Refer to CBSE Class 8 Science Coal and Petroleum MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum Class 8 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 8 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 8 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum
Class 8 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum in Class 8.
Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum MCQ Questions Class 8 Science with Answers
Chapter 5
Question. Which of the following is natural resources?
(a) Tea
(b) Cooked Food
(c) Air
(d) Toffee
Answer : C
Question. Inexhaustible natural resources in nature are
(a) limited
(b) Unlimited
(c) Scarce
(d) Not present
Answer : B
Question. Resources which are limited in nature are Known as
(a) Exhaustible
(b) Inexhaustible
(c) unnatural
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Which of the following is an exhaustible natural resource?
(a) Air
(b) Water
(c) Soil (d) forest
Answer : D
Question. Sunlight is _________natural resource
(a) Inexhaustible
(b) Exhaustible
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Other uses of fuel includes
(a)Produce steam to run engine
(b)Produce electricity in thermal power plants
(c)Fuel in various industries
(d)All of these
Answer : D
Question. Coal is produced in industry to get
(a) Coke
(b) Coal tar
(c) Coal gas
(d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. Coke is used in the manufacturing of
(a) Lead
(b) Iron
(c) steel
(d) Copper
Answer : C
Question. Petroleum is ________natural resource
(a) Inexhaustible
(b) Exhaustible
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
Answer : B
Question. Fossils are the
(a) Dead remains of living organism
(b) Coal mines
(c) Kind of natural resource
(d) Living beings
Answer : A
Question. Coal can be formed from
(a) Sunlight
(b) Steam
(c) Fossils
(d) Plants
Answer : C
Question. Coal is ________in colour
(a) Black
(b) Blue
(c) Orange
(d) Red
Answer : A
Question. Coal is ________in nature
(a) Soft
(b) Hard
(c) Thin
(d) Hot
Answer : B
Question. Coal can be used as a
(a) Fertilizer
(b) Purifier
(c) Fuel
(d) Insecticide
Answer : C
Question. Which is an almost pure form of carbon?
(a) Coke
(b) Coal tar
(c) Coal gas
(d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. The characteristic of coal is
(a) tough
(b) Black in colour
(c) Porous
(d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. Coal tar has an _________ smell.
(a). Unpleasant
(b) Pleasant
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
Answer : A
Question. Coal tar is used in manufacture of
(a) Synthetic dyes
(b) Drugs
(c) Explosives
(d) All of these
Answer : D
Question. Naphthalene balls are obtained from
(a) Carbon
(b) Coke
(c) Coal tar
(d) Coal gas
Answer : C
Question. Useful substances obtained from petroleum & natural gases are called
(a) Chemicals
(b) Petroleum products
(c) Petrochemicals
(d) None of these
Answer : C
Question. Resources present in unlimited quantity in nature and are not likely to be exhausted by human activities are called
(a) Exhaustible Natural Resources
(b) Inexhaustible Natural Resources
(c) Exhaustible Resources
(d) None of the above
Answer: B
Question. Coal, Petroleum and natural gas are examples of
(a) Exhaustible Natural Resources
(b) Inexhaustible Natural Resources
(c) Expensive Resources
(d) None of the above
Answer: A
Question. Naphthalene balls used to repel moth and insect is derived from
(a) Petroleum
(b) Sugar
(c) Coal tar
(d) LPG
Answer: C
Question. CNG is the abbreviated form of
(a) Combined natural gas
(b) Compressed Natural Gas
(c) Confirmed Natural gas
(d) Condemned Natural gas
Answer: B
Question. The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called
(a) Carbonisation
(b) fuelification
(c) Coalification
(d) None of the above
Answer: A
Question. In India petroleum deposit was first found in the state of
(a) Gujarat
(b) Maharastra
(c) Assam
(d) West Bengal
Answer: C
Question. Use of CNG in automobile is better than petrol because it is
(a) cheaper
(b) Less polluting
(c) Cannot be adulterated
(d) All of the above
Answer: D
Question. To reduce fuel consumption in automobile one should
