CBSE Class 10 English The Thief’s Story Worksheet

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 10 English The Thiefs Story Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 10 English can get free printable Worksheets for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 10 students should practice questions and answers given here for English in Class 10 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 10 English Worksheets prepared by school teachers as per the latest NCERT, CBSE, KVS books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story

Class 10 English students should refer to the following printable worksheet in Pdf for Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story in Class 10. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 10 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 10 English Worksheet for Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story

The Thief’s Story

Ruskin Bond’s ‘The Thief’s Story’ is more than a thief’s story. The story deals with basic human values and relationships. It is easier for a thief to rob a greedy man. It is difficult even for a thief to rob a careless and honest person. Hari Singh did steal Anil’s money but he couldn’t run away with it. He had no friends because he regarded them to be trouble than help. The only person he really knew was the man he had robbed. Moreover, Anil was ready to educate Hari Singh. The thief’s conscience pricked him. He came back to Anil and crept to his bed. He slipped the money under the mattress from where he had stolen it a few hours ago.

Hari Singh was a young boy of fifteen. But he was a thief and a cheat. At a wrestling match, he came across Anil. He won Anil’s confidence and came to his house as a servant.
Anil was a writer and did not earn much. So, Hari Singh agreed to work for him only for food. Hari Singh did not know how to cook. The first meal which he cooked for Anil was so bad that Anil threw it to the dogs. But Hari’s appealing smile made Anil give up his decision to turn him out.
Hari Singh did odd jobs for Anil. In the morning he made tea and then brought the day’s supplies from the market. Often, he made a profit of a rupee a day out of these purchases.
Anil had no regular income. He earned something by writing articles and stories for magazines. But one day Anil came home with a bundle of notes. He told Hari that he had earned six hundred rupees by selling one of his books. Hari’s mouth watered at the sight of money. He decided to steal that money. Anil kept the bundle under his mattress and went to sleep.
Now Hari Singh went into the room and silently took the money under the mattress. He went to the railway station to catch the train to Lucknow. But he missed the train and walked in the bazaars. Soon it started raining and Hari was drenched completely.
Then Hari Singh remembered Anil. He imagined how sad Anil would be on finding the money stolen.Hari remembered that Anil used to teach him. He thought that without the education he would remain a thief. But education might make him a big Mtn. So, he decided to return and replace the money. He reached home and silently put the money back under the mattress.

Main Points of the Story

- The narrator was a thief.
- Although only 15, he was experienced and successful in his work.
- Luck was against him and he thought of targeting Anil, a young man of 25 years.
- The narrator introduced himself to Anil as Hari Singh.
- He changed his name every month to escape arrest.
- Hari Singh wanted to work for Anil but Anil had no money to pay him regularly.
- Anil had no regular income and used to write for magazines.
- Anil asked if he could cook, and Hari Singh lied that he knew how to cook.
- Hari Singh cooked the food so terribly that it had to be thrown away to the stray dogs.
- Anil asked him to go away but the narrator didn’t leave his company.
- Later on, Anil softened and told him that he would teach Hari Singh how to cook.
- He also taught Hari Singh to write his name and promised to teach him to write whole sentences and to add numbers.
- It was quite pleasant for Had Singh to work for Anil, and he made a rupee a day from buying the day’s supplies.
- One evening, Anil came home with a small bundle of notes as he had just sold a book to a publisher.
- Hari Singh saw Anil tuck the money under the mattress.
- Hari crept up to the bed, slid his hand under the mattress and took the money out.
- Anil sighed in sleep and Hari Singh startled and quickly left the room.
- When the narrator (the thief) was on the road, he counted the notes: 600 rupees in fifties.
- With that money, he could live like a rich Arab for a week or two.
- He could easily jump into the Lucknow Express but hesitated and remained standing at the platform.
- He had no friends to go and the only person he knew was Anil whom he had robbed a few hours ago.
- It was a chilly night and a light drizzle added to his problem.
- Hari Singh had forgotten about his education in the excitement of theft and realised that education could bring him Character Sketch more money than a few hundred rupees.
- Had Singh went back to the room and put the wet notes under the mattress from where he had stolen it?
- Next morning, Anil stretched out his hand towards the narrator (Hari Singh) holding a fiftyrupee note.
- Anil told that he had made some money and he would pay Had Singh regularly.
- Actually, Anil knew everything about the theft but neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything. 

Choose the correct answer.

