Refer to CBSE Class 7 Science Winds Storms and Cyclones MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Chapter 8 Winds Storms and Cyclones are an important part of exams for Class 7 Science and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 7 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 7 Science Chapter 8 Winds Storms and Cyclones
Class 7 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Chapter 8 Winds Storms and Cyclones in Class 7.
Chapter 8 Winds Storms and Cyclones MCQ Questions Class 7 Science with Answers
Winds, Storms and Cyclones
Question. The wind speed during the second cyclone that hit Orissa during the year 1999 on 29 th October was
(a) 260km/hr
(b) 200km/hr
(c) 150km/hr
(d) 100km/hr
Answer: A
Question. The change in shape of a hot tin can when pored with cold water on it is due to the
(a) pressure inside the can is less than that outside
(b) pressure inside the can is more than that outside
(c) pressure outside the can is same as that inside
(d) Pressure inside the can is equal to the atmospheric pressure
Answer: A
Question. The paper ball kept near the mouth of a plastic bottle will be pushed out because
(a) the air pressure inside the bottle is same as that at the mouth
(b) the air pressure inside the bottle is more than that at the mouth
(c) the air pressure inside the bottle is less than that at the mouth
(d) the pressure inside and outside the bottle same.
Answer: B
Question. Increased wind speed is accompanied by
(a) no change in temperature
(b) Reduced pressure
(c) increased pressure
(d) No change in pressure
Answer: B
Question. Air moves faster between two places when the pressure difference between the place is
(a) less
(b) zero
(c) More
(d) equal to the atmospheric pressure
e. Warm air is ___________than cold air
f. Heavier
g. lighter
h. no difference in weight
i. very much lighter
Answer: C,G
Question. The centre of a cyclone is a calm area and is called the _________of the storm.
(a) eye
(b) Focus
(c) Centre
(d) Radius
Answer: A
Question. A cyclone is called a________in the American Continent.
(a) Hurricane
(b) Typhoon
(c) Tornado
(d) Thunderstorm
Answer: A
Question. A cyclone is called a____________in Philippines and Japan.
(a) Hurricane
(b) Typhoon
(c) Tornado
(d) Thunderstorm
Answer: B
Question. A dark funnel shaped cloud that reaches from the sky to the ground is called a
(a) Hurricane
(b) Typhoon
(c) Tornado
(d) Thunderstorm
Answer: C
Question. A violent tornado travel at a speed of about
(a) 100 km/hr
(b) 200km/hr
(c) 300km/hr
(d) 50km/hr
Answer: C
Question. The instrument that measures the wind speed in a cyclone is
(a) Anemometer
(b) Barometer
(c) Thermometer
(d) Ammeter
Answer: A
Question. Which one of the following places is unlikely to be affected by a cyclone
(a) Chennai
(b) Mangalore
(c) Amritsar (d) Puri
Answer: C
Question. ____________helps us announce a cyclone alert
(a) Satellite
(b) Stars
(c) Sun
(d) moon
Answer: A
Question. Choose the correct statement
(a) The moving air is called wind
(b) Uneven heating on the earth is the main cause of wind movements.
(c) Air exerts pressure
(d) All are correct
Answer: D
Question. Air flows from a region of
(a) Low pressure to high pressure
(b) High pressure to low pressure
(c) Depends on the season
(d) None of these
Answer: B
Question. A can filled with hot water gets distorted when cold water is poured over it. This happens because
(a) the pressure of air inside the can decreases than the pressure outside
(b) the pressure of air inside the can increases than the pressure outside
(c) the pressure of air inside the can becomes equal to the pressure outside
(d) it is natural tendency of can to get distorted.
Answer: A
Question. Choose the correct alternative
(a) High speed winds are accompanied by increased air pressure
(b) In summers, wind flow from land to oceans
(c) In summers, wind flow from oceans to land
(d) None of these
Answer: C
Question. The centre of cyclone is called
(a) Centre
(b) Middle
(c) Eye
(d) Neck
Answer: C
Question. The development of cyclones depends on
(a) Wind speed
(b) Temperature
(c) Humidity
(d) All of the above
Answer: B
Question. The speed of wind is measured by
(a) Ammeter
(b) Anemometer
(c) Nanometer
(d) Windmeter
Answer: D
Question. Which of the following is correct about thunderstorms?
i) Thunderstorms develop in hot, humid tropical areas.
ii) Thunderstorms carry lightning and sound.
(a) Both (i) is correct
(b) Only (ii) is correct
(c) Both (i) and (ii) are correct
(d) Both are wrong
Answer: C
Question. Which of the following is correct about cyclone?
i) A cyclone is created by a very high pressure system.
ii) A cyclone is created by a very low pressure system
iii) The eye of a cyclone is a calm area. Out of these
(a) Only (i) is correct
(b) Only (ii) is correct
(c) Both (ii) and (iii) are correct
(d) Both (i) and (iii) are correct
Answer: C
Question. Which one of the following place is unlikely to be affected by a cyclone.
(a) Chennai
(b) Mangalore
(c) Amritsar
(d) Puri
Answer: C
Subjective Questions
1. Explain an activity which shows air exerts pressure.
2. Explain an activity which shows high speed winds are accompanied by reduced air pressure.
3. Define thunderstorms. Explain how it develops.
4. Explain an activity which shows air expands on heating.
5. Explain how uneven heating of land and water results in the generation of wind currents.
6. Explain the formation of cyclones.
7. Explain the construction and working of an anemometer with a diagram.
8. List few destructions caused by cyclones.
9. Explain how uneven heating between the equator and the poles results in the generation of wind currents.
10. List some of the precautions that should be taken in a cyclone hit area?
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MCQs for Chapter 8 Winds Storms and Cyclones Science Class 7
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 7 Science to develop the Science Class 7 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 7 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of Science will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 7 Science. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 7 Science so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 7 Science MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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