(a) Drive very fast to reach early
(b) Not switch off the engine at traffic lights
(c) Not check tyre pressure regularly
(d) Ensure proper maintenance of the vehicle
Answer: D
Question. Black gold is actually
(a) Gold which became black on burning
(b) Petroleum
(c) Gold sold in black market
(d) Diamond
Answer: B
Question. The earth’s temperature is increasing due to Global warming which is due to
(a) The Sun giving out more heat
(b) The Earth slowly moving toward the sun
(c) Increased use of fossil fuel
(d) Less duration of winter every year
Answer: C
(a) Carbonisation
(b) Fuelification
(c) Coalification
(d) None of the above
Question. CNG is the abbreviated form of
(a) Cpmpressed Natural Gas
(b) Combined natural gas
(c) Confirmed natural gas
(d) Condemned natural gas
Question. Naphthalene balls used to repel moth and insect is derived from
(a) LPG
(b) Petroleum
(c) Sugar
(d) Coal tar
Question. Coal, Petroleum and natural gas are examples of
(a) Expensive resources
(b) Inexhaustible Natural Resources
(c) Exhaustible Natural Resources
(d) None of the above
Question. Resources present in unlimited quantity in nature and are not likely to be exhausted by human activities are called
(a) Inexhaustible Natural Resources
(b) Exhaustible Natural Resources
(c) Exhaustible Resources
(d) None of the above
Question. The earths temperature is increasing due to Global warming which is due to
(a) Increased use of fossil fuel
(b) The Sun giving out more heat
(c) The Earth slowly moving toward the sun
(d) Less duration of winter every year
Question. Black gold is actually
(a) Diamond
(b) Gold which became black on burning
(c) Gold sold in black market
(d) Petroleum
Question. To reduce fuel consumption in automobile one should
(a) Ensure proper maintenance of the vehicle
(b) Drive very fast to reach early
(c) Not check tyre pressure regularly
(d) Not switch off the engine at traffic lights
Question. Use of CNG in automobile is better than petrol because it is
(a) All of the above
(b) cheaper
(c) Less polluting
(d) Cannot be adulterd
Question. In India petroleum deposit was first found in the state of
(a) Assam
(b) Gujarat
(c) Maharashtra
(d) West Bengal
Question. Which of the following is obtained from coal tar ?
(a) Naphthalene balls
(b) Petrol
(c) Coke
(d) Air
Question. Which of the following is manmade resource?
(a) Parks
(b) Air
(c) Water
(d) Soil
Question. Which of the following is natural resource?
(a) Bus
(b) Carbon dioxide is formed
(c) Water
(d) Parks
Question. An example of fossil fuel is
(a) Coal
(b) Wood
(c) Animal waste
(d) All of these
Question. Coaltar contains about
(a) 300 substance
(b) 200 substance
(c) 400 substance
(d) 100 substance
Question. Purest form of carbon is
(a) Coke
(b) Cole
(c) Charcol
(d) All of these
Question. When coal burns in air then
(a) Carbon dioxide is formed
(b) Sulphur dioxide is formed
(c) Carbon monoxide is formed
(d) Hydrogen gas is formed
Question. Water is a ________
(a) Natural substance
(b) Man made substance
(c) Natural substance and man made substance
(d) None of the options
Question. PCRA stands for
(a) Petroleum conservation research association
(b) Public conservations research association
(c) Public council of research association
(d) Partial counting of remaining amendment
Question. The first oil well was drilled in
(a) Usa
(b) Ussr
(c) Uk
(d) India
Question: Coal is______in nature
a) Hard
b) Soft
c) Thin
d) Hot
Answer: Hard
Question: Coal is_______in colour
a) Black
b) Blue
c) Orange
d) Red
Answer: Black
Question: Coal can be formed from
a) Fossils
b) Sunlight
c) Steam
d) Plants
Answer: Fossils
Question: Fossils are the
a) Dead remains of living organism
b) Coal mines
c) Kind of natural resource
d) Living beings
Answer: Dead remains of living organism
Question: Petroleum is______natural resource
a) Exhaustible
b) Inexhaustible
c) Both Exhaustible and Inexhaustible
d) None of the options
Answer: Exhaustible
Question: Sunlight is______natural resource
a) Inexhaustible
b) Exhaustible
c) Both Inexhaustible and Exhaustible
d) None of the options
Answer: Inexhaustible
Question: Which of the following is an exhaustible natural resource?
