CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Notes

Download CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Notes in PDF format. All Revision notes for Class 10 Computer Science have been designed as per the latest syllabus and updated chapters given in your textbook for Computer Science in Class 10. Our teachers have designed these concept notes for the benefit of Class 10 students. You should use these chapter wise notes for revision on daily basis. These study notes can also be used for learning each chapter and its important and difficult topics or revision just before your exams to help you get better scores in upcoming examinations, You can also use Printable notes for Class 10 Computer Science for faster revision of difficult topics and get higher rank. After reading these notes also refer to MCQ questions for Class 10 Computer Science given on studiestoday

Revision Notes for Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II

Class 10 Computer Science students should refer to the following concepts and notes for Chapter 2 Green Skills-II in Class 10. These exam notes for Class 10 Computer Science will be very useful for upcoming class tests and examinations and help you to score good marks

Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Notes Class 10 Computer Science

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The important principles of sustainable development are as follows

- To carefully utilise all resources.
- To conserve resources so that they meet the demands and requirements of the future generations.
- To minimise the depletion of natural resources.
- Respect and care for all forms of life.
- People should learn to conserve the natural resources in order to protect the living beings.
- Conserving the Earth’s vitality and diversity.
- Improving the quality of human life.
- Changing personal attitude and practices towards the environment.

Sustainable development is the organising principle for meeting human development goals. It has its roots in ideas about sustainable forest management which were developed in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. The idea of sustainable development gained wide acceptance due to environmental concerns in the 20th century. The concept of sustainable development was popularised in 1987 by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development. In its Our Common Future Report or Brundtland Report it defined the idea as “Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”

Importance of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is necessary for the maintenance of the environment. The importance of sustainable development are as follows
- Proper Use of Means and Resources Sustainable development teaches people to make use of means and resources for the maximum benefit without wastage. It helps to conserve and promote the environment.
- Development of Positive Attitude Sustainable development brings about changes in people’s knowledge, attitude and skills. It aware the people the responsibility to use and preserve natural resources. It creates the feeling that natural resources are the common property of all and nobody can use the property according to his personal will. It helps to conserve natural and social environment.
- Development Based on People’s Participation People’s participation is to be given priority in development work in order to achieve the aim of sustainable development. It creates the interest of local people in development work and environment conservation with the feeling of ownership.

- Limitation of Development Limited but effective use of means and resources are enough for the people to satisfy their basic needs. Limited and non-renewable means and resources go on decreasing in globally due to over-use. Development works should be conducted as per carrying capacity.
- Long Lasting Development Sustainable development aims at achieving the goal of economic and social development without destroying the Earth’s means and resources. It attempts to create the concept of maintaining the present work for the future and conserving the natural resources for future generation.

So, due to the realisation of importance of sustainable development, now there is a transcending concern for survival of the people and planet. We need to take a holistic view of the very basis of our existence. It is important to reconcile ambitious economic development and preserving the natural resources and ecosystem.
- Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable development has three main components economy, environment and social inclusion. It seeks to ensure economic development, while protecting the environment through participation of the societies and communities. The United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015, has set seventeen specific goals towards achieving sustainable development. Given are summarised in the graphic below


Problems Related to Sustainable Development

Some problems related to sustainable development are as follows
- Poor management of natural resources combined with growing economic activities will continue to pose serious challenges to environment.
- The most significant environmental problems are associated with resources that are renewable such as air and water. They have finite capacity to assimilate emissions and wastes but if pollution exceeds this capacity ecosystem can deteriorate rapidly.
- To assess the regenerative capacity of natural resources is difficult. In the cases of soil erosion, atmospheric pollution etc., there is substantial uncertainty about the extent and outcomes of environmental degradation.
- The overall effects of economic activities on the environment are continuously changing.
- Due to rise in income, the demands for improvement in environmental quality will increase as well as the resources available for investment but it is not mandatory in some cases as problems are observed to get worse as income rise.
- Rise in population is another problem that would further lead to severe environmental degradation in the future.
- Another challenge is rise in demand for energy as it is estimated that the total manufacturing outputs in developing countries will increase to about six times the current levels by 2030.
Another challenge is rise in demand of food crops with the growth of population. To protect fragile soils and natural habitats, this will have to be achieved by raising yields on existing crop land.

Solutions for Sustainable Development

Inspite of difficult circumstances sustainable development is achievable however, it would require a lots of concentrated and coordinated effort. The achievement of sustainable development requires the integration of economic, environmental and social components at all levels.

