CBSE Class 8 English Worksheet Set H

SECTION A READING   Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.   FIGS FOR THE EMIR   (1) Hassan was generously rewarded when he gifted the Emir some pomegranates. A few months later, he got a bumper crop of turnips and decided to present a sackful to…

CBSE Class 8 English Worksheet Set G

SECTION A READING   Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.   What is this life is full of care We have no time to stand and stare No time to stand beneath the boughs   And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see,when woods we pass. Where…

CBSE Class 8 English Transitive and Intrasitive Verbs Worksheet

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH   Transitive and Intransitive Verbs – Revision Worksheet     I. Underline the verbs in the following sentences and mention whether they are transitive or intransitive.   a) Yusuf and Ali ran across the street through the heavy…

CBSE Class 8 English Tenses Worksheet

Question. He __________ in the States but he still does not have a command over the English language. A have been living B has been living C have lived D living Answer : B Question. I __________ this book since morning. A had been reading B has been reading C have had read D…

CBSE Class 8 English Report Completion Worksheet

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH   REVISION WORKSHEET ON REPORT COMPLETION   I. Choose the appropriate usage from the options given below and complete the report on the 68th Republic Day Celebrations at Indian School Muscat.   68th Republic Day Celebrations at Indian School Muscat  …

CBSE Class 8 English Reading Skills Worksheet

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH   WORKSHEET ON READING SKILLS – FIRE BUCKETS     I. Complete the following sentences appropriately.   a) For the inhabitants of Dibaru, the tribes that lived _____________________________   b) The hospital in Dibaru…

CBSE Class 8 English Notice Writing Worksheet

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH   WORKSHEET ON NOTICE WRITING (REVISION)   1. You are Alok/ Alka, Head Boy/ Girl, of Modern International School. The school wants to introduce a reading club for students of Class 7 and 8 to hone their reading skills. Draft a notice inviting students to…

CBSE Class 8 English Modals Worksheet

Question. During peak hours, it _________ take more than two hours. A. can B. should C. shall D. will Answer : A Question. All students __________ obey the school regulations. A. could B. must C. are able to D. will Answer : B Question. __________ you pass me the salt and…

CBSE Class 8 English Letter to the Editor Worksheet

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Worksheet – LETTER TO THE EDITOR   1. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about the harmful effects of reckless driving. In your letter you have to explain why reckless driving poses great danger to lives and property. You are Kunal /…

CBSE Class 8 English Letter of Complaint Worksheet

MIDDLE SECTION DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH FORMAL LETTER WRITING - LETTER OF COMPLAINT   You are Arun/Arti, a student of Class VIII. You have observed that the school canteen is flooded during both the recess and as a result many children return to the class without taking their…

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar and Writing Skill Worksheet

1 Finish the sentences with 'have something done' in the correct form.   1 Why does he ………………………………………………………………………………… ? (all his shoes/ make) Ans- have all his shoes made   2 I can't read Greek so I am ……………………………………………………………… (the documents/ translate) Ans-  having the…

CBSE Class 8 English Direct and Indiect Speech Worksheet

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH   REVISION WORKSHEET ON DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH   DECLARATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES     I. Rewrite the following sentences in the Indirect Speech:   i) Malini said, “I am going to meet my friend.”   ii)…

CBSE Class 8 English Determiners Worksheet

Question. __________ of the candidates pass this exam. a) Enough b) Fewer c) Either d) Most Answer : D Question. __________ participants left the meeting in between. a) Several b) Much c) The few d) Little Answer : A Question. He told me that __________ blue was her…

CBSE Class 8 English Active and Passive Voice Worksheet


CBSE Class 8 English Worksheet Set F

CLASS –VIII SUB: ENGLISH Q1:- Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:-                                       BEE   Bee scientists always speak of the bee as she. It is because all the important bees are of that sex. In the hive there is one married bee,…