Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 5 Science Revision Worksheet Set K. Students and teachers of Class 5 Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 5 Science All Chapters in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 5 students should practice questions and answers given here for Science in Class 5 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 5 Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 5 Science All Chapters
Class 5 Science students should download to the following All Chapters Class 5 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 5 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 5 Science Worksheet for All Chapters
Topic : Solids, liquids and gases
1. Give one word for the following:-
a. Any substance that has mass and occupies space.
b. Substances whose molecules occupy the entire container
c. When two liquids mix together
d. The gas that bubbles out of an aerated drink
e. A universal solvent
f. Change in matter in which no new substance is formed
g. Change in matter in which one and more new substances are formed
h. Building blocks of matter.
i. Atoms of same kind form
j. Smallest unit of a substance
2. Write whether the following are physical or chemical changes:-
a. Water to water vapour .
b. Burning a match stick.
c. Melting of wax.
d. Dissolving sugar in water.
e. Burning of paper.
3. Draw diagram of arrangement of molecules in solids, liquids and gases.
Q1 Unscramble the words to know who I am?
(a) I never have to look for shelter, since I always carry mine with me. ……………………… (leuturt).
(b) My feet are shaped like flippers to help me move better in the water……………….. (uckd).
(c) My tail helps me to keep my balance as I swing through the trees …………………………. (eynomk).
(d) I can swivel my head almost all the way around to look for food…………………….(wlo).
(e) My hump holds fat to keep me going if there’s not much food around…………………………….. (eamcl).
(f) My long nose helps me eat, carry things, and take a bath…………………….(lehtaepn).
(g) My pouch helps to keep my baby safe by carrying it with me…………………(goronak).
(h) The rattling noise I make keeps my enemies away……………. (nksae).
(i) I don’t fly, but my long legs help me to run really fast if I need to……………………….. (ctrisho)
(j) My pointy spines keep me safe from harm…………….(rocuppnei)
(k) If I’m being chased, I shoot out a stream of ink to give myself a chance to get away……………………..(qdisu)
Topic : Soil erosion and conservation
1. Give one word for the following:-
a. The uppermost layer of earth.
b. The process of wearing away of soil over a period of time.
c. Sorrow of china.
d. Excessive cutting of trees.
e. Planting large number of trees.
f. Protection of soil against erosion.
g. Crops grown between two successive harvests to protect soil.
h. Wall along a river bank.
2. Fill in the blanks:-
a. __________forces like wind, rain and running water help in soil formation.
b. Heavy rain causes __________.
c. Running water washes the soil off the __________.
d._________ by cattle also causes soil erosion.
e. After harvesting and before raising the next crop, fields lie __________.
f. _________and _______ are grown along the boundary of the fields.
g. Cutting the slope into steps or ________can reduce soil erosion.
h. To prevent floods, ___________along river banks and prevents soil erosion.
i. Earth day celebrated every year on_____________.
Q 1 Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.
Immovable skeletal system limbs movable vertebral column rib cage skull Hi friends! I give shape to the body. I am the________________________. Many bones in me are organized in a fixed manner. I mainly consist of ____________________, _______________, _______________________ and ________________________________.The joints in me are of two types, namely ________________ and ___________________________.
Q 2 Name the different types of joints present in our body and give an example of each type of joint.
Topic : Animals Everywhere
Q. Give one word for the following:-
a. The natural home of an animal where it lives and grows.
b. A substance in blood that gives it the red colour and carries oxygen.
c. Animals that gnaw or nibble at their food
d. Mass movement by certain animals at certain time.
e. Harmful migratory insect.
Q. Write two examples for each of the following:-
a. Animals that breathe with through body surface
b. Animals with scales
c. Animals with flippers
d. Reptiles
e. Mammals
f. Rodents
Q. Write breathing organs of following animals:-
a. Microbes
b. Fish
c. Frog
d. Whale
e. Bird
f. Tadpoles.
Q1. Write following new words two times in your note book-
1. Haemoglobin
2. Mammal
3. Rodents
4. Reptiles
5. Migration
6. Amphibian
7. Scales
8. Microscopic
9. Microbes
10. Crawl
Q2. Define the following terms- .
