CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set S

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set S. Students and teachers of Class 5 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 5 Science All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 5 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 5 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 5 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests

Worksheet for Class 5 Science All Chapters

Class 5 Science students should download to the following All Chapters Class 5 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 5 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Class 5 Science Worksheet for All Chapters

Q-1 Fill in the blanks with suitable word:-

1. Always follow _________rules on the road and at home.

2. For cuts, clean the affected area with cotton wool soaked in an _______ lotion.

3. Houses in ______ __ areas have thick walls and flat roofs.

4. A house can be made safe by fitting the doors and windows with ________.

5. The three states of matter is ________,_________and__________.

6. A_____________ change is permanent change.

Q-2 Tick the correct answer:-

1. The budget determines
a) Size
c) space
b) Design
d) all of these

2. In which type of houses Eskimos live
a) Pacca house
c) kachcha house
b) Igloo
d) apartments

3. In places which have frequent earthquakes, houses are built of
a) concrete
c) glass
b) iron
d) wood

4. In ice, the water molecules are
a) Move very fast
c) very close to each other
b) Move around freely
d) stuck together

Q-3 Answer in one word:-

1. A virus carried by dogs, cats and bats.

2. It can happen when we throw water on fire caused by defective wiring.

3. The temporary house that Eskimos live in

4. Building materials that is made by mixing cement, sand and water.

5. A plan how available money will be spent over a period of time.

6. Any substance that has mass and occupies space.

7. Substances whose molecules occupy the entire container

8. When two liquids mix together


1. Fungicides are used to kill______________________.

2. The snakes moves with the help of ________________________.

3. Ducks and frogs have __________________ feet to swim in water.

4. Seeds dispersed by wind have ___________________ on them.

5. Mushrooms and moulds reproduce from__________________.

6. All aquatic animals breathe through ________________________.

7. _______________ and ________________ help lizards to climb on trees.

8. Paddy grows well in a _______________ and _____________ soil.

9. Forelimbs are modified into _________________ in man.

10. You can see a very small _________________ between the seed leaves.

11. ____________________ is known as the Birdman of India.

12. A small baby plant coming out of a seed is called __________________.

13. Tiny tubes inside the lungs are called ____________________.

14. Rats and rabbits live in _________________.

15. Plants need to keep their race alive by ____________________.


1. Feeding organ of a butterfly.

Ans. _______________________.

2. A plant which reproduces from leaves.

Ans. _______________________.

3. A single celled animal.

Ans. _______________________.

4. A pointed horny nail on an animals or bird’s foot.

Ans. _______________________.

5. Two insects without wings.

Ans. _______________________.

6. Two seeds dispersed by explosion. 

Ans. _______________________.

7. Two herbivores .

Ans.(1) _______________________ (2)___________________________.

8. Two rodents .

Ans.(1) _______________________ (2)___________________________.

9. The four ways in which plants reproduce .

Ans.(1) _______________________ (2)___________________________

(3)________________________ (4)___________________________

10. Name the agents of dispersal of these seeds .

Ans.(1) Madar seeds______________ (2)Coconut____________________

(3)Honesty seeds_______________ (4)Cotton seed_______________

11. Name the breathing organ of these animals .

Ans.(1) Tadpole _________________ (2) Prawn ____________________

(3) Fish __________________ (4)Amoeba ____________________

12. Two fertilisers .

Ans.(1) _______________________ (2)___________________________.

III. WRITE ‘True’ OR ‘ False’

1. Onion is a bulb shaped underground stem. [_______________]

2. Seeds are covered with seed coat. [_________________]

3. Potato grows from seeds. [__________________]

4. The method of reproduction found in rose plant is layering . [________________]

5. The surrounding in which an animal live is its habitat. [__________________]

6. Man is the most developed amongst all the animals. [__________]

7. Dolphin is an animal that lives on land. [_______________]

8. Animals that eat only plants are called carnivores. [______________]

9. All mammals breathe through lungs. [_______________]

10. The thick outer covering of the seed is called seedling. [_____________] 

Q-1 Write breathing organs of following animals:-
a. Microbes
b. Fish
c. Frog
d. Whale
e. Bird
f. Tadpoles.

