CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Training and Doping in Sports HOTs

Please refer to CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Training and Doping in Sports HOTs. Download HOTS questions and answers for Class 12 Physical Education. Read CBSE Class 12 Physical Education HOTs for Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports below and download in pdf. High Order Thinking Skills questions come in exams for Physical Education in Class 12 and if prepared properly can help you to score more marks. You can refer to more chapter wise Class 12 Physical Education HOTS Questions with solutions and also get latest topic wise important study material as per NCERT book for Class 12 Physical Education and all other subjects for free on Studiestoday designed as per latest CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and pattern for Class 12

Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports Class 12 Physical Education HOTS

Class 12 Physical Education students should refer to the following high order thinking skills questions with answers for Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports in Class 12. These HOTS questions with answers for Class 12 Physical Education will come in exams and help you to score good marks

HOTS Questions Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports Class 12 Physical Education with Answers

MCQ Questions for NCERT Class 12 Physical Education Training and Doping in Sports 

Question: What is the full form of ‘WADA’?
(a) White Anti-doping Agency
(b) Wide Anti-doping Academy
(c) World Anti-doping Agency
(d) None of the above

Answer: C

Question: Women who take ..........., tend to develop muscular bodies.
(a) Beta-blockers
(b) Amphetamines
(c) Diuretics
(d) Steroids

Answer: D

Question: Which of the following is the performance enhancing substance or method?
(a) Blood doping
(b) Gene doping
(c) Narcotics
(d) Autologos doping

Answer: C 

Question: Alcohol stimulates the
(a) Muscular system
(b) Digestive system
(c) Nervous system
(d) Excretory system

Answer: C

Question: The use of doping first came out in _____.
(a) 1906
(b) 1904
(c) 1912
(d) 1940

Answer: B

Question: Joy, a boxer initially started taking certain drugs in small amount to increase his muscle power. But after some time, his body got a habit of it and now he takes it daily.
What should a doctor at medical camp suggest Jay?
(a) Rapidly reduce stimulants intake.
(b) Slowly reduce stimulants intake.
(c) It is impossible to leave this habits.
(d) Given away sports.

Answer: B

Question: Match the following.
Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports
(a) 4 1 3 2
(b) 4 2 1 3
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 1 4 2 3

Answer: C

Question: Stimulants such as caffeine, amphetamines,ephedra, cocaine etc. act on the central nervous system and improves the performance artificially.
This affects athletes health adversely.
How stimulants impact the performance of a sportsperson?
(a) It reduces stress.
(b) It removes tiredness.
(c) It increases blood pressure.
(d) All of the above

Answer: C

Question: You have noticed your friend using sports enhancing drugs for winning sports competitions.
He says that he needs it for stimulation as winning the competition is very important for him. To explain him the side effects of taking drugs, select the best option from the following.
(a) They are good pain killers.
(b) They increase muscle mass.
(c) They cause hyper tension.
(d) They reduce anxiety.

Answer: C

Assertion and Reasoning
 (A) and Reason (R). Each of these questions also has four alternative choices, any one of which is the correct answer. You have to select one of the codes (a),(b),(c) and(d) given below.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanationof A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true

Question: Assertion (A) Stimulants are considered as drug.
Reason (R) Gene doping is physical method of doping. 

Answer: B

Question:Assertion (A) Sports training is planned and controlled process.
Reason (R)  Training is essential in the field of sports and physical education. 

Answer: B

Question:Assertion (A) Principal of reversibility tells how adjustments based on individuals should be done.
Reason (R) The overload should not be increased too slowly or too rapidly as it may result in injury or muscle damage.

Answer: D

Question:Assertion (A) Cannabinoids are banned from sports competitions although they give relief from fatigue and pain.
Reason (R) This practice boosts red blood cells raising the capacity of blood to carry oxygen therefore cannabinoids are banned. 