1. Haemoglobin- A substance in blood that gives it the red colour and carries oxygen.
2. Rodents- Animals that gnaw or nibble at their field.
Short question/ Answers:-
1. Why do animals need to take in oxygen?
Answer : Animals need to take in oxygen because it burns the food within their bodies and releases energy for various activities.
2. Why do animals need to move?
Answer : Animals need to move in order to search for food and protect themselves.
3. What is the difference in the way a tadpole and a frog breathe?
Answer : A tadpole breathes through its gills and frog breathes through its lungs on land and through its moist skin in water.
4. What are the characteristic features of teeth in herbivores?
Answer : The characteristic features of teeth in herbivores are very sharp, pointed and curved front teeth for tearing flesh.
5. Why do some animals migrate?
Answer : Some animals migrate to escape harsh weather, to search for food and reach their breeding grounds.
Long question/ Answers:-
1. Name a few animals found around you. Write one characteristic feature of each animal.
Answer : 1. Birds- The forelimbs of the bird are in the form wings which help it to fly.
2. Fish- Fish have fins for swimming.
3. Rabbit- Rabbit have small and sharp front teeth to gnaw seeds and fruits.
4. Turtles- Turtles have four paddle-like limbs to push water back and to swim.
2. How the breathing process of an insect different from that of fish?
Answer : Insects breathe through air holes (spiracles) on their bodies. The spiracles lead to air tubes which form a network that reaches every tissue of the body. The body tissues absorb oxygen and give out carbon dioxide which is expelled from the body.
A fish breathes through its gills. Gills are special organs that richly supplied with blood vessels. When water flows the gills absorb oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide from the blood.
3. What special features help water animals to move?
Answer : The special features help water animals to move are-
1. Fish have fins for swimming
2. Frogs have webbed feet to swim.
3. Turtles have four paddle-like limbs to push water back and to swim.
4. How do insects move?
Answer : Insect usually used their six legs for movement. Ants and cockroaches crawl on their legs. A grasshopper uses its long hind legs for hopping. Water insects like water boatmen use their legs as oars for swimming.
5. Snakes are reptiles without any legs. How do they move?
Answer : Snakes are reptiles without any legs. They have scales or plates on the underside of their bodies. These plates are attached to their ribs. When snakes move, these plates act like feet and ribs act like legs. Besides plates they strong muscles and a flexible backbone which helps them to move forward.
Q. Fill in the blanks.
1. An axe is used to chop wood. The metal part chops through the wood, pushing it apart into two smaller sections .Which simple machine is found on the head of this axe? ______________________________
2. The center of this seesaw is used to balance the board with the seats. The children can easily move up and down without much force. The seesaw is an example of which simple machine? ______________________________
3. The cap on this water bottle has a spiral shape. When you place it on the bottle and twist, the cap pulls itself toward the bottle. The bottle cap is an example of which simple machine? ______________________________
4. When you turn the large knob on a door, a rod on the inside releases a latch that holds the door closed. It would be difficult to turn the rod, if the knob wasn’t attached to it. The door knob and rod make up which simple machine? _____________________________
5. A wheel with a rope is used to hoist a flag up to the top of a tall flagpole. This simple machine can also be used to help lift heavy objects with less force. The wheel and rope make up which simple machine? ______________________________
6. A ramp is used for loading this truck. A mover can pull a cart with a heavy object up the ramp. This is much easier than lifting heavy objects into the truck. Which simple machine is on the back of this truck? ______________________________
7.Earth’s ……………………… keeps us and other objects on the ground.
