CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Business Trade and Commerce Assignment

Read and download free pdf of CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Business Trade and Commerce Assignment. Get printable school Assignments for Class 11 Business Studies. Class 11 students should practise questions and answers given here for Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce Business Studies in Class 11 which will help them to strengthen their understanding of all important topics. Students should also download free pdf of Printable Worksheets for Class 11 Business Studies prepared as per the latest books and syllabus issued by NCERT, CBSE, KVS and do problems daily to score better marks in tests and examinations

Assignment for Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce

Class 11 Business Studies students should refer to the following printable assignment in Pdf for Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce in Class 11. This test paper with questions and answers for Class 11 Business Studies will be very useful for exams and help you to score good marks

Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce Class 11 Business Studies Assignment

• Introduction:
All Human beings where ever they may be require different type of goods and services to satisfy their needs. Business is a major economic activity in all modern societies concerned with production and sale of goods and services required by the people. It is aimed at earning money by satisfying human demands.

• Meaning:
Literal meaning of Business is “BUSY”.

Business is defined as an economic activity

involved in the production and sales of goods and services

undertaken with the motive of earning profit

by satisfying human needs in the society.

• Characteristics of Business activities:
♦ An Economic activity: It means an activity aimed at earning money. Business is also aimed at earning money or livelihood by satisfying human needs.
♦ Production and procurement of goods and services: Every business enterprise must either manufacture the goods or it acquires from producers. Goods may be consumer goods or Capital goods. Services means facility offered to consumers like banking, insurance etc.
♦ Sale or exchange of goods and services: Business involves transfer or exchange of goods and service for value.
♦ Dealing in goods and services on a regular basis: It should be a regular activity. One time sale or exchange will not be considered as business.
♦ Profit earning: Business always aims at earning profit.
♦ Uncertainty of earning: There is always a possibility of less amount of profit or even loss in business.
♦ Element of Risk: There is always a possibility of Uncertainty of earnings.

• Comparison of Business, Profession and Employment: 

• Classification of Business Activities: 

• Industry: Production or processing of goods and services. It is concerned with changing the form of the products. It gives form utility to the products. It is classified into the following: 



• Commerce: It includes all those activities which are concerned with removing all the hindrances in the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the consumers. It includes the following activities. 

• Trade : Trade means exchange of goods and services between sellers and buyers with profit motive. 

• Auxiliaries to Trade:
1. Transport and communication : Physical movement of goods from the place where there is no demand to the place where there is demand. Creates place utility to the product.
2. Banking and Finance : Helps in removing financial hindrances. Facilitates production, buying and selling by providing funds by way of loans.
3. Insurance: It facilitates business by ensuring compensation for various types of risks.
4. Warehousing: It keeps the goods in tact till they are in demand. It creates time utility to the product.
5. Advertising: It provides information about availability of goods and services. It induces the consumers to buy the product.

• Role of Profit in Business:
• It is source of income for the business man.
• It provides funds for expansion
• It is an indicator of efficiency of business man.
• It builds up reputation. 

• Business Risk: It refers to the possibility of inadequate profits or even losses due to uncertainties or unexpected events.

Nature Of Business Risks
• Business risks arise due to uncertainties
• Risk is an essential part of business
• Degree of risk depends upon the nature and size of business
• Profit is the reward for risk taking.

• Causes of Business Risks:
1. Natural Causes : Risk may be due to Flood, earth quake, lightning, heavy rains etc.
2. Human Causes: It includes dishonesty, carelessness or negligence of employees, strikes, riots, etc.
3. Economic Causes: It includes uncertainties relating to demand for goods, competition, price, collection of dues from customers, changes in economic policies etc.
4. Other Causes: It includes political disturbances, mechanical failures etc.

• Basic factors to be considered before starting a Business:

1. Selection of Line of Business: Based on the requirements in the market nature and type of business to be selected.

2.Size of the Firm: Based on the amount of funds available and demand for the product in the market size of the firm i.e small scale or medium or large scale to be decided.

