Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 6 Social Science Trail Of The Earliest People Worksheet. Students and teachers of Class 6 Social Science can get free printable Worksheets for Class 6 Social Science Trail Of The Earliest People in PDF format prepared as per the latest syllabus and examination pattern in your schools. Class 6 students should practice questions and answers given here for Social Science in Class 6 which will help them to improve your knowledge of all important chapters and its topics. Students should also download free pdf of Class 6 Social Science Worksheets prepared by teachers as per the latest Social Science books and syllabus issued this academic year and solve important problems with solutions on daily basis to get more score in school exams and tests
Worksheet for Class 6 Social Science Trail Of The Earliest People
Class 6 Social Science students should download to the following Trail Of The Earliest People Class 6 worksheet in PDF. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 6 will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks
Class 6 Social Science Worksheet for Trail Of The Earliest People
I. Choose the correct answer
1. Archaeologists called the earliest period as ................. (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic)
2. Places where stone was found and where people made tools are known as ................. (Habitation sites, Factory sites)
3. Stone tools found during the Mesolithic period are called ................. (Microliths, Macroliths)
4. Palaeolithic period means ................. (Middle stone age, old stone age)
5. Bhimbetka is a ................. site. (Habitation, Factory)
6. The oldest period is known as the ................. (Neolithic, Palaeolithic)
7. The period beginning about 12000 years till that about 10000 years ago is called................. (Middle stone age, New stone age)
8. The site where traces of ash have been found ................. (Kurnool, Bhimbetka)
9. Rock painting show .............. drawn with great accuracy and skill. (Pictures, wild animals)
10. Palaeolithic covers .............. of human history. (99%, 55%)
II. Fill in the blanks
11. Tools at .............. were made of limestone.
12. People who find things made and used by hunter-gatherers are called ..............
13. Palaeolithic period ostrich egg shells were found at .............. in Maharashtra.
14. The period from about 10,000 years ago is known as the ..............
15. Places where people lived were called .............. sites.
16. 12000 years ago climate changes to relatively warm condition led to the development of
1.Match the following:
A. Palaeolithic age- (1) About 10,000 years ago
B. Neolithic age- (2)About 12,000 to 10,000 years ago
C. Mesolithic age- (3) About 2 million to 12,000years ago
(A) A-3 ,b-1, c-2
(B) a-3, b-2, c-1
(C) a-1, b-2, c-3
(D) None of the above
2.Mesolithic age
(A) Environmental changes
(B) Making of small tools
(C) Only a
(D) Both a and b
3.Hunter - gatherers moved from place to place as________.
(A) All food resources at a place would have been finished
(B) Animal keep moving so they had to be followed to be hunted
(C) Change of seasons required movement
(D) All of the above
4.Perennial lakes and rivers have water
(A) throughout the year
(B) for one month
(C) only in winters
(D) only in summers
5. In what way(s) did Hunters-Gatherers use fire?
(A) To cook food.
(B) To scare away animals.
(C) As a source of light.
(D) All of these.
6.We say that people of Kurnool caves were familiar with fire as traces of ................ have been found there.
(A) leaves
(B) clothes
(C) wood
(D) ashes
7.The number of deer, antelopes, goat etc. increased with the development of
(A) forests
(B) cities
(C) grasslands
(D) villages
8.The Palaeolithic Period extended from
(A) 1 million years to 10,000 years ago.
(B) 2 million years to 12,000 years ago.
(C) 4 million years to 50,000 years ago.
(D) None of these.
9.Handles of spears and arrows were made of
(A) bones and wood
(B) leaves
(C) stones
(D) plastic
10.People of the stone age made rock paintings on the ................... of the caves.
(A) floor
(B) Ceiling
(C) roof top
(D) walls
11.People of Palaeolithic Age moved from one place to another
(A) by boat
(B) by bus
(C) on foot
(D) None of these
12. Why were the earliest people always moving from one place to another?
(A) In search of food
(B) In search of water
(C) In search of edible plants
(D) All of these
13.Where were Ostriches found in India, in the Palaeolithic Age?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Lucknow
(C) Patne in Maharashtra
(D) Punjab
14.When approxiametly did the growth of rice,wheat barley start naturally?
(A) About 10,000 years ago
(B) About 11,000 years ago
(C) About 12,000 yeas ago
(D) About 13,000 years ago
15.What do the rock paintings of Madhya Pradesh and Southern U. P. depict?
(A) Wild animals.
(B) grasslands.
(C) landscapes.
(D) All of them.
16.What all do paintings made by early man represent?
(A) Ceremonial occasions
(B) Special rituals performed before going for hunting
(C) None of the above
(D) All the above
17.Where in India have we found large amounts of limestone tools ?
(A) Patna
(B) Hunsgi
(C) kurnool
(D) None of the above
18.Which among the following was the longest period human history of stone tools development ?
(A) Palaeolithic
(B) Mesolithic
(C) Neolithic
(D) All of the above
19.Match the following
Column I Column II
A. Hunter - Gatherers (i) Technique for making stone tools
B. Factory Sites (ii) Earliest People
C. Habitation cum (iii) Places where tools Factory Sites were made
D. Pressure Flaking (iv) Places where people live and maketools
(A) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)
(B) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(ii)
(C) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)
(D) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(iv)
20.Where did hunter-gatherers live?
