Unseen Passage for Class 4 English Solved

Click below for free Unseen Passage for Class 4 English Solved with solutions, Unseen Passage for Class 4 English, Get comprehensions with Questions and answers for Class 4 English. Students must download in pdf and study the material to get better marks in exams. Access English Unseen Passage for Class 4, Solved Unseen Passage, Reading Comprehensions and passages with multiple choice questions, long and short questions with solutions for Class 4 English Unseen Passage as per latest English syllabus issued by CBSE (NCERT). All solved passages Unseen Passage and study material for Class 4 English. Class 4 students are required practice as many English comprehension passage in Class 4 which normally have multiple paragraphs and MCQs, Short Answer and Long answer questions after the paragraphs. You can access lots of unseen passages for English Class 4 which will help to improve your reading ability and help to obtain more marks in Class 4 English class tests and exams.

Class 4 English Unseen Passage

We have provided below the largest collection of CBSE NCERT Unseen Passage for Class 4 English which can be downloaded by you for free. These Unseen Passage cover all Class 4 English important passages with questions and answers and have been designed based on the latest CBSE NCERT blueprint, books and syllabus. You can click on the links below to download the latest Unseen Passage for Class 4 English. CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 4 English will help Class 4 English students to understand the unseen passages and related pattern of questions and prepare properly for the upcoming examinations.

Download Class 4 English Unseen Passage with Answers

Class 4 Solved Unseen Passage

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

At sun set Ram and Laxman come in a chariot with Vanar Sena. Ram shoots arrows at the effigies. The effigies catch fire and burn to ashes. Fireworks and crackers explode in the air. People in some areas of Rajasthan go to greet each other. Dussehra is a symbol of victory of good over evil.

Answer the following questions:

1.This passage is about-

(a) chariot

(b) Vanar Sena

(c) effigies

(d) Dussehra

Answers : (d) Dussehra

Question. (i) How do Ram and Laxman came?
(ii) Who comes with Ram and Laxman?

Answers : (i) Ram and Laxman came in a chariot.
(ii) Vanar Sena comes with Ram and Laxman.

Question. (i) Who shoots the effigies?
(ii) What happens after shooting the arrows?

Answers : (i) Ram shoots the effigies.
(ii) After shooting the arrows, the effigies catch fire and burn to ashes. Fireworks and crackers explode in the air.

Question. (i) What do people do in some areas of Rajasthan on Dussehra
(ii) What is Dussehra a symbol of?

Answers : (i) People in some areas of Rajasthan go to greet each other on Dussehra.
(ii) Dussehra is a symbol of victory of good over evil.

Case based Unseen Passage for Class 4

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

1. Once a mother parrot gave birth two baby parrots. A hunter bought and brought us one baby parrots. This baby parrot learned the hard words like catch, hit, kill, etc. by chance, the other baby parrot had been bought and brought up by a holy man. This baby parrot learned the honeyed words like welcome, sit, thanks, etc. 

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) baby parrots

(b) mother’s parrot and other two baby parrots

(c) holy man

(d) honeyed word

Answers : (a) baby parrots

Question. (i) Who bought and brought up one baby parrots?
(ii) What words did the hunter’s baby parrot learn?

Answers : (i) A hunter bought and brought up one baby parrot.
(ii) The hunter’s baby parrot learnt the harsh words like catch, hit, kill, etc

Question. (i) What did a holy man do?
(ii) What words did the holy man’s baby parrot learn?   

Answers :  (i) A holy man bought and brought up the other baby parrot. 
(ii) The holy man’s baby parrot learnt the honeyed words like welcome, sit, thanks, etc.                 

Solved Unseen Passages for Class 4

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Mr. Roshanlal swooned with delight when he saw the red, swanky sports car. Soon the paper work was over and the car was his. The guide in the showroom got into the driver’s seat to show him all the new things this car could do but Mr. Roshanlal was so impatient to drive the car himself that he wouldn’t listen to anything the guide said. He started the car and began to move. The guide yelled after him, “You did not pay attention to me. At least read the instruction booklet in the car !” Mr. Roshanlal  did not pay attention.

