ICSE Class 10 2013 Question Paper Commercial Application 2

ICSE Class 10 2013 Question Paper Commercial Application 2. Students can download the last year question papers using the link below. Free download of examination question papers with solutions. Last 10 year question papers should be practised to get better marks in examinations.


(Two hours)

Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].


Question 1

Give one difference between each of the following:

(a) Current assets and fixed assets. 

(b) Personal selling and Sales promotion. 

(c) Television advertising and newspaper advertising. 

(d) Controllable costs and uncontrollable costs. 

(e) Off the job training and on the job training. 

Question 2

(a) What is a fixed deposit? 

(b) Name the Government authority that deals with Food Adulteration. 

(c) What are variable costs? 

(d) What happens to a product in the decline stage of its life cycle?

(e) State one difference between cash credit and overdraft. 

Question 3

(a) What is the concept of selection for assigning a job in an organization?

(b) Give one difference between a product and a service. 

(c) Mention any two ways in which environmental consciousness can be generated among people. 

(d) Explain two basic differences between sales and the selling process. 

(e) Distinguish between any two elements of Public Relations.

Question 4

Justify either for or against by giving two reasons for each:

(a) Branding is a myth, not a reality. 

(b) Selection is a process of elimination. 

(c) Recording a small calculator as an asset in a balance sheet is justified. 

(d) Competition based pricing is ideal for unbranded products. 

(e) Some costs are semi-variable in nature. 


Attempt any four questions from this Section.

Question 5

(a) What is a Balance Sheet? Explain any three of its uses. 

(b) Why does an Income and Expenditure Account need to be prepared by Non-Trading Organizations? 

(c) What is meant by Central Bank? Explain its role. 

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