Short-Term Solutions
The short-term solutions related to sustainable development are as follows
- The practice of illegal deforestation and smuggling of forest resources should be stopped.
- Proper balance ought to be maintained between deforestation and afforestation.
- Planning and building of industrial zones to manage and process are types of wastes.
- Proper treatment system, recycling of waste and their proper disposal should be undertaken.
- Adoption of Rainwater Harvesting Techniques, drip/sprinkler irrigation and use of alternative sources of energy.
- Less chemical fertilizers should be used along with environment-friendly pesticides and weedicides.
- Polluting industries should be relocated outside the cities, far away from the populated areas.

Long-Term Solutions

The long-term solutions related to sustainable development are as follows
- Government should make policies against illegal activities.
- Awareness campaigns should be launched for farmers and industrialists.
- Ecologymust be protected through imposition of taxes and fines.
- Practice of sustainable agriculture must be promoted such as permaculture, agroforestry, mixed farming, multiple cropping and crop rotation.
United Nations Sustainable Development Summit (2015) sets global development goals.
These goals are termed as Agenda 2030. The goals are as follows
- End poverty in all forms everywhere.
- End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
- Ensure healthy lives and well-being for all.
- Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.
- Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- Ensure access to water and sanitation for all.
- Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
- Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
- Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
- Reduce inequality within and among countries.
- Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and production.
- Ensure sustainable consumption and production.
- Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
- Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources.
- Sustainably manage forests, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss.
- Promote peaceful and inclusive societies.
- Revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.

CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Multiple Choice Questions

Question. Sustainable forest management were developed in Europe during the centuries.
(a) 16th and 18th
(b) 17th and 18th
(c) 18th and 19th
(d) 19th and 20th
Answer. B 

Question. Do you agree with the view that greater economic activity will certainly lead to greater damage to the environment?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Not certainly
(d) Cannot be said
Answer. A

Question. Sustainable development is necessary because
(a) it helps to promote and conserve the environment
(b) it aware the people for effective use of natural resources
(c) it aims at achieving the goal of economic and social development
(d) All of the above
Answer. D

Question. Which of these is non-renewable source of energy?
(a) Wind power
(b) Solar power
(c) Hydroelectricity
(d) Coal
Answer. D

Question. The concept of sustainable development is
(a) easy and practicable
(b) too subjective and complex
(c) an utopian idea which can never be put into practice
(d) All of the above
Answer. B

Question. If sustainable development is neglected, then
(a) we shall have a safe and secure environment
(b) it will destroy ecology and environment endangering the survival of future generation
(c) mankind will continue to live and prosper
(d) All of the above
Answer. B

Question. What is the most serious problem as far as sustainable development in agriculture is concerned?
(a) To raise yields on existing croplands without extending the area under cultivation.
(b) To raise yields by extending the area under cultivation.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer. A

Question. Why is it important to adopt sustainable development?
(a) To save ecology and environment
(b) To save mankind
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer. C

Question. We need to realise our moral and ethical obligations to
(a) mother Earth
(b) to our future generations
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer. C

Question.Which of the following is a major problem of sustainable development?
(a) Turning the concept of sustainability into framing policies and rules.
(b) Striking a balance between development and its consequent damages to the environment.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer. C

Question. ……………jobs that contribute substantially to preserving or restoring the natural environment.
(a) Green
(b) Green-collared
(c) Either (a) or (b)
(d) None of these
Answer. C

Question. What is the green economy?
(a) A green economy is one that promotes economic development while making sure that the environment is protected.
(b) A green economy is one that promotes social development of the country.
(c) A green economy is one that promotes education among children.
(d) None of the above
Answer. A

Question. Achievement of sustainable development requires the integration of which component at all levels?
(a) Ecological
(b) Economic and social
(c) All of these
(d) None of these
Answer. C 

Question. United Nations Sustainable Development Summit (2015) set up development goals called as
(a) Agenda 2010
(b) Agenda 2030
(c) Agenda 2050
(d) Agenda 2040
Answer. B

Question. What is sustainable development?
(a) Economic development at zero damage to ecology
(b) More and more development
(c) Development that meets the needs of present without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
(d) All of the above
Answer. C

Question. Sustainable development requires proper use of
(a) natural resources
(b) man-made resources
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) human resources
Answer. C

Question. The greatest problem related to sustainable development is to safeguard further depletion of which of the following?
(a) Fisheries and forests
(b) Croplands and grasslands
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer. C

Question. The concept of ‘sustainable development’ became popular as the Brundtland Report in the year
(a) 1986
(b) 1987
(c) 1988
(d) 1990
Answer. B

Question. To save water as a resources which techniques must be adopted?
(a) Rainwater harvesting
(b) Sprinkler irrigation
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Recycling of waste
Answer. C

Question. During the working lifetime of children born today, the population of the world will almost
(a) double
(b) triple
(c) destroy
(d) remain same
Answer. A

CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Case Based MCQs

Direction Read the case and answer the following questions.

