ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Sample Paper (5)

ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Sample Paper (5). Sample papers and question papers for ICSE and ISC students. These question papers have been collected by the best teachers from ICSE and ISC schools. Students should download and practice these papers to gain better marks in examinations. 


Question 1

(a) Select from the list below the gas that matches the description given in each case and answer the questions that follow:

Ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, sulphur dioxide.

(i) Gas A is a reducing agent which contains oxygen.

     i. What is the name of gas A?

    ii. What will you observe if gas A is bubbled through acidified potassium dichromate solution?

(ii) Gas B turns moist red litmus paper blue.

    i. What is the name of gas B?

   ii. Write the equation for the reaction that takes place when gas B is passed over heated copper oxide.

(iii) When gas C is mixed with gas B, dense white fumes are seen and there is no other product.

   i. What is the name of gas C?

  ii. What is the name of the product of the reaction between gas B and gas C?  

(b) Samples of the gases O2, N2, CO2 and CO under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules represented by X. The molecules of oxygen (O2) occupy V litres and have a mass of 8 gms. Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure:

    i. What is the volume occupied by:

      (1) X molecules of N2 (2) 3X molecules of CO?

   ii. What is the mass of CO2 in grams?

  iii. In answering the above questions, which law have you used? (C = 12, N = 14, O = 16)  

(c) (i) What is meant by a Group in the Periodic Table?

(ii) Within a Group where would you expect to find the element with:

     i. The greatest metallic character?

    ii. The largest atomic size?

(iii) State whether the ionization potential increases or decreases on going down a Group.

(iv) How many elements are there in Period 2?  

(f) (i) What is the type of reaction taking place between ethane and chlorine to form mono-chloroethane?

(ii) The reaction between ethene and chlorine forms only one product. Name the type of this reaction.

(iii) (1) Draw the structural formula of ethene.

(2) What is the feature of the ethene structure which allows ethene to react with chlorine in the way it does?  

(d) (i) Calculate the percentage of platinum in ammonium chloroplatinate (NH4)2PtCl6 (Give your answer correct to the nearest whole number).

(ii) The percentage composition of sodium phosphate as determined by analysis is 42.1% sodium, 18.9% Phosphorus and 39% oxygen. Find the empirical formula of the compound (work to upto two decimal places).

(H = 1, N = 14, O = 16, Na = 23, P = 31, Cl = 35.5, Pt = 195) 

(e) Write the balanced equations for the preparation of the following compounds (as the major product) starting from iron and using only one other substance:

(i) Iron (II) chloride. (ii) Iron (III) chloride.

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