CBSE Class 6 Syllabus for English

Download CBSE Class 6 Syllabus for English 2023 2024. Refer to the latest syllabus provided below and free download latest curriculum of Class 6 for English issued by CBSE and NCERT, free download in pdf, get topic wise weightage, suggested readings and books based on latest syllabus and guidelines. The English Class 6 Syllabus curriculum has been developed and issued by CBSE and NCERT for English in Class 6. All students studying in Class 6 are suggested to go through latest syllabus to ensure that their preparation is as per the latest syllabus issued by CBSE NCERT KVS. Class 6 English students should do preparation for English exam strictly based on the latest curriculum and concentrate more on the topics with higher weightage to help them score higher marks in Class 6 English class tests and exams

Class 6 English Syllabus

It is important for students to study as per the latest Class 6 English curriculum and marks breakup as per important topics. This will help to prepare properly for the upcoming examination. You can click on the following links to download the latest and past year syllabus provided by us below.

Year Wise English Syllabus Class 6


Activities and materials that promote language growth in the early years have been described in some detail in the preceding section. Work at the upper primary level providing a basis for action and interventions in schools is described below. In general, vocabulary development through reading extensively with comprehension and interest and writing activities of a higher order than hitherto developed are the main goals of teaching/learning at this stage.


The general objectives at this stage are:

• to negotiate their own learning goals and evaluate their own progress, edit, revise, review their own work
• to understand, enjoy and appreciate a wide range of texts representing different cultures, ways of living
• to be able to articulate individual/personal responses effectively
• to use language and vocabulary appropriately in different contexts and social encounters
• to be able to organise and structure thoughts in writing/speech
• to develop production skills ( fluency and accuracy in speaking and writing)
• to use dictionary suitable to their needs
• to understand and enjoy jokes, skits, children’s films, anecdotes and riddles At the end of this stage learners will be able to do the following:
• understand the central idea and locate details in the text (prescribed and non-prescribed)
• use his/her critical/thinking faculty to read between the lines and go beyond the text
• narrate simple experiences, describe objects and people, report events to peers
• speak accurately with appropriate pauses and clear word/sentence stress to be intelligible in familiar social contexts
• write simple messages, invitations, short paragraphs, letters (formal and informal) applications, simple narrative and descriptive pieces, etc.
• use his/ her proficiency in English to explore and study other areas of knowledge through print and non-print media
• to undertake small projects on a regular basis

Language Items

At the upper primary level, knowledge of grammar remains a process of discovery combined with a conscious effort to explicitly understand and name grammatical items. However, these should not be taken out of contexts to be treated as discrete teaching items.

In addition to consolidating the items learnt earlier, the following will be introduced and
recycled through the upper primary stage.
- determiners                         - passivisation
- linking words                       - adjectives (comparative and superlative forms)
- adverbs (place and types)     - modal auxiliaries
- tense forms                         - word order in sentence types
- clauses                                - reported speech

Methods and Techniques
Classroom interaction would be such as to promote optimal learner participation leading to an urge to use language both in speech and writing. The selection of actual classroom procedures is left to the discretion of the teacher. However, the following are recommended:
- Role play
- Dramatisation
- Reading aloud
- Recitation of rhymes, poems and making observations on a given topic/theme
- Telling and retelling stories, anecdotes, and jokes
- Discussion, debate
- Simple projects
- Interpreting pictures, sketches, cartoons
- Activities, tasks, and language games
- Pair work, group work, and short assignments both individual and group
- Exploring the electronic media


MCQ/ OBJECTIVE- [30 Marks]


UT- [30 Marks]
MCQ- [10 Marks]
ACTIVITY - [5 Marks]


UT- [30 Marks]
MCQ- [10 Marks]
ACTIVITY - [5 Marks]


MCQ- [20 Marks]

Half Yearly Examination

Section – A (Reading)
Comprehension passage (Passage & Poetry)

Section – B (Writing)
Paragraph Writing
Story Writing
Diary Entry

Section – C (Grammar & Vocabulary)
Types of sentences
Subject & Predicate
Abstract Nouns
Possessive case of noun
Vocabulary Enhancement 1–4
Proverb Time 1–4

Section – D (Literature)
Where are the Cubs?
Saving the Baby
Damon & Pythias
Christmas Feast
Dal Delight
Elephants Vs Insects (Poem)

Annual Examination

Section – A (Reading)
Comprehension passage (passage & poetry)

Section – B (Writing)
Paragraph Writing
Story Writing
Diary Entry
Informal Letter Writing
Notice Writing
Formal Letter Writing

