I. Choose the right answer.
a. _____________ helps the body to digest food, get rid of waste and use all nutrients.
oil blood water
b. ___________________ are nutrients that our body needs to grow.
proteins fats carbohydrates
c. Mosquitoes are ____________________ that suck the blood of other animals.
carnivores parasites herbivores
d. Dolphins breathe through _________________.
gills lungs skin
II. Name the following.
a. Merging with the surroundings to hide from the enemy. ________________________
b. It protects the embryo and provides water to it .______________________
c. A diet that has all the nutrients in proper quantities. ________________________
III. State True or False. If False, write the correct statement.
a. Iron is an important mineral needed by children to form healthy bones and teeth.
b. The heat of cooking kills germs that make us sick.
c. Vitamins and minerals help our body to fight diseases.
d. Elephants can change the colour of their skin to match their surroundings.
IV. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a habitat?
2. What are amphibians? Give an example.
3. Give two ways of preserving food for a long time.
4. How do birds hatch their eggs?
Light and Dark
Students will be able to know about:-
• Light and it’s use
• Sources of light
• Properties of light
• The meaning of reflection and shadows
Light is an energy weight from the sun, lump, etc. We need light to see things. You can see because your eyes take in light from whatever you are looking at. When there is not any light, things are dark. You cannot see anything when there is no light.
For example: - If you want to read a newspaper in a room. the room must be filled by a light but if there is no light in the room you cannot read the newspaper.
o Bright lights can harm your Eyes
o Direct light from the sun is very strong and can damage your eyes.
Some Sources of light
o The sun
o A candle flame
o The stars
o An Electric light
Some objects like the moon, the planets, mirrors are not sources of light.
Two Properties of light
o Light travels in straight lines from a light source.
o If something opaque than you will get a shadow.
o Opaque: material do not low light to pass through them.
How we see things?
We see things when light enters our eyes. The way the light enters our eyes may be different.
• It may enter our eyes directly from a light source or
• It may enter our eyes after it reflects of objects.
Light bounce of some materials better than others
1. Mirrors and shiny objects reflect almost all of the light that falls on them.
2. Dull, dark and objects absorb most of the light falls on them.
Mirror and reflections
Reflection is the bouncing back of light rays. Mirrors reflect light back at the same angle. When light hits a mirror it bounces back off it again and you get a reflection. A light ray hitting a mirror is reflected back at the same angle. That means that you can use mirrors to see around corners or behind you.
Shadow is a dark area made when light rays are blocked by an object.
When light from a source is blocked you get a shadow.
Summary Questions For Section Ten
I. Choose the correct answer
1. Which of the following is not source of light?
A. Candle B. Torch C. Silver foil D. sun
2. Which of the following statement is true?
A. We see an object when light from our eyes hits that object.
B. We see an object when light from that object hits our eyes.
II. Fill in the blank space
1. ______________________ is a dark area made when light rays are blocked by an object.
2. ______________________ is when light bounces by an object.
3. A light ray hitting a mirror is reflected back at the _____________________ angle.
4. ____________________ is the instrument that used by submarines to see above the water level.
III. Give short answer
1. Write some sources of light.
A. ____________________________ D. ________________________________
B. _____________________________ E. ________________________________
C. _____________________________ F. ________________________________
2. Explain why you can see yourself when you look at in a mirror.
3. What sort of objects reflect light well?
4. Draw a diagram with light rays to show how we see a tree on a sunny day.
5. What sort of an object does not reflect light well?
IV. Remember and define the following vocabulary words from the previous sections
1. State of matter
2. Temperature
3. Thermometer
4. Micro-organisms
5. Evolution
6. Fossil
7. Gravity
8. Evaporation
9. Reflection
10. Shadow
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