Answer the following questions: 

Question. The passage is about-

(a) paper work

(b) new cars

(c) instruction booklet

(d) Mr. Roshanlal and car 

Answers : (d) Mr. Roshanlal and car 

Question. (i) When did Roshanlal swoon with delight?  
(ii) What was over? 

Answers : (i) Mr. Roshanlal swooned with delight when he saw the red, swanky sports car. 
(ii) The paper work was over.

Question. (i) How did the guide want to help Mr. Roshanlal?
(ii) Why couldn’t he listen to anything? 

Answers : (i) The guide wanted Mr. Roshanlal to read the instruction booklet.
(ii) He wanted to enjoy the ride of the car by driving it himself.

Question. (i) What did the guide ask Mr. roshanlal to do? 
(ii) For what was Mr. Roshanlal impatient?     

Answers : (i) The guide asked Mr. Roshanlal to read the instruction booklet.
(ii) Mr. Roshanlal was impatient to drive the car.                       

Comprehension Passages for Class 4

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

When the Quit India Movement was announced on 9th of August, 1942, the people came out in an open opposition to colonial rule. Social activists in Dungarur inspired by the Gandhian leader Thakkar Bapa established the Dungarpur sevak Sangh.

The Sevak Sangh used to run schools for Dalits and tribals in the district. They taught the students about patriotism and bravery. The British forced the prince of Dungarpur to stop the Sevak sangh from running these schools. 

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) Thakkar Bapa

(b) The prince of Dungarpur

(c) Dungarpur Sevak Sangh

(d) Schools

Answers : (c) Dungarpur Sevak Sangh

Question. (i) When was Quit India movent announced?
(ii) Why did the people came out?

Answers :  (i) Quit India Movement was announced on 9th of August, 1942.
(ii) The people came out in an open opposition to colonial rule.

Question. (i) Who inspired social activists?
(ii) Who established the Dungarpur Sevak Sangh?

Answers : (i) The Gandhian leader Thakkar Bapa inspired social activists.
(ii) Social activists established Dungarpur Sevak Sangh.

Question. (i) What service did the Sevak Sangh do?
(ii) What did the Sevak Sanghteach about?

Answers :  (i) The Sevak Sangh used to run schools for Dalits and tribals in the district.
(ii) The Sevak Sangh taught abount patroirtism and bravery.              

English Unseen Passage for Class 4 pdf with answers

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Long ago, there were two cranes named Sankat and Vikat and a tortoise named Kumbugriva. They all were good friends. They lived near a pond. Kumbugriva was achatterbox. One year, there was no rain, so the pond started to dry. The crane and the tortoise were worried and discussed about it.

Answer the following questions:

Question.The passage is about-

(a) two cranes

(b) Kumbugriva

(c) the pond

(d) Two cranes and a tortoise

Answers : (d) Two cranes and a tortoise

Question. (i) What were the names of the cranes?
(ii) Who were good friends?

Answers : (i) The names of the cranes were Sankat and Vikat.
(ii) The cranes and tortoise were good friends.

Question. (i) Where did they live?
(ii) What was the nature of the tortoise?

Answers : (i) They lived near a pond.
(ii) The tortoise was chatterbox.

Question. (i) Why did the pond start to dry?
(ii) Why were the cranes and the tortoise worried?   

Answers : (i) The pond started to dry, because there was no rain. 
(ii) The tortoise and the cranes were worried because the pond started to dry.               

Unseen Passage with questions and answers for Class 4

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Ma’am we too have understood. We pledge never to chew gutkha and tobacco again. We will also tell the members of our family and neighbours about the evil effects of chewing gutkha and smoking and request them to give up these bad habits.

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) Evil effects of chewing gutka and tobacco

(b) advice to chew gutkha

(c) Ma’am

(d) to give up all the bad habits

Answers : (a) Evil effects of chewing gutka and tobacco

Question. (i) What have the students understood?
(ii) What do they pledge?

Answers :.(i) The students have understood about the advice of Ma’am.
(ii) They pledge not to chew gutkha and tobacco again.

Question. (i) What is harmful to chew?
(ii) What do they want to tell the family members and neighbours?