Section – C (Grammar)
Types of sentences
Subject & Predicate
Abstract Nouns
Verbs, Tenses, Phrasal Verbs
Active & Passive Voice
Vocabulary Enhancement 1–8
Proverb Time 1–8

Section – D (Literature)
Dal Delight
Working Together
An Information Bureau (poem)
The Song from Heaven
Idh al-Fitr
A Teacher for all Seasons
Poor George


Module – 1
Content :
(i) Communicate in English       Unit I: In Danger, Where are the Cubs?
(ii) Writing skills                       Paragraph Writing
(iii) Grammar                          Kinds of sentences (Pg 5-11)
(iv) Gulliver‟s Travels              Shipwrecked at Lilliput

Learning Objectives :
Animal Homes

Speaking Skills
Learners exchange personal experience and voice their opinions on different kinds of endangered animals.

Reading Skills
(i) Practice loud reading for right intonation and stress.
(ii) Silent reading is done for better understanding of the theme.

Writing Skills
(i) Learners learn to express their ideas on a given topic.
(ii) Learners learn to write their ideas in a paragraph

Learning Objectives:
(i) Recapitulation of sentence structure
(ii) Introduction to kinds of sentences.
(iii) Sequential ordering of sentences to form a story.

Module – 2
Content :
(i) Communicate in English    Unit-I Saving the Baby.
(ii) Gulliver‟s Travels             Life at Lilliput
(iii) Grammar                      Kinds of sentences: Subject Predicate \(pg 12-14)

Learning Objectives :
Saving the Baby
(i) Reading for pleasure and comprehension.
(ii) Learners will be encouraged to use the dictionary.

Grammar :
(i) Recapitulate concepts such as subject and predicate.
(ii) Recognize and assimilate the concept of sentence structure.

(i) Worksheet and oral drill in class.
(ii) Explanation through blackboard drill, later reinforced through assignments and worksheets with jumbled up words and sentences.

Module – 3
Content :
(i) Communicate in English     Unit-IV Friends Are Forever
                                                Damon & Pythias
(ii) Grammar                            Phrases
(iii) Writing Skills                      Story Writing
(iv) Gulliver‟s Travels              Gulliver Saves Lilliput
(v) Grammar Plus                   Vocabulary (Page 142)

Learning objectives:
Damon and Pythias

Speaking skills
Learners exchange personal experiences, voice their opinions on friends and friendship.

Reading Skills
(i) Practice loud reading for right intonation and stress.
(ii) Silent reading for a better understanding of the theme.
(iii) Close reading to encourage usage of dictionary.
(iv) Learners are sensitized to various reading sub skills e.g. scanning, skimming etc.

Introduction to the theme through anecdotal device, brainstorming to stimulate discussion about true friendship and so on.

Module – 4
Content :
(i) Communicate in English       Unit-II Friends Are Forever
                                                  Damon and Pythias
(ii) Gulliver‟s Travels                 Escape From Lilliput
(iii) Grammar                            Abstract Nouns (Page- 23-25),
                                                 Singular and Plural nouns (Page- 28-31),
                                                 Possessive case of nouns (Page- 32),
                                                 Adding suffixes
(iv) Writing Skills                      Story Writing

Learning Objectives
Damon and Pythias-Scene-II & III
(i) The text is essentially geared to reading for pleasure. Learners read and appreciate the story, recognize the ambience and comprehend the underlying meaning.
(ii) Learners also grasp vocabulary items and learn to use them.

The story is introduced through indirect method. The students are encouraged to narrate instances from their lives when they experience the power of friendship.
Model reading by the teacher is followed by silent reading.
The children answer comprehension questions, vocabulary items are learnt and reinforced through blackboard work and follow up activity in their notebooks.

(i) Introduction to Nouns (recapitulation)
(ii) To identify and differentiate Abstract Nouns.
(iii) To be able to make new words by adding suffix to the root word.

Module – 5
Contents :
(i) Gulliver‟s Travels        Gulliver is Marooned
(ii) Grammar                   Nouns cont. Prepositions
                                       (Page- 127-132)
(i) Recapitulation of prepositions.
(ii) Recognize and assimilate concepts of preposition.
(iii) Reinforce and consolidate the concept of preposition. Exhaustive drill is provided in the class through board drill and written work.

Module – 6
Content :
(i) Communicate in English Unit-V Think Food, The Christmas Feast
(ii) Gulliver‟s Travels Hardships of Gulliver
(iii) Grammar: Articles (Page- 37-40)
(iv) Writing Skills Diary Entry

Learning Objectives:
The Christmas Feast
(i) Learners exchange personal experiences, voice opinions and communicate orally with a degree of fluency and clarity.
(ii) The text is essentially geared to reading for pleasure. Learners read and appreciate the lesson.

Writing Skills
Learners learn how to make diary entries, various rules governing this writing skill are discussed, stress is laid on the fact that the writing must focus more on the writers feeling rather than just relating events of the day.

(i) Introduction to Articles, learners learn Articles in detail.
(ii) To reinforce and consolidate the concept of articles, exhaustive drill is provided in the classroom through board drill and written work.

Module – 7
Content :
(i) Communicate in English            Unit- V Dal Delight
(ii) Grammar                                  Articles (cont.) (Page- 41-44),Adjectives (Page- 59-65)
(iii) Gulliver‟s Travels                    Life at Court in Brobdingnag

Learning Objective:
Dal Delight
(i) The text is essentially geared to reading for pleasure. Learners read and appreciate the story, recognize the ambience and comprehend the underlying humour.
(ii) Learners also grasp vocabulary items and learn to use them.

The story is introduced through indirect method. The students are encouraged to narrate instances from their lives when they helped their parents or any other
relative.Model reading by the teacher is followed by silent reading by the students.The students answer comprehension question. A classroom discussion about what constitutes humour and students quote instances from the text, which are humorous.
Vocabulary item are learnt and reinforced through blackboard work and follow up activity in their notebook.

(i) To recognize and assimilate concept of articles.
(ii) To introduce, the students, to the concept of adjectives.
(iii) To reinforce and consolidate the concept of adjectives. Exhaustive drill is provided in the classroom through board drill, worksheet and other written work.

Module – 8
(i) Communicate in English UNIT IV :     Elephants Vs Insects (poem)
(ii) Gulliver‟s Travels                              More Adventures at Brobdingnag
(iii) Grammar                                         Adjectives (cont.) (Page 66 – 71),
(iv) Grammar                                        Plus Simile (Page-143)

Learning Objectives:

Reading Skills
Model reading is followed by loud reading by the leaders to practise correct pronunciation and intonation, vocabulary drill through exercise and dictionary work.

Writing Skills
Learners learn how to write message, various rules governing this writing skill are discussed.

Learners are given practice in the usage of adjectives. Reinforcement is done through written exercises.

Module – 9
Revision – Half Yearly Exam

Module – 10
(i) Communicate in English: Unit III – F For Family, Working Together
(ii) Grammar : Pronouns (Page- 48-55)
(iii) Writing Skills : Informal letter
(iv) Gulliver‟s Travels Flight from Brobdingnag
(v) Grammar Plus Sound words (Page-144, 145)

Learning Objectives:

Working Together, Speaking Skills
(i) The unit lends itself to an intense classroom discussion about families and family ties. Learners, communicate their personal experiences with fluency.

Listening Skills
Learners listen to the model reading by the teacher and practice the right stress and intonation.
Reading Skills To comprehend the text and communicate one‟s interpretation and inference logically and sequentially.
Writing Skills
Learners are familiarized with the simple format of informal letter writing.

(i) Learners are introduced to the usage of pronouns.
(ii) To reinforce and consolidate the concept of pronoun, exhaustive drill provided in the classroom through board drill and written work.

Suggested Reading
1. Extracts from „My family and Other Animals‟ by Gerald Durrel
2. „Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing‟ by Judy Blume.

Module – 11
(i) Communicate in English An Information Bureau (Poem)
(ii) Gulliver‟s Travels Flight from Brobdingnag
(iii) Grammar Pronouns (cont) (55-58)

Learning Objectives:
An Information Bureau
(i) Learners appreciate the poem. They enjoy themselves by reading the poem.
(ii) Learners listen to the model reading and grasp the meaning.
(iii) Learners do a close reading of the poem to grasp the underlying meaning.
(iv) To break down the poem and piece it back together to express in prose, thoughts expressed through poetry.
(v) Learners are given practice in the usage of pronouns; reinforcement is done through written exercises.

Module – 12
Content :
(i) Communicate in English Unit-VI: Let‟s Celebrate, Song from Heaven
(ii) Grammar Verbs (Page- 78- 88)
(iii) Literary Reader Journey to Lalputa, Balnibarbi,Grubbdubdrib, Luggnagg and Japan

Learning Objectives:
Song from Heaven

Speaking Skills:
(i) To narrate the story in their own words. Learners exchange experiences, voice opinions on how they celebrate their favourite festivals.

Listening Skills
(i) Learners listen to the text and assimilate the contents.
(ii) Learners listen to the model reading by the teacher and practice the right stress and intonation.

Reading Skills
(i) Learners read with correct pronunciation and do close reading for vocabulary
(ii) Drill and comprehension questions.

(i) Introduction to verb form. Learners are taught the forms of verbs followed by drill work.
(ii) To reinforce and consolidate the concept of simple tenses, exhaustive drill is provided in the classroom through board drill and written work.

Module – 13
Content :
(i) Communicate in English Idh al- Fitr (Poem)
(ii) Gulliver‟s Travels The Land of the Houyhnhnms
(iii) Grammar Tenses (Page- 89- 93)

Learning Objectives:
(i) To listen, comprehend and communicate, learners comprehension of the text.
The theme is introduced through previous knowledge of the learner.
Responses elicited about the text.
(ii) Vocabulary and dictionary drill. Raise level of comprehension to match the difficulty level of the text.
(iii) Learners do close reading of the poem to grasp underlying meaning.

The new unit introduces the concepts of simple, continuous and perfect tenses.
Oral and written drill help to reinforce these concepts; learners distinguish between the simple and progressive tenses in the context of present, past and future tense.

Module – 14
(i) Gulliver‟s Travels The Land of the Houyhnhnms
(ii) Grammar Tenses (Cont.) (Page- 94- 104)
(iii) Writing Skills Notice Writing.

Writing Skills
Learners learn to write a notice as per the rules and guidelines for writing a notice.

Learners get a hands on exposure to the various aspects of tenses and their correct usage.

Module – 15
(i) Gulliver‟s Travels The Land of the Houyhnhnms
(ii) Grammar Phrasal verbs (Page- 87, 88)
Active & Passive Voice (Page-105-110)

Learners are introduced to the new concept of active and passive voice. Learners
learn to distinguish between the active and passive voice.

Module – 16
(i) Communicate in English Unit VII – School is Fun, Poor George
(ii) Grammar Active and Passive Voice (cont).

Learning Objectives:
Poor George
(i) The text is essentially geared to reading for pleasure. Learner read and appreciate the lesson.
(ii) Learners also grasp vocabulary items and learn to use them.

Speaking Skills
To listen, comprehend and communicate, learner‟s comprehension of the text. The theme introduced through the previous knowledge of the learner. Responses elicited about the text.

Reading Skills
Vocabulary and dictionary drill helps to raise the level of comprehension to match the difficulty level of the text.

To reinforce and consolidate the concept of active & passive voice, exhaustive drill is provided in the classroom through board drill and written work.

Module – 17
(i) Communicate English A Teacher for All Seasons
(ii) Grammar Conjunctions (Page- 133- 136),Adverbs(Page- 114- 126),
(iii) Writing Skills Formal Letter Writing.

Learning Objectives:
A Teacher for All Seasons
Reading & Writing Skills:
To comprehend the text and communicate one‟s interpretation and inference logically and sequentially.

(i) Introduction to conjunction and adverbs.
(ii) Learners do exhaustive drill to reinforce and consolidate the concepts of adverb.

Writing Skills
(i) Learners are familiarized with the simple format of formal letter writing.
(ii) Learners write formal letters for practice.

More Study Material

Where can I download latest CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 English for 2024

You can download the CBSE 2024 Syllabus for Class 6 English for latest session from

Can I download the current year Syllabus of Class 6 English in Pdf

Yes, you can click on the links above and download Syllabus in PDF for Class 6 for English

Is the Class 6 English Syllabus available for the latest session

Yes, the syllabus issued for Class 6 English have been made available here for latest 2024 academic session

How can I download the current year Class 6 English Syllabus

You can easily access the links above and download the Class 6 Syllabus English

Is there any charge for the Syllabus for Class 6 English

There is no charge for the Syllabus for Class 6 CBSE English you can download everything free

How can I improve my scores by using the Syllabus in Class 6 English

Planning your studies as per syllabus given on studiestoday for Class 6 subject English can help you to score better marks in exams

Are there any websites that offer free curriculum for Class 6 English for 2024

Yes, provides all latest CBSE Class 6 English Syllabus with suggested books for current academic session

Can latest curriculum for Class 6 English be accessed on mobile devices

Yes, studiestoday provides curriculum in Pdf for Class 6 English in mobile-friendly format and can be accessed on smartphones and tablets.

Is syllabus for Class 6 English available in multiple languages

Yes, syllabus for Class 6 English is available in multiple languages, including English, Hindi