Refer to CBSE Class 6 English Transformation of Sentences MCQs provided below available for download in Pdf. The MCQ Questions for Class 6 English with answers are aligned as per the latest syllabus and exam pattern suggested by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Transformation of Sentences Class 6 MCQ are an important part of exams for Class 6 English and if practiced properly can help you to improve your understanding and get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 6 English and also download more latest study material for all subjects
MCQ for Class 6 English Transformation of Sentences
Class 6 English students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Transformation of Sentences in Class 6.
Transformation of Sentences MCQ Questions Class 6 English with Answers
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. I don’t like people telling me what to do.
(a) I don’t like it when people are telling me what to do.
(b) I don’t like being told what to do.
(c) Telling me what to do is what I don’t like.
(d) I don’t like people when they tell me what to do.
Answer : B
Question. Aditya saw Dinesh shopping at the mall.
(a) Dinesh is seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.
(b) Dinesh was seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.
(c) Dinesh was being seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.
(d) Dinesh is being seen shopping at the mall by Aditya.
Answer : B
Question. He wasn’t given the information he needed.
(a) Somebody was not given the information he needed.
(b) The information he needed wasn’t given to him.
(c) He needed the information he wasn’t given.
(d) They didn’t give him the information he needed.
Answer : D
Question. Bipin was not told about the meeting.
(a) Somebody did not tell Bipin about the meeting.
(b) There was nobody who could tell Bipin about the meeting.
(c) Nobody told Bipin about the meeting.
(d) The meeting was not told about to Bipin.
Answer : C
Question. Have you been shown what to do?
(a) Have anybody been shown by you what to do?
(b) Have anybody been showing you what to do?
(c) Has you been shown what to do?
(d) Has anybody shown you what to do?
Answer : D
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. They will laugh at you.
(a) You will have been laughed at by them.
(b) You can be laughed at by them.
(c) You may be laughed at by them.
(d) You will be laughed at by them.
Answer : D
Question. Trespassers shall be prosecuted.
(a) The authorities might prosecute trespassers.
(b) The authorities can prosecute trespassers.
(c) The authorities shall prosecute trespassers.
(d) The authorities may prosecute trespassers.
Answer : C
Question. The waiter filled the glasses with water.
(a) The water were filled in the glasses by waiter.
(b) The glasses filled with water by the waiter.
(c) The glasses were filled with water by the waiter.
(d) The waiter was filled the glasses with water.
Answer : C
Question. She took the dog for a walk.
(a) The dog took a walk by her.
(b) The dog was taken for a walk by her.
(c) The dog took her for a walk.
(d) The dog was took for a walk.
Answer : B
Question. He was driving the car so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(a) The car has been driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(b) The car was driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(c) The car was being driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
(d) The car had been driven by him so fast that it skidded on the snowy road.
Answer : C
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. A fresh batch of eggs was collected by the farmer’s wife.
(a) The farmer’s wife had collected a fresh batch of eggs.
(b) The farmer’s wife will be collecting a fresh batch of eggs.
(c) The farmer’s wife was collecting a fresh batch of eggs.
(d) The farmer’s wife collected a fresh batch of eggs.
Answer : D
Question. I shall have written the letter.
(a) The letter is being written by me.
(b) The letter will have been written by me.
(c) The letter will be written by me.
(d) The letter has been written by me.
Answer : B
Question. Then her face was bowed.
(a) Then she bowed her face.
(b) Then her face has been bowed.
(c) Then she was being bowed her face.
(d) Her face was bowed by then.
Answer : A
Question. The walls had not been decorated by us.
(a) We have not decorated the walls.
(b) We had not decorated the walls.
(c) We have not been decorating the walls.
(d) We had not been decorating the walls.
Answer : B
Question. We must endure what we cannot cure.
(a) What cannot cured must endured.
(b) What could be cure must be endured.
(c) What we cure must be endured.
(d) What cannot be cured must be endured.
Answer : D
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. People call him a fool.
(a) He has been called a fool.
(b) He is called a fool by the people.
(c) The people have been calling him a fool.
(d) We all people have called him a fool.
Answer : B
Question. It is being read by us.
(a) We are reading it.
(b) It will be read by us.
(c) We can read it.
(d) We have to read it.
Answer : A
Question. He had committed a mistake.
(a) A mistake had committed by him.
(b) A mistake was committed by him.
(c) A mistake had been committed by him.
(d) A mistake has been committed by him.
Answer : C
Question. The most useful training of my career was given to me by my boss.
(a) My boss has been giving me the most useful training of my career.
(b) My boss gives me the most useful training.
(c) My boss is giving me the most useful training.
(d) My boss gave me the most useful training of my career.
Answer : D
Question. We have decided to open a new branch.
(a) To open a new branch was decided by us.
(b) To be opened a new branch has been decided.
(c) It has been decided to open a new branch.
(d) It may be decided to open a new branch by us.
Answer : C
Question. The loan will be sanctioned by the bank.
(a) The bank sanctioned the loan.
(b) The bank is going to sanction the loan.
(c) The bank would sanction the loan.
(d) The bank will sanction the loan.
