CBSE Class 11 Biology Animal Kingdom Worksheet Set A

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Biology Animal Kingdom Worksheet Set A. Download printable Biology Class 11 Worksheets in pdf format, CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Worksheet has been prepared as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Also download free pdf Biology Class 11 Assignments and practice them daily to get better marks in tests and exams for Class 11. Free chapter wise worksheets with answers have been designed by Class 11 teachers as per latest examination pattern

Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Biology Worksheet for Class 11

Class 11 Biology students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf in Class 11. This test paper with questions and solutions for Class 11 Biology will be very useful for tests and exams and help you to score better marks

Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Worksheet Pdf

Animal Kingdom


Question. Which one of the following statements is not correct? 
(a) All echinoderms are viviparous.
(b) Roundworm has no circulatory system.
(c) In bony fishes, swim bladder is usually present.
(d) In cartilaginous fishes, fertilization is internal.
Answer. A 

Question. Which are exclusively viviparous ?
(a) Bony fishes
(b) Cartilagenous fishes
(c) Sharks
(d) Whales
Answer. D

Question. Ticks and mites are actually
(a) arachnids
(b) crustaceans
(c) insects
(d) myriapods
Answer.  A

Question. "Portuguese man of war" is 
(a) Soldier of world war I
(b) Portuguese soldier
(c) A sponge
(d) A polymorphic, colonial, coelenterata
Answer. D

Question. Chloragogen cells of earthworm are similar to which organ of vertebrates ? 
(a) Liver
(b) Lung
(c) Kidney
(d) Spleen
Answer. A

Question. Haemocoel is found in
(a) Hydra and Aurelia
(b) Taenia and Ascaris
(c) Cockroach and Pila
(d) Herdmania and Balanoglossus
Answer. C

Question. Organisms, attached to substratum generally possess 
(a) radial symmetry
(b) asymmetrical body
(c) single opening of digestive canal
(d) cilia to create water current
Answer. A

Question. Hydra recognizes its prey by 
(a) nematocyst
(b) special organ
(c) chemical stimulus
(d) mechanical stimulus
Answer. C

Question. The long bones are hollow and connected by air passage. They are characteristic of
(a) aves
(b) mammalia
(c) reptilia
(d) sponges
Answer. A

Question. Life cycle of Taenia is 
(a) monogenetic
(b) digenetic
(c) polygenetic
(d) hexogenetic
Answer. B

Question. Pigment haemocyanin is found in
(a) chordata
(b) annelida
(c) porifera
(d) mollusca
Answer. D

Question. Which of the following statement is true regarding corals ?
(a) Form branch colonies.
(b) Solitary or colonial.
(c) Grow as massive bodies.
(d) All of the above
Answer. B

Question. Weberian ossicles are found in 
(a) frog
(b) snakes
(c) fishes
(d) birds
Answer. C

Question. The vertebrae in birds are mostly 
(a) procoelous
(b) heterocoelous
(c) amphicoelous
(d) acoelous
Answer. B

Question. Basket star belongs to class
(a) Ophiuroidea
(b) Echinoidea
(c) Crinoidea
(d) Asteroidea
Answer. A

Question. The egg case in female cockroach is formed by secretion of 
(a) collaterial gland
(b) mushroom gland
(c) conglobate gland
(d) prothoracic gland
Answer. A

Question. Power of regeneration in sponges is due to
(a) theocytes
(b) archaeocytes
(c) amoebocytes
(d) sclerocytes
Answer. B

Question. The poisonous fluid present in nematocyst of Hydra is
(a) toxin
(b) venom
(c) hematin
(d) hypnotoxin
Answer. D

Question. Antedon belongs to which of the following class? 
(a) Asteroidea
(b) Ophiuroidea
(c) Crinoidea
(d) Echinoidea
Answer. C

Question. Scales in Chondrichthyes are
(a) placoid
(b) ctenoid
(c) cycloid
(d) all of these
Answer. A

Question. Which of the following snake is not poisonous?
(a) Naja- Naja
(b) Python
(c) Hydrophis
(d) Bungarus
Answer. B

Question. Birds are
(a) cold blooded
(b) homeothermal
(c) poikilothermal
(d) homeopoiesis
Answer. B

Question. Which of the following substances is at its lowest level in fish food ? 
(a) Actin
(b) Myosin
(c) Cholesterol
(d) Tissue fluid
Answer. C

Question. How many ovaries are found in birds ?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Many
Answer. A

Question. Sponges capture food with the help of
(a) pinacocytes
(b) choanocytes
(c) trophocytes
(d) theocytes
Answer. B

Question. The places of first, second and third moulting of Ascaris larva are
(a) soil, alveoli, lung
(b) liver, soil, stomach
(c) soil, lung, liver
(d) soil, intestine, lung
Answer. A

Question. What is left, when bath sponges dries up?
(a) Spicules
(b) Hold fast
(c) Spongin fibres
(d) Tentacles
Answer. C

Question. Hydra receives impulses and stimuli through 
(a) nerve cells
(b) sensory cells
(c) neuron cell
(d) nematocysts
Answer. B

Question. Just as Xenopsylla is a Yersenia pestis, so is
(a) Glossina palpalis to Wuchereria bancrofti
(b) Culex to Plasmodium falciparum
(c) Homo sapiens to Taenia solium
(d) Phlebotomus to Leishmania donovani
Answer. D