Answer: C

Case Based MCQs

Question: Which principle of training means that training sessions should consist of many variables?
(a) Principle of active involvement
(b) Principle of variation
(c) Principle of reversibility
(d) Principle of overload

Answer: B

Prakash is the coach for the school Basketball team. During training sessions, he noticed that some players could continue exercises without fatigue for longer periods than others while some players have faster reaction time. He then split the students and gave different exercise and training schedules. Based on this case,answer the following question 

Question: Which principle of sports training is observed by Prakash?
(a) Principle of balanced training
(b) Principle of Specificity
(c) Principle of Individual differences
(d) Principle of progression

Answer: C

Question: The principle of recovery means which of the following?
(a) Rest is important
(b) Training is continues process
(c) Intensity of workloads
(d) None of the above

Answer: A

Short Answer Type Questions 

Question: ‘‘Doping has been a part of the field of sports since time immemorial’’. Justify the statement. 
Answer: Doping refers to the use of drugs to enhance physical performance. The concept of doping is not new in sports.
In ancient Greece, there were specialists who would offer nutritional ingredients such as mushrooms, opium and other herbal beverages that enhanced sports performance.
Even Gladiators are known to use various substances that aimed at enhancing strength.
In the modern times, the use of doping first came out in 1904 Olympics, when Thomas Hicks won the marathon race. He had taken injections of strychnine. After that, the increase in doping increased so much that in 1928, the International Athletic Association Federation banned doping followed by other doping federations.
Soon, the International Olympic Committee started considering the ‘‘presence of substances in the human body which are prohibited according to the list published  by the IOC and/or the international organisation’’ as illegal.
Hence, it can be said that doping has been a part of the field of sports since time immemorial.

Question: What is Principle of Variation? How it enhances sports training?
Answer: The Principle of Variation provides direction about variations in exercises, rest time, intensity and other variables. It means to include a number of different activities and exercises in the training program to maintain the interest and motivation of the athlete. This can be done by changing the nature of exercise,increasing the time of each session, changing the group and environment, etc.
As training occurs over a long period of time, it tends to become boring for both the sportsperson and the coach.
Varying the training programmes helps in maintaining the interest of the sportsperson. Further, introduction of new activities and including fun games into the session can prevent problems such as plateaus in performance and overtraining effects.

Question: What do you mean by a prohibited substance? State the effects of using Betablockers and Peptide Hormones.
Answer: Substances which are not allowed to be used in sports by any sportsperson are known as prohibited substances.
The use of these substances is illegal. Therefore, World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) has issued a list of prohibited substances.
The effect of using Betablockers is to relax the muscles of the airway to allow more oxygen to come in during respiration, which increases endurance. They also reduce blood pressure and heart rate in heart patients.
The effects of using Peptide Hormones are increase in muscle bulk, strength and oxygen-carrying red blood cells. However, they interfere with the working of estrogens (i.e. female hormones).

Question: Discuss the effects of stimulants both beneficial and harmful.
Answer: Stimulants are a class of drugs that stimulate the body’s central nervous system which include the brain and spinal cord. They have, both beneficial and harmful effects like enhancing alertness and physical activity by increasing heart rate, breathing rate and the functions of the brain.
They stimulate both physically and mentally by reducing the feeling of fatigue and enhancing aggressiveness.
The harmful effects of stimulants increase in hypertension, anxiety and even respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest.
Stimulants also has many toxic effects like they increase aggression and violent behaviours, cause dizziness,blurred vision and irregular heartbeat. They also cause addiction and increase dependance which can lead to intake of high doses of stimulants.

Question: What constitutes manipulation of blood and blood components, according to WADA?
Answer: According to WADA, manipulation of blood and blood components includes  Administration or reintroduction of any quantity of autologous, homologous or heterologous blood, or red blood cell products of any origin, into the circulatory system.

Question: List the substances that are banned in sports competitions but otherwise can be taken?
Answer: Many substances are banned or prohibited only at the time of competitions. They are as follows
(i) Stimulants Stimulants such as caffeine,amphetamines, ephedra, cocaine, etc. act on the central nervous system and improves the performance artificially. Hence, they are banned in competitions.
(ii) Narcotics Narcotics such as morphine and oxycodone are not allowed during competitions.
(iii) Cannabinoids These substances such as hashish,mariyuana, etc. induces relaxation artificially and hence are banned during all competitions.
(iv) Glucocorticosteroids Some pain relievers such as betamethasone, budesonide, cortisons, etc. are banned from all competitions.

Question: Explain the side effects of Cannabinoids,Glucocorticoids and alcohol.
Answer: (i) Cannabinoids They lead to a drop in physical performance and affect short-term memory. High doses cause anxiety, panic, restlessness and confusion. They also reduce the concentration and coordination power and can cause heart and lung diseases.
(ii) Glucocorticoids They affect the immune system which leads to decrease in bone density (osteoporosis) hence increasing the risk of injury.
(iii) Alcohol The consumption of alcohol leads to impairment of the thinking process. It can cause respiratory paralysis leading to death. Alcohol addiction damages the cells of the body, affecting the nervous system and liver.