Answer : D
Question. Paint the windows.
(a) Windows should be painted.
(b) Let the windows be painted.
(c) Let be the windows painted.
(d) Windows are let to be painted.
Answer : B
Question. The traitors should be shot dead by them.
(a) They should have shot the traitors dead.
(b) They shall shoot the traitors dead.
(c) They should shoot the traitors dead.
(d) They shot the traitors dead.
Answer : C
Question. Rahul is teaching the children in the slum areas.
(a) The children in the slum areas are taught by Rahul.
(b) The children are taught by Rahul in the slum area.
(c) In the slum areas the children are learning from Rahul.
(d) The children in the slum areas are being taught by Rahul.
Answer : D
Question. One cannot expect children to understand these problems.
(a) Children cannot be expected to understand these problems.
(b) Children to understand these problems cannot be expected.
(c) Children cannot be expected to be understood these problems.
(d) To understand these problems cannot be expected from children by one.
Answer : A
Question. Why did she break the garden wall?
(a) Why the garden wall was broken by her?
(b) Why had the garden wall been broken by her?
(c) Why was the garden wall broken by her?
(d) Why will the garden wall be broken by her?
Answer : C
Question. The students were laughing at the old man.
(a) The old man was being laughed at by the students.
(b) The old man was laughed at by the students.
(c) The old man was being laughed by the students.
(d) The old man is laughing at the students.
Answer : A
Question. He admonished her for the error.
(a) She was admonished by him for the error.
(b) She has been admonished by him for the error.
(c) She would be admonished by him for the error.
(d) She is admonished by him for the error.
Answer : A
Question. Can we send this big parcel by air?
(a) Can this big parcel be sent by air?
(b) Can this big parcel sent by air?
(c) Could this big parcel be sent by air?
(d) Could this big parcel sent by us by air?
Answer : A
Question. The boys saved many elders from being drowned.
(a) Many elders are saved from being drowned by the boys.
(b) Many elders are being saved from being drowned by the boys.
(c) Many elders were saved from being drowned by the boys.
(d) Many elders have been saved from being drowned by the boys.
Answer : C
Question. We found him a good wife.
(a) He was found a good wife by us.
(b) A good wife was found out by them.
(c) A good wife found him.
(d) A good wife was being found by us.
Answer : A
Question. You will be taken care of by me.
(a) I will be taking care of you.
(b) I would take care of you.
(c) I will take care of you.
(d) I will being take care of you.
Answer : C
Question. Promises should be kept.
(a) You must keep promises.
(b) We must keep promises.
(c) Keep promises.
(d) One should keep promises.
Answer : D
Question. Circumstances forced him to resign his post.
(a) Circumstances make him to resign his post.
(b) He was forced to resign his post.
(c) He is forced to resign his post.
(d) He is forced and resigned his post.
Answer : B
Question. He would have written this essay in time.
(a) The essay was written on time.
(b) This essay would have been written by him in time.
(c) The essay was written by him in time.
(d) He wrote the essay on time.
Answer : B
In the following questions a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. They are going to build a new airport near the old one.
(a) A new airport going to be built near the old one.
(b) A new airport is being built near the old one.
(c) A new airport will be built near the old one.
(d) A new airport is going to be built near the old one.
Answer : D
Question. My watch can’t be repaired by anyone.
(a) No one will repair my watch.
(b) No one can repair my watch.
(c) No one can’t repair my watch.
(d) No one will be able to repair my watch.
Answer : B
Question. Rosemary was moved to tears at the sight of the miserable beggar.
(a) The sight of the miserable beggar moved Rosemary to tears.
(b) The sight of the miserable beggar has moved Rosemary to tears.
(c) The sight of the miserable beggar moves Rosemary to tears.
(d) The sight of the miserable beggar had moved Rosemary to tears.
Answer : A
Question. Could you pass the salt?
(a) Could the salt been passed?
(b) Could the salt be passed by anyone?
(c) Could the salt be past?
(d) Could the salt be passed?
Answer : D
Question. Don’t subject the animals to cruelty.
(a) The animals are not to be subjected to cruelty.
(b) The animals shall not be subjected to cruelty.
(c) The animals will not be subjected to cruelty.
(d) The animals should not be subjected to cruelty.
Answer : D
Question. Who asked you to draft this letter?
(a) By who you are asked to draft this letter.
(b) By who have you been asked to draft this letter.
(c) By whom were you asked to draft this letter?
(d) By whom you were asked to draft this letter.
Answer : C
Question. They created such a fuss over a trivial matter.
(a) Such a fuss is being created over a trivial matter.
(b) Such a fuss was created over a trivial matter.
(c) Such a fuss has been created over a trivial matter.
(d) By them such a fuss has been created over a trivial matter.
Answer : B
Question. The lightning caused a serious forest fire and damaged many nearby houses.
(a) A serious forest fire has been caused by lightning and many nearby houses have been damaged.
(b) A serious forest fire was caused by lightning and many houses are damaged.
(c) A serious forest fire had been caused by lightning and many nearby houses had been damaged.
(d) A serious forest fire was caused by lightning and many nearby houses were damaged.