3.Choice of form of ownership: Based on the amount of capital required, legal formalities to be filled in, liability of the owner, etc. the form of ownership is to be decided.

4.Location of the Business enterprise: Based on the availability of raw material and infrastructure facilities location of the Business is to be selected.

5.Financing the Proposition: Requirement of Capital and its sources must be decided.

6.Physical facilities: Availability of physical facilities including machines and equipment, building and supportive services to be considered before starting a business.

7. Plant layout: Plant layout should draw to show the arrangement of these facilities.

8.Competent and committed worked force.: Every business needs work force. So careful planning should be about selection, training and motivation of employees.

9. Tax Planning: Tax liability and its impact on business to be considered.

10. Launching the enterprise: After fulfilling the formalities entrepreneur can launch the business.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question : Name the manufacturing industry wherein TV sets or computers are produced. 
Answer :  Assembling industry.

Question : Name the type of manufacturing industry in which one material is separated into several useful products.
Answer :  Analytical industry.

Question : Define maritime trade.
Answere. Maritime trade is the type of global trade which took place through sea route. Indian maritime history began during the 3rd millennium BCE when inhabitants of the Indus Valley initiated maritime trading contact with Mesopotamia.

Question : Name the type of industry which combines various ingredients to form a new product. 
Answer :  Synthetical industry.

Question : Mention two types of secondary industries. 
Answer :  (a) Manufacturing industries. (b) Construction industries.

Question : Give an example of analytical industry. 
Answer :  Oil refinery.

Question : Internal or inland trade may be classified into two categories. Name the category which involves buying and selling of goods in bulk quantities.
Answer :  Wholesale trade.

Question : Give two examples of non-economic activities. 
Answer :  (a) A boy helping a blind woman to cross the road.
(b) A housewife cooking food for her family.

Question : Mention different types of economic activities. 
Answer :  Business, Profession and Employment.

Question : What is meant by Hundi?
Answer :  A Hundi is a financial instrument that developed in Medieval India in order to facilitate trade and credit transactions. 
Question : Define maritime trade.
Answer : Maritime trade is the type of global trade which took place through sea route. Indian maritime history began during the 3rd millennium BCE when inhabitants of the Indus Valley initiated maritime trading contact with Mesopotamia. 
Question : Mention the two types of human activities.
Answer : (a) Non-economic activities. (b) Economic activities. 
Question : A girl helping a blind woman to cross the road is an example of which activity, economic or noneconomic?
Answer : Non-economic activity. 
Question : Mention different types of economic activities.
Answer : Business, Profession and Employment. 
Question : A person repairs motorcycles on roadside. How will you describe this activity?
Answer : Business activity. 
Question : Aarushi cooks food at home for her family but Kshitij cooks food and sells it to others in a restaurant. Who is engaged in business activity?
Answer : Kshitij is engaged in business activity. 
Question : Name that element of business which cannot be avoided by the business units, but can be reduced.
Answer : Risk. 
Question : Why must every business earn a reasonable profit?
Answer : Because a reasonable amount of profit is essential for the survival of the business. 

Short Answer Type Questions

Question : State the different types of economic activities.
Answer : Business, profession and Employment. 
Question : Name the trade where the goods are bought from the foreign country.
Answer :  Import trade. 
Question : State examples of Analytical industries.
Answer :  Petrol, diesel 
Question : Which industry provides services to primary and secondary industry?
Answer :  Tertiary industry 
Question : What is meant by Business Risk? Explain the features of it.
Answer :  Meaning and Features 
Question : Describe the meaning of Commerce. 
Answer :  Meaning of commerce.
Question : Profit play an important role in business. Give four reasons to justify the statement.
Answer :  Role of profit in business 
Question : Give the meaning and two examples of Economic activities. 
Answer :  Meaning. Ex. 1. A person selling tea and coffee in the railway station 2. Doctor treating patients at his clinic. 
Question : Explain the meaning and causes of business risk.
Answer :  Meaning and causes. 
Question : Compare the business, profession and employment.
Answer :  Table showing the comparison above.