Q-2 Name the type joints present in the following parts:-
a. Elbows
b. Shoulder
c. Neck
d. Knees
e. Hip
f. Fingers
g. Wrist

Q-2 Write two examples for each of the following:-
a. Animals that breathe with through body surface
b. Animals with scales
c. Animals with flippers

Q-3 Answer the following questions-
1. Why do some people migrate?
2. Why do animals need to take in oxygen?
3. How do reptiles move?
4. What are tendons?
5. Name the different kinds of movable joints in your body?

Q.1 Fill in the blanks :

a. The liquid molten rock inside a Volcano is called _________________

b. When Magma comes out of a Volcano it is called __________________.

c. Rock which has holes in it is known as _______________.

d. Marble is formed from _____________________.

e. Slate is formed from __________________.

f. Red fort in Delhi is made of __________________.

g. About _________% of air is oxygen.

h. The Ozone layer is present in __________________ layer.

i. About 78% of the air is ________________.

j. Process of changing water into water vapour on heating is known as____________

Q.2 Answer in one word :

a. Changes in the weather occur in this layer. _____________________

b. It protects Earth from the harmful rays of the Sun. _________________

c. It is the fifth layer of the atmosphere. ___________________

d. It contains many gases. _____________

e. This rock contains calcium. ______________

f. Natural magnet ________________

g. It is formed when lava cools down below the surface of the earth. ___________________

h. This rock is used to make slates and black boards. _________________

i. Minerals from which metals can be extracted are called _____________

Q.3 Name 2 each :

a. Minerals ____________________ 

b. Sedimentary rocks __________________ 

c. Igneous rocks _____________________ 

d. Metamorphic rocks ___________________ 

e. Fossil fuel _____________________ 

f. Precious metal ____________________

g. Ends of a magnet __________________ 

h. Types of water impurities _________________________ 

i. Methods used to remove insoluble impurities of water. ________________________

j. Methods used to remove soluble impurities of water. _______________________

k. Drinking water can be made germ free by _______________________

l. Diseases caused due to drinking impure water. ________________________

Answer the following :

1. Write the steps involved in distillation.

2. Name and explain different layer of atmosphere.

3. Write a short notes on the formation of following rocks :

i) Igneous rocks :- ________________________________________

ii) Sedimentary rocks :- _____________________________________

4. Write the uses of following rocks :-

i) Granite - _________________________________________________

ii) Pumice - _________________________________________________

iii) Quartzite - _____________________________________________

iv) Marble - _________________________________________________

v) Sandstone - _____________________________________________

5. Define the following :

i) lava - _________________________________________________

ii) Atmosphere - _____________________________________________

6. How are the impurities separated from water through evaporation ?


Q-1 Define the following:-

1. deforestation

2. Minerals

3. Bone marrow

4. Architect

5. Migration

Q-2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words:-

1. __________ by cattle also causes soil erosion.

2. The skull is made up of________ bones .

3. _________ and _________are grown along the boundary of the fields.

4. Thick walls in the house protect from___________.

5. The type of house built depends upon the ___________and_________.

Q-3 Write one word for the following:-

1. The temporary house that Eskimos live in________

2. Houses made from leaves, mud and bamboo_______

3 .Whales and dolphins are classified as ____________

4. Rodents have _________and _________ front teeth.

5. The uppermost layer of earth_________

6. Strong tissues that bind the bones at a joint_________

7. The soft, spongy material found inside the cavities of long bones________.

Q-4 Answer the following question:

1. What do the three Rs stand for?

2. How do insects move?

3. How do muscles work?

4. What are rocks made up of?

5. Why do some rivers change their course?

6. What is organ system?


• A wave is a disturbance that travels through medium, usually by the transfer of energy.