1. The United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, has set seventeen specific goals towards achieving sustainable development. The goals of the sustainable development give us a fair idea about the main problems and challenges that are halting the growth of sustainable practices around the world. As sustainable development tries to manage factors in three broad areas: economy, social and the environment, the problems can also be viewed from these broad areas. The problems to sustainable development can be identified as:
poverty, hunger and exclusion (economic problems); unemployment, lack of social justice, war and conflicts, building peaceful and inclusive societies, building strong institutions of governance and supporting the rule of law (social problems) and environmental pollution, degradation of natural resources, loss of biodiversity global warming and climatic changes (environmental problems). 

Question. What is/are the area(s) which are to be managed in order to get sustainable development?
(a) Social, economic and environmental
(b) Agriculture, economic and environmental
(c) Social, economic and user-friendly
(d) Social, drastic and environmental
Answer. A

Question. Unemployment is which type of factor?
(a) Social factor
(b) Economic factor
(c) Environmental factor
(d) Physical factor
Answer. A

Question. What is/are the problem(s) that can termed as environmental problem?
(a) Hunger
(b) Pollution
(c) War and conflicts
(d) All of these
Answer. B

Question. What is the main aim of sustainable development?
(a) To save the resources
(b) To conserve the environment
(c) To think about the future generation
(d) All of the above
Answer. D

Question. United Nations Sustainable Development Summit happened in the year …………….
(a) 2014
(b) 2015
(c) 2016
(d) 2020
Answer. B

2. Humans are the only living beings, who can make extensive modifications to their natural environment. In this way, they are able to create an artificial environment for themselves to carry out various social, political and business activities for their development. Man has been modifying his natural environment from time immemorial and exploiting various natural resources such as soil, water, forests, wildlife, minerals etc., to fulfil his various needs. After the industrial revolution in the 18th century, the exploitation of natural resources gained unprecedented momentum. The developmental activities in the last few centuries have led to a widespread destruction of the natural environment and resulted in many environmental problems.

Question. Who can make extensive use of environment?
(a) Human
(b) Animals
(c) Plants
(d) Resources
Answer. A

Question. Which of the following is/are natural resource(s)?
(a) Petrol
(b) Coal
(c) Soil
(d) Diesel
Answer. C

Question. After which activity, the natural resources are exploited unprecedently?
(a) Pollution
(b) Industrial revolution
(c) Due to the outcome of Brundtland Report
(d) None of the above
Answer. B

Question. Which of these is/are an integral part of the existence of human being?
(a) Environment
(b) Wealth
(c) Luxuries
(d) All of these
Answer. A

Question. Which of the following human activities impacted the nature?
(a) We remove water from rivers, lakes and aquifers for drinking and cleaning.
(b) We fulfil our food-related needs from both wild and fanned plants and animals.
(c) We cut down trees to get timber that is used as building material.
(d) All of the above
Answer. D

CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Short Answer Type Questions

Question. Give the definition of sustainable development as suggested by Brundtland Report.
Answer. According to Brundtland report, development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their needs is sustainable development.

Question. How does sustainable development helps to manage climate change?
Answer. Climate change can be mitigated through sustainable development practices. These practices seek to reduce the use of fossil-based sources of fuel such as petrol, diesel, natural gas and coal. Fossil fuels as sources of energy are unsustainable since they will be depleted at some time. Their burning is also responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases and consequent global warming and climate change.

Question. Write any three challenges to sustainable development.
Answer. Three challenges to sustainable development are
(i) Rise in population level would lead to severe environmental degradation in the future.
(ii) Poor management of natural resources combined with growing economic activities will continue to pose serious challenges to environment.
(iii) Due to rise in income, the demands for improvement in environmental quality will increase as well as the resources available for investment but it is not mandatory in some cases as problems are observed to get worse as income rise.