a) Forest
b) Air
c) Water
d) Soil
Answer: Forest
Question: Resources which are limited in nature are Known as
a) Exhaustible
b) Inexhaustible
c) Unnatural
d) None of the options
Answer: Exhaustible
Question: Inexhaustible natural resources in nature are
a) Unlimited
b) Limited
c) Scarce
d) Not present
Answer: Unlimited
Question: Which of the following is natural resources?
a) Air
b) Tea
c) Cooked Food
d) Toffee
Answer: Air
Question: Coal tar has an______smell
a) Unpleasant
b) Pleasant
c) Both Unpleasant and Pleasant
d) None of the options
Answer: Unpleasant
Question: The characteristic of coal is
a) All of the options
b) Tough
c) Black in colour
d) Porous
Answer: All of the options
Question: Which is an almost pure form of carbon?
a) Coal gas
b) Coke
c) Coal tar
d) None of the options
Answer: Coal gas
Question: Coke is used in the manufacturing of
a) Steel
b) Lead
c) Iron
d) Copper
Answer: Steel
Question: Coal is produced in industry to get
a) All of the options
b) Coke
c) Coal tar
d) Coal gas
Answer: All of the options
Question: When heated in air produces
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Carbon monoxide
c) Nitrogen dioxide
d) Oxygen
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Question: Carbonisation is
a) Slow conversion of dead vegetation Into coal
b) Deposition of soil
c) Falling of trees
d) None of the options
Answer: Slow conversion of dead vegetation Into coal
Question: Coal mainly contains
a) Carbon
b) Hydrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Sodium
Answer: Carbon
Question: Other uses of fuel includes
a) All of the options
b) Produce steam to run engine
c) Produce electricity in thermal power plants
d) Fuel in various industries
Answer: All of the options
Question: Coal can be used as a
a) Fuel
b) Fertilizer
c) Purifier
d) Insecticide
Answer: Fuel
Question: LPG is used in / as
a) Home
b) Vehicles
c) Aviation Fuel
d) Road surfacing
Answer: Home
Question: Refining is
a) Separation of various fractions of petroleum
b) Extracting petroleum gas
c) Heating of coal
d) Sedimentation of fossil fuel
Answer: Separation of various fractions of petroleum
Question: The layer containing petroleum oil & gas is
a) Above that of water
b) Below water
c) Between water
d) Below sand
Answer: Above that of water
Question: Petroleum is mixture of
a) All of the options
b) Petrol
c) Diesel
d) Petroleum gas
Answer: All of the options
Question: Petroleum is formed from
a) Organisms in sea
b) Domestic animals
c) Dwild animals
d) Insects
Answer: Organisms in sea
Question: Petrol and diesel can be obtained from
a) Petroleum
b) Coal tar
c) Coal
d) Coal gas
Answer: Petroleum
Question: Heavy motor vehicles like trucks run on
a) Diesel
b) Petrol
c) Coal
d) Coal tar
Answer: Diesel
Question: Which gas is obtained during the processing of coal?
a) Coal gas
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Carbon monoxide
d) Sulphur dioxide
Answer: Coal gas
Question: Naphthalene balls are obtained from
a) Coal tar
b) Carbon
c) Coke
d) Coal gas
Answer: Coal tar
Question: Coal tar is used in manufacture of
a) All of the options
b) Synthetic dyes
c) Drugs
d) Explosives
Answer: All of the options
Question: The fibres manufacture by petrochemicals are
a) All of the options
b) Nylon
c) Polyester
d) Acrylic
Answer: A
Question: Which of them is used as solvent for dry cleaning?
