CBSE Class 12 English HOTs The Enemy

Please refer to CBSE Class 12 English HOTs The Enemy. Download HOTS questions and answers for Class 12 English. Read CBSE Class 12 English HOTs for Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy below and download in pdf. High Order Thinking Skills questions come in exams for English in Class 12 and if prepared properly can help you to score more marks. You can refer to more chapter wise Class 12 English HOTS Questions with solutions and also get latest topic wise important study material as per NCERT book for Class 12 English and all other subjects for free on Studiestoday designed as per latest CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and pattern for Class 12

Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy Class 12 English HOTS

Class 12 English students should refer to the following high order thinking skills questions with answers for Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy in Class 12. These HOTS questions with answers for Class 12 English will come in exams and help you to score good marks

HOTS Questions Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy Class 12 English with Answers

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. ‘‘Who is that?’’ Hana cried. She dropped Sadao’s arm and they both leaned over the railing of the veranda. Now they saw him again. The man was on his hands and knees crawling. Then they saw him fall on his face and lie there.

Question. Why did Hana cry?
(i) she saw a creature coming towards her
(ii) she saw waves rising high
(iii) she was frightened to see an animal
(iv) she was shocked to see an injured man
Answer. D

Question. Identify the figure of speech in the statement
“Those islands yonder, they are the steppingstones to the future of Japan.”
(i) simile
(ii) metaphor
(iii) hyperbole
(iv) irony
Answer. D

Question. How was the man moving?
(i) he was moving with difficulty
(ii) he was crawling
(iii) he was moving with pain
(iv) all of these
Answer. D

Question. What happened to the man?
(i) he ran away through the sea
(ii) he fell down lying flat on his face
(iii) he stood up perfectly fine
(iv) he attacked Dr. Sadao
Answer. B

2. “A white man!” Hana whispered.
Yes, it was a white man. The wet cap fell away and there was his wet yellow hair, long, as though for many weeks it had not been cut and upon his young and tortured face was a rough yellow beard. He was unconscious and knew nothing that they did for him.

Question. What did Dr. Sadao and Hana meant by ‘white man’?
(i) the man whose face appeared white due to sand
(ii) an American
(iii) a man having white disease
(iv) a man wearing white dress
Answer. B

Question. Hana’s remark “A white man!” on seeing the white man indicated what she was feeling. Pick the option that correctly states her feelings.
1. Horror
2. Shock
3. Unfamiliarity
4. Annoyance
(i) 1 and 2
(ii) 2 and 3
(iii) 2 and 4
(iv) 1 and 4
Answer. A

Question. How did the white man’s face appear?
(i) young
(ii) tortured
(iii) fresh
(iv) both (i) and (ii)
Answer. D

Question. Why didn’t the man know the presence of Dr. Sadao and Hana?
(i) as he was sleeping
(ii) as he was unconscious
(iii) as he was pretending to be unconscious
(iv) Dr. Sadao and Hana were facing his back
Answer. B

3. Now Sadao remembered the wound and with his expert fingers he began to search for it. Blood flowed freshly at his touch. On the right side of his lower back Sadao saw that a gun wound had been reopened. The flesh was blackened with powder. Sometime, not many days ago, the man had been shot and had not been tended. It was bad chance that the rock had struck the wound.

Question. Who was wounded?
(i) Sadao
(ii) Hana
(iii) soldier
(iv) Yumi
Answer. C

Question. Which word best suits ‘trained’ in the extract?
(i) touch
(ii) tended
(iii) expat
(iv) expert
Answer. D

Question. What kind of wound the man had?
(i) it was a knife stab
(ii) it was an injury
(iii) it was a gun shot
(iv) it was due to spikes on rocks
Answer. C

Question. How old was the wound?
(i) few days old
(ii) a month old
(iii) a week old
(iv) many days old
Answer. A

4. ‘‘Oh, how he is bleeding!’’ Hana whispered again in a solemn voice. The mists screened them now completely and at this time of day no one came by. The fishermen had gone home and even the chance beachcombers would have considered the day at an end.

