CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set M

Refer to CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs with Answers Set M provided below. CBSE Class 6 Science MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free download. The MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with answers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, CBSE books and examination pattern suggested in Class 6 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for NSO Olympiad are an important part of exams for Class 6 Science and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 6 Science and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad

Class 6 Science students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for NSO Olympiad in Class 6. These MCQ questions with answers for Class 6 Science will come in exams and help you to score good marks

NSO Olympiad MCQ Questions Class 6 Science with Answers


Question. Which of the following steps is/are incorrect while constructing an angle of 120°?
Step 1 : Draw any line MN and take a point C on line.
Step 2 : Place the pointer of the compass at C and draw an arc of convenient radius which cuts the line at A.
Step 3 : Without disturbing the radius on the compass draw an arc with A as centre which cuts the first arc at B.
Step 4 : Again without disturbing the radius on the compass and with M as centre, draw an arc with O which cuts the first arc at C.
Step 5 : Join OA. ∠ OAN is the required angle of measure 120°.

A. Only step 1
B. Both step 4 and step 5
C. Only step 5
D. Only step 2
Answer : B

Question. There are 18 girls and 24 boys in a class. 2/3 of the girls and 5/12 of the boys play the piano. Find the ratio of the number of girls who play the piano to the total number of pupils who do not play the piano in the class.
A. 3 : 7
B. 3 : 5
C. 5 : 6
D. 3 : 4
Answer : B

Question. A car can travel 315 km on 30 litres of petrol. How far can the car travel if it has 50 litres of petrol in its petrol tank?
A. 105 km
B. 189 km
C. 525 km
D. 840 km
Answer : C

Question. The sports teacher decided that the base of a swimming pool measuring 4.2 m by 3.6 m should be covered by rectangular tiles measuring 12 cm by 7 cm. Find the number of tiles required.
A. 1700 tiles
B. 1800 tiles
C. 1500 tiles
D. 1600 tiles
Answer : B

Question. Mrs. Kapoor had x m of ribbon. She cuts off 6 pieces of ribbon from it, each measuring 3 cm. What was the length of the ribbon left?
A. (x – 9) cm
B. (x – 18) cm
C. (100x – 18) cm
D. 82x cm
Answer : C

Question. In a certain code, 'you are' means 'Se Pa', 'see you' means 'La Se' and 'parrots are' means 'Ni Pa'. What does 'see parrots' mean in that code language?
A. La Pa
B. La Ni
C. Se Ni
D. Can't be determined
Answer : B

Question. Find out the wrong term in the number series below.
46080, 3840, 384, 48, 24, 2, 1

A. 384
B. 48
C. 24
D. 2
Answer : C

Question. A roll of material was 11(3/5)m long. The tailor cuts off 2(3/5)m to make some curtains. The remaining material was made into several cushions which used 75 cm of material each. How many cushions did he make?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 16
D. 20
Answer : A

Question. A merchant has 120 litres of oil of one kind, 180 litres of another kind and 240 litres of third kind. He wants to sell the oil by filling the three kinds of oil in tins of equal capacity. What should be the greatest capacity of such a tin?
A. 80 litres
B. 60 litres
C. 75 litres
D. 90 litres
Answer : B

Question. Mohit had twice as much money as Rohan. After Mohit bought chocolates that costs ₹ 118.30 and Rohan bought a pen that costs ₹ 31.90, Rohan had 3 times as much money as Mohit. How much money had Mohit left?
A. ₹ 9.90
B. ₹ 10.90
C. ₹ 21.80
D. ₹ 54.50
Answer : B

Question. Answer the following question based on the five words given below.
(The new words formed after performing the mentioned operations may or may not be meaningful English words).
If the positions of the first and the third alphabets of each of the words are interchanged, which of the following would form a meaningful word in the new arrangement?

C. Both LAP and BUT
Answer : C

Question. Pointing to a photograph, a man said to a woman, "She is one of the sisters of the son of the only son of your grandfather." If the woman in the photograph is the sister of the son of the man's father-in-law, then how is the man related to the woman (with whom the man was talking)?
A. Husband
B. Brother
C. Brother-in-law
D. Either A or C
Answer : D

Question. Find the value of –12 + (–98) – (–84) + (–7) – [(–15 + (–2)].
A. 16
B. 14
C. –16
D. –15
Answer : C

Question. Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing at the centre. C is third to the left of A and second to the right of E. B is second to the right of C. D is second to the right of F who is second to the right of A. G is not an immediate neighbour of C. Who is third to the right of H?