Answer : D
Question. Today I accomplished my task successfully.
(a) Today my task is accomplished successfully.
(b) Today my task has been accomplished successfully.
(c) Today my task accomplished successfully.
(d) Today my task was accomplished successfully.
Answer : D
Question. Look! They have painted the door.
(a) Look! The door’s being painted.
(b) Look! The door had been painted.
(c) Look! The door has been painted.
(d) Look! The door was painted.
Answer : C
Question. She was advised 15 days’ rest after her surgery.
(a) The doctor was advised her 15 days’ rest after her surgery.
(b) The doctor has advised her 15 days’ rest after her surgery.
(c) The doctor advised her 15 days’ rest after her surgery.
(d) The doctor had advised her 15 days’ rest after her surgery.
Answer : C
Question. When did he return my books?
(a) When were my books returned by him?
(b) When will my books be returned by him?
(c) When has he returned my books?
(d) When are my books returned by him?
Answer : A
Question. We had to stop all other work to complete our assignment.
(a) All other work has to be stopped by us to complete our assignment.
(b) All other work had stopped by us to complete our assignment.
(c) All other work had to be stopped by us to complete our assignment.
(d) All other work was stopped by us to complete our assignment.
Answer : A
Question. Gandhiji started the Quit India Movement in 1942.
(a) The Quit India Movement was started by Gandhiji in 1942.
(b) The Quit India Movement was been started by Gandhiji in 1942.
(c) The Quit India Movement had been started by Gandhiji in 1942.
(d) The Quit India Movement started by Gandhiji in 1942.
Answer : A
Question. One should avoid honking the horn unnecessarily.
(a) Unnecessary honking of horn ought to be avoided.
(b) Unnecessary honking of horn can be avoided.
(c) Unnecessary honking of horn should be avoided.
(d) Unnecessary honking of horn must be avoided.
Answer : C
Question. Gagan Narang and Vijay won bronze medals in the London Olympics.
(a) Bronze medals won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
(b) Bronze medals had been won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
(c) Bronze medals were won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
(d) Bronze medals have been won by Gagan Narang and Vijay in the London Olympics.
Answer : C
Question. The modern means of communication have made life so much easier.
(a) Life had been made so much easier by the modern means of communication.
(b) Life is being so much easier by the modern means of communication.
(c) Life has been made so much easier by the modern means of communication.
(d) Life was made so much easier by the modern means of communication.
Answer : C
Question. Thick clouds have overcast the sky.
(a) The sky has been overcast by thick clouds.
(b) The sky overcast by thick clouds.
(c) The sky is overcast by thick clouds.
(d) The sky is being overcast by thick clouds.
Answer : A
Question. One should not give unsolicited advice.
(a) Unsolicited advice is not to be given.
(b) Unsolicited advice can’t be given.
(c) Unsolicited advice may not be given.
(d) Unsolicited advice should not be given.
Answer : D
Question. The scheme permits investors to buy the shares from foreign companies.
(a) Under the scheme, the investors may be permitted to buy shares from foreign companies.
(b) Under the scheme, the investors have been permitted to buy shares from foreign companies.
(c) Under the scheme, the investors are permitted to buy shares from foreign companies.
(d) Under the scheme, the investors were permitted to buy shares from foreign companies.
Answer : C
In the following questions, a sentence has been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in passive/active voice.
Question. They proposed to hold a meeting.
(a) A meeting had to be proposed to be held by them.
(b) It was proposed by them to hold a meeting.
(c) A meeting should be proposed to be held.
(d) It was proposed to hold a meeting.
Answer : B
Question. Her manners pleased us very much.
(a) We were very much pleased on her manners.
(b) We are very much pleased with her manners.
(c) We pleased her very much with manners.
(d) We were very much pleased with her manners.
Answer : B
Question. The driver was blowing the horn.
(a) The horn was blown by the driver.
(b) The horn was being blown by the driver.
(c) The horn has been blown by the driver.
(d) The horn is being blown by the driver.
Answer : B
Question. I shall post these letters tomorrow.
(a) These letters would be posted tomorrow.
(b) These letters will be posted tomorrow.
(c) These letters are to be posted tomorrow.
(d) These letters have to be posted tomorrow.
Answer : B
Question. A massive search operation has been launched to nab the suspects.
(a) The police had launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects.
(b) The police have launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects.
(c) The police launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects.
(d) The police had been launched a massive search operation to nab the suspects.
Answer : B
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MCQs for Transformation of Sentences English Class 6
Expert teachers of studiestoday have referred to NCERT book for Class 6 English to develop the English Class 6 MCQs. If you download MCQs with answers for the above chapter you will get higher and better marks in Class 6 test and exams in the current year as you will be able to have stronger understanding of all concepts. Daily Multiple Choice Questions practice of English will help students to have stronger understanding of all concepts and also make them expert on all critical topics. After solving the questions given in the MCQs which have been developed as per latest books also refer to the NCERT solutions for Class 6 English. We have also provided lot of MCQ questions for Class 6 English so that you can solve questions relating to all topics given in each chapter. After solving these you should also refer to Class 6 English MCQ Test for the same chapter.
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