Question. ‘Hana whispered again in a solemn voice’, what does this indicate?
(i) fright
(ii) serious concern
(iii) indifference
(iv) none of these
Answer. B

Question. What kind of weather it was?
(i) there was snowfall
(ii) there was heavy mist
(iii) there was low mist
(iv) It was raining
Answer. B

Question. How many people were there at the beach that time?
(i) one (Hana)
(ii) two (Hana and Dr. Sadao)
(iii) three (Hana, Dr. Sadao and soldier)
(iv) four (Hana, Dr. Sadao, maid and soldier)
Answer. C

Question. Who are beachcombers?
(i) people who wander near beach for enjoyment
(ii) people who makes a living by searching beaches for articles
(iii) people who comes to beaches for fishing
(iv) people who clean the beaches of dirt and filth
Answer. B

5. The man moaned with pain in his stupor but he did not awaken. “The best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea,” Sadao said, answering himself. Now that the bleeding was stopped for the moment he stood up and dusted the sand from his hands. “Yes, undoubtedly that would be best,” Hana said steadily. But she continued to stare down at the motionless man. “If we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if we turned him over as a prisoner, he would certainly die,” Sadao said. “The kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea,” Hana said. But neither of them moved. They were staring with curious repulsion upon the inert figure.

Question. In which of the following options can the underlined words NOT be replaced with ‘stupor’?
(i) She hung up the phone feeling as though she had woken up from a slumber.
(ii) The manager complained about the employee’s sluggishness.
(iii) He seemed to be in a trance when the doctor called upon him last week.
(iv) Seeing him in a daze, the lawyer decided not to place him in the witness box.
Answer. B

Question. Pick the option that best describes Sadao and Hana in the passage.
(i) Sadao: scrupulous Hana: wary
(ii) Sadao: daring Hana: prudent
(iii) Sadao: prudent Hana: suspicious
(iv) Sadao: wary Hana: daring
Answer. C

Question. Pick the idiom that best describes the situation in which Sadao and Hana were in.
(i) to be like a fish out of water
(ii) like water off a duck’s back
(iii) to be dead in the water
(iv) to be in hot water
Answer. D

Question. Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
Statement 1: Sadao and Hana cared about the soldier but were worried about the consequences of being considerate.
Statement 2: Sadao and Hana wanted to shirk their responsibilities of looking after an injured soldier, who could be an American.
(i) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.
(ii) Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is true.
(iii) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.
(iv) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are false.
Answer. A

Question. Who is the author of the lesson ‘The Enemy’?
(a) Pearl S. Buck
(b) Dickens
(c) D.H. Lawrence
(d) None of these
Answer. A

Question. Who was Dr. Sadao?
(a) An Iranian doctor
(b) An American doctor
(c) A Japanese doctor
(d) None of these
Answer. C

Question. Where did Dr. Sadao find American soldier?
(a) in the park
(b) in the battlefield
(c) outside his house
(d) None of these
Answer. C

Question. Why did Dr. Sadao treat the soldier when he was from enemy’s nationality?
(a) He was a doctor
(b) It was against his professional ethics
(c) As a doctor he could not let anyone die
(d) All of the above
Answer. D

Question. What was the name of the American soldier?
(a) Tom
(b) Harry
(c) Sadao
(d) Hamel
Answer. A

Question. How did Hana help Dr. Sadao?
(a) by assisting him
(b) by giving him money
(c) by giving him tools
(d) by working as a nurse
Answer. D

Question. Why did Dr. Sadao become irritatable and impatient with his patient?
(a) because of his inability to leave the white man to help his distressed wife
(b) because of many patients
(c) because of General’s pressure
(d) All of the above
Answer. A

Question. Why did Doctor’s wife feel distressed?
(a) Seeing many patients
(b) Seeing General’s reaction
(c) Seeing the orders
(d) Seeing Whiteman’s blood
Answer. D

Question. What was Hana’s reaction over her husband’s words?
(a) she vomited outside the operation room
(b) she shouted
(c) she cried
(d) she stopped helping him
Answer. A

Short / Long Answer Questions

Question. How does the writer indicate that Dr.Sadao’s father was a very traditional and conventional man?
Answer : 
Dr. Sadao’s father wanted his son to marry a girl who had been pure in her race. Dr. Sadao and Hana had fallen in love in America but their marriage was arranged by Dr. Sadao’s father in the traditional Japanese way only after he had approved of Hana.