21.What were the different techniques used for making stone tools?
(A) Pressure Flaking
(B) Stone on Stone
(C) Only option 'b'
(D) Both options 'a' and 'b'
22. To catch fish and birds for food, the Hunter -Gatherers had to be very
(A) hard working
(B) alert and quick
(C) lazy
(D) slow
23. According to Archaeologists, Hunter - Gatherers used tools made of
(A) stones
(B) wood
(C) bones
(D) All of these
24.What is the earliest stage of human civilization?
(A) Palaeolithic Age.
(B) Neolithic Age.
(C) Brass Age .
(D) Iron Age .
(A) 12,000 years
(B) 13,000 years
(C) 11,000 years
(D) 10,000 years
27.Where are natural caves and rock shelters found?
(A) Vindhyas
(B) Deccan plateau
(C) Both 'a' and 'b'
(D) None of these
28.Which of the following places are neolitihc site in India?
(A) Chirand ,burzahom, Mahagara and hallur
(B) Burzahom
(C) Mahagara and hallur
(D) All of the above
29.Match the following:-
(A) Neolithic age - (i) tiny tools
(B) Palaeolithic age - (ii) old stone age
(C )Mesolithicage (iii) new stone age
(D )Microliths (iv) middle stone age
(A) (a) A- (iii). B-(ii), C - (iV) , D- (i)
(B) (b) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(iv)
(C) (c) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)
(D) (d) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(ii)
30.How long before did the hunter-gatherers exist in the sub continent?
(A) 1million yrs ago
(B) 2 million yrs ago
(C) 3 million yrs ago
(D) 4 million yrs ago
31.What led to the development of grass lands in the year 12,000 ?
(A) Due to fertile lands
(B) Due to change in climate
(C) Due to rivers
(D) Due to cultivation
32.Why was gathering food and hunting not an easy task?
(A) There were faster and quicker animals
(B) It required to know whether plants were edible or not
(C) Knowledge of seasons were required
(D) All of the above
33.Hunter - Gatherers preferred to live in Caves and shelters because
(A) these provided them protection from rain, sun and wind.
(B) these places were nearer to water.
(C) these places were far away from water.
(D) None of these.
34.Why was gathering food and hunting not an easy task ?
(A) There were faster and quicker animals
(B) It required to know whether plants were edible or not
(C) Knowledge of seasons were required
(D) All of the above
35.Places where remains of things used , made and left by the early man are found is called_________.
(A) Sites
(B) Storages
(C) Caves
(D) Rock shelters
36.What are referred to as factory sites ?
(A) Where there are lots of factories
(B) Where there are lot of huts found
(C) Where there are lots of stones
(D)Where stone were found and tools were made
37.Places where the early man lived and made tools were called the_______.
(A) Habitation sites
(B) Factory sites
(C) Habitation -cum- factory sites
(D) None of the above
38.Stone tools were also used for stitching clothes made of
(A) wood
(B) cloth
(C) leaves
(D) animal skin
39.What were the stone tools used for by the early man ?
(A) Cut meat and bone
(B) Scrape bark and hides
(C) Used as handles of bone and wood weapons
(D) All of the above
40. Caves and Rock shelters are examples of
(A) Factory
(B) Habitation Sites
(C) Any other
(D) None of these
41.What were the stone tools used for by the early man?
(A) Cut meat and bone
(B) Scrape bark and hides
(C) Used as handles of bone and wood weapons
(D) All of the above
42.Hunter - gatherers moved from place to place as
(A) All food resources at a place would have been finished
(B) Animal keep moving so they had to be followed to be hunted
(C) Change of seasons required movement
(D) All of the above
43.Hunter gatherer to move also to get water for themselves why?
(A) some rivers are perennial
(B) some rivers are seasonal
(C) water reduces during some seasons
(D) all of the above
44.where is Burzahom, an important Neolithic site situated ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Kashmir
(C) Bihar
(D) Kerala
45.Which of the tools used by early men have survived the best?
(A) Stone
(B) Wood
(C) Bone
(D) None of these
46.Which of the tools used by early men have survived the best ?
(A) Stone
(B) Wood
(C) Bone
(D) None of these
47.How did the early man colour the paintings ?
(A) By using minerals
(B) By using charcoal
(C) By using plants
(D) All of the above
48.What tools would you use today for cutting fruit?What would they be made of?
49.What are sites?Where are they located?
50.How did the discovery of fire help the early man?
51.How were stone tools made?
52.What are habitations - cum - factory sites?
53.What are factory sites?
54.Why did hunter- gatherers move from place to place? Give at least four reasons.
55.based on Archeology how can we classify the ancient history.
56.based on Archeology how can we classify the ancient history.
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Worksheet for CBSE Social Science Class 6 Trail Of The Earliest People
We hope students liked the above worksheet for Trail Of The Earliest People designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 6 Social Science released by CBSE. Students of Class 6 should download in Pdf format and practice the questions and solutions given in the above worksheet for Class 6 Social Science on a daily basis. All the latest worksheets with answers have been developed for Social Science by referring to the most important and regularly asked topics that the students should learn and practice to get better scores in their class tests and examinations. Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to the NCERT book for Class 6 Social Science to develop the Social Science Class 6 worksheet. After solving the questions given in the worksheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 Social Science designed by our teachers. We have also provided a lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 Social Science in the worksheet so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter.
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