Question. “I followed casually.” The narrator followed Anil with an intention to:
(i) have some more interesting talks with him.
(ii) request him for a job.
(iii) cheat him.
(iv) request him for a shelter.
Answer. B

Question. Why was Hari given a separate key to the house?
(i) He was the owner of the house.
(ii) He was a cook.
(iii) He was not a thief.
(iv) Anil trusted him.
Answer. D

Question. Hari Singh had a short career as:
(i) a shoeshine boy
(ii) a handy man
(iii) a cook
(iv) a thief
Answer. D

Question. The reference to making a little money ‘this way’ refers to a way that is viewed by most people as:
(i) sensible
(ii) inappropriate
(iii) charitable
(iv) aggressive
Answer. B

Question. With reference to ‘The Theif’s Story’, a little flattery helps in making friends. ‘Flattery’ includes:
(i) helping others.
(ii) praising others falsely.
(iii) having sympathy for others.
(iv) loving others.
Answer. B

Question. Who is easier to rob?
(i) a careless man
(ii) a greedy man
(iii) a trusting man
(iv) Anil
Answer. B

Question. “A queer way to earn money.” What is the meaning of the word “queer”?
(i) Strange
(ii) Famous
(iii) Rare
(iv) Illegal
Answer. A

Question. How did the narrator attempt at being friends with Anil?
(i) By flattering him.
(ii) By teasing him.
(iii) By introducing himself.
(iv) None of these
Answer. A

Question. What is Hari a “fairly successful hand” at?
(i) Wrestling
(ii) Stealing
(iii) Deceiving
(iv) Working hard
Answer. B

Question. What promise did Anil make to the thief boy?
(i) Giving him a good job.
(ii) Giving him good clothes.
(iii) Teaching him reading and writing.
(iv) Playing with him.
Answer. C


Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Anil was watching a wrestling match when I approached him. He was about 25— a tall, lean fellow – and he looked easy-going, kind and simple enough for my purpose. I hadn’t had much luck of late and thought I might be able to get into the young man’s confidence.
‘You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I said. A little flattery helps in making friends.


Question. According to the extract, the young boy was watching the wrestling match because he:
(i) had been invited there by the wrestlers.
(ii) was supposed to meet someone there.
(iii) was looking for simple people to dupe.
(iv) loved wrestling and followed it very closely.
Answer. C

Question. ‘I hadn’t had much luck of late’ means that the boy hadn’t:
(i) ever conned people successfully.
(ii) been successful in duping people lately.
(iii) understood the consequences of thievery till date.
(iv) considered the role of fate in deceiving others.
Answer. B

Question. ‘I might be able to get into the young man’s confidence.’
Choose the option that DOES NOT display what the statement means.
(i) He wanted to win his trust.
(ii) He wanted him to share his thoughts without caution.
(iii) He wanted him to feel comfortable revealing more details about himself.
(iv) He wanted to be able to spend quality time with him.
Answer. D

Question. Anil looked easy-going, kind and simple to the narrator.
Which of the given characteristics would NOT fit in with this description?
(i) Compassionate
(ii) Suave
(iii) Uncomplicated
(iv) Carefree
Answer. B

Question. Based on the line, “A little flattery helps in making friends”, choose the option that displays the quote closest in meaning.
(i) Imitation is the best form of flattery; people generally understand that my comedy is not intended to hurt anybody.
(ii) I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing one's identity is totally different.
(iii) Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; If you flatter only one or two, you offend the rest.
(iv) One may define flattery as a base companionship which is most advantageous to the flatterer.
Answer. D

Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:

And that is why it was so difficult to rob him. It’s easy to rob a greedy man, because he can afford to be robbed; but it’s difficult to rob a careless man — sometimes he doesn’t even notice he’s been robbed and that takes all the pleasure out of the work.
Well, it’s time I did some real work, I told myself; I’m out of practice. And if I don’t take the money, he’ll only waste it on his friends. After all, he doesn’t even pay me.
(The Thief’s Story)

Question. ‘And that is why it was so difficult to rob him’, this difficulty is due to Anil’s:
(a) smartness
(b) trusting nature
(c) indifferent attitude
(d) cunning behaviour
Answer. (b) trusting nature

Question. From the following options, identify Hari Singh’s intention behind some real work.
(a) distrust
(b) harm
(c) deceit
(d) thieving
Answer. (d) thieving

Question. Select the option listing Anil’s characteristics, as revealed in the extract.
(1) careless   (2) kind
(3) trusting   (4) extravagant
(5) sincere
(a) (2) and (3)
(b) Only (5)
(c) (1), (3) and (4)
(d) Only (2)
Answer. (c) (1), (3) and (4)

Question. Select the most appropriate option for (1) and (2).
(1) " And if I don’t take the money, he’ll only waste it on his friends."
(2) Hari Singh wants to steal Anil’s money.
(a) (1) is true and (2) is false.
(b) (2) furthers the meaning of (1).
(c) (2) is the opposite of (1).
(d) Both (1) and (2) cannot be inferred from the extract.
Answer. (b) (2) furthers the meaning of (1).

Question. Select the option which displays an example of ‘out of practice.’
(a) He is learning driving regularly.
(b) The doctor has not been treating any patient for a year. He has resumed his work.
(c) The painter paints with a lot of creativity. His paintings are appreciated.
(d) She left dancing many years ago. So she cannot dance now.
Answer. (d) She left dancing many years ago. So she cannot dance now.


