ICSE Class 10 2013 Question Paper Yoga

ICSE Class 10 2013 Question Paper Yoga. Students can download the last year question papers using the link below. Free download of examination question papers with solutions. Last 10 year question papers should be practised to get better marks in examinations.


(Two hours)

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Section I

Question 1

Fill in the blanks:

(a) The process by which white blood cells engulf any foreign bodies in the blood and destroy them is known as ____________.

(b) The juice that digests fat in the food is ___________ .

(c) The ____________ is an endocrine gland located in the throat and controls metabolism.

(d) ____________ is an exocrine as well as endocrine gland.

(e) The back flow of blood is prevented by ____________.

(f) Hormones are transported throughout the body by ____________.

(g) The organ that excretes carbon dioxide from the body is ____________.

(h) Decrease in the haemoglobin level leads to ____________.

Question 2

State whether the following statements are true or false: 

(a) A high concentration of urea in the blood can lead to death.

(b) The cerebrum is the seat of body balance.

(c) The lymphatic system is a subsystem of the circulatory system.

(d) The sympathetic and parasympathetic system controls the involuntary actions of internal organs.

(e) Lymph nodes check against infections by destroying harmful organisms.

(f) Spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord.

(g) Accumulation of water in the body is due to the improper functions of the heart.

(h) The practice of the asanas, pranayama and dhyana is not helpful in combating diseases.

Question 3

Choose the correct answer from the choices given in brackets: 

(a) ____________ can be called the Lord of the Karmaindriyas. (medulla oblongata, hypothalamus, cerebellum)

(b) The protective layer covering the heart is known as ____________. (piameter, pericardium, pleura)

(c) The practice of Surya Namaskar will tend to ____________. (accelerate the heartbeat, slow the heartbeat, maintain an even heartbeat)

(d) The reflex starts at a receptor organ that conveys the impulse to the ____________ and ends at an effector organ (spleen, adrenal, spinal cord).

(e) ____________ are blood vessels with the ability to contract and dilate (capillaries, ossicles, renal tubules)

(f) The cause of all suffering according to Buddha’s four truths are ____________. (maya, karma, desire)

(g) An electrical disturbance that sweeps over the nerve cell is called a/an ____________ (response, impulse, stimulus).

(h) The ____________ produce(s) blood in large quantities in an emergency. (liver, spleen, pancreas)

Question 4

Match the items in the two columns:

(a) Coronary thrombosis (i) for kidney dysfunction

(b) Sino atrial node (ii) causes growth of beard in females.

(c) Adrenal cortex (iii) clot in the vessel which supplies blood to the heart muscle.

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