Question. Harish produces wheat for personal consumption. Will it be a business activity?
Answer: No.As it is not for performed for earning profit. 

Question. A person sells his old car at a profit. Can it be termed as a business activity?
Answer: No. because business involves dealing in goods on regular basis. Brief Explanation of features of business.

Question. Risk is an inherent element of a Business. Do you agree? Explain. 
Answer: Meaning and Nature of Business Risks .

• Gist of the lesson:
♦ Concept and characteristics of business.
♦ Comparison of business, profession and employment
♦ Classification of business activities
♦ Classification of industry and commerce
♦ Objectives of business
♦ Meaning, nature and causes of business risk
♦ Factors to be considered before starting a business.


Long Answer Type Questions

Question : Shenoy and Gurpreet were good friends. Both have done their masters together from the same college. After completing their masters Gurpreet has done CA. Shenoy had taken up a job at managerial level and Gurpreet had started his consultancy firm to provide financial assistance to other business persons. Beside job, Shenoy has also joined an NGO and worked hard to realise its objective related to providing free education so that specially abled person can get job easily.
On the other hand, Gurpreet had started to give free assistance to those person who are illiterate but possessing skills, so that they can utilise their skills and can contribute towards mission taken by Government of India of SKILL INDIA. Name and explain the activities undertaken by Shenoy and Gurpreet by quoting the lines.

Answer : Shenoy-Economic activity ‘Shenoy had taken up a job at managerial level...’ Shenoy-Non-economic activity ‘Shenoy has also joined an NGO ... job easily.’
Gurpreet-Economic activity.
‘... Gurpreet had started ... business person.’
Gurpreet-Non-economic activity
‘... Gurpreet had started to give free assistance ... SKILL INDIA’.

Question : Categorise the following into business, profession and employment. 
(a) A person repairing motorcycles on roadside.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A salesman.
(d) An advocate.
(e) A hawker selling toys for children.
(f) Anandpal is the advocate of High Court.
(g) Vikram is the manager of a car company.
(h) Vinayak sells mobile phones on behalf of his employer.
(i) Angad working as labour in a factory.
(j) Rahul running a shop to sell stationery items.
Answer : (a) Business. (b) Profession. (c) Employment.
(d) Profession. (e) Business. (f) Profession.
(g) Employment. (h) Employment. (i) Employment.
(j) Business.

Question : After doing B.Sc. Mohan has decided to start Poultry farm. Due to his good behaviour and hard work his business in increasing day by day. He has started sending eggs to another country also. 
(a) Which kind of Industry has he started?
(b) Write down the name of any two other industries which are covered in (a).
(c) Which type of external trade is discussed here?
Answer : (a) Genetic industry. (b) Diary farm, rearing of plant in nursery. (c) Export.

Question : Categorise the following into Extractive industries, Genetic industries and Manufacturing industries: 
(a) Afforestation. (b) Cotton textiles. (c) Dairy farming.
(d) Sugar industries. (e) Nursery. (f) Mining.
Answer : • Extractive industries: (a) and (f).
• Genetic industries: (c) and (e).
• Manufacturing industries: (b) and (d).

Question : Organic Tea Ltd. is a Singapore based company dealing in import of tea from India and re-exporting it to many South East Asian countries. It has a huge godown near the sea port where it has made scientific arrangements for storing tea till it is re-exported. 
(a) Name the type of trade in the above case.
(b) Name the aids to trade being utilised by Organic Tea Ltd. and which utility does it create.
Answer : (a) Entrepot trade.
(b) Warehousing services, time utility.

