylum of coral.
(b) What is coral made up of?
(c) What values of people in Lakshadweep island is reflected?
Answer :
(a) Phylum of coral is coelenterata.
(b) Coral is made up of calcium carbonate.
(c) People in Lakshadweep island reflect the value of being responsible (Citizen, respecting environment and nature).
Question: What are cyano bacteria?
Answer : Bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis
(Q.1) Classification according to habitat was done by:
(A) Darwin
(B) Aristotle
(C) Linnaeus
(D) Haeckel
(Q.2) ‘The Origin of Species’ was written by:
(A) Linnaeus
(B) Whittaker
(C) Parasara
(D) Darwin
(Q.3) Diversity of life forms is:
(A) Biology
(B) Ecology
(C) Biodiversity
(D) Botany
(Q.4) Five kingdom classification was proposed by:
(A) Woese
(B) Haeckel
(C) Darwin
(Q.5) The highest taxon in the hierarchy of classification is:
(A) Kingdom
(B) Class
(C) Phylum
(D) Genus
(Q.6) Mycoplasma belongs to:
(A) Protista
(B) Monera
(C) Thallophyta
(D) Nematoda
(Q.7) Unicellular eukaryotic organisms belongs to this group:
(A) Monera
(B) Plantae
(C) Protista
(D) Animalia
(Q.8) Symbiotic relationship is seen in:
(A) Lichens
(B) Yeast
(C) Mushroom
(D) Rusts
(Q.9) Predominantly aquatic plant forms are seen in:
(A) Bryophyta
(B) Pteridophyta
(C) Thallophyta
(D) Gymnosperms
(Q.10) Amphibians of the plant kingdom are:
(A) Angiosperms
(B) Bryophytes
(C) Gymnosperms
(D) Pteridophytes
(Q.11) Marsilea and Horse-tails belong to:
(A) Thallophyta
(B) Angiosperms
(C) Pteridophyta
(D) Bryophyta
(Q.12) Naked seeds, Perennial, Evergreen,Woody plants are characteristic features of:
(A) Gymnosperms
(B) Bryophyta
(C) Angiosperms
(D) Pteridophyta
(Q.13) ‘Seed leaves’ are:
(A) Perisperm
(B) Endosperm
(C) Radicle
(D) Cotyledons
(Q.14) Canal system is seen in:
(A) Cnidaria
(B) Annelida
(C) Porifera
(D) Arthropoda
(Q.15) Dorsiventrally flat bodies is a feature of:
(A) Arthropoda
(B) Platyhelminthes
(C) Nematoda
(D) Annelida
(Q.16) Elephantiasis is caused by:
(A) Ascaris
(B) Tapeworm
(C) Liverfluke
(Q.17) The largest group of animals is seen in:
(A) Porifera
(B) Annelida
(C) Arthropoda
(D) Nematoda
(Q.18) Calcium carbonate structures form the skeleton of:
(A) Platyhelminthes
(B) Echinodermata
(C) Protochordata
(D) Nematods
(Q.20) Cartilaginous skeleton is seen in:
(A) Tuna
(B) Sharks
(C) Mandarin fish
(D) Flying fish
(Q.21) Mucus glands in the skin and three chambered heart are seen in:
(A) Reptilia
(B) Aves
(C) Pisces
(D) Amphibia
(Q.22) The reptile with a four chambered heart is:
(A) Crocodile
(B) Turtle
(C) Lizards
(D) Snakes
(Q.23) The organ modified for flight in birds is:
(A) Hindlimbs
(B) Neck
(C) Forelimbs
(D) Fingers
(Q.24) Brood pouch is present in:
(A) Male hippocampus
(B) Female hippocampus
(C) Anabes
(D) Exocoetus
(Q.25) Egg laying mammals are:
(A) Kangaroo and Bat
(B) Echidna and Platypus
(C) Echidna and Rat
(D) Platypus and Whales
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CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organism Worksheet
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Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organism CBSE Class 9 Science Worksheet
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