Forces that Change the Earth’s Crust

The movements of the plates in the earth’s crust.

• Plates – slide past each other.

-push into each other, rock is squeezed.

-pull away from each other, makes a fault.

Types of faults

1.A strike-slip fault-can happen at a transform boundary.

Plates slide, but do not move up or down.

2.A reverse fault can happen at a convergent boundary.

The plates push together, rock above the fault moves up.

3.A normal fault can happen at divergent a boundary.

The plates pull apart, rock above the fault moves down.

An earthquake

• Seismograph is a tool that is used to measure and record earthquake’s activities.

• It helps to find earthquake’s epicenter and to study seismic waves.

Types of seismic waves

1.Surface waves-happens near Earth’s surface.

move more slowly than body waves.

cause the most damage.

2.Body waves-move under Earth’s surface.

- move faster than surface waves.


• Forms at a moving plate boundaries.

• There are 3 kinds of volcanoes.

1.A cinder-cone -is made of small piece of rock called cinders.

has a cone shape with steep sides. 

2.A shield volcano- is made of many layers of rock.

has gently sloping side that looks like a shield

3.A composite volcano -is made of some layers of larva and other layers of ash,Cinders, and rocks

has steep sides that curve inward.


• Weathering is breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces’

• There are two types of weathering.

1.physical weathering- - is caused by –rain, flood, wind, plant’s root, rivers etc

2.Chemical weathering-is caused by –chemical reaction of oxygen and rock minerals.


Soil is a mixture substance formed by chemical decomposition and physical disintegration of rock.

Types of soil-

1.Clay soil-has fine particles.

- can hold high water, but not much air.

- is not good for the growth of the plant.

2.Sand soil- has very large particles.

- can hold high air, but not much water.

- is not good for the growth of the plant.

3.Loam soil- has medium particles.

- can hold enough air and water.

- is very good for the growth of the plant.

Soil layers:

- top soil- is upper layer of the earth.

- has high humus, water, minerals, and air

• Sub soil- is the middle layer of the soil.

- has some humus, water, and mineral

• Weathered rock- is parental and bottom layer of soil.

- has high humus, water, minerals, and air.

Uses of soil :

For the growth of the plants. - To get minerals

For the construction. - As shelter for animals.

Soil erosion- is washing away of soil particles.

-is caused by-rain, flood, wind, deforestation, over grazing, etc.

Ways that are used to protect soil erosion

Planting trees, using terrace and hash, use horizontal plough, avoiding over grazing, etc

Rocks and minerals

Minerals – are tiny parts of rocks.

-have different properties, such as, luster, streaking, shape, hardness, etc.

Rocks - are substances, made from minerals.

Types of rocks

1.Igneous rocksare formed from melted rock or magma.

-E.g. Granite- is formed inside the ground.

Basalt- is formed on the surface of the ground.

-are used for construction process.

2.Sedimentary rocks- are re formed from sediment. E.g. -limestone, chalk.

-often has fossils.

3.Metamorphic rocks-are formed from other rocks by high pressure and temperature.

- E.g. Marble, slate etc.


• Fossils -are the remains of plants or animals from long ago and found in Earth’s crust.

Steeps of fossils formation

  1. An animal or plant dies
  2. Sediment buries the animal or plant.
  3. Minerals in the sediments change hard parts of the animal or plant to rock.
  4. Erosion and movement of rock layers can change the fossil’s location

Uses of : fossils give clue about what Earth was like in the past (earth’s history).

Eras- scientists measure earth’s history in length of time called eras.

1.Precambrian era- is the first era of the earth. Scientists found very few fossil of sea’s organism.

2.Paleozoic era- is the second era of the earth. The first forests started.( ocean life)

3.Mesozoic era- is the third era of the earth. There were many mammals such as dinosaurs, birds, and flowering plants.

4.Cenozoic era- is the fourth era of the earth. There were many mammals.(mastodons)

Air- Air is one of the most important substances for life. One can live without food for some days but it is impossible to live without air even for several minutes. Air was taken as the homogeneous

mixture of different gases. The composition of air by volume ratio is as follows: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, some water vapor and other gases. The percentage of water changes from place to place.

Importance of Air

Air is necessary for all living organisms.

1.For photosynthesis Air supports burning. e.g. oxygen

2.For science and technology development. it extinguish fire. e.g. carbon dioxide for breathing

Properties of air are;

1.Volume: Air occupies space i.e., it has volume but not definite volume.

2.Air moves from place to place

3.Air is odorless and colorless.

4.Air supports burning.

5.Air moves from place to place

Density: Air has its own density. Density is the ratio of mass to volume. i.e. Density = Mass Volume The density of air is 1.27 g/L

Air pollutants

• Air pollutants are substances that cause air pollution. An air pollutant can be a gas or dust particle that enters into the atmosphere to cause pollution.]

Sources of Air pollutants

• Air pollutants can be released from various sources. The following table summarizes air pollutants and their sources.

Grade 6 G.S. note - 1


Answer the following question correctly 

1.What are the two main kinds of seismic waves?



2.Write the characteristics of the following terms.

• Surface waves. 1.____________________________________________



• Body waves. 1.______________________________________________ 


3.Write the properties of the following types of soils.

• Sand soil._________________________________________________ 

  1. Clay soil.________________________________________________ 
  1. Loam soil.________________________________________________ 

4.List some important of soil in the ecosystem. 

1.______________________ 3.____________________________ 

2.______________________ 4.____________________________ 

5.How can soil be formed? Show the steeps properly.



6.List the three soil layers and write brief explanation for each 




7.How can we protect soil erosion? 

1.___________________________ 3.____________________________ 

2.___________________________ 4.____________________________ 

8.What is a fossil?__________________________________________________.

9.How can fossils be formed?



10.Write major importance of fossils. 




11.List the 4 major types of eras of geological time sale. 

1.___________________________ 3.____________________________ 

2.___________________________ 4.____________________________ 

12.Write the names of eras in which the following organisms were lived?

• Formation of 1st forest, (ocean life)______________________________________

• Existence of large mammals (mastodons)________________________________

• Water organisms, (ancient sea)________________________________________

• Dinosaurs, mammals and birds. (Dinosaurs)___________________________

13.Write the basic properties of minerals. 

1.___________________________ 3.____________________________ 

2.___________________________ 4.____________________________

14.What does the Mohs scale measures?________________________________________.

15.List the names of 3 types of rock. 

1.________________________ 2.________________________ 3.____________________ 

16.Define the following terms.

• Coarse.____________________________________________________________________

• Extrusive._________________________________________________________________ 

• Sructure___________________________________________________________________ 

• Air._______________________________________________________________________

• Aquifer.____________________________________________________________________

17.From what the following rocks are formed?

Igneous rocks._____________________________________________________________

Metamorphic rocks._______________________________________________________

Sedimentary rocks._______________________________________________________

18. Match the following items. 

1.Granite and Basalt            A. Sedimentary rocks 

2. Marble and slate               B. Igneous rocks 

3. Limestone and Chalk      C. Metamorphic rocks 

19.Write the components of air. 

1._______________ 3.__________________ 5._______________________ 

2.______________ 4.__________________ 


Q.1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

Seed coat seedling seeds wealth soil germination

(a) A good crop adds to the ……………………………. of the country.

(b) All ………………………. of a plant do not grow into new plants.

(c) A bean seed has an outer protective layer called …………………………

(d) If the seed survives and gets the right amount of water and warmth it produces a baby plant or ……………………………………………..

(e) The baby plant develops roots .These roots absorb water and nutrients from the ……………………………..