Question. Which type of industries should be relocated outside the cities?
Answer. Polluting industries should be relocated outside the cities far away from the populated area. These industries pollute both the water and air by disposing the waste in them. The polluted is then used by animals for drinking and human beings for various activities, this leads to depletion of their health. In humans, various health issues are raised in the course of time.

Question. Which serious question was raised by the first Brundt Commission Report?
Answer. One of the earliest international commissions dealing with the question of ecology and environment was the Brundt Commission. The First Brundt Report raised a very serious question, - “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing environment?”

Question. The most significant environment problems are related to which type of resources?
Answer. The most significant environmental problems are associated with resources that are renewable such as air and water. They have a finite capacity to assimilate emissions and wastes but if pollution exceeds this capacity ecosystem will deteriorate rapidly at a huge pace.

Question. “Uncertainty is an inherent part of environmental problems and this uncertainty breeds complacency.”
Do you agree with the statement? Explain.
Answer. Yes, I agree with this statement.
Assessment of whether the regenerative capacity of a natural resource has been exceeded is difficult and complex. In the cases of soil erosion, atmospheric pollution, and loss of biodiversity, there is substantial scientific uncertainty about the extent of environmental degradation and consequences of degradation.

Question. Discuss the role of sustainable development to provide financial stability.
Answer. Sustainable development practices have the ability to create more financially sustainable economies across the globe. Developing countries that cannot access fossil fuels can leverage renewable forms of energy to power their economies. From the development of renewable energy technologies, these countries can create sustainable jobs as opposed to finite jobs based on fossil fuel technologies.

Question. What are the forms of sustainable agriculture?
Answer. In sustainable agriculture the production of crops takes place with the efficient use of resources without damaging the environment. Crop rotation, organic farming, use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, combining animal farming with crop farming are some examples of sustainable agricultural practices.

Question. The achievement of sustainable development requires what?
Answer. The achievement of sustainable development requires the integration of economic, environmental and social components at all levels.

Question. Write four development goals given by United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015.
Answer. Any four development goals given by United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 are as follows
(i) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
(ii) Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
(iii) Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
(iv) Reduce inequality within and among countries.

Question. How one can save forest from being cut?
Answer. Save and recycle paper to protect trees from being cut. Do not buy products obtained from wild animals such as leather, fur and ivory. Collect honey without completely removing the beehives.

Question. What should be done to make efficient use of electricity?
Answer. To make efficient use of electricity are as follows
(i) Don’t waste electricity. Turn off lights and unplug appliances when not in use.
(ii) Select clean, renewable energy sources like solar lights.
(iii) Avoid cars or do car-pools and use cycles or public transport.

Question. How one can save fisheries industry from being extinct?
Answer. In order to save fisheries industry from being extinct, one can follow a number of steps as given below
(i) Creating awareness about the harmful consequences of over-fishing.
(ii) Educating people about the sustainable fishing practices that control fishing and provide enough time for fish to breed and multiply.
(iii) Never buy endangered fish. Buy only those fish that are plentifully available and also in-season (not during the breeding season).

Question. State the points through which one can manage waste.
Answer. Some points which one can manage waste are as follows
(i) Reduce, reuse and recycle before throwing away things as waste.
(ii) Use environmentally-friendly methods of waste disposal.
(iii) Use appropriate methods for recycling or disposal of the electronic and hazardous waste.

Question. Why there is a need for sustainable development?
Give reasons.
Answer. Sustainable development is necessary for the maintenance of the environment.
There is a need of sustainable development because of the following reasons
(i) Sustainable development teaches people to make use of means and resources for the maximum benefit without wastage.
(ii) Sustainable development brings about changes in people’s knowledge, attitude and skill.
(iii) Sustainable development aims at achieving the goal of economic and social development without destroying the Earth’s means and resources.

Question. What will happen, if we ignore the vital signs of an ailing environment?
Answer. The Earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in declining health. We need to realise our ethical and moral obligations to the mother Earth. Human beings are caretakers of the planet and responsible trustees of the legacy of future generations.
Due to the realisation of importance of sustainable development, now there is a transcending concern for survival of the people and planet. We need to take a holistic view of the very basis of our existence. The environmental problem does not necessarily signal our demise, rather it is our passport for the future.