Question. On the seventh day after the American soldier was found by Dr. Sadao two things happened. Why did Hana feel scared of the second?
Answer : On the s seventh day after the American Soldier was found by Dr. Sadao, two things happened.
First, all the household servants quit their job and second, General’s messenger in official uniform came to meet Sadao.
Hana felt scared of the uniformed messenger because she thought he had come to arrest Dr. Sadao.
Question. Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad along with the troops?
Answer : Dr. Sadao was an eminent surgeon and a scientist. He was perfecting a discovery, which would render wounds entirely clean. Moreover, the old General was being treated medically for a condition for which he might need an operation. This is why Dr. Sadao was not sent abroad with the troops.
Question. Why did Sadao help the American soldier to escape? How did he do it?
Answer : First, Dr. Sadao was tired of worrying about the General’s private assassins to murder the American. He had already spent three consecutive sleepless nights waiting for them to show up. It was becoming too much for him to bear. Secondly, perhaps Dr. Sadao was feeling sad and sorry for putting the same man’s life in jeopardy whom he had saved. Lastly, Dr. Sadao was a humanitarian by nature. Life was more important to him than war.
These are few of the possible reasons why Dr. Sadao decided to help the American soldier escape. To help the P.O.W. escape, Dr. Sadao loaded his boat with food and bottled water, clothing, food, quilts etc. and asked him to row the boat to the island not far from the coast. He also gave the American a flashlight to be used for signalling. Dr. Sadao told
him not to light fire and wait only for a Korean boat. Then, Dr. Sadao gave the American soldier Japanese clothes to wear and covered his blonde hair with a black cloth. At last, both men bid each other adieu.
Question. Dr. Sadao was a patriotic Japanese as well as a dedicated surgeon. How could he honour both the values?
Answer : Dr. Sadao Hoki was not only a trained surgeon but also a fervent patriot who dedicated himself to the cause of serving his country in the wartime through scientific research. However, the dilemma that Dr. Sadao faced on the arrival of the wounded American soldier at his doorstep was a clash between his duties as a doctor and that of a patriotic citizen. Since Dr. Sadao was under the Hippocratic oath to serve the mankind as a whole and put his professional duties first, he decided to save the enemy at any cost. For this he faced difficulties at his home from his wife and servants. He even endangered his own life and that of his family. However, he was able to show his patriotism by informing the General about the wounded American soldier and how he saved him. He requested the General to do whatever was necessary in the matter and even agreed to the arrangement of getting the enemy soldier killed by professional assassins sent by the General.
The fact that he informed the General about the American’s escape, even though it was he who helped the soldier, is also a proof that Dr. Sadao was a dedicated surgeon as well as a patriotic Japanese.
Question. Did Hana think the Japanese tortured their prisoners of war? Why?
Answer : Yes, Hana thought the Japanese tortured their prisoners of war. She thought so because she had heard about stories of suffering of prisoners of war.
When she saw the tortured body of the American soldier, it confirmed her fears. She remembered General Takima beat his wife cruelly at home and wondered, if he could be so cruel to his wife, he would surely be more cruel to an enemy soldier.
Question. Dr. Sadao was a patriotic Japanese as well as a dedicated surgeon. How could he honour both the values?
Answer : Dr. Sadao Hoki was not only a trained surgeon but also a fervent patriot who dedicated himself to the cause of serving his country in the wartime through scientific research. However,
the dilemma that Dr. Sadao faced on the arrival of the wounded American soldier at his doorstep was a clash between his duties as a doctor and that of a patriotic citizen. Since Dr. Sadao was under the Hippocratic oath to serve the mankind as a whole and put his professional duties first, he decided to save the enemy at any cost. For this he faced difficulties at his home from his wife and servants. He even endangered his own life and that of his family. However, he was able to show his patriotism by informing the General about the wounded American soldier and how he saved him. He requested the General to do whatever was necessary in the matter and even agreed to the arrangement of getting the enemy soldier killed by professional assassins sent by the General.
The fact that he informed the General about the American’s escape, even though it was he who helped the soldier, is also a proof that Dr. Sadao was a dedicated surgeon as well as a patriotic Japanese.
Question. What explains the attitude of the General in the matter of the enemy soldier? Was it human consideration, lack of national loyalty, dereliction of duty or simply selfabsorption?
Answer : The attitude of the General in the matter of the enemy soldier was strange and unusual. He always portrayed himself as the most patriotic and dutiful General there could ever be. However, when Dr. Sadao told him about treating the American soldier the General did not get Dr. Sadao arrested for treason. He needed the highly skilled surgeon for his own survival. This makes it evident that the General was a self absorbed man, who was concerned only about himself. The fact that he offered to get the American soldier killed by his private assassins, that too as secretly as possible, shows the inhuman side of the General. Dr. Sadao waited for three consecutive nights for the assassins to show up at his house and do their job, but they did not come. Later, the General admitted to have forgotten all about the enemy soldier and the assassins whom he was supposed to send to get rid of the American, because be was distressed by his own pain. Once again, it proves the self-absorbed nature of the General. It is also dereliction of duty to quite an extent on the General’s part because he put himself above his country’s safety.