Question : Ram, Mohan and Sohan are good friends. Ram is working as a doctor in a private hospital and getting salary ` 1,50,000 per month. Mohan is a farmer and producing 50 quintals wheat for his own consumptions. Sohan is working as a teacher in a school and getting salary ‘ 40,000 per month. In addition to that Sohan teaches some slum area children in the evening and does not charge anything from them. It gives him a psychological and mental satisfaction. 
(a) Which type of human activity is performed by Ram.
(b) Which type of human activity is performed by Mohan?
(c) Quoted from the lines from the above paragraph which types of human activities are performed by Sohan.
Answer : (a) Economic activity.
(b) Non-economic activity.
(c) Sohan is a teacher in a school and getting salary-Economic activity.
Sohan teaches some students of slum area and does not charge from them as it gives him psychological and mental satisfactions-Non-economic activity.

Question : Name the following:
(a) The trade in which goods are sold to foreign countries.
(b) The trade in which goods are bought from foreign countries.
(c) The trade in which goods are purchased and sold in comparatively smaller quantities.
Answer : (a) Export Trade. (b) Import Trade. (c) Retail Trade.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question : List any two major trade of ancient India.
Answer : (i) Patliputra (ii) Peshawar  
Question : List any two major exports and imports in ancient India.
Answer : Exports : Spices and Wheat.
Imports : Horses and Chinese Silk.  
Question : Name the type of human activity in which a teacher teaching his son at home.
Answer : Non-economic activity.  
Question : Give two examples of economic activities.
Answer : (a) A doctor operating in her clinic. (b) A worker working in a factory.  
Question : Give two examples of non-economic activities.
Answer : (a) A boy helping a blind woman to cross the road.
(b) A housewife cooking food for her family.
Evolution and Fundamentals of Business 30  
Question : Name the economic activity in which transfer of interest is possible.
Answer : Business. 
Question : Why is business considered as an economic activity?
Answer : Business is considered to be an economic activity because it is undertaken with the object of earning money or livelihood. Activities done out of sympathy, love and affection or for any charitable purpose do not fall under the category of business. 
Question : Pranshu produces goods not for the purpose of sale but for personal consumption. Will it be a business activity? Why?
Answer : No, because it does not involve sale or exchange of goods and services between the seller and the buyer. 
Question : What is the primary objective of business?
Answer : Profit earning. 
Question : Name the economic activity requiring special knowledge and skill.
Answer : Profession.
Question : Which economic activity requires minimum academic and other qualifications?
Answer : Profession.
Question : Name the professional body whose guidelines or code of conduct are to be followed by lawyers.
Answer : Bar Council of India.
Question : State two things which have to be taken into consideration to measure market standing.
Answer : Market potential and competition.