Question. Explain the short-term solutions related to sustainable development.
Answer. The short-term solutions related to sustainable development are as follows
(i) The practice of illegal deforestation and smuggling of forest resources should be stopped.
(ii) Proper balance ought to be maintained between deforestation and afforestation.
(iii) Planning and building of industrial zones to manage and process are types of wastes.
(iv) Proper treatment system, recycling of waste and their proper disposal should be undertaken.
(v) Adoption of rainwater harvesting techniques, drip/sprinkler irrigation and use of alternative sources of energy.
(vi) Less chemical fertilizers should be used along with environment-friendly pesticides and weedicides.

Question. How one can take care of the environment while travelling?
Answer. In order to take care of the environment while travelling,one should follow the given points
(i) While travelling, travel in groups, limit water and energy use and avoid wastage.
(ii) Practice eco-tourism (tourism that protects the environment) and make people aware of the need of practicing eco-tourism.
(iii) Never litter around. Never damage or deface historical monuments.
(iv) Walk or cycle while going to nearby places.
(v) Use electric (battery-operated) vehicles if possible.

Question. How did the idea of sustainable development originate?
Answer. The concept of sustainable forest management was developed in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.The idea of sustainable development gained wide acceptance due to environmental concerns in the 20th century.
The concept of sustainable development was popularised in 1987 by the “United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development.” In Brundtland Report named as ‘Our Common Future’, defines sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”, i.e without stripping the natural world of resources future generations would need. This definition of sustainable development, which is most widely accepted now, contains two key concepts
(i) The concept of needs, in particular, the essential needs of the world’s poor which should be given top most priority.
(ii) The concept of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organisation on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.

Question. ‘The concept of sustainable development is subject to criticism.’ Discuss.
Answer. Criticism is the final thing that appears on introducing a new concept, as wide acceptance is almost rare. Turning the concept of sustainability into policy raises questions about how to assess the well-being of present and future generations. The issue is more complicated because our children do not just inherit environmental pollution and resource depletion, but also enjoy the fruits of our labour, in the forms of education, skills and knowledge (i.e. human capital), as well as physical capital. They may also benefit from investments in natural resources, improvement in soil fertility and reforestation.
Thus, in considering and calculating what we pass on to future generations, we must take account of the full range of physical, human and natural capital.

Question. ‘Total world consumption of cereals will almost double by 2030.’ Suggest measures to maintain ‘sustainable development’ in the light of this development.
Answer. Total world consumption of cereals will have to almost double by 2030. To protect fragile soils and natural habitats, almost all of this increase will have to be achieved by raising yields on existing cropland rather than by extending the area under cultivation. At present we are losing the forests at a fast pace. Thus, problems and challenges are formidable.

Question. State the points through one can do water and forest management.
Answer. In order to do water management, one should follow the given points
(i) Use water wisely. Turn off the tap when you are not using it.
(ii) Get leaking taps and pipes fixed immediately.
(iii) Treat drain water properly before allowing it to flow into local water bodies.
In order to do forest management, one should follow the given points
(i) Save and recycle paper to protect trees from being cut.
(ii) Do not buy products obtained from wild animals such as leather, fur and ivory.
(iii) Collect honey without completely removing the beehives.

CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Long Answer Type Questions

Question. Describe the meaning and importance of sustainable development.
Answer. Sustainable development refers to the process of economic development where resources are used judiciously to satisfy needs of not only present generation but also to conserve them for the use of future generations. Sustainable development takes place without depleting the present natural resources.
The importance of sustainable development is discussed below
(i) It helps to conserve and make use of means and resources for the maximum benefit without wastage.
(ii) It awares the people about the responsibility to use and preserve natural resources.
(iii) It creates the feeling that natural resources are the common property of all and nobody can use the property according to his personal will. It helps to conserve natural and social environment.
(iv) People’s participation is to be given priority in development work in order to achieve the aim of sustainable development.
(v) It attempts to create the concept of maintaining the present work for the future and conserving natural resources for future generation.

Question. Describe any four major problems associated with sustainable development.
Answer. Four problems associated with sustained development are as follows
(i) The concept of sustainable development is subject to criticism. What, exactly, is to be sustained in a sustainable development? Any positive rate of exploitation of a non-renewable resource will eventually lead to exhaustion of Earth’s final stock.
(ii) Turning the concept of sustainability into policy raises questions about how to assess the well-being of present and future generations. The issue is more complicated because our children do not just inherit environmental pollution and resource depletion, but also enjoy the fruits of our labour, in the forms of education, skills, and knowledge (i.e. human capital), as well as physical capital.
(iii) Poor management of natural resources, combined with growing economic activities, will continue to pose serious challenges to environment. The problem arises because people, institutions and governments have failed to evolve mechanism and policies to strike a balance between development and conservation of resources and preservation of environment.
(iv) The commonly held view that greater economic activity necessarily hurts the environment, is based on static assumptions about technology, tastes and environmental investments. In reality, the relationships between inputs and outputs and the overall effects of economic activities on the environment, are continually changing.