A. E
B. F
C. D
D. G
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following statements is true about prime numbers?
A. There are finite number of prime numbers.
B. Every prime number is odd.
C. There is no largest prime number.
D. A whole number is either prime or it can be expressed as a product of primes.
Answer : C


Question. The numerical ratio of distance to displacement is________.
A. Always equal to one
B. Always less than one
C. Always greater than one
D. Equal to or more than one.
Answer : D

Question. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
Statement-1 : The brightness of the bulb A remains the same after the switch is closed.


Statement-2 : The voltage across elements in parallel is the same.
A. Both statements-1 and 2 are true and statement-2 is the correct explanation of statement-1.
B. Both statements-1 and 2 are true but statement-2 is not the correct explanation of statement-1.
C. Statement-1 is true and statement-2 is false.
D. Both statements-1 and 2 are false.
Answer : B

Question. Which of the following factors affects the period of a simple pendulum?
(i) Mass of the pendulum bob
(ii) Number of oscillations
(iii) Length of the pendulum
A. (i) only
B. (ii) only
C. (iii) only
D. Both (ii) and (iii)
Answer : D

Question. A small cardboard is kept between the wall and the bulb in a room. At which position the shadow formed is sharp?
A. The cardboard is held close to the wall.
B. The cardboard is held at mid position between them.
C. The cardboard is held close to the bulb.
D. Both A and C
Answer : C

Question. Which of the following is correct for weightless of an astronaut moving in a satellite?
A. Free fall
B. No gravity
C. Zero mass
D. None of these.
Answer : A

Question. If a pith ball is repelled by a rubber rod, what can be deduced about the charges on the pith ball and the rubber rod?
A. Only the rod is charged.
B. Only the pith ball is charged.
C. Either the rod or the pith ball is charged but not both.
D. Both the rod and the pith ball carry charges of the same sign.
Answer : D

Question. In given figure, which of the following switches need to be closed to change electrical energy to only sound energy?


A. A, B and C
B. A, C and E
C. A, B, C and E
D. A, B, D and E
Answer : B

Question. Asha observes her own shadow at different times of the day and finds that her shadow is shortest at ________.
A. 5 p.m.
B. 12 noon
C. 10 a.m.
D. 8 a.m.
Answer : B

Question. In which of the following examples of motion can the body be considered approximately a point object?
A. A monkey sitting on top of a man cycling smoothly on a circular track.
B. A spinning cricket ball that turns sharply on hitting the ground.
C. A tumbling beaker that has slipped off the edge of a table.
D. None of these.
Answer : A

Question. A metal wire was tied between two wooden poles.


The given figures show the observations during different weather conditions.
What do you infer from the figures?
A. The wooden poles expand on hot days.
B. The wooden poles contract on cold days.
C. The metal wire expands on cold days.
D. The metal wire contracts on cold days.
Answer : D

Question. There are two mixtures P and Q with the following compositions.
Mixture        Components
    P                    X + Y
    Q                    Z + Y
The components of P mixture are separated by technique I while for Q mixture, technique II is used as shown in the figures.


Select the correct statement among the following.
A. If more of X is dissolved in Y, then a saturated solution is formed.
B. Z and Y can also be separated by sedimentation and decantation.
C. Y is a common solid particle in both the mixtures.
D. If a mixture of X and Z is formed, then more than one method is used to separate the components.
Answer : D

Question. Study the given flow chart carefully.


Which of the materials in the flow chart match to the glass and eraser respectively ?
A. V and X
B. X and Y
C. Z and V
D. Y and X
Answer : B

Question. Study the given changes carefully.
I. Heating a black material (tar) for repairing a road.
II. Heating a bowl containing ice.
III. Hardening of plaster of Paris on drying.
Which of the above changes cannot be reversed ?
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
Answer : B

Question. Different types of sheets are placed between Nisha, Sahil, Ankit and Ruby.


Sheets Q and S allow light to pass through them. Sheets P and R are opaque. Select the incorrect statement among the following.
A. Nisha cannot see Sahil.
B. Sahil can see Ankit.
C. If sheet S is removed then Ruby cannot see Ankit.
D. Ankit can see Nisha.
Answer : D

Question. Namita grouped few objects in different ways.

1Steel spoon, Copper wire
2Cotton, Sponge
3Books, Newspaper
4Aluminium, Gold

Which one of the following options contains the correct property according to which the objects are categorised into the given group(s)?
A. Groups 1 and 4 : Lustre
B. Groups 2 and 3 : Transparent
C. Group 4 : Floating
D. Group 2 : Hardness
Answer : A

Question. Match Column I with Column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

Column IColumn II
(i) Stones from grainp. Threshing
(ii) Grain seeds from stalksq. Winnowing
(iii) Pebbles from sandr. Handpicking
(iv) Sand and sawdusts. Sieving

A. (i) - s, (ii) - q, (iii) - r, (iv) - p
B. (i) - r, (ii) - p, (iii) - s, (iv) - q
C. (i) - p, (ii) - r, (iii) - q, (iv) - s
D. (i) - q, (ii) - s, (iii) - p, (iv) - r
Answer : B

Question. Identify the process/property from their descriptions.
1. Settling of heavier component in a mixture after water is added.
2. No more salt can be dissolved in the salt solution.