Creating Based Questions 

Question : Sunaina and Suma Reddy are best friends. After completing a course in Fashion Designing, five years back, both of them started their own separate outlets in Delhi and Chennai respectively to earn their livelihood.
Sunaina buys readymade garments from various manufacturers and sells them in her store.
However, Seema Reddy designs her own range of clothing. She gets them made through her team of designers and sells them directly under the brand name ‘Forever Young’. Although, both of them are making good returns on their investments but in past they have also incurred huge losses due to changes in the taste and preference of consumer and fashion. Also, despite being in business for such a long time they cannot say with certainty as to what amount of profit will be earned by them in future.
Identify and state any four features of business highlighted in the above case. 
Answer : Features of business highlighted in the above case are as follows : 
(i) An Economic Activity
‘After completing a course ….. respectively to earn their livelihood.’
(ii) Production or Procurement of Goods and Services
‘Sunaina buys readymade garment …. sells them directly under the brand name ‘Forever Young.’
(iii) Element of Risk
‘Although, both of them … due to changes in the taste and preference of consumers and fashion.’
(iv) Uncertainty of Return
‘Also, despite being in business …. profit will be earned by them in future.’
Question : Mr. Liyaquat Ali Khan runs a departmental store in Bhopal. He procures different kinds of products from all over India through railways, roadways and airways. He also owns a godown to hold the stocks. He has also taken an insurance policy worth ` 15 crores for his business. Moreover, he has taken a loan of ` 3,00,000 from Axis Bank in order to meet short-term financial needs of his business. He has placed information about his store on the hoardings, bill boards, etc. in order to popularise them.
(i) Define auxiliaries to trade.
(ii) Identify the different auxiliaries to trade that are being used by Mr. Liyaquat in his business by quoting the lines.
Answer : (i) Activities that help in the smooth flow of trade are called auxiliaries to trade.
(ii) The different auxiliaries to trade that are being used by Mr. Liyaquat in his business are :
(a) Transport — “He procures ……. railways, roadways and airways.”
(b) Warehousing — “He also owns ….. the stocks.”
(c) Insurance — “He has also taken an insurance policy …. ` 15 crores for his business.”
(d) Banking and Finance — “Moreover, he has taken a loan of ` 3,00,000….. financial needs of his business.”
(e) Advertising — “He has placed information….. to popularise them.”
Question : Shenoy and Gurpreet were good friends. Both have done their masters together from the same college. After completing their masters Gurpreet has done CA. Shenoy had taken up a job at managerial level and Gurpreet had started his consultancy firm to provide financial assistance to other business persons. Beside job, Shenoy has also joined an NGO and worked hard to realise its objective related to providing free education so that specially abled person can get job easily.
On the other hand, Gurpreet had started to give free assistance to those person who are illiterate but possessing skills, so that they can utilise their skills and can contribute towards mission taken by Government of India of SKILL INDIA. Name and explain the activities undertaken by Shenoy and Gurpreet by quoting the lines. 
Answer : Shenoy-Economic activity
‘Shenoy had taken up a job at managerial level...’
Shenoy-Non-economic activity
‘Shenoy has also joined an NGO ... job easily.’
Gurpreet-Economic activity.
‘... Gurpreet had started ... business person.’
Gurpreet-Non-economic activity
‘... Gurpreet had started to give free assistance ... SKILL INDIA’. 
Question : Identify the different auxiliaries to trade highlighted in the following statements: 
(a) Jute bags produced in Kolkata are sold across India.
(b) Companies send all original documents related to sale or purchase transaction through courier or speed post.
(c) The Central Warehousing Corporation provides safe and reliable storage facilities for about
(d) Manufacture or traders provide information about their product to the customer through radio.
Answer : (a) Transport. (b) Communication.
(c) Warehousing. (d) Advertising.
Question : After doing B.Sc. Mohan has decided to start Poultry farm. Due to his good behaviour and hard work his business in increasing day by day. He has started sending eggs to another country also. 
(a) Which kind of Industry has he started?
(b) Write down the name of any two other industries which are covered in (a).
(c) Which type of external trade is discussed here?
Answer : (a) Genetic industry. (b) Diary farm, rearing of plant in nursery.
(c) Export.  
Question :  Mr. Mahesh is an Orthopedic Surgeon in Ganga Ram Hospital and Mr. Yatin, his friend is an Eye Specialist who has set his own clinic. Mr. Yatin’s wife, Mrs. Savita operates her jewellery shop.
Compare and differentiate the nature of tasks undertaken by them on any three basis. 
Answer : Mr. Mahesh is involved in ‘Employment’. 
Mr. Yatin is involved in ‘Profession’. 
Mrs. Savita is involved in ‘Business’.  
Question :  “An activity can be an economic activity in one situation and non-economic in another situation.” Do you agree? Give an example to justify the given statement. 
Answer : Yes, I agree with the given statement. For example, if a doctor treats her patients at the clinic, then it is an economic activity as the doctor gets fees for that. However, if the doctor treats her daughter at home, then it is non-economic activity. 
Question :  ‘Only sale or exchange of goods/services for profit is business.’ Do you agree with the statement?
Give reason in support of your answer. 
Answer : No, we do not agree with the given statement because business involves dealings in goods or services on a regular basis. One single transaction of purchase or sale does not constitute business. For example, the sale of one’s old motorcycle even at a profit is not business.
Question :  Jasbir is farmer. His younger brother Ajeet is a Company Secretary while his sister Geeta is a nurse in a hospital. Name the economic activities in which they are engaged and differentiate among them on the basis of : 
(a) Nature of work. (b) Transfer of Interest.
(c) Risk Element.
Answer : Jasbir is engaged in business, Ajeet is engaged in Profession and Geeta is engaged in employment
Question : Categorise the following into Extractive industries, Genetic industries and Manufacturing industries:
(a) Afforestation. (b) Cotton textiles. (c) Dairy farming.
(d) Sugar industries. (e) Nursery. (f) Mining.
Answer : • Extractive industries: (a) and (f).
• Genetic industries: (c) and (e).
• Manufacturing industries: (b) and (d).
Question : Name the following: 
(a) The trade in which goods are sold to foreign countries.
(b) The trade in which goods are bought from foreign countries.
(c) The trade in which goods are purchased and sold in comparatively smaller quantities.
Answer : (a) Export Trade. (b) Import Trade.
(c) Retail Trade.

CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce Assignment

We hope you liked the above assignment for Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce which has been designed as per the latest syllabus for Class 11 Business Studies released by CBSE. Students of Class 11 should download and practice the above Assignments for Class 11 Business Studies regularly. We have provided all types of questions like MCQs, short answer questions, objective questions and long answer questions in the Class 11 Business Studies practice sheet in Pdf. All questions have been designed for Business Studies by looking into the pattern of problems asked in previous year examinations. You can download all Revision notes for Class 11 Business Studies also absolutely free of cost. Lot of MCQ questions for Class 11 Business Studies have also been given in the worksheets and assignments for regular use. All study material for Class 11 Business Studies students have been given on studiestoday. We have also provided lot of Worksheets for Class 11 Business Studies which you can use to further make your self stronger in Business Studies.

What are benefits of doing Assignment for CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce?

a. Score higher marks: Regular practice of Business Studies Class 11 Assignments for chapter Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce will help to improve understanding and help in solving exam questions correctly.
b. As per CBSE pattern: All questions given above follow the latest Class 11 Business Studies Sample Papers so that students can prepare as per latest exam pattern.
c. Understand different question types: These assignments include MCQ Questions for Class 11 Business Studies with answers relating to Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce, short answers, long answers, and also case studies.
d. Improve time management: Daily solving questions from Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce within a set time will improve your speed and accuracy.
e. Boost confidence: Practicing multiple assignments and Class 11 Business Studies mock tests for Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce reduces exam stress.

How to Solve CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce Assignment effectively?

a. Start with Class 11 NCERT and syllabus topics: Always read the chapter carefully before attempting Assignment questions for Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce.
b. Solve without checking answers: You should first attempt the assignment questions on Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce yourself and then compare with provided solutions.
c. Use Class 11 worksheets and revision notes: Refer to NCERT Class 11 Business Studies worksheets, sample papers, and mock tests for extra practice.
d. Revise tricky topics: Focus on difficult concepts by solving Class 11 Business Studies MCQ Test.
e. Maintain notebook: Note down mistakes in Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce assignment and read them in Revision notes for Class 11 Business Studies

How to practice CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce Assignment for best results?

a. Solve assignments daily: Regular practice of Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce questions will strengthen problem solving skills.
b.Use Class 11 study materials: Combine NCERT book for Class 11 Business Studies, mock tests, sample papers, and worksheets to get a complete preparation experience.
c. Set a timer: Practicing Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce assignment under timed conditions improves speed and accuracy.

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Latest syllabus issued for current academic year by CBSE has been used to design assignments for Chapter 1 Business Trade And Commerce Class 11

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