Question. Why was not Dr Sadao sent along with the Japanese troops though he was such a good surgeon?
Answer :

  • Sadao- very able doctor and famous scientist- should have ideally been sent with the troops- would have served the Japanese troops.
  • Wasn’t sent because he was perfecting a discovery that was likely to render wounds clean
  • Also because the General was ailing and might need him for his operation.


Question. Dr Sadao’s instinctive affinity transcends national and cultural prejudices and barriers. Discuss.
Answer :

  • As a young boy he obeyed his father and honoured the fact that his education was his father’s chief concern.
  • Sadao was skilful Japanese surgeon who lived in Japan during World War II.
  • Together with his wife Hana, and the servants, Sadao had a comfortable life.
  • Earlier, he had several years in the United states during medical school.
  • While in the United States, Sadao experienced cultural prejudice and bias first hand. Even though he did have a positive experience including that of a teacher and landlady Americans did.
  • Is a dutiful son, an excellent husbandand a thorough professional- believes that it is a “cardinal sin” on part of a surgeon not to know the human body completely
  • Faces a dilemma whether to help the POW or to assert loyalty to the country and finally gives in to the call of humanity.
  • His instinctive affinity transcends cultural and national prejudices and barriers.


The Enemy

1. What did Dr. Sadao’s father tell him showing the islands visible from seashore?
2. What was his father’s chief concern?
3. Why was Sadao not sent abroad with the troops?
4. Why didn’t Dr. Sadao show his interest in Hanna before knowing that she was a Japanese?
5. Why did Dr. Sadao hesitate to go to the American professor’s house?
6. Why did Dr. Sadao &his wife discover on the seashore.
7. Though, a doctor why did Dr. Sadao & his wife hesitate a moment to help the bleeding & seriously injured man?
8. What did they think would be the best & the kindest thing to do for the injured man?
9. What made the doctor concerned that he was an American soldier?
10. What was the final decision taken by the doctor?
11. Why did they think of handing over the man to the police?
12. . Why did Hanna hesitate to put the injured soldier on his deceased father in law’s bed?
13. What made Dr Sadao attend to the injured soldier
14. Why did Dr Sadao decide to operate on the prisoner of war?
15. “What was the reaction of the servants?Can it be justified?
16. What thoughts came to Hanna’s mind when she was washing the wounds of the soldier?
17. This man” he thought there is no reason under heaven why he should live.” What prompted Dr. Sadao to say this? What does he do after this?
18. What impression do you form of General Takima?
19. What happened on the seventh day, after the doctor and his wife saved the wounded man?
20. What did General Takima tell Dr. Sadao when he heard about the prisoner war?
21. Why did the general assure Dr. Sadao that he would not be arrested?
22. What did general decide to do with enemy?
23. Why do you think Sadao could not sleep properly after his meeting with the General?
24. Why did Sadao stop Hanna from going to the prisoner’s room?
25. How did Sadao help the prisoner to escape?
26. What did Sadao reply when the prisoner thanked him for saving his life?
27. Why do you think Dr. Sadao was unable to kill the American?
28. General Takima forgot what he had assured Dr. Sadao. What does it say about his character?
29. What impression do you form of the prisoner?
30. What are the twomoral implications on which the whole story is built upon ?
Long Questions
1. Dr. Sadao proves himself to be a good human being. He rises above the demarcation made by man. Elucidate
2. The enemy brings out that human qualities are more important in lives than our social obligations .It is in fact the victory of humanity in the moment of crisis. Discuss.
3. Dr Sadao was a true patriot –discuss.
4. Hanna proved to be a real support to Dr Sadao-explain
5. Justify the title The Enemy.
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Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy HOTS English CBSE Class 12

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Regular revision of HOTS given on studiestoday for Class 12 subject English Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy can help you to score better marks in exams

Are HOTS questions important for Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy Class 12 English exams

Yes, HOTS questions are important for Vistas Chapter 4 The Enemy Class 12 English exams as it helps to assess your ability to think critically, apply concepts, and display understanding of the subject.