Answers : (i) It is harmful to chew gutkha and tobacco.
(ii) They want to tell about the evil effects of chewing gutkha and smoking.

Question. (i) Who is advising the students?
(ii) Do the students agree their teacher with her views?     

Answers :  (i) Their ma’am is advising them.
(ii) Yes, the students agree their teacher with her views.                       

Unseen Passage for Class 4 with questions and answers

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Pranayam is control and extension of the breath. By practising it, we can reduce our breathing rate. Reduced breathing rate has a lot of benefits. It slows down heart rate, reduces blood pressure and relaxes body and mind. Pranayam increases our life expectancy.

Pranayam should be done on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. You can also do it in the evening but there should be a gap of four hours after the last meal

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) Pranayam

(b) Yoga

(c) Sports

(d) Games

Answers : (a) Pranayam

Question. (i) What is Pranayam?
(ii) What is the benefit of practising Pranayam?

Answers : (i) Pranayam is control and extension of breath.
(ii) By practising Pranayam we can reduce our breathing rate.

Question. (i) What are the benefits of the reduced breathing rate?
(ii) What does Pranayam increses?

Answers : (i) Reduced breathing rate has a lot of benefits. It slows down heart rate, reduce blood pressure and relax body and mind.
(ii) Pranayam increases our life expectancy.

Question. (i) How should Pranayam be done?
(ii) When should we do Pranayam?

Answers : (i) Pranayam should be done on an empty stomach.
(ii) We should do Pranayam preferably in the morning. We can also do it in the evening. But there should be a gap of four hours after the last meal.

Unseen Passage for Class 4 with questions and answers pdf

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

One day a lonely by named Pankaj, found the lamp. He heard the sad cries of the genie. So he decided to try to become his friend. The wish he asked to be granted was to be able to enter and leave the lamp.

The genie was happy to grant this wish. As soon as Pankaj entered the lamp, he could see what the genies’s problem was. It wasn’t that he was a bad genie. It was just that he was untidy.

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) Pankaj

(b) lamp

(c) genie in danger

(d) untidy nature of genie

Answers : (d) untidy nature of genie

Question. (i) What did Pankaj find one day?
(ii) What did Pankaj hear?

Answers : (i) Pankaj found the lamp one day.
(ii) Pankaj heard the sad cries of the genie.

Question. (i) What did he decide to do?
(ii) What wish did Pankaj ask for?

Answers : (i) He decided to try to become genie’s friend.
(ii) Pankaj asked to be granted for entering and leaving the lamp.

Question. (i) What did Pankaj see on entering the lamp?
(ii) What type of genie was according to Pankaj? 

Answers : (i) As soon as pankaj entered the lamp, he saw what the genie’s problem was.
(ii) Genie eas untidy.                         

Unseen Passage for Class 4 with questions and answers

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

On this day Lord Ram got victory over Ravan, the king of Lanka. He kidnapped Ram’s wife Sita and took her to Lanka. This led to a fierce battle between Ram and Ravan which ended with the defeat of Ravan and his army.

Dussehra is celebrated in honour of Ram’s victory. In many parts of India, Ramleela is organised during Navratris, from Ashwin Shukla Pratipada to Dashmi. Ramleela describes the story of Ram in the form of a drama. 

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) Ram

(b) the Dussehra festival

(c) war

(d) Ravan

Answers : (b) the Dussehra festival

Question. (i) When did Lord Ram get victory?
(ii) Who kidnapped Sita?

Answers : (i) Lord Ram got victory on Dashmi.
(ii) Ravan kidnapped Sita.

Question. (i) Why is Dussehra celebrated?
(ii) When is Ramleela organised?

Answers : (i) Dussehra is celebrated in honour of Ram’s Victory.
(ii) Ramleela is organised during Navratris, from Ashwin Shukla Pratipada to Dashmi.

Question. (i) What does Ramleela describe?
(ii) How is it described?     

Answers :  (i) Ramleela describes the story of Ram.
(ii) It is described in the form of a drama.         

Case based factual Passage for Class 4

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

We work at home ourselves and help family members. There we don’t think whether our household activities are our jobs or not. In the same manner, our school is also like our home.