Question. Which of the following feature is common to leech, cockroach and scorpion? 
(a) Nephridia
(b) Ventral nerve cord
(c) Cephalization
(d) Antennae
Answer. B

Question. All mammals without any exception are characterized by 
(a) viviparity and biconcave red blood cells.
(b) extra-abdominal testes and a fourchambered heart.
(c) heterodont teeth and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
(d) a muscular diaphragm and milk producing glands.
Answer. D

Question.Which of the following does not come under the class mammals? 
(a) Flying fox
(b) Hedgehog
(c) Manatee
(d) Lamprey
Answer. D

Question. Which one feature is common to leech,cockroach and scorpion?
(a) Nephridia
(b) Ventral nerve cord
(c) Cephalization
(d) Antennae
Answer. A

Question. Based on cellular mechanisms there are two major types of regeneration found in the animals.Which one of the following is the correct example of the type mentioned?
(a) Morphallaxis - Regeneration of two transversely cut equal pieces of a Hydra into two small hydras
(b) Epimorphosis - Replacement of old and dead erythrocytes by the new ones.
(c) Morphallaxis - Healing up of a wound in the skin.
(d) Epimorphosis - Regeneration of crushed and filtered out pieces of a Planaria into as many new Planarians.
Answer. A

Question. Which statement best explains why invertebrates regenerate lost tissue more readily than most vertebrates do?
(a) Invertebrates contain specialized cells that produce the hormones necessary for this process.
(b) Invertebrate cells exhibit a higher degree of uncontrolled cell division than vertebrate cells do.
(c) Invertebrate animals reproduce asexually, but vertebrate animals reproduce sexually.
(d) Invertebrate animals have more undifferentiated cells than vertebrate animals have.
Answer. D

Question. Given are the four matches of phyla with their characteristic cells
A. Coelenterata - Nematocytes
B. Porifera - Choanocytes
C. Ctenophora - Solenocytes
D. Platyhelminthes - Nephrocytes
Mark the option that has both correct matches
(a) A and B
(b) B and C
(c) C and D
(d) B and D
Answer. A

Question. Cockroaches are brown or black bodied animals that are included in class _______ of phylum _______. 
(a) Reptilia; Annelida
(b) Insecta; Arthropoda
(c) Insecta; Annelida
(d) Reptilia; Arthropoda
Answer. B

CBSE Class 11 Biology Animal Kingdom

The above diagram shows the germs layer. The animals having structures shown in the figures A and B are respectively called
(a) Diploblastic, Triploblastic
(b) Triploblastic, Diploblastic
(c) Diploblastic, Diploblastic
(d) Triploblastic, Triploblastic
Answer. A

Question. Column-I contains organisms and column-II contains their excretory structures. Choose the correct match form the options given below.
Column- I                 Column -II
(Organism)            (Excretory structures)
A. Cockroach          I. Nephridia
B. Cat fish             II. Malpighian tubules
C. Earthworm        III. Kidneys
D. Balanoglossus    IV. Flame cells
E. Flatworm            V. Proboscis gland
(a) A – I; B – III; C – II; D – IV; E – V
(b) A – III; B – I; C – II; D – V; E – IV
(c) A – II; B – I; C – III; D – V; E – IV
(d) A – II; B – III; C – I; D – V; E – IV
Answer. D

Question. In which one of the following the genus name, its two characters and phylum are not correctly matched ?
CBSE Class 11 Biology Animal Kingdom
Answer. A


Directions : Each of these questions contains an Assertion followed by Reason. Read them carefully and answer the question on the basis of following options. You have to select the one that best describes the two statements.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.

Question. Assertion : Sponges have body organization of "cellular level".
Reason : There is some physiological division of labour. 
Answer. B

Question. Assertion : Acraniata is a group of organisms which do not have distinct cranium.
Reason : It includes small marine forms without head.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion : Sponges belong to Porifera.
Reason : Sponges have canal system.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion : The duck-billed Platypus and the spiny ant-eater, both are egg-laying animals yet they are grouped under mammals.
Reason : Both of them have seven cervical vertebrae and 12 pairs of cranial nerves.
Answer. B

Question. Assertion : Typhlosole increases the effective area of absorption in the intestine.
Reason : Typhlosole, present in the intestine, is the characteristic feature of cockroach.
Answer. D

Question. Assertion : Ambulacral system plays a major role in locomotion of echinoderm.
Reason : Hydraulic pressure of fluid and contraction of muscle of tube feet make possible movement of echinoderm.
Answer. A

Very Short Answer
Question. Why sponges are asymmetrical? 
Answer. Sponges are asymmetrical because they have no front or back, and no right or left side.
Question. Define metamerism? 
Answer. Metamerism is the phenomenon of having a linear series of body segments fundamentally similar in structure
Question. How many subphyla in phylum chordata? 
Answer. Phylum chordate is divided into three subphyla are urochrodata, cephalochordate and vertebrata.
Question. What is an animal organ system? 
Answer. Animal organs are usually composed of more than one cell type.
Question. What is tympanum?
Answer. Tympanum is a hearing organ or gland or the eardrum.
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CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Worksheet

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Worksheet for Biology CBSE Class 11 Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom

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Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom worksheet Biology CBSE Class 11

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Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom CBSE Class 11 Biology Worksheet

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