CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O

Read and download PDF of CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O designed as per the latest curriculum and examination pattern for Class 9 issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. The latest Class 9 English Sample Papers have been provided with solutions so that the students can solve these practice papers and then compare their answers. This will help them to identify mistakes and improvement areas in English Class 9 which they need to study more to get better marks in Class 9 exams. After solving these guess papers also refer to solved Class 9 English Question Papers available on our website to build strong understanding of the subject

Sample Paper for Class 9 English Pdf

Students can refer to the below Class 9 English Sample Paper designed to help students understand the pattern of questions that will be asked in Class 9 exams. Please download CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O

English Class 9 Sample Paper


CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O .Based on CBSE and NCERT guidelines.The students should practice these Question Papers to gain perfection which will help him to get more marks in CBSE examination. Please refer to more CBSE Class 9 question papers in other links.The CBSE Question papers are prepared based on trend in past examinations and expected questions in CBSE exams.Its always recommended by CBSE to practice the papers released by CBSE to get better exams in CBSE exams.CBSE Last Year Question Papers for class 9 for final/ term Examinations conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education for all CBSE affiliated schools in India and abroad. Please refer to more CBSE Class 9 sample papers, question papers, HOTs etc in other links. 
Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (10 marks)
Our house is filled with photos. They cover the walls of my kitchen, dining room and den. I see our family's entire history, starting with my wedding, continuing through the births of both sons, buying a home, family gatherings and vacations. When my sons were little, they loved to pose.
They waved, danced, climbed trees, batted balls, hung upside down from the jungle gym and did anything for a picture. But when they reached adolescence, picture-taking changed into something they barely tolerated. Their bodies were growing at haphazard speeds. Reluctantly
they stood with us or with their grandparents at birthday celebrations and smiled weakly at the camera for as short a time as possible.
I am the chronicler of our photographs. I select those to be framed and arrange the others in albums. The process is addictive, and as the shelves that hold our albums become fuller and fuller, I wonder what will become of them. Will anyone look at these photographs in future years? If my sons look at them, what will they think of us and of themselves? One bright afternoon, I took some photographs of my father with my husband as they fished in a lake near our vacation house. As my sons and I sat on the shore and watched them row away, I picked the camera up and photographed the beautiful lake surrounded by green trees. The two men I loved gradually grew smaller until all I could see were my father's red shirt, and the tan and blue caps on their heads.
My father died a week later, and suddenly those photos became priceless to me. I wept when I pasted them in our album. I wept again afterwards when I saw my younger son looking at them. It was a few days before he went away to college. He had taken all our albums down from the bookshelves in the den and spread them out on the carpet. It had been a very long time since I had seen him doing this. Once he stopped posing for pictures, he seemed to lose interest in looking at them. But now he was on the verge of leaving home. This was his special time to look ahead and look back. I stood for a moment in the hall by the den, and then tiptoed away. I didn't take a photo of my son that afternoon, but I will remember how he looked for as long as I live. Some pictures, I learned, don't have to be taken with a camera.
1. Fill in the summary using one word only. (1x4= 4 marks)
The author was (a) _____________________________ about taking photographs and framing them. But she always (b) _____________________________ whether her sons would ever look at them. She was full of (c) _____________________________ when she pasted the pictures of her father's last days in the album. She learnt that some pictures always (d) _____________________________ in one's mind without a camera.
2. Two examples that show that the author's sons were averse to taking photographs are: (1x2=2 marks) 
(a) _______________________
(b) _______________________
3. Give words that mean the same as (1x4= 4 marks)
1. not organized or planned (para 1)
2. one who records events in order (para 2)
3. very valuable (para 3) priceless
4. continued engagement with an activity (para 2)
Q2. Read the following passage carefully.
. Papaya is the healthiest fruit with a list of properties that is long and exhaustive. Papaya favours digestion as well as cures skin irritation and sun burns. You can munch on it as a salad, have it cooked or boiled or just drink it up as milkshake or juice. The most important of these virtues is the protein-digesting enzyme in the milky juice or latex. The enzyme is similar to pepsin in its digestive action and is said to be so powerful that it can digest 200 times its own weight in protein. It assists the body in assimilating the maximum nutritional value from food to provide energy and body-building materials.
Please refer to attached file for CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O
English Class 9 Sample Papers
CBSE Class 9 English Blue Print
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CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature Sample Paper Set A
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CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature Weightage
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CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper Set N
CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper Set O
CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper Set P
CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper Set Q with Answers
CBSE Class 9 OTBA English Sample Question Paper
CBSE Class 9 OTBA English Study Material
CBSE Class 9 OTBA English Study Material issued by CBSE
CBSE Class 9 PSA Sample Paper English Grammar and Usages MCQ

How to download CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O in PDF?

We hope you liked the above provided CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O. To get an understanding of the type of questions which were asked in exams, it is important for Class 9 students to understand the way sample Paper are set by teachers. Students can download the Sample Paper for Class 9 English which will be coming in the exams so that you can practise them and solve all types of questions that can be asked in exams. By doing CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O you will understand the regular questions and MCQ questions for Class 9 English which are always asked. You can download CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper and Class 9 English Question Papers in PDF. You should attempt all the last year question paper for Class 9 and Class 9 English MCQ Test in examination conditions at home and then compare their answers with the solutions provided by our teachers.

Why should you solve CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O?

a) This is new Set from Class 9 English Sample Papers and has questions which are different from other sets.
b) As you will do more sets and also refer to Class 9 English Question Papers, then it will help you understand the type of questions asked in exams.
d) Compare your score of each set to understand your weak areas in Class 9 English.
e) Solving this paper which also has MCQ questions for Class 9 English will make you faster and better at answering questions.

What should you do after solving CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O?

a) Check your answers with the solutions given in the downloaded sample paper in PDF of Class 9 English.
b) Class 9 students should try to find where you made mistakes and learn from them.
c) If a question was hard, read the concepts in NCERT book for Class 9 English and then practice it again to get better.
d) Solve more sets of sample papers for Class 9 English to improve even more.

Where can I download CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O in Pdf

You can download CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O from

How can I improve my scores by solving CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O

Regular practice of sample question paper given on studiestoday for CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O

Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 9 English Sample Papers with answers based on the latest format issued for current academic session

Are mock CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O available in multiple languages

Yes, mock CBSE Class 9 English Communicative Sample Paper Set O are available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi