CBSE Class 10 English Value Based Questions Set A

CBSE Class 10 English Value Based Questions Set A read and download in pdf. Value Based Questions come in exams for English in Class 10 and are easy to learn and helpful in scoring good marks. You can refer to more chapter wise VBQs for Class 10 English and also get latest topic wise very useful study material as per latest NCERT book for Class 10 English and all other subjects for free on Studiestoday designed as per latest Class 10 CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and examination pattern

VBQ for Class 10 English All Chapters

Class 10 English students should refer to the following value based questions with answers for All Chapters in Class 10. These VBQ questions with answers for Class 10 English will come in exams and help you to score good marks

All Chapters VBQ Questions Class 10 English with Answers


Lesson – 7

A Baker from Goa

Question. The author of ‘A Baker from Goa’, Lucio Rodrigues cherishes the traditional practices in Goa ; making of ‘bol’ cakes and bol in has putting on kabai by bakers etc. Do you think our traditions- heritage, values and practices are the roots that nourish us? Why/why not?

Hints/ Value Points

· Tradition and values shape our personality, provide emotional support

· enable us to deal with difficult situation by making us part of strong system

 · influence our behavioural pattern

Question. Instead of enjoying their childhood the children today are keen to enter adulthood. After reading about all the joys that the author Lucio Rodrigues had in his childhood do you think such a keenness on the part of children is desirable ?

Hints/ Value Points

· need for children to maintain their childhood innocence

 · should not knowingly try to rush into adulthood

· enjoy childhood and cherish memories later on

II Coorg

Question. The Coorgies are thousands of miles away from their origin ; Greece & Arab. Yet they carry on their unique values, customs and practices. Does this make them appreciable to you ?

Hints /Value Points

· should not forget our roots

· values and customs support as anchors in our life

· our value system shape up our personality.

Lesson – 8 Mijbil the Otter

Question. Ingenuity, originality and being inventive, make one lovable admirable and adorable. The author Gavin Maxwell and Mijbil, the otter win our heart for being original and inventive. Comment

Hints/ Value Points

 · Maxwell’s love and care for the otter

· The author invented games for his pet.

· Company of a pet brings happiness

 · The way you take care of a person / pet, brings out the best qualities in you.

Question. In the name of rules and regulations basic values are ignored but, people like the airhostess in Mijbil, the otter are a ray of hope. What virtues do we find in the airhostess ?

Hints/ Value Points

 · Discipline and rules should have space for love and compassion as well.

· Kind hearted airhostess, considerate

 · Handled the situation calmly, without causing any harm to fellow passengers.

Lesson – 9 Madam Rides the Bus

Question. Day in and Day out people are becoming more and more callous and insensitive to the joys and sufferings of the people around them. On the other hand Valli grieves the accidental death of the young cow. How does this make Valli a beacon of light for the society today ?

Hints/ Value Points

· Valli, a sensitive girl, good observer . . , . excited and joyous in her journey . . .the death of the cow brings her a peep into life and death simultaneously . . .learns that many things happen without our knowledge

· We learn that life and death are common to all.

· Should be sensitive to our surroundings, fellow creatures and other human brings.

Question. The people and surroundings are a great book to learn. Valli in the lesson ‘Madam Rides The Bus’ learns a lot from others Mention the traits of her character which help her to learn from her surroundings.

Hints/ Value Points

· Meeting different kind of people . . . orientation to life

· Facing situations confidently

· Joys and sorrows are part and parcel of life. 

· pursuing the passion.

Question. Age is not a barrier when it comes to doing something different and great. Which characteristics of Valli help her achieve the wonder of visiting the city at such a tender age ?

Hints/ Value Points

· confidence

· planning 

· understanding

· being a good observer 

· one can learn at any age.

The Sermon at Benaras

Question. Journeys are a great addition to our experience of life. Valli’s journey to city added to her vision of life. Comment.

Hints/ Value Points

· Learning new things through life

· Exposure to life and death

· Things happen at times without our knowledge 

· Bright and dark sides of life

Question. Personal Losses are a part and parcel of life. Instead of wailing on them, we should move on in life. This message of Gautam Buddha has become more relevant in modern times. Do you agree ? Why / Why not ?

Hints/ Value Points

· No use crying over the loss

· Maintain calm, compose yourself, face the truth and move on

· modern times --- hard and testing time . . . stress damaging . . . learn to be strong and overcome the difficult situation.

Question. A Little help and guidance to those who are experiencing grief may help them understand and overcome grief. It is a big relief for the grieving person if support and care are extended to them. Explain citing examples from the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benaras’

Hints/ Value Points

· Gautam Buddha helped Kisa Gotami to understand that grief and sorrows are with everyone

· death is inevitable and common to all

· He, who seeks peace, should draw out the arrow of lamentation, complaint and grief

Question. The teachings of great persons enable us to face even the most challenging problems of life. How does the lesson ‘The Sermon at Benaras’ supports this.

Hints/ Value Points

· Through Gautam Buddha’s teaching we learn that the world is afflicted with death and decay . . . no use lamenting and grieving

· learn the lesson to maintain our composure and face the situations calmly

· joys and sorrows go hand in hand 

· acceptance is the way to acquire peace.

The Proposal

Question. The principle ‘forgive and forget’, helps a lot in maintaining cordial relations with our neighbors. Do you think Anton Chekov conveys this message in the play ‘The Proposal’ ?

Hints/ Value Points

· Yes, important to have patience to run the machinery of life

· Forgive and forget should be the principle to maintain happy relationships 

· Accept others with weaknesses

Question. The characters Natalya and Lomov lose their temper on trivial issues. It shows their poor skills at anger management. Suggest some ways that help you in maintaining cordial relationship with people around you.

Hints/ Value Points

· follow the principle ‘forgive and forget’

· being understanding and helpful

· have empathy

· being courteous 

· should not complain and blame

Question. It is a common observance that more attention is paid to unimportant issues at the cost of important ones. The play ‘The Proposal’ beautifully portrays this fact.Suggest some steps how we can avoid this unhealthy practice.

Hints/ Value Points

· Let’s set our priorities right 

· ignore unimportant issues

· not to pay too much attention on trivialities. 

· save energy for useful activities



Question. Amanda loves to live in a dream world and does not appreciate any interference. Parents try to bring her back to the real world. Therefore there is always a conflict going on. Elaborate.

Hints/ Value Points

· conflict between parents and children, parents ignoring unrealistic demands of their children

· behavioral problems

· expectations from each other 

· attitude problem


Question. It is not complaining but accepting a situation, is the key to happiness in life.Elaborate in context of the poem ‘Animals’.

Hints/ Value Points

· stop complaining, learn to face a situation

· adjustment and contentment key to happiness 

· learn tolerance, respect and co-operation from fellow beings

Question. The Poet in the poem ‘Animals’ laments the loss of certain values on the part of human beings, whereas animals seem to have retained them and are self contented. Analyze the cause of degeneration of values in today’s hard times.

Hints/ Value Points

· man has become selfish and self centred

· ignoring others, indifferent attitude

· man uncaring, has become cruel, losing tolerance and patience

· animal do not fight over religion or rituals, satisfied with their lot,uncomplaining.

· modern times – complex and hard, loss of values related to struggle for survival, and cut throat competition every man faces. 

· should learn certain values from parents.


Question. The trees in the poem stretch out their branches, break barriers and struggle hard to move out in open in their natural environs. Analyze the efforts one puts in to break away captivity and strive for freedom.

Hints/ Value Points

· growth not possible in confinement

· Nature takes its own course, trees cannot grow in enclosures, they need to stretch and expand. 

· Trees, birds, animal can be happy only in their natural habital

Question. A conflict between Man and Nature is going on. In this civilization pursuit men are disregarding the natural growth of plants and trees. In total confinement, nature also rebels against civilization and becomes destructive. Elaborate.

Hints/ Value Points

· Trees can grow only in open, natural environment, need to stretch and expand

· Conferring them, taking them away from their natural habital, can cause imbalance in nature. 

· Nature rebels in form of natural calamities.


Question. The dragon custard was considered a coward The humble dragon proved his bravery in adversity. Analyze that certain qualities like bravery and courage are situational and spontaneous. Express your views with reference to the poem.

Hints/ Value Points

· Custard, the dragon, the so called coward proved his mettle in adversity

· Custard confronted the pirate while others ran away in fear

· noone is born a coward or brave, one acts as per situation and demand

· one acts and rise up to save the life of his loved ones. 

· Great people do not boast of their qualities.


Question. Difficulties come but they are not to stay forever. They come and go. Comment referring to the poem ‘Fog’ 

Hints/ Value Points

· Life has ups and downs

· Problems are part of life,

· Face them, stand up to solve them

· Good or bad, time waits for none, it will pass.

For Anne Gregory

Question. The poet in the poem ‘For Anne’ Gregory conveys that we should give importance to the inner beauty and not the physical appearance. Elaborate with reference to the poem.

Hints/ Value Points

· should not accept things at their face value

· try to peep through the superficiality and discover the inner beauty, though it is difficult. 

· accept the person with his positive and negative qualities.


L-6 The making of a scientist

Question. Although Richard does not win anything at the science fair but it was a stepping stone for his success. In the light of above statement, give your comments, whether competitions are for winning sake or to give your best at work.

Hints/ Value Points

· Participation is more important than winning

· should work hard and try your level best.

· not to get disheartened by failure and learn from mistakes.

· Experimentation and learning are stepping stones to our success. 

· Competition provide a healthy environment for learning.

Question. Besides curiosity a number of other values are required to become a successful scientist. Comment in reference to the chapter, ‘The Making of a Scientist’

Hints/ Value Points

· Aptitude and right guidance are required to become successful in any field.

· Richard had curiosity, aptitude enthusiasm willingness to acquire more knowledge.

· Richard worked on suggestions given by senior scientists.

· Hard work, parental guidance keen observation motivation are important to excel.

L-7 The Necklace

Question. A little confession would have changed the life of Matilda. Should we confess our mistakes courageously. Write your opinion.

Hints/ Value Points

· Yes

· If Matilda had confessed that she had lost the necklace in front of her friend, her life could have been different.

· Confession can bring peace of mind.

· One would not have to go through unnecessary troubles/ tensions

· Admit the mistake, learn from it & move on.

Question. Our inability to accept our circumstances may lead to an unhappy life. Analyze with reference to the story ‘The Necklace’.

Hints/ Value Points

· We should accept life as it comes to us.

· No use cribbing about unhappy circumstances.

· Try to be happy and work for solution

· Nothing bad in being ambitious but there is no short route to success and happiness.

L-8 ‘The Hack Driver’

Question. A person may appear humble but in actual he may not be so. Appearance can be deceptive. Explain in context of story ‘The Hack Driver’.

Hints/ Value Points

· Oliver Lutkin, the hack driver on first appearance seemed to be a simple country man ready to help.

· The lawyer realized very soon that hack driver was the person he had been looking for.

· A city person that too a lawyer was befooled by a simple country man. 

· Don’t be hasty in judging a person.

L-9 ‘Bholi’

Question. ‘Dowry is negation of the girl’s dignity’. Discuss with reference to the story ‘Bholi’

Hints/ Value Points

· After seeing Bholi’s pock-marks the bride groom Bishamber Nath demanded Rs.5000/- as dowry from the father.

· He himself was lame, widower and yet was not ready to accept Bholi without dowry.

· He insulted Bholi’s father which was a great blow/set back to her dignity

· Dowry is a social evil, It should be neither taken not given - only Education can eradicate this.

Question. A ‘previously known dumb cow’ raised her voice against the social evils of dowry in the society. Discuss the transformation of Bholi from a submissive to a bold, courageous girl, referring to the teacher’s role in her life.

Hints/ Value Points

· Education is must.

· Education gives you confidence and equips you to face life. A teacher is an artist who can transform and change a person for better.

· Teacher plays a major role in transformation of Bholi from stammering little girl to a confident woman.

Question. Bholi chose a dignified life of service rather than surrendering herself to a greedy old man for the rest of her life. Education provides her the required stimulus to overcome her personal barrier. Explain the role of education in shaping the personality of the child with respect to the lesson ‘Bholi’.

Hints Value Points

· Education takes us purpose of life

· Education helps us to distinguish between right and wrong.

· Education gives courage and confidence to live life differently and meaning fully

· Bholi overcame her personal barrier with teacher’s help.

· She stood up at the time of marriage threw away her veil and decided to look after her parents instead of marrying a greedy old man.

Question. Sending Bholi to school was a ‘blessing in disguise’. Explain this in context to the chapter ‘Bholi’.

Hints/ Value Poits

· Bholi – a slow learner, her face marred by pock marks, stammering child was sent to school

· Mother thought that there was little chance of her getting married as she had ugly face and she decided to send her school – ‘let the teacher worry about her’.

· Education transformed Bholi completely she grew up confident, bold humble woman.

Question. Bholi’s mother was least interested in sending girls to school. The chapter highlights the discrimination against the girl child. Analyze and write your opinion.

Hints/ Value Points

· According to Bholi’s mother – the sole purpose of the girl’s life is to get married and do house hold chores. For her sending girl to a school is just a waste of time, money.

· Girls in India generally have to face discrimination they are ill-treated, ill-fed & overworked due to prevalent practice. Only education can help to change the present scenario.

L-10 ‘The Book that saved the Earth’

Question. Half knowledge leads to disaster. Explain this with reference to the play ‘The Book That Saved The Earth’.

Hints/ Value Points

· Martians had to abandon the mission to invade earth as they misinterpreted the nursery rhyme book.

· Similarly half knowledge can lead to disaster every where

· Half knowledge is dangerous. It never helps to achieve success. 

· Only knowledge can bring self contentment and success.

Question. Rushing to conclusion without going into details may lead to chaos and failure. Elaborate this with reference to Martian invasion in the chapter ‘The Book That Saved The Earth’.

Hints/ Value Points

· Martians failed to gather complete information about earthlings

· were overconfident & thought themselves superior.

· they misinterpreted the signals received from Earthlings’ book of nursery rhyme & fled away

· Rash decision, & rushing to conclusions made them to abandon their mission.

· through knowledge, perseverance, consistent efforts help us to achieve the aim, always bring success

Please refer to the link below for CBSE Class 10 English Value Based Questions.

Chapter 02 A Tiger in the Zoo
CBSE Class 10 English A Tiger in the Zoo VBQs
First Flight Chapter 01 A Letter to God
CBSE Class 10 English A Letter to God VBQs
First Flight Chapter 02 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
CBSE Class 10 English Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom VBQs
First Flight Chapter 03 How to Tell Wild Animals
CBSE Class 10 English How to Tell Wild Animals VBQs
First Flight Chapter 03 Two Stories about Flying I His First Flight
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First Flight Chapter 03 Two Stories about Flying II Black Aeroplane
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First Flight Chapter 04 From the Diary of Anne Frank
CBSE Class 10 English From the Diary of Anne Frank VBQs
First Flight Chapter 05 The Hundred Dresses I
CBSE Class 10 English The Hundred Dresses I VBQs
First Flight Chapter 06 Animals
CBSE Class 10 English Animals VBQs
First Flight Chapter 07 Glimpses of India
CBSE Class 10 English Glimpses of India VBQs
First Flight Chapter 08 Mijbil the Otter
CBSE Class 10 English Mijbil the Otter VBQs
First Flight Chapter 09 Madam Rides the Bus
CBSE Class 10 English Madam Rides the Bus VBQs
First Flight Chapter 09 The Tale of Custard the Dragon
CBSE Class 10 English The Tale of Custard the Dragon VBQs
First Flight Chapter 10 The Sermon at Benares
CBSE Class 10 English The Sermon at Benares VBQs
First Flight Chapter 11 The Proposal
CBSE Class 10 English The Proposal VBQs
First Flight Chapter 6 The Hundred Dresses II
CBSE Class 10 English The Hundred Dresses II VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 01 A Triumph of Surgery
CBSE Class 10 English A Triumph of Surgery VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 02 The Thiefs Story
CBSE Class 10 English The Thiefs Story VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 03 The Midnight Visitor
CBSE Class 10 English The Midnight Visitor VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 05 Footprints without Feet
CBSE Class 10 English Footprints without Feet VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 06 The Making of a Scientist
CBSE Class 10 English The Making of a Scientist VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 07 The Necklace
CBSE Class 10 English The Necklace VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 08 The Hack Driver
CBSE Class 10 English The Hack Driver VBQs
Footprints without Feet Chapter 09 Bholi
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All VBQs given above for Class 10 English have been made as per the latest syllabus and books issued for the current academic year. The students of Class 10 can refer to the answers which have been also provided by our teachers for all VBQs of English so that you are able to solve the questions and then compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 10 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. All study material for Class 10 English students have been given on studiestoday.

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What are VBQs for Class 10 English All Chapters

Value Based Questions (VBQs) for Class 10 English All Chapters help to test the ability of students to apply learnings to various situations in life.