Question: Differentiate between autologous and homologus blood doping.
Answer: The difference between autologous and humologus are as follows Autologous Blood Homologous Blood Autologous blood doping is when blood from an athlete is taken out, frozen and stored a few weeks before the competition.
Homologous blood doping is when fresh blood of another person is injected into the body of an athlete.
It is again injected one or two days before the competition. This boosts the red blood cells in the body and enhances performance.
This also increases red blood cells in the body and enhances performance.
In autologus own blood is used.
In homologous blood of some other person is used.

Question: Write a short note on blood doping.
Answer: World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) defines blood doping as the misuse of certain techniques or substance to increase one’s red blood cell count, which allows the body to transport more oxygen to muscles and therefore increase stamina and performance.
The method used in it includes taking out some blood from an athlete a few weeks before competition, freeze and store it till one or two days before the competition and then inject the blood back into the athlete.
This practice boosts red blood cells, raising the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, thus enhancing the performance of the athlete.

 Long Answer  Type Questions 

Question: What are the side effects of any five prohibited substances?
Answer: Five prohibited substances with their side effects are as follows 
(i) Anabolic Steroids Overdose of steroids can have serious side effects inducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, liver diseases and many behavioural changes.
It affects the endocrine systems and brings many physical changes. In males, developments such as enlargement of breasts happen, while in females, facial hair is commonly seen.
(ii) Beta-2-Agonists Their side effects are excessive sweating, restlessness, rapid heartbeat, etc. They also have some other side effects like reduction in potassium concentration in the blood serum and increase in glucose level in the body.
(iii) Hormone and Metabolic Modulators They interfere with the body’s endocrine system and enhance the risk of serious diseases. They also slow down some enzyme reactions causing of flushes, excessive sweating and loss of sleep.
(iv) Narcotics They cause problems in coordination and concentration. Overdoes of narcotics may lead to fatal respiratory paralysis. It can also cause a false sense of security and invincibility which is very fatal.
(v) Diuretics They disrupt the balance of water and salt in the body. This can lead to muscle cramps, acute hypertension and circulatory shock. Other side effects are gastrointestinal and kidney problems.

Question: Describe briefly about the substances prohibited by WADA. Also explaining the reason for prohibiting them.
Answer: WADA has classified the prohibited substances into following categories
(i) Anabolic Steroids Anabolic steroids such as drostanolone, matenolone, oxandrolone, etc. are prohibited as they enhance the performance of anathlete artificially and have serious side effects.
(ii) Peptide Hormones Peptide hormones such as erythropoietin, human growth hormone, insulin, etc.
are banned as they artificially increase the muscle and produces excess red blood cells.
(iii) Beta-2-Agonists Substance that are generally prescribed for asthma patients, are prohibited in all sports.
(iv) Diuretics All diuretics and masking agents are banned in and out of all competitions for giving athletes an unfair competitive edge.
(v) Hormones and Metabolic Modulators Any substances that interfere with the function of hormones such as tamoxifen and clomiphene are banned from all sports. 

Case Study Questions Training and Doping in Sports Class 12 Physical Education

 Karan is an athlete. He completed the 400 m relay race, which he won. But after the decleration of the result, he was disqualified for doping charges.
Based on this case, answer the following questions.

Question: What do you understand by doping?
Answer: Doping means the use of drugs in the field of sports to enhance the physical capacity of the Athletes. It improves sports performance.

Question: What are the two methods of doping?
Answer: The two methods of doping are taking performance enhancing substances and altering the body by injecting or manipulating cells or genes.

Sanju wants to loose weight rapidly to take part in a boxing event. At the same time, he wants to improve his muscle mass. He has started taking diuretics and anabolic steroids. Based on this case,answer the following questions.

Question: What are diuretics?
Answer: Diuretics are used to remove fluids from the body to reduce body weight rapidly. They are used by boxers, wrestlers, weightlifters, etc.

Question: What are the side effects of Beta-2 Agonists?
Answer: The side effects of Beta-2-Agonists are restlessness,rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, reduction of potassium in blood serum and increase in glucose level etc.


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HOTS stands for "Higher Order Thinking Skills" in Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports Class 12 Physical Education. It refers to questions that require critical thinking, analysis, and application of knowledge

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Yes, HOTS questions are important for Chapter 10 Training and Doping in Sports Class 12 Physical Education exams as it helps to assess your ability to think critically, apply concepts, and display understanding of the subject.