CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language MCQs

Refer to CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language MCQs provided below. CBSE Class 10 Computers MCQs with answers available in Pdf for free download. The MCQ Questions for Class 10 Computers with answers have been prepared as per the latest syllabus, CBSE books and examination pattern suggested in Class 10 by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. Multiple Choice Questions for Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language are an important part of exams for Class 10 Computers and if practiced properly can help you to get higher marks. Refer to more Chapter-wise MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Computers and also download more latest study material for all subjects

MCQ for Class 10 Computers Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language

Class 10 Computers students should refer to the following multiple-choice questions with answers for Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language in Class 10. These MCQ questions with answers for Class 10 Computers will come in exams and help you to score good marks

Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language MCQ Questions Class 10 Computers with Answers

(1) The type of value to be stored in identifier is known as ...........

(A) token (B) data type(C) keyword (D) database

(2) If 18 is stored in date identifier then what would be its data type ?

(A) integer (B) float (C) character (D) Any of these

(3) If 12.50 is stored in amount identifier then what would be its data type ?

(A) Integer (B) float (C) Character (D) Any of these

(4) used to connect value with the data.

(A) Prototype (B) Token (C) Database (D) Keyword

(5) defined by a keyword.

(A) Type of value stored in Identifier (B) Memory space in Identifier (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

(6) 8 bits =

(A) 1 Bit (B) 1 Nibble (C) 1 Byte (D) 1 kilobyte

(7) How many data types are supported by C language ?

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

(8) type is used to represent real values.

(A) int (B) float (C) char (D) Any of these

(9).......... data type is used to represent single character.

(A) int (B) float (C) char (D) Any of these

(10) The number which is the positive or whole number is known as...........

(A) integer (B) decimal/float (C) character (D) empty

(11) ..........option shows the integer values.

(A) 314, -88 (B) 503, 8000 (C) 21000, -314 (D) All

(12) .........Keyword is used to denote only positive values.

(A) Signed (B) Unsigned (C) Negative (D) Positive

(13) int data type occupies how many bytes ?

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

(14) What is the range of int data type ?

(A) 0 to 4294967295 (B) 0 to 429496

(C) -2147483648 to +21474836411 (D) -21474836 to +21474836

(15) Positive integer data type is represented using .......... keyword.

(A) signed int (B) unsigned int (C) sig int (D) unsig int

(16) Unsigned int data type occupies how many bytes ?

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

(17) The range of values of integer data type is based on the occupied...........

(A) bit (B) byte (C) kilobyte (D) megabyte

(18) ..........keyword is used to expand the range of integer datatype.

(A) big (B) long (C) lengthy (D) large

(19) long int occupies how many bytes ?

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D)  8

(20) ..........keyword is used to represent real values.

(A) f (B) fit (C) float (D) decimal

(21) How many float data types are available in C language ?

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

(22) .......... shows the float data type.

(A) Float (B) Double (C) Long double (D) All

(24) Float data type has the precision of .......... digits in the fractional part.

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7

(25) Float data type has .......... range.

(A) +/-3.4e-38 to +/-3.4e+38 (B) +/-1.7e-308 to +/-1.7e+308 (C) +/-3.4e-4932 to +/-l.le+4932 (D) +/-3.4e-18 to +/-3.4e+18

(26) If we require more accuracy with float type,..........keyword is used.

(A) double (B) long (C) long float (D) double float

(27) .......... is the expanded format for float type.

(A) long (B) wide (C) double (D) Double

(28) double data type occupies how many byte?

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

(29) Double data type has the precision of U many digits in the fractional part ?

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 16 (D) 17

(30) Double data type has the precision of many digits in the integer part ?

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 16 (D) 17

(31) Double data type has the..........range.

(A) +/-3.4e-38 to +/-3.4e+38 (B) +/-1.7e-308 to +/-1.7e+308 (C) +/-3.4e-4932 to +/-l.le+4932 (D) +/-3.4e-18 to +/-3.4e+18

(32) If more precision is required than double dali type .......... is used.

(A) float (B) long (C) long float (D) long double

(33) the expanded format of doubled types.

(A) long (B) wide (C) long double (D) large

(34) Long double data type occupies how many bytes ?

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 16

(35) Long double data type has ..........range.

(A) +/-3.4e-38 to +/-3.4e+38 (B) +/-1.7e-308 to +/-1.7e+308 (C) +/-3.4e-4932 to +/-l.le+4932 (D) +/-3.4e-18 to +/-3.4e+18

(36) define scientific format of 95.50.

