CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set H

  Triangles Q.- Prove that the area of the triangle BCE described on one side BC of a square ABCD as base is one half the area of the similar triangle ACF described on the diagonal AC as base.   Sol. ABCD is a square. ΔBCE is described on side BC is similar to…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set G

  Triangles Q.- A vertical stick 20 cm long casts a shadow 6 cm long on the ground. At the same time, a tower casts a shadow 15 m long on the ground. Find the height of the tower. Q.- If a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex containing the right angle of a…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set F

  Triangles Q.- In the figure, E is a point on side CB produced of an isosceles ΔABC with AB = AC. If AD ⊥ BC and EF ⊥ AC, prove that ΔABD ~ ΔECF.   Q.- In figure, ∠ BAC = 90º and segment AD⊥BC. Prove that AD2 = BD × DC.   Q.- …

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set E

  Triangles Q.- In figure, ∠CAB = 90º and AD ⊥ BC. If AC = 75 cm, AB = 1 m and BD = 1.25 m,find AD.    Q.-  Q.- Q.- In figure, considering triangles BEP and CPD, prove that BP × PD = EP × PC.   Q.- Q.- P and…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set D

  Triangles  Q.- Prove that the line drawn from the mid-point of one side of a triangle parallel of another side bisects the third side Sol. Given : A ΔABC, in which D is the midpoint of side AB and the line DE is drawn parallel to BC, meeting AC in E. Q…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set C

  TRIANGLES Q.- In fig., if DE || AQ and DF || AR. Prove that EF || QR. Q.- Two triangles ABC and DBC lie on the same side of the base BC. From a point P on BC, PQ || AB and PR || BD are drawn. They meet AC in Q and DC in R respectively. Prove that QR || AD…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set A

Case Study Based Questions I. Rahul is studying in X Standard. He is making a kite to fly it on a Sunday. Few questions came to his mind while making the kite. Give answers to his questions by looking at the figure. Question. Rahul tied the sticks at what angles…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Worksheet Set B

  Triangles Q.- In the given figure PA, QB and RC each is perpendicular to AC such that PA = x,RC = y, QB = z, AB = a and BC = b. Prove that 1/x +1/ y = 1/z.   Q.- In fig., LM || AB. If AL = x – 3, AC = 2x, BM = x – 2 and BC = 2x + 3, find the value of…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Assignment Set B

  IMPORTANT CONCEPTS TAKE A LOOK 1. Similar Triangles:- Two triangles are said to be similar, if (a) Their corresponding angles are equal and (b) Their corresponding sides are in proportion (or are in the same ratio). 2. Basic proportionality Theorem [ or Thales…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Assignment Set C

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Assignment Set C. Students are advised to refer to the attached assignments and practise them regularly. This will help them to identify their weak areas and will help them to score better in examination. Parents should download and give the…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Assignment Set D

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Assignment Set D. Students are advised to refer to the attached assignments and practise them regularly. This will help them to identify their weak areas and will help them to score better in examination. Parents should download and give the…

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Triangles Assignment Set E

  ( Level ‐1) 1. If in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal, then the two triangles are…………… Ans. Equiangular then similar   2. ΔABC is a right angled at B. BD is perpendicular upon AC. If AD=a, CD=b, then AB²= Ans. a(a+b)   3. The area of two similar triangles are…