(f) The process by which a seed produces a baby plant or seedling is called ……………………………………..

Q.2 Plants grow well in regions which are suitable for them. Match the plant to the state and mark the states on a political map of India.

1. Keekar a. Himachal Pradesh

2. Coconut b. Maharashtra

3. Pine c. Assam

4. Mango d. Rajasthan

5. Tea e. Kerala

6. Cotton f. Uttar Pradesh

Q.1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

Seed coat seedling seeds wealth soil germination

(a) A good crop adds to the ……………………………. of the country.

(b) All ………………………. of a plant do not grow into new plants.

(c) A bean seed has an outer protective layer called …………………………

(d) If the seed survives and gets the right amount of water and warmth it produces a baby plant or ……………………………………………..

(e) The baby plant develops roots .These roots absorb water and nutrients from the ……………………………..

(f) The process by which a seed produces a baby plant or seedling is called ……………………………………..

Q.2 Plants grow well in regions which are suitable for them. Match the plant to the state and mark the states on a political map of India.

1. Keekar                  a. Himachal Pradesh

2. Coconut                b. Maharashtra

3. Pine                      c. Assam

4. Mango                  d. Rajasthan

5. Tea                       e. Kerala

6. Cotton                  f. Uttar Pradesh


Topic : Houses all around

1. Give one word for the following:-

a. Houses made from leaves, mud and bamboo

b. Houses made from iron, wood, concrete and cement.

c. Movement of air due to doors and windows.

d. Person who draws the plan of the house

e. The temporary house that Eskimos live in

f. Building materials that is made by mixing cement, sand and water.

g. A plan how available money will be spent over a period of time.

h. In the language of Eskimos igloos means.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:-

a. Thick walls keep inside of the house _______.

b. Thick walls in the house protect from ___________.

c. The sloping roofs of houses in hills do not allow________ to collect make the houses damp and cold.

d. A fire place is seen houses in__________

e. The type of house built depends upon the ____________, ___________ and ___________.

f. Cooperative housing societies to save _______and __________.

g. A sun-facing house gets a lot of _____________.

h. Houses must have a good__________ system

i. The floors must be ________ and ___________ daily.

Worksheets for Class 5 Science
CBSE Class 5 Science A House To Live In Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Air Around Us Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Air Skeletal System Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Amazing Animals Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Animal Life Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Atmosphere Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Brain Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Crops Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Different Life Styles Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Diseases Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Filtration Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Food And Health Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science General Science Revision Test Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Hibernate Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Liquid Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Mixed Assignments Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Nervous System And Sense Organs Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Nutrients Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Our Body Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Our Universe Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Practice Worksheet Set 3
CBSE Class 5 Science Practice Worksheet Set 4
CBSE Class 5 Science Reproduction In Plants Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set G
CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set K
CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set L
CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set O
CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set S
CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set V
CBSE Class 5 Science Rocks And Minerals Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Safety And First Aid Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Sand And Water Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Sedimentation Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Sense Organs Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Simple Machines Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Skeletal And Nervous System Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Solar System Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science States Of Matter Worksheet Set A
CBSE Class 5 Science States Of Matter Worksheet Set B
CBSE Class 5 Science The Environment Pollution Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science The Living World Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science The Moon Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science The Skeletal System Worksheet Set A
CBSE Class 5 Science The Skeletal System Worksheet Set B
CBSE Class 5 Science Water Worksheet
CBSE Class 5 Science Who Am I Worksheet

Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 5 All Chapters

We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 5 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 5 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 5 Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 5 Science to develop the Science Class 5 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 5 Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 5 Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.

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What topics are covered in CBSE Class 5 Science All Chapters worksheets?

CBSE Class 5 Science All Chapters worksheets cover all topics as per the latest syllabus for current academic year.

How can I use worksheets to improve my Class 5 Science scores?

Regular practice with Class 5 Science worksheets can help you understand all concepts better, you can identify weak areas, and improve your speed and accuracy.