(A) 0.9550e2 (B) 0.9550e3 (C) 0.9550e4 (D) 0.9550e5

(37) Scientific value 0.9550e2 represents ...........

(A) mantissa (B) exponent (C) both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

(38)*define mantissa for 0.9550e2.

(A) 0.9550 (B) 2 (C) e (D) All of these

(39) ..........represents mantissa in 0.9550e2.

(A) 0.9550 (B) 2 (C) e (D) All of these

(40) How many parts are represented in the memory of float values ?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

(41) .......... indicates the part of memory for float numbers.

(A) Sign (B) Exponent (C) Mantissa (D) All of these

(42) How many digits are there in the representation of real values ?

(A) 28 (B) 29 (C) 30 (D) 31

(43) Mantissa represents die series of..........numbers.

(A) 0 to 22 (B) 23 to 30 (C) 0 to 18 (D) 0 to 31

(44) Exponent part represents .......... series of numbers.

(A) 0 to 22 (B) 23 to 30 (C) 0 to 18 (D) 0 to 31

(45) Sign part represents..........series of numbers.

(A) 0 (B) 22 (C) 23 (D) 31

(46) type cannot be used to represent "M" or "F" respectively for male and female.

(A) int (B) float (C) char (D) Both (A) and (B)

(47) To display values of character type can be used.

(A) int (B) float (C) char (D) void

(48) type can be used to store characters.

(A) ch (B) char (C) chara (D) cheract

(49) ..........integer value is attached to each character.


(50) By default char is ...........

(A) sign (B) unsigned (C) (A) or (B) (D) none of these

(51) Char data type has .......... range.

(A) 0 to +127 (B) -127 to +128 (C) -128 to +127 (D) -128 to +128 

(52) If we want to say the function would not return any values used.

(A) empty (B) void (C) blank (D) null

(53) ..........statement indicates compiler to exit the program.

(A) return 0; (B) exit 0; (C) stop 0; (D) end 0;

(54) the more used syntax of assigning value to the variable.

(A) variable = value; (B) datatype variable = value; (C) value = variable (D) value = data type variasble;

(55) .......... syntax is used to store 30 in amount integer variable.

(A) int amount = 30 (B) amount int = 30; (C) int amount == 30; (D) amount int == 30;

(56) Using..........a new data type can be created,

(A) Basic Data type (B) Special Data type (C) New Data type (D) Administrator Data type

(57) the keyword for user defined data type?

(A) typedef (B) enum (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

(58) typedef and enum are..........types of data type

(A) Inbuilt (B) User defined (C) Global (D) None

(59) What is full name of typedef ?

(A) Type Definition (B) Type Define (C) Type Deferent (D) Type Defence

(60) What is full name of enum?

(A) Enurated (B) Enumber (C) Enurising (D) Enumerated

(61) Usingkeyword a variable can be defined which can be used as a data type?

(A) typedef (B) enum (C) both (A) & (B) (D)None

(62) give the alias name to the keyword.

(A) typedef (B) enum (C) char (D) float

(63) ........ is the syntax to declare typedef data type.

(A) data type variable typedef; (B) typedef variable data type; (C) typedef data type variable; (D) data type typedef variable;

(64) .......... keyword is used for enumarated data type.

(A) num (B) enum (C) enumber (D) enumerated

(65) .......... is the example of derived data type.

(A) Array, Structure (B) Union, Pointer (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

(66) Data structure including the group of variables with same characteristics is known as.........

(A) array (B) structure (C) union (D) pointer

(67) .......... is the group of variables with same data type.

(A) Union (B) Pointer (C) Structure (D) Array

(68) the syntax to define an array.

(A) datatype identifier [size]; (B) datatype variable [size]; (C) datatype keyword [size]; (D) datatype constant [size];

(69) Array to declare as name with size 10, .......... is given.

(A) char name [10]; (B) char name [11]; (C) char [10] name; (D) char [11] name;

(70) Generally one variable can store how many values at a time ?

(A) None of these (B) Only one(C) Only two (D) Many

(71) How many type of operators are their in C language ?

(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 10

(72) Which option represents the operators in C language ?

(A) Arithmetic operators (B) Assignment operators (C) Relational operators (D) All of these


(A) Bitwise operators (B) Special operators (C) Logical operators (D) All of these


(A) Increment and Decrement operators (B) Conditional operators (C) Logical operators (D) All of these

(73) How many operators are there for calculation ?

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7

(74) the mathematical operator.

(A) +, - (B) *, / (C) % (D) All of these

(75) There is no operator C language.

(A) exponential (B) multiplication (C) division (D) subtraction

(76) C provides extra operator for...........