We line here together and study in a friendly atmosphere. Shouldn’t we think of its cleanliness also? If we make it dirty, who will clean it? I think we should do it ourselves. 

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) home and school

(b) importance of work

(c) cleanliness

(d) friendly atmosphere

Answers : (c) cleanliness

Question. (i) How do we help our family members?
(ii) What do we not think?

Answers : (i) We help our family members by working at home.
(ii) We don’t think whether our household activities are our jobs or not.

Question. (i) How do we live in our school?
(ii) Where is friendly atmosphere?

Answers : (i) We live in our school in a friendly atmosphere in school.
(ii) There is friendly atmosphere in school.

Question. (i) What should we think of?
(ii) What should we do ourselves? 

Answers :  (i) We should think of cleanliness.
(ii) We should do cleanliness by ourselves. 

Short Unseen Passage Class 4 with questions and answers

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Long long ago, a group of rats lived happily in a forest. One day a herd of elephants passed through the area in search of water. Many homes of the rats were destroyed under their big feet.

Some rats were also killed. The king of rats, Mooshakraj went to the king of elephants, Gajraj and requested him to take his herd through another route to the pond. He accepted the request and told the elephants to take the other way, without disturbing the rats.

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) the rats and the elephants

(b) the herd of elephants

(c) elephant’s big feet

(d) the killing of rats

Answers : (a) the rats and the elephants

Question. (i) Why did the elephants pass through that area?
(ii) What happened then?

Answers : (i) The elephants passed through that area in search of water.
(ii) Many homes of the rats were destroyed under their big feet. Some rats were killed.

Question. (i) Who went to the king of elephants?
(ii) What request did the rats’ king Mooshakraj make do Gajraj?

Answers : (i) Mooshakraj, the king of rats went to the king of elephants, Gajraj.
(ii) Mooshakraj requested Gajraj to take his herd through another route to the pond.

Question. (i) What did Gajraj do about Mooshakraj’s request?
(ii) What were the names of the kings of rats and elephants?

Answers : (i) Gajraj accepted the request.
(ii) Mooshakraj and Gajraj were the names of the kings of the rats and elephants.

Unseen Passage for Class 4 with answers pdf

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

Rohit returns home and decides to go to school daily. He starts studying attentively and completes his homework also. He learns his lessons regularly. In the evening, he goes to the playground and finds his friends there. He plays with them for about an hour.

After returning home, he takes his dinner and then revises what he studied at school.

With this change in his behaviour, he is now liked by everyone. His teachers praise him for his punctuality and his parents feel proud of him.

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) the change in Rohit's behaviour

(b) Rohit's school

(c) Rohit's home

(d) Rohit's village

Answers : (b) the change in Rohit’s behaviour

Question. (i) What does Rohit decide?
(ii) What does Rohit start doing?

Answers : (i) Rohit decide’s to go to school daily.
(ii) Rohit starts studying attentively and completes his homework. He learns his lessons regularly.

Question. (i) What does Rohit do in the evening?
(ii) What does Rohit do after returning home?

Answers : (i) In the evening, he goes to the playground and plays with his friends for an hour.
(ii) After returning home, he takes his dinner and revise what he studied at school.

Question. (i) Who is now liked by everyone?
(ii) How do Rohit’s teachers and parents react? 

Answers : (i) Rohit is now liked by everyone.
(ii) Rohit’s teachers praise him for his punctuality and his parents feel proud of him.

Unseen Passage with multiple choice questions for Class 4

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

So now, he was on the road, driving the country's fastest car at the speed of a Cycle ! No wonder people found it funny.

Many people in the world are like Mr. Roshanlal. They have wonderful bodies and minds but they do not want to listen to spiritual masters who are like the guide in the car company. Neither do they want to follow any books on religion and culture which are like instruction booklets. So they do not know how to use their God-given instruments well.

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) people who do not use mind well

(b) the fastest car

(c) God

(d) Body 

Answers : (a) people who do not use mind well

Question. (i) What is the speed of the country's fastest car?
(ii) What type of people do we find in the world?

Answers : (i) The speed of the country's fastest car is of a cycle.
(ii) Many people in the world are like Mr. Roshanlal.