A. Decantation, Insolubility
B. Filtration, Condensation
C. Sedimentation, Saturation
D. Saturation, Filtration
Answer : C

Question. Study the given table to answer the following questions.

AnimalHabitat Adaptation
Beluga whaleArctic water1Layer of fat called blubber
PeacockForest2Bright tail feathers
AlligatorFresh water3Eyes on top of head
ReindeerCold areas4Thick fur
Humming birdRainforest5Long tongue

(a) Which two animals in the table have adaptations that help them stay warm in their environments?
(b) Which adaptation allows an animal to find prey while submerged in water?
(c) Which adaptation might help an animal attract a mate?

A. Beluga whale, Reindeer55
B. Reindeer, Humming bird32
C. Peacock, Alligator21
D. Beluga whale, Reindeer32

Answer : D

Question. Amit uprooted a plant and found fleshy tubers in roots as shown in the figure. What could he infer about the plant by observing the roots?


A. The root system do not penetrate deep in the soil. Both main roots and their branches are thin and thread-like.
B. The plant has leaves with reticulate venationonly.
C. The root system follows acropetal orientation i.e., the youngest towards growing point and oldest towards the base of the main root.
D. Both B and C
.Answer : A

Question. Match the following and select the correct option

(a) Woollen clothes
are worn in cold weather.
(i) It has good absorbing quality
(b) Jute is used to make
containers for young saplings that can be planted directly
(ii) It is a fluffy fibre.
(c) Silk is greatly prized(iii) It is hard, rough and brittle
(d) Cotton is used to make wicks for oil lamps.(iv) It has less air space in it
(e) Coir is used to make mats, ropes, floor coverings, etc.(v) It is biodegradable
 (vi) It grows best in warm, humid climate with plenty of rainfall
 (vii) It gives shimmering

A. a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(vi), d-(iv), e-(ii)
B. a-(ii), b-(v), c-(vii), d-(i), e-(iii)
C. a-(i), b-(vi), c-(iv), d-(ii), e-(vii)
D. a-(ii), b-(vii), c-(iii), d-(v), e-(iv)
Answer : B

Question. ____ and ____ are needed to build our bones and teeth. ____ helps in making haemoglobin in our blood. ____ is needed by the body to prepare thyroid hormone. _____and ____ help in maintaining the fluid balance in the body. 
Select the correct sequence of words to complete the above given passage.

A. Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine, Sodium, Potassium
B. Sodium, Potassium, Iodine, Iron, Phosphorus, Calcium
C. Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Iron, Iodine
D. Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Sodium, Phosphorus, Iodine
Answer : A

Question. The diagram below shows the cross-section of a stem of a plant.


What will you observe when the plant stem is cut after being submerged in blue dye for a day?
A. Part P is stained blue.
B. Part Q is stained blue.
C. Part R is stained blue.
D. Part S is stained blue.
Answer : B

Question. Deficiency of which of these will cause anaemia?
A. Vitamin A and calcium
B. Vitamin B12 and iron
C. Vitamin K and phosphorus
D. Vitamin D and iron.
Answer : B

Question. The graph below shows the number of guppies in four tanks, P, Q, R and S, at the end of March and April.


Which one of the following statements is false?
A. Predators may have been introduced into Tank P in April.
B. All the guppies in Tank S could have been either male or female only.
C. There were more guppies born in April in Tank R than Tank Q.
D. The death rates of guppies in Tank P and Tank R in April were greater than the birth rates.
Answer : D

Question. Study the food chain given below.
R → W → X → Y → Z
If organism Y is removed from the food chain above, which one of the following graphs shows the changes in the other populations?


Answer : B

Question. Study the given pattern carefully and select the one with same pattern.
potato : spinach : onion : cabbage
A. radish : cauliflower : carrot : broccoli
B. banana : turnip : rice : sugarcane
C. mango : coriander : wheat : apple
D. carrot : turnip : radish : ginger
Answer : A

Question. Bast fibres are found in the stems of the plants and provide strength to the plants. They are generally very long. Example of bast fibre is ________.
A. Flax
B. Hemp
C. Jute
D. All of these
Answer : D

Question. A group of children wanted to find out the effect of four samples of water on the growth and reproduction of aquatic plants. Which beaker will have the least number of aquatic plants after three weeks?