(A) division (B) square (C) modulo (D) exponent

(77) the modulo operator.

(A) # (B) % (C) @ (D) $

(78) ..........operator is used to get the remainder.

(A) Division (B) Remainder (C) Modulo (D) Divisor

(79) Modulo operator cannot be used with...........

(A) integer (B) float (C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these

(80) Calculation is divided into which part as per the operands available in the expression ?

(A) Integer arithmetic (B) Real arithmetic (C) Mix mode arithmetic (D) All of these

(81) If the values used in the expression are positive or negative whole numbers then it is considered as ...........

(A) integer arithmetic (B) real arithmetic (C) mix mode arithmetic (D) all of these

(82) Expression with integer values are known as

(A) original expression (B) functional expression (C) integer expression (D) varied expression

(83) Result of integer expression is always...........

(A) integer (B) float (C) (A) or (B) (D) can't say

(84) If the values used in the expression are positive or negative real numbers then it is considered as ...........

(A) integer arithmetic (B) real arithmetic (C) mix mode arithmetic (D) all of these

(85) Expression under real numbers calculation is known as ...........

(A) original expression (B) functional expression (C) integer expression(D) varied expression

(86) Result of real/float expression is always.

(A) integer (B) float (C) (A) or (B) (D) can't say

(87) Expression with integer and real both values is known as ...........

(A) original expression (B) mixed expression (C) real expression (D) varied expression

(88) Operators capable of assigining values are known as ...........

(A) assignment operators(B) relational operators (C) arithmetic operators (D) logical operators

(89) used to compare two operators.

(A) Conditional Operators (B) Logical Operators (C) Relational Operators (D) Bitwise Operators

(90) used to change the flow of execution of the program.

(A) Bitwise Operators (B) Relational Operators (C) Logical Operators (D) Conditional Operators

(91) How many relational operators are there for comparison ?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

(92) the relational operator.

(A) >, < (B) >=, <= (C) = =, != (D) All of these

(93) used to check the equality of operands.

(A) = (B) = = (C) = ! (D) ! =

(94) ........ is used to check the non-equality of operands.

(A) ! (B) = ! (C) ! =(D) !!

(95) ........ can be used to check the bigger value.

(A) > (B) » (C) > ! (D) ! >

(96) ........can be used to check the smaller value.

(A) < (B) « (C) < ! (D) ! <

(97) ........ can be used to check greater or equal value.

(A) = > (B) > = (C) = < (D) < =

(98) ........ can be used to check the smaller or equal value.

(A) = > m>= (C) = < (D) < =

(99) ........ operator is used in place of = to check the equality of two operands in relational symbol.

(A) = = (B) ! = (C) = = = (D) = !

(100) used as an assignment operator.

(A) = = (B) = (C) ! = (D) = !

(101) Operator working with the single operand is known as .........

(A) unary operator(B) relational operator (C) logical operator (D) arithmetic operator

(102) "++" is known as........operator.

(A) unary increment (B) increment operator (C) both (A) and (B) (D) bitwise operator

(103) "- -" is known as ........operator.

(A) unary decrement (B) decrement operator (C) both (A) and (B) (D) bitwise operator

(104) ++ variable; shows which type of unary operator ?

(A) Pre-Increment operator (B) Pre-Decrement operator (C) Post-Increment operator (D) Post-Decrement operator

(105) - - variable; shows which type of unary operator ?

(A) Pre-Increment operator (B) Pre-Decrement operator ' (C) Post-Increment operator (D) Post-Decrement operator

(106) Variable ++ shows which type of unary operator ?

(A) Pre-Increment operator (B) Pre-Decrement operator (C) Post-Increment operator (D) Post-Decrement operator

(107) Variable -- shows which type of unary operator ?

(A) Pre-Increment operator (B) Pre-Decrement operator (C) Post-Increment operator (D) Post-Decrement operator

(108) the syntax of conditional operator.

(A) (Condition) ? (False statement): (True statement); (B) (Condition) ? (True statement): (False statement);

(C) (Condition) : (True statement) ?(False statement); (D) (Condition) : (False statement) ?(True statement);

(109) If one condition is true or more conditions are true, to check that ....... are useful.

(A) relational operators (B) logical operator (C) (A) or (B) (D) conditional operators

(110) How many types of logical operators are there ?

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

(111) the type of logical operator.

(A) AND (B) OR (C) NOT (D) All of these

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What are MCQs for Class 10 Computers Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Data Types Operators And Expressions In C Language Class 10 Computers are objective-based questions which provide multiple answer options, and students are required to choose the correct answer from the given choices.