ICSE Class 10 2013 Question Paper Home Science (Revised)

ICSE Class 10 2013 Question Paper Home Science (Revised). Students can download the last year question papers using the link below. Free download of examination question papers with solutions. Last 10 year question papers should be practised to get better marks in examinations.


(Two hours)

Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

Section A

Question 1

(a) Define two dimensions of colour. 

(b) What type of light is suitable for a bedroom and why? 

(c) Suggest two ways of maintaining carpets in good condition. 

(d) What is the importance of a work triangle in a kitchen? 

(e) Write one line each on any two eating disorders among adolescents. 

Question 2

(a) Give the full form of ATM and PIN. 

(b) List two features of a Recurring Deposit Account. 

(c) Why is the signature on the specimen card retained by the bank? 

(d) Name two types of family budget.

(e) Give two reasons on the importance of saving. 

Question 3

(a) Differentiate between growth and development. 

(b) Give two differences in physical maturity seen in boys and girls. 

(c) List any two rights of a consumer. 

(d) Name two adulterants found in besan (gram flour). 

(e) Why is salt used as a preservative? 

Question 4

(a) Mention the importance of using blues in laundry. 

(b) What is the need for consumer education? Give two reasons. 

(c) Give two differences between soaps and detergents.

(d) Write one precaution each for washing and drying of woollens? 

(e) Name two chemical preservatives used in food preservation. 


Attempt any four questions from this Section

Question 5

(a) Suggest a colour scheme for a girl’s room with suitable reasons. 

(b) Mention five factors affecting the selection of fabric for curtains. 

(c) Discuss any five factors to be considered while planning a kitchen. 

Question 6

(a) What is the role of the family in the emotional development of an adolescent girl? 

(b) Discuss the role of peers during adolescence period. 

(c) How does the school help in shaping the personality of a teenager? 

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