Answer : C

Question. Refer the given figure showing vertical section of a flower and select the correct option regarding its labelled part(s).


A. If 'h' is removed at bud stage of flower, flower gets damaged.
B. During self pollination, the pollen grains are transferred from 'd' to 'e' of the same flower or a different flower in the same plant.
C. 'g' contains a very tiny egg which the pollen fertilizes.
D. Both A and C.
Answer : D

Question. Which of the following statements are true and false?
(i) About 90% of the ozone in our atmosphere is contained in stratosphere.
(ii) The warmest parts of our atmosphere are located in mesosphere.
(iii) Trophosphere extends from Earth's surface upto 7 km at poles and 17-18 km at the equator.
(iv) The lowest part of thermosphere contains ionosphere.
(v) Hydrogen and helium are prime components of exosphere.
        True                   False
A. (i), (ii), (v)             (iii), (iv)
B. (i), (iv), (v)            (ii), (iii)
C. (ii), (iv)                 (i), (iii), (v)
D. (ii), (v)                  (i), (iii), (iv)
Answer : B


Question. A hot liquid is carefully poured into a beaker. The graph shows how its temperature changes as it cools towards room temperature.


What processes are likely taking place at region X?
A. Boiling and evaporation.
B. Condensation only.
C. Evaporation only.
D. Solidification and evaporation.
Answer : D

Question. Fill in the blanks of the given paragraph by choosing the correct option.
To fix the wooden handle into the ring of iron blade in tools, the ring is p , which causes its q. After fitting the handle easily into the ring, the ring r on s and fits tightly into the handle.
        p                   q                      r                   s
A. Heated,     Contraction,      Expands,       Heating
B. Cooled,     Contraction,      Expands,       Cooling
C. Heated,     Expansion,       Contracts,      Cooling
D. Cooled,     Expansion,       Contracts,      Heating
Answer : C

Direction Q. No. a and b : Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
The polar regions are covered with snow. There may also be snowfall in mountain regions during the winter. The trees growing on mountains are cone-shaped, with sloping branches. Many of them, such as pine, have sharp needle-like leaves. Animals living on mountains have thick skin or fur to protect themselves from cold, e.g., yaks and snow leopards.

Question a. What other adaptation(s) of animals is/are observed in the colder areas?
A. Birds and mammals of colder areas are larger in size as compared to their equivalents in warmer areas.
B. Animals of colder areas have shorter extremities (e.g., tail, ears, feet) as compared to animals in warmer areas.
C. Birds of colder areas have broader wings.
D. Both A and B.
Answer : D

Question b. Why do pines have sharp needle-like leaves?
A. This reduces loss of water due to transpiration.
B. This reduces chances of catching forest fire.
C. This helps the snow to slide-off easily.
D. This allows branches to carry loads of snow.
Answer : C

Question. Study the given flow chart to identify food components
'X', 'Y' and 'Z'. Read the following statements regarding
'X', 'Y', and 'Z' and select the correct ones.


(i) Cellulose is a 'X' which is not a food for humans because it can not be digested or absorbed in the body.
(ii) 'Z' are the richest source of energy to our body but they require more oxygen for their combustion and hence are more expensive than 'Y'.
(iii) When we consume more Z than required, our body stores the excess of Z as Y.
(iv) X act as insulators and keep our body warm.
(v) X is essential for maintenance of the body tissues.

A. (i), (ii) and (iii)
B. (iii), (iv) and (v)
C. (ii) and (v)
D. (i) and (iv)
Answer : C

Chapter 01 Food Where Does It Come From
CBSE Class 6 Science Food Where does it Come from MCQs
Chapter 02 Components of Food
CBSE Class 6 Science Components of Food MCQs
Chapter 04 Sorting Materials Into Groups
CBSE Class 6 Science Sorting Materials into Groups MCQs
Chapter 05 Separation of Substances
CBSE Class 6 Science Separation of Substances MCQs
Chapter 06 Changes Around Us
CBSE Class 6 Science Changes Around Us MCQs
Chapter 07 Getting to Know Plants
CBSE Class 6 Science Getting to Know Plants MCQs
Chapter 09 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
CBSE Class 6 Science The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings MCQs
Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
CBSE Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement of Distances MCQs
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CBSE Class 6 Science Light Shadows and Reflections MCQs
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CBSE Class 6 Science Electricity and Circuit MCQs
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CBSE Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad MCQs

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NSO Olympiad MCQs Science CBSE Class 6

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NSO Olympiad CBSE Class 6 MCQs Science

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Regular revision of MCQs given on studiestoday for Class 6 subject Science NSO Olympiad can help you to score better marks in exams

What are MCQs for Class 6 Science NSO Olympiad

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for NSO Olympiad Class 6 Science are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.