8. Energy of an object due to its position is called……………………………………..
9. A lever can be moved about a fixed point called …………………………………….
10. Friction makes it ……………………………… to slide heavy objects across the floor.
11. A nut cracker is an example of ……………………….. class lever.
12. A machine made of two or more simple machines is called ……………………………
Topic : Houses all Around
Multiple choice questions:-
1. The three factors that determine the type of house to be built are
a) Climate
c) materials
b) Budget
d) all of these
2. In places where the climate is hot, houses have
a) Thick walls
c) sloping roofs
b) Flat roofs
d) both a and b
3. In places where it rains lot, houses have build on
a) Stilts
c) raised platforms
b) Sloping roofs
d) all of these
4. Concrete is made by mixing following materials
a) Cement
c) small stones
b) sand
d) all of these
5. Cooperative housing help to save
a) Space and money
c) only space
b) Only money
d) water
6. The points need to be kept in mind during the construction of a house.
a) Sun-facing
c) airy
b) Both a and b
d) thin walls
7. The walls of the house must be
a) Strong
c) damp proof
b) Well plastered
d) all of these
8. The budget determines
a) Size
c) space
b) Design
d) all of these
9. In which type of houses Eskimos live
a) Pacca house
b) Igloo
c) kachcha house
d) apartments
10. In places which have frequent earthquakes, houses are built of
a) concrete
b) iron
c) glass
d) wood
Q1. Write following new words two times in your note book-
1. Climate
2. Budget
3. Concrete
4. Materials
5. Architect
6. Plastered
7. Stilts
8. Architect
9. Construction
10. Drainage
Q2. Define the following terms- .
1. Budget- A plan of how available money will be spent over a period of time.
2. Concrete- Building material that is made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones and water.
3. Architect- A person who designs building.
Short question/ Answers:-
1. What are the three factors that determine the type of house to be built?
Answer : The three factors that determine the type of house to be built are climate, building materials and budget.
2. Name any six materials used for building a house.
Answer : The six materials used for building a house are bricks, stones, concrete, sand, Cement and wood.
3. Before building a house, who makes the plan of the house?
Answer : Before building a house, an architect makes the plan of the house.
1. The lowest layer of the atmosphere _____________________.
2. The blanket of air surrounding the earth’s surface __________________.
3. Three gases present in air. ________________________ ____________________ _______________
4. The outermost layer of the atmosphere . _____________________
5. The process by which plants prepare their own food. ___________________
6. A chemical substance used to kill germs. _____________________
7. A universal solvent. ________________
8. The purest form of water. __________________
9. Two methods of removing soluble impurities of water. ______________
10. Two methods of removing insoluble substances of water. _________, _____________.
Learn all the question answers and the exercises given in the Text Book. Draw, colour and label diagram of filtration process. Label the different parts of lift pump.
1. The ozone layer is a part of the stratosphere. __________
2. Atmosphere is divided into two parts.__________
3. Aircrafts usually fly in the exosphere. _______________
4. Both plants and animals respire _____________.
5. Ionosphere reflects radio waves back to the earth. _____________
6. Inhaled air is warmer than exhaled air. ___________.
7. Oceans contain 75% of earth’s water. __________
8. Boiling the water is the best method of killing germs._________
9. The substances which dissolve in water are called insoluble substances.___
10. When a solid dissolves in a liquid a solute is formed. __________
11. Inspired air is rich in oxygen.___________
12. Water flow from a higher level to lower level._______
13. Soluble substances can be removed from water by filtration._______
14. Air is needed for burning._____
15. Ionosphere is the outermost layer of the atmosphere. _______
1. Air has weight so it exerts _________________________.
2. During photosynthesis plants take in ________________________.
3. The substances which dissolve in water are called ________________ substances.
4. When a solid dissolves in a liquid a _____________________ is formed.
5. The method of removing insoluble impurities is called _________________.
6. During photosynthesis plants give out _____________________.
7. The ozone layer is a part of ______________________.
8. It is the _____________________ pressure which pushes a liquid through a siphon.
9. Inspired air is rich in ____________________.
10. __________________ the water is the best way of killing germs.
11. During the process of evaporation the ________________ is lost.
12. The substances which do not dissolve in water are called _________________ substances.
13. The dissolved substances can be removed from water by _________________.
14. During the process of filtration the clear water obtained is called ______________________.
15. Expired air is rich in _______________________.
Topic : Increasing the number
Q1. Write following new words two times in your note book-
1. Cereals
2. Cotyledons
3. Germination
4. Dispersal
5. Explosion
6. Insecticides
7. Pesticides
8. Irrigated
9. Monocot
10. Kharif
Q2. Define the following terms-
1. Cereals: Grains used for food such as wheat, oats or corn.
2. Dispersal: The process of scattering of seeds through agents of nature.
3. Irrigated: Artificially watered.
4. Insecticides: Chemical used for destroying harmful insects.
5. Pesticides: Chemical used for destroying pests.
6. Agriculture: The practice of growing plants on a large scale.
7. Germination: The development of a seed into seedling
Long question/ Answers:-
Q1. How are plants useful to us?
