ISC Class 12 Biology Sample Paper (2)

ISC Class 12 Biology Sample Paper (2). Sample papers and question papers for ICSE and ISC students. These question papers have been collected by the best teachers from ICSE and ISC schools. Students should download and practice these papers to gain better marks in examinations. 


Question 1

(a) Mention one significant difference between each of the following: 

(i) Vaccination and Sterilization.

(ii) Renin and Rennin.

(iii) Aeroponics and Hydroponics.

(iv) Yellow Spot and Blind Spot.

(v) Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma

(b) Give reasons for the following: 

(i) Nerve impulses on a neuron travel only in one direction.

(ii) Erythrocytes perform anaerobic respiration only.

(iii) Endosperm in Castor seed is triploid.

(iv) Man can live without food for several days but cannot live without oxygen for even a few minutes.

(v) Transpiration is a necessary evil.

(c) Give scientific terms for the following:

(i) Removal of pituitary gland.

(ii) The kind of conduction of nerve impulse along a myelinated nerve fibre. 

(iii) Morphological or physiological changes in an organism either due to genetic or environmental reasons.

(iv) Stiffening of muscles after death.

(v) Failure of seed to germinate even in the presence of necessary favourable environmental conditions.

(vi) Surgical removal of part of an oviduct.

(d) Mention the most significant function/role of