Question. Mention the main principles of sustainable development.
Answer. Main principles of sustainable development are
(i) Respect and care for all forms of life.
(ii) Improving the quality of human life.
(iii) Minimising the depletion of natural resources.
(iv) Conserving the Earth’s vitality and diversity.
(v) Enabling communities to care for their own environment.
(vi) Changing personal attitude and practices towards the environment.

Question. Why is it important to adopt sustainable development? Explain.
Answer. A three-year study using satellites and aerial photography undertaken by the United Nations long ago warned that the environment had deteriorated so badly that it was ‘critical’ in many of eighty-eight countries, investigated. In view of all these findings and problems, sustainable development acquires much importance. Nature and mankind live and die together.
The Earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in declining health. We need to realise our ethical and moral obligations to the mother Earth. Human beings are caretakers of the planet and responsible trustees of the legacy of future generations.
Due to the realisation of importance of sustainable development, now there is a transcending concern for survival of the people and planet. We need to take a holistic view of the very basis of our existence. The environmental problem does not necessarily signal our demise, rather it is our passport for the future. To save ourselves and our future generations from catastrophe, we require to take a holistic view, an ecological view, seeing the world as an integrated whole, rather than a dissociated collection of parts.

Question. Mention some of the basic components of a green economy.
Answer. Some of the basic components of a green economy are as follows
(i) Efficient and Sustainable Transport System A green economy must have an efficient and sustainable public transport system. It should promote the use of cycles, carpools, public vehicles driven by green fuels, etc. to minimise the damage to the environment.
(ii) Sustainable Industry Sustainable industry uses improved processes to reduce, reuse and recycle water, raw materials, non-renewable minerals, energy, etc. It has an efficient waste disposal system that causes no damage to the environment and creates zero pollution.
(iii) Sustainable Agriculture In sustainable agriculture the production of crops takes place with the efficient use of resources without damaging the environment. Crop rotation, organic farming, use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, combining animal farming with crop farming are some examples of sustainable agricultural practices.
(iv) Efficient Management of Land Resources Land is used for farming, forests, factories, homes, roads, etc. In a green economy, land is used in such a way that it meets the requirements of people without causing damage to the environment.

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CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Notes

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Regular notes reading helps to build a more comprehensive understanding of Chapter 2 Green Skills-II concepts. notes play a crucial role in understanding Chapter 2 Green Skills-II in CBSE Class 10. Students can download all the notes, worksheets, assignments, and practice papers of the same chapter in Class 10 Computer Science in Pdf format. You can print them or read them online on your computer or mobile.

Notes for CBSE Computer Science Class 10 Chapter 2 Green Skills-II

CBSE Class 10 Computer Science latest books have been used for writing the above notes. If you have exams then you should revise all concepts relating to Chapter 2 Green Skills-II by taking out a print and keeping them with you. We have also provided a lot of Worksheets for Class 10 Computer Science which you can use to further make yourself stronger in Computer Science

Where can I download latest CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II notes

You can download notes for Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II for latest academic session from

Can I download the Notes for Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Class 10 Computer Science in Pdf format

Yes, you can click on the link above and download notes PDFs for Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II which you can use for daily revision

Are the revision notes available for Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Class 10 Computer Science for the latest CBSE academic session

Yes, the notes issued for Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II have been made available here for latest CBSE session

How can I download the Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Class 10 Computer Science Notes pdf

You can easily access the link above and download the Class 10 Notes for Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II for each topic in Pdf

Is there any charge for the Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II notes

There is no charge for the notes for CBSE Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II, you can download everything free of charge

Which is the best online platform to find notes for Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Class 10 Computer Science is the best website from which you can download latest notes for Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Computer Science Class 10

Where can I find topic-wise notes for Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II

Come to to get best quality topic wise notes for Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II

Can I get latest Chapter 2 Green Skills-II Class 10 Computer Science revision notes as per CBSE syllabus

We have provided all notes for each topic of Class 10 Computer Science Chapter 2 Green Skills-II as per latest CBSE syllabus