NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science The Crisis of Democratic Order

Background to EmergencyWe have already studied the changes that were taking place in Indian politics since 1967. Indira Gandhi had emerged as a towering leader with tremendous popularity. This was also the period when party competition became bitter and polarised. This period…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Rise of Popular Movements

Nature of Popular MovementsTake a look at the opening image of this chapter. What do you see there? Villagers have literally embraced the trees. Are they playing some game? Or participating in some ritual or festival? Not really. The image here depicts a very unusual form of…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Regional Aspirations

Region and The Nation1980s may be seen as a period of rising regional aspirations for autonomy, often outside the framework of the Indian Union. These movements frequently involved armed assertions by the people, their repression by the government, and a collapse of the…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Context of the 1990sYou have read in the last chapter that Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime Minister after the assassination of Indira Gandhi. He led the Congress to a massive victory in the Lok Sabha elections held immediately thereafter in 1984. As the decade of the eighties…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Politics of Planned Development

As the global demand for steel increases, Orissa, which has one of the largest reserves of untapped iron ore in the country, is being seen as an important investment destination. The State government hopes to cash in on this unprecedented demand for iron ore and has signed…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Indias External Relations

International context India was born in a very trying and challenging international context. The world had witnessed a devastating war and was grappling with issues of reconstruction; yet another attempt to establish an international body was underway; many new countries were …

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Era of One Party Dominance

Challenge of building democracy You now have an idea of the difficult circumstances in which independent India was born. You have read about the serious challenge of nation-building that confronted the country right in the beginning. Faced with such serious challenges, leaders…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Challenges to and Restoration of The Congress System

Challenge of Political Succession Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru passed away in May 1964. He had been unwell for more than a year. This had generated a lot of speculation about the usual question of succession: after Nehru, who? But in a newly independent country like India…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Challenges of Nation Building

Challenges for the new nation At the hour of midnight on 14-15 August 1947, India attained independence. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of free India, addressed a special session of the Constituent Assembly that night. This was the famous ‘tryst with destiny’…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science US Hegemony in World Politics

  Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics The attack AYESHA, JABU AND ANDREI Ayesha was doing very well in her studies at a high school in the outskirts of Baghdad, and was planning to study medicine in university. She lost a leg in 2003 when a missile slammed into an air raid…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science The End of Bipolarity

  Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity WHAT WAS THE SOVIET SYSTEM? The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) came into being after the socialist revolution in Russia in 1917. The revolution was inspired by the ideals of socialism, as opposed to capitalism, and the need for an…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science The Cold War Era

  Chapter 1 The Cold War Era CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS In April 1961, the leaders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) were worried that the United States of America (USA) would invade communist-ruled Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro, the president of the small island …

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science Security in the Contemporary World

  Chapter 7 Security in the Contemporary World WHAT IS SECURITY? At its most basic, security implies freedom from threats. Human existence and the life of a country are full of threats. Does that mean that every single threat counts as a security threat? Every time a person…

NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science International Organisations

  Chapter 6 International Organisations WHY INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS? Read the two cartoons on this page. Both the cartoons comment on the ineffectiveness of the United Nations Organisation, usually referred to as the UN, in the Lebanon crisis in 2006. Both the cartoons…