Read the given extracts to attempt the questions that follow:

Anil made money by fits and starts. He would borrow one week, lend the next. He kept worrying about his next cheque, but as soon as it arrived, he would go out and celebrate. It seems he wrote for magazines—a queer way to make a living!
(The Thief’s Story)

Question. Select the statements that are true about Anil’s profession.
(1) Anil had a fixed source of income.
(2) Anil was a freelance writer.
(3) Anil wrote for magazines.
(4) His income was not regular.
(5) He earned enough to be able to lend.
(a) (1) and (2)
(b) 1 and (4)
(c) (1), (3) and (5)
(d) (2), (3) and (4)
Answer. (d) Only (2), (3) and (4)

Question. Select the option that supports the speaker’s opinion of calling, 'Anil's profession a queer' one?
(a) He had never seen anyone earning by writing.
(b) Since he was illiterate, he failed to understand how one could earn by writing.
(c) He never imagined anyone could earn by writing.
(d) He thought one could earn money either by working in offices or thieving.
Answer. (b) Since he was illiterate, he failed to understand how one could earn by writing.

Question. Select the most appropriate option for (1) and (2).
(1) Anil made money by fits and starts.
(2) He liked to spend on his friends.
(a) (1) is true and (2) is false.
(b) (1) is not the correct explanation of (2).
(c) (1) furthers the meaning of (2).
(d) Both (1) and (2) cannot be inferred from the extract.
Answer. (b) (1) is not the correct explanation of (2).

Question. ‘He kept worrying about his next cheque, but as soon as it arrived, he would go out and celebrate.’ Select the character traits which are reflected from this fact?
(a) Tight fisted
(b) Spendthrift
(c) Frugal
(d) Thrifty
Answer. (b) Spendthrift

Question. Choose the option that does not correspond to ‘fits and starts.’
(a) Herky-jerky
(b) Off and on
(c) Hits and misses
(d) On-and-on
Answer. (d) On-and-on


Short Answer Questions :

Question. Anil walked away. I followed casually’. Why do you think the narrator followed Anil?
Answer. The narrator’s purpose of robbing Anil had not yet been served. He followed Anil to gain his trust and look for an opportunity that may help him give shape to his plAnswer.

Question. What did Anil and Hari agree upon to be the mode of payment?
Answer. When Anil stated his inability to pay Hari, Anil questioned Hari if he could feed Hari. Hari realised that he had misjudged his target and moulded the situation for his benefit. Anil then agreed to feed him if he knew how to cook.

Question. Was Hari Singh successful in robbing Anil? Was Anil the only one who was robbed or did Hari also rob himself of something?
Answer. Yes, Hari Singh was successful in robbing Anil. But Anil was not the only one who was robbed at that time. Hari had robbed himself as well. He had lost the chance of receiving education and being literate. He had robbed Anil monetarily but he had robbed himself of the chance for a better and brighter future, which was much more valuable.

Question. Why did Hari Singh approach Anil?
Answer. Hari Singh was a thief who had not much luck in his work recently. So, he approached Anil with the intention of robbing him, as he seemed to be an easygoing and simple man. According to Hari,winning Anil’s confidence was an easy task.


Long Answer Questions :

Question. Hari Singh didn’t board the express and returned to Amil. Why did he return? On what values does this incidence put light on?
Answer.Hari Singh was a thief and he had stolen Anil’s money. After the theft, he realised that he had robbed not only Anil but also himself of the chance of being literate and having a bright future. His conscience pricked him to think what all he could have got had he not done this. It was difficult for him to rob Anil but it was tougher for him not to back. He realised that he could not make tea, buy daily supplies and learn how to read and write then. His inner self did not agree to bypass this and forced him to return. Hari’s return to Anil shows that despite indulging in criminal acts, he still had a practical and positive attitude towards life. It is the awakening of Hari’s conscience and Anil’s love and care that reformed Hari’s character. It teaches us that love alone can change a person. Anil’s understanding nature and care changed Hari’s thinking to mend his ways for good.

Question. Money can’t make a man as much as education can. Elucidate the statement.
Answer.The statement stands true in almost all the aspects of life. Money may buy us all the luxuries and fulfil our needs but it cannot buy us knowledge, civilized thinking, skills and abilities to achieve our dreams. Education lays the platform for all to act upon our goals according to our abilities. Education enables us to keep up with the fast moving world. It opens the door to opportunities we do not know even exist. Money, on the other hand, can assist us to a certain level. It can buy us a plan but education gives us the knowledge of its execution. Just as in the story ‘A Thief s Story’, Hari Singh prioritized the chance of being literate over a few hundred rupees, we must understand that education can help us to achieve whatever we desire.

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CBSE Class 10 English Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story Worksheet

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Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story worksheet English CBSE Class 10

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Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story CBSE Class 10 English Worksheet

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Worksheet for CBSE English Class 10 Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thiefs Story

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