Answer : Plants are useful to us in following ways-
1. Plants give us food.
2. Plants provide us with wood, fibre, rubber, gum, tea and coffee.
3. Plants supply us with life giving oxygen.
4. Plants help to reduce soil erosion.
Q2. Name the different parts of a seed. Draw a diagram and label the parts.
Answer : The different parts of a seed are-
1. Seed coat- The outer covering of seed is called seed coat. It protects the embryo (baby plant) from injury and drying.
2. Cotyledons- Seed leaves are called cotyledons.
3. Embryo- Between the cotyledons, an embryo is found. It has two part tiny shoot and tiny root.
Draw fig 1.2(page 9) from your book.
Q3. Name the conditions necessary for germination.
Answer : The conditions necessary for germination are-
1. Air- Germinating seed needs air to breathe.
2. Water- water makes the seed coat soft. This helps the baby plant to break the seed open and come out.
3. Warmth- Warmth is needed for the cells of the seed to become active.
Q4. What are the different agents of dispersal?
Answer : The different agents of dispersal are wind, water, animals and explosion of fruits. The special structures of certain seeds and fruits help these seeds in dispersal.
Draw fig 1.6 (page10) and fig 1.7 (page10) from your book.
1. The eclipse of the sun is called ______________ eclipse.
2. __________________ was the first Indian to go into the space.
3. The changes in the shapes of the moon are called ___________ of the moon.
4. The first man made satellite was _____________________.
5. The place beyond the blanket of atmosphere is called ____________________.
6. _____________________ holds the record of the longest space flight for female space traveler.
7. Tides are caused by the __________________ pull of the moon.
8. The __________________ satellites are helpful in giving us the live coverage of events.
9. The big hollows on the surface of the moon are called __________________.
10. The _________________ moves around the earth .
11. _________________ are spacecrafts sent to orbit a planet .
12. Due to the absence of ________________ no sound can be heard on the moon .
II. Name the following
1. Earth’s natural satellite
Ans. ____________________________
2. The first Indian satellite
Ans. ____________________________
3. Rising and falling movements of ocean water.
Ans. ____________________________
4. The eclipse that occurs only on a full moon night.
Ans. ____________________________
5. The first man to step on the moon
Ans. ____________________________
6. The objects that cause craters on the moon
Ans. ____________________________
7. The eclipse that occurs on the New Moon day
Ans. ____________________________
1. Earth’s closest neighbour in space is the moon. ______________
2. The sun moves round the earth. _____________
3. The earth and the moon are opaque objects. _____________
4. The moon has no light of its own. _______________
5. The distance of the moon from the earth is 383000 km. ________
6. Nearly three fourths of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans. _________
7. The moon’s gravity is one – sixth of the gravity of the earth. ________
1. _______________ gives shape and support to our body.
2. The ______________ protects the brain.
3. The part of the eye on which an image is formed is the _____________________.
4. The nerve at the back of the retina is ________________.
5. The __________________ is the thinking part of the brain.
6. The nerves are made up of __________________.
7. ____________________ nerves carry impulses to the brain.
8. The little brain is the __________________.
9. The heart and lungs are protected by the ____________________.
10. Reflex actions are due to the messages sent by the _________________.
11. Nerves which carry messages from the brain are ___________.
12. Eyeballs are protected by __________________.
1. The system that controls all other systems of our body.
2. The other name of the brain stem.
3.The largest part of the brain.