Question. (i) Who are like the guide in the car company?
(ii) What do they not want to follow?

Answers : (i) Spiritual masters are like the guide in the car company.
(ii) They do not want to follow any books on religion and culture which are like instruction booklets.

Question. (i) What do they not know?
(ii) To what did the people find funny?

Answers : (i) They do not know how to use their God-given instrument well.
(ii) People find the speed of the fastest car funny.

Discursive Passage for Class 4

Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

There are many temples and water bodies inside the fort. We visited the Meera Bai Mandir, the Kalika Mata Mandir and Tulja Bhawani Mandir. We saw the Gaumukh and some other ponds.

Chittorgarh fort is the symbol of bravery and patriotism of the people of Mewar. They fought against the foreign invaders to save our motherland. We are proud of Chittorgarh and the brave warriors of Mewar.

Answer the following questions:

Question. The passage is about-

(a) Rajasthan

(b) Mewar

(c) Warriors

(d) Chittorgarh fort

Answers : (d) Chittorgarh fort

Question. (i) What are inside the fort?
(ii) Name the temples mentioned in the passage.

Answers : (i) There are many temples and water bodies inside the fort.
(ii) The temples mentioned in the passage are the Meera Bai Mandir, the Kalika Mata Mandir and Tulja Bhawani Mandir.

Question. (i) What did they see there?
(ii) What symbol is the Chittorgarh fort?

Answers : (i) They saw the Gaumukh and some other ponds.
(ii) Chittorgarh fort is the symbol of bravery and patriotism of the people of Mewar.

Question. (i) Why did they fight against the foreign invadors?
(ii) What are we proud of?

Answers : (i) They fought against the foreign invaders to save our motherland.
(ii) We are proud of Chittorgarh and the brave warriors of Mewar.


I. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:

Dance is a way of life in Manipur, the land of jewels (Mani-Jewels, Pur-land). The state is situated among the hills of North- Eastern India. It is believed that long ago, celestial beings or Gandharvas lived in this state. Perhaps the Manipurians inherited their love for dance from their celestial ancestors. The dances of Manipur are beautiful and graceful. 

Though this dance form is very old, it was made popular in the rest of the country by the poet, Rabindranath Tagore in the early decades of the 20th century. All forms of the Manipuri dance, whether folk, classical or modern, are devotional in nature. One of the most popular types of the Manipuri dance is the Rasa which depicts the love between Lord Krishna and Radha. The dances are usually accompanied by melodious singing. The most common instruments used are the Khob and the Pena- a stringed instrument. There is a wide variation in the rhythms, tempos and sound sequence. From the religious point of view and from the artistic angle of vision, Manipuri classical form of dance is claimed not only to be one of the most modest, softest and mildest but the most meaningful dances of the world. 

Manipuri dancers do not wear ankle bells to emphasize the beats tapped out by the feet, like other Indian dance forms, and the dancers' feet never strike the ground hard. Movements of the body and feet and facial expressions in Manipuri dance are subtle and aim at devotion and grace. 

1. What does ‘Manipur’ mean?

2. Where is the state of Manipur situated?

3. Who made this dance popular in the rest of the country?

4. State whether true or false:

a. The Manipuri dance form is very old.

b. Manipuri dancers wear ankle bells like the dancers of other Indian dance forms.

5. Find words from the passage which mean the same as:

a. moving in a smooth attractive way 

b. connected with the act of religious worship 

II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable degree of adjectives given in the brackets:

1. My brother’s work is as____________________ as mine. (neat)

2. Raghu is an _____________________________ boy. (intelligent)

3. This is the ______________________________ story in the book. (simple)

4. She is the _______________________________ student of the class. (hardworking)

5. Your bag is _________________________ than Sneha’s bag. (heavy)

6. Dilip is ____________________ but his sister Deepa is ___________ than him. (clever)

7. This is the ___________________________ of all knives in the kitchen. (sharp)

8. A peacock is ___________________________ than a peahen. (beautiful)

9. Iron is ________________________________ (useful) than any other metal.

10 Rahul has a _____________________________ (pretty) cat.

III. Fill in the blanks forming the abstract nouns with the words given in the brackets:

1. The worst thing about my job is the ____________; I do the same thing all the time. (bore)

2. I go to the gym to build my _____________. (strong)

3. ________________ is next to godliness. (clean)

4. The old people often think of the happy days of their_____________. (child)

5. I believe in his ______________. (innocent)

V. Form abstract nouns from the following words:

1. know - _________________________________

2. mother - __________________________________

3. bitter – ___________________________________

4. excel – ____________________________________

5. please - ______________________________________



The most beautiful humming birds are found in the West Indies and South America. The crest of the tiny head of one of these shines like a sparkling crown of colored light. The shades of color that adorn its breast are equally brilliant. As the bird flits from one object to another, it looks more like a bright flash of sunlight than it does like a living being.

But, you ask, why are they called humming birds? It is because they make a soft, humming noise by the rapid motion of their wings—a motion so rapid, that as they fly you can only see that they have wings.

One day when walking in the woods, I found the nest of one of the smallest humming birds. It was about half the size of a very small hen's egg, and was attached to a twig no thicker than a steel knitting needle. It seemed to have been made of cotton fibers, and was covered with the softest bits of leaf and bark. It had two eggs in it, quite white, and each about as large as a small sugarplum.

When you approach the spot where one of these birds has built its nest, it is necessary to be careful. The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes Its sharp beak may hurt your eyes most severely, and even destroy your sight. The poor little thing knows no other way of defending its young, and instinct teaches it that you might carry off its nest if you find it.


1. Why does the author say the hummingbird looks like a “bright flash of sunlight?”

2. Why do you think it is hard to find a hummingbird’s nest?

3. What might happen if you try to take the nest of a hummingbird?

4. How do you think the author feels about hummingbirds?

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Sam Hormuzji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw, or Sam Manekshaw as he is better known was born in Amritsar on April3, 1914. From the time he was a child, Sam was fascinated by the army and his ambition was to join it one day. After passing the senior Cambridge from Sherwood College, a school in Nainital, he appeared for the army entrance examination. Two years later, in 1934, the 20 year old passed out from the Indian Military Academy at Dehradun. For his service to the nation, the President of India awarded him a Padma Vibhushan in 1972. In January 1973, at a glittering ceremony in New Delhi’s Rashtrapati Bhavan, Sam Manekshaw became the first Indian Field Marshal in recognition of his outstanding service to the country. A fortnight later, on 15th January 1973, Manekshaw retired after completing nearly four decades of military service.

Q1. Where and when was Sam Manekshaw born?

Q2. What was his ambition?

Q3.Why did the President of India award him?

Q4. When did he retire?
A4. ____________________________________________________________________

Q5. Find the word from the passage which means ‘attracted’?

Q 1. Read the passage given below and answer briefly the questions that follow:

It was a very pleasant day. A cool breeze was blowing. Rahul and Rishika were quite excited.

Their mother was taking them to an Amusement Park. She had already kept a five-hundred rupee note to pay for the joy-rides.

But when she opened her purse to take out  something, the note just flew away.

Both the children ran after it but they could not find it.

“Sorry dear”, said their mother. “We have to cancel the programme. I don’t have more money today.”

“It is all right, Ma,” said the children though they were disappointed.

“Since we are not going out, let us clean and decorate the house, ” Rishika suggested.

“I’ll bring some flowers and put them in the flower-vase,” said Rahul.

As he went out to pick some roses, there lay the five-hundred rupee note stuck among the roses.

He shouted with joy to see the note.

a. Why were the children excited?

________________________________________________________________ .

b. Why had their mother kept five hundred rupees in her purse?

________________________________________________________________ .

c. What happened to the note?

_________________________________________________________________ .

d. Where was the note finally found?

__________________________________________________________________ .

e. Find the opposite of the following words from the above passage:

i) dirty - ___________ ii) less - ___________

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions :

On the bank of a river, there was a tall and sturdy oak tree. Near that oak tree, some reeds had grown on the ground. The reeds were weak and slender. Whereas the oak tree looked huge and stout. The tree was very much proud of his size and strength. He often ridiculed the weak reeds. One day the oak tree boasted, “Look, how strong I am! I can resist the powerful wind without bowing down before it. But you reeds are so week that you can not even sustain the soft breeze and start trembling with fear.

The tree continued with his boastful talk, “I am so strong that I can block the way of the wind, whereas you weak vegetations bow down even before the gentle blow of the wind. After hearing enough from the oak tree, the reeds said humbly,” Of course we are weak in front of the strong wind and so we pay our respect to the wind by bowing down in front of it. I think that you should also sometimes bow down in front of the powerful wind.”

The arrogant tree laughed aloud, “Ha, Ha! I am not a reed who bows down to all and everyone. I’m a stout oak tree who never bends.” The wind which had been hearing the tree’s arrogant talk since long, couldn’t tolerate it anymore. It blew so hard that the tall and sturdy oak tree was uprooted and thrown on the ground. However, the weak and slender reeds survived because they bowed to save themselves from the strong wind blow. It shows that how humility always wins.

a) Name the tall and sturdy tree on the bank of the river?

b) How did the tree ridicule the weak reeds?

c) What was the reply of the reeds?

d) What happened to the arrogant tree at last?

e) What moral do you get from the passage?

f) Find the antonyms of the given words from the passage:

i) humble ii) strong

Section B (Writing)

2. You are the secretary of the Sports Club of your school. Now prepare a notice to be put on the school notice board for the selection of the students for the upcoming Inter School Cricket Match. Give the necessary details like Date, Venue, Time etc.

3. Prepare a speech to be given in the morning school assembly on Healthy Habits and Students.

Section C (Grammar)

4. Omission:

Jumping spiders short-legged. e.g. Spiders / are / short They can pounce insect prey a) _____/_____/_____

 CBSE Class 6 English - Passage (1)

1. Read the passage carefully:

King Alphanso got down from his horse. He went to help the mule- driver. Both of them pulled and pushed until they succeeded in getting the mule on the firm ground. By this time they were covered with mud. A number of people had collected by this time and they stood by watching. Then someone recognized the King. People began to whisper to each other that it was the King himself who had helped the mule-driver. When the mule-driver heard this, he was very frightened. He turned to him and begged for his forgiveness. Alphanso told that he had done his duty as a man. He may be a king but as a man he should help those who are in some difficulty. The King thus put to shame all those passers-by who would not help.

a. How did King Alphanso help the mule-driver?

b. Why was the mule-driver frightened? What did he ask from the King?

c. What was the response King gave to the people? How did he put to shame the passers-by?

d. Give the meaning of the phrases: ‘on the firm ground’ and ‘put to shame’

2. Edit the following incomplete passage:

error / correction

Cucumbers is native to India eg. is / are

and has been cultivated for a) /

over four thousand years. The XXXXXXXXXXXX

plant spread in other countries b) /

or was grown in China in the c) /

2nd Century B.C. The fruit was d) /

the edible part. It grow on a e) /

sprawling, tendril-bear vine. f)

3. Rearrangement:

a) wonders / television / one of the / is / our age / of

b) thousands of kilometers / events / happening / that are / we can / away /see

c) watching / is like / the / television / film / watching /at the / a /cinema

d) we / instead of / have / a large screen / a small screen / difference / the only / is that / at the cinema

e) means / itself / television / the word / distance / seeing /from / a

4. Draw an advertisement of a Tooth paste. Give necessary details like company, features etc.

5. Answer the following questions:

a) What are the effects of drought? What probable solutions you would give to overcome such problem? Answer with reference to the poem ‘Her Head.’

b) What would be your decision being Sir Ector when he found that Arthur was of a higher destiny than he thought? Why? Explain.

c) How did the speaker go out into space? Where did she set foot there?

A.1. Read to understand

William Wordsworth, the famous British poet, was one of the most important poets of the Romantic Movement in English Literature.

He was born on 17 April 1770, in the scenic region of north-west England called the Lake District. The beautiful landscapes of the region had an enduring influence on Wordsworth‟s imagination, creating in him, a love for nature. This can be seen in most of his poems. Wordsworth lost his mother when he was eight and at the age of thirteen, his father. Of his four siblings, Wordsworth was most attached to his younger sister, Dorothy. Several of his poems are addressed to his beloved sister.

Wordsworth began attending St John‟s College, Cambridge in 1787. He often spent his holidays on long walking tours, visiting places famous for the beauty of their landscape. In 1790, he took a nearly three-thousands-mile walking tour of Europe, during which he toured the Alps extensively, and also visited nearby areas of France, Switzerland, and Italy. The following year, he graduated from Cambridge without distinction.

In 1843, Wordsworth was made the Poet Laureate of England. A Poet laureate is the official poet of the King of England. By this time, Wordsworth was considered one of the greatest poets of his age. However, when his daughter Dora died in 1847, Wordsworth stopped writing poetry altogether. He died, three years later, on 23 April 1850.

Wordsworth was one of the first poets to actively reflect on the beauty and glory of nature and the power of imagination. His poems continue to be read all over the world by children and adults alike.

A.1.1. Answer the following questions very briefly.

(i) What developed in Wordsworth a love for nature?

(ii) How did Wordsworth spend his holidays?

(iii) What position of honour was given to Wordsworth?

(iv) When did Wordsworth‟s daughter die? What was her name?

A.1.2. Find words from the passage which mean the same as :

(i) renowned (ii) lasting

(iii) think about

 A.2. Read this poem by William Wordsworth and answer the following questions.

The Daffodils

I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o‟er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host of golden daffodils,

Beside the lake, beneath the trees

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay;

Then thousand saw I at a glance

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves besides them danced, but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay

In such jocund company!

I gazed and gazed-but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.

A.2.1. Find words in the poem which mean the following.

(i) broad low valley ___________

(ii) large number ___________

(iii) area of the sea that curves inwards towards the land ___________

(iv) lively, full of energy ___________

(v) feeling of satisfaction that something good has happened ___________

(vi) cheerful and happy ___________

A. Have you ever been at home all alone? Read the poem and enjoy, the experiences of the poet, when he was left alone at home. Answer the questions that follow:

When I was alone

I woke up with a frown

My family had gone out

And there was no one around.

I dressed, had my breakfast

But my mood was down cast

There was no one to talk to

Spent the time watching T.V.

But it was evening soon.

A terrible experience just began

A chill just ran down my spine

I heard some creaking sound

I got rooted to the ground

Thump came another noise

Someone had just jumped in

My heart missed a few beats

When I heard descending feet

A shadow then reached the hall

I was about to faint and fall.

He then switched on the light

My father was that „creep‟

When I told him of my fright

He treated me out to a tasty bite.


A.1. Complete the summary of the poem.

One day the poet was all ___________ as his ___________ had gone out. Since there was ___________ to ___________ to, he ___________ his time, watching T.V. In the

evening he got ___________ on hearing a ___________.

He was about to ___________. Then somebody ___________ switched on the light and to the poet‟s relief, it was none else than his ___________.

A.2. Complete the following

(i) The poet‟s mood was off because ___________. Tto faint and fall” shows that the poet was he line “I was about very ___________.

(ii) The other two lines that convey the same feeling are ___________ and ___________.

(iii) To make the poet feel better, his father ___________.

A.3. Find the antonyms for:

(i) smile ___________ (ii) slept ___________

A.4. Find the synonyms for:

(i) getting down (ii) fear



B.1. Write a letter to your Grandmother in about 150 words telling her about your childhood memories of the time spent with her.



C.1. Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks:

(i) I was hired by the (personal, personnel) ___________ manager.

(ii) Please be (quiet, quit, quite) ___________.

(iii) We will have the picnic (whether, weather) ___________ the (whether, weather) ___________ is good or bad.

(iv) When Shahajahan (reined, reigned, rained) ___________ over Delhi, Aurangabad (reined, reigned, rained) ___________ in his ambitions with great difficulty.

C.2. More pairs that confuse:

Find the meanings for the following words:

(i) dessert ___________ desert

(ii) access ___________ excess

(iii) advice ___________ advise

(iv) principal ___________ principle

C.3. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns that refer to the nouns in bold print.

(i) The car broke down 

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CBSE Class 4 English Email Letter Writing
Class 4 English Informal Letter Writing with Answers
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