a) Petrol
b) Diesel
c) Kerosene
d) Paraffin wax
Answer: A
Question: Which of them is used in extraction of metals?
a) Coke
b) Coal gas
c) Coal tar
d) Petroleum
Answer: A
Question: Diesel is used in
a) Electric generators
b) Coojing oil
c) Paints
d) Road surfacing
Answer: A
Question: Dead organisms are transformed into petroleum & natural gas in
a) Absence of air
b) Presence of air
c) Presence of sun light
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Hydrogen gas obtained from natural gas is used in
a) Fertilizers
b) Motor fuel
c) Paints
d) Stoves
Answer: A
Question: Petrochemicals are used in the manufacture of
a) All of the options
b) Polythene
c) Fibres
d) Detergents
Answer: A
Question: Useful substances obtained from petroleum & natural gases are called
a) Petrochemicals
b) Chemicals
c) Petroleum products
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Kerosene is used in / as
a) Jet engines
b) Fuel
c) Ointments
d) Lubricants
Answer: A
Question: CNG is
a) Less polluting
b) Highly polluting
c) Not at all polluting
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Which of the following is / are fossil fuels?
a) All of the options
b) Coal
c) Petroleum
d) Natural gas
Answer: A
Question: Petrol can be saved by
a) All of the options
b) Driving at a constant & moderate speed
c) Ensuring correct type pressure
d) Switching off the engine at traffic lights
Answer: B
Question: What is called black gold?
a) Petroleum
b) Coal
c) Coal Tar
d) Natural gas
Answer: A
Question: Bitumen is used in
a) Road surfacing
b) Electric generators
c) Coal tar
d) Natural Gas
Answer: A
Question: PCRA stands for
a) Petroleum conversation Research association
b) Pollution control research association
c) Petroleum control research association
d) Petrol, coal reserve association
Answer: A
Question: Burning of fossil fuel causes
a) Both Air pollution and Global warming
b) Air pollution
c) Global warming
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: In India, vast reserves of natural gas are found in
a) All of the options
b) Tripura
c) Maharashtra
d) Rajasthan
Answer: A
Question: CNG is used for
a) Power generation
b) Electric generators
c) Solvent
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: CNG is stored under
a) Electric Generators
b) Power generation
c) Solvent
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question: Natural gas can be transported through
a) Pipes
b) Cylinders
c) Barriers
d) None of the options
Answer: A
Question. Which of the following is manmade resource?
(a) Air
(b) Water
(c) Soil
(d) Parks
Answer : D
Question. Petrochemicals are obtained from
(a) petroleum
(b) natural gas
(c) petroleum and natural gas
(d) none of these
Answer : C
Question. Which Of The Following Is A Pair Of Exhaustible Natural Resources?
(a) Coal and soil
(b) Air and sunlight
(c) Water and petroleum
(d) Wildlife and minerals
Answer : D
Question. The first oil well was drilled in
(a) USA
(b) USSR
(c) UK
(d) India
Answer : A
Question. The percentage of methane in natural gas 15:
(a) 100%
(b) 90%
(c) 95%
(d) 80%
Answer : C
Question. Which Of The Following Is Not A Constituent Of Petroleum?
(a) Paraffin wax
(b). Lubricating Oil
(c) Petrol
(d) Coke
Answer : D
Question. Which Substance Is Formed By The Carbonization Of Dead Vegetation?
(a). Coal
(b) Coke
(c) Coal gas
(d) Coal tar
Answer : A
Question. Various Materials Which Are Obtained From Nature Are Called Natural Resources. Which Of The Following Is Not A Natural Resource?
(a) Minerals
(b) Water
(c) Soil
(d) Plastic
Answer : D
Question. The main gas present in LPG is:
(a) methane
(b) Propane
(c) Butane
(d) hexane
Answer : C
Question. Fossil Fuels Are Obtained From:
(a) Remains of non-living materials
(b) Dead remains of birds only
(c) Dead remains of insects only
(d) Dead remains of living organisms
Answer : D
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MCQs for Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum Science Class 8
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