4. The actions controlled by the spinal cord
5. The control centre of the body.
6. The three kinds of nerves.
a____________________b______________c ________________
7. The part of the brain that helps to control the movements during
reflex action. ___________________________
8. The nerve cells which bind together to form a nerve.
9. The organ that controls our heartbeat and breathing.
10. The part of the brain that helps to control the movements during reflex action.
1. The process by which plants prepare their own food. _______________
2. An envelope of air around the earth. ____________
3. First Indian satellite. ______________
4. The natural satellite of the earth. __________
5. The place beyond the blanket of atmosphere. ______________
6. The lowest layer of atmosphere. _________________
7. The first man made satellite. ____________
8. Rising and falling movement of ocean water. ______________
1. The big hollows on the surface of the moon are called _______________
2. The ozone layer is a part of the ______________.
3. Tides are caused due to __________ pull of the moon.
4. Air has weight so it exerts _______________.
5. The highest tides occur on a new moon and the ____________.
6. Inspired air is rich in ______________.
7. Expired air is rich in _______________.
8. The solar eclipse occurs on a __________________ day.
9. It is the ________________ pressure which pushes a liquid through a siphon.
10. An eclipse of the sun is called _________________ eclipse.
III Write True or False
1. The moon has no light of its own ____________________.
2. Neil Armstrong was the first Indian to go into the space. ___________.
3. The moon’s gravity is one –fifth of the gravity of the earth.__________.
4. Air pressure helps to suck liquid in a fountain pen._____________.
5. Earth’s closest neighbour in space is Pluto.__________________.
6. The moon moves round the earth._________________.
7. The percentage of oxygen gas in the air is __________________.
8. All living things take in oxygen and give out carbondioxide during respiration.____________________.
Topic : Solids, liquids and Gases
Q1. Write following new words two times in your note book-
1. Matter
2. Molecules
3. Physical
4. Chemical
5. miscible
6. Temporary
7. Permanent
8. Reversed
9. Ammonia
10. Compounds
Q2. Define the following terms- .
1. Miscible- When two liquids are dissolved in each other.
2. Atoms- Building blocks of matter.
Short question/ Answers:-
1. What is matter?
Answer : Anything that occupies the space and has weight is called matter.
2. What are molecules?
Answer : Molecules are the smallest unit of a substance that has all properties of that substance.
3. What are molecules made up of?
Answer : Molecules are made up of atoms.
4. Name any two solids, two liquids and two gases that can dissolve in water.
Answer : The two solids that can dissolve in water are sugar and salt.
The two liquids that can dissolve in water are alcohol and glycerine
The two gases that can dissolve in water are oxygen and nitrogen.
Long Question/Answers-
1. Why do solids have a fixed shape?
Answer : In solids, the molecules are very close to each other. They attract each other with great force. So, a solid is hard, rigid and has a definite shape and volume.
2. Why do liquids flow?
Answer : In liquids, the molecules are less closely packed. The attraction between the molecules in liquids is less as compared with that in solids. Molecules can move around freely. That is why liquids can flow.
3. Write two differences between liquids and gases. (draw fig5.1)
Answer : The two differences between liquids and gases are –
1. In liquids, the molecules are less closely packed.In gases, the molecules are separated by large empty space
2. A liquid has a definite volume, but no definite shape.
A gas has no definite shape or volume.
4. Why do we say liquids are miscible?
Answer : We say that if any two liquids have dissolved to each other. They are said to be miscible .example- water and alcohol, water and glycerine.
5. What is physical change? Give two examples.(draw fig 5.6)
Answer : A physical change is temporary change which can be reversed.
Examples- 1 Water on cooling turns into ice and on heating ice turns into water.
2 Water on heating forms water vapour and on cooling water vapour turns into water.
6. What is a chemical change? Give two examples.(draw fig 5.7)
Answer : A chemical change is permanent change which cannot be reversed.
1. Burning of paper.
2. Digestion of food.
7. Give three characteristic features of a chemical change.
Answer : The three characteristic features of a chemical changes are –
1. Chemical changes are permanent.
2. It cannot be reversed
3. It result in the formation of new substances.
Worksheet for CBSE Science Class 5 All Chapters
We hope students liked the above worksheet for All Chapters designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 5 Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 5 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 5 Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 5 Science to develop the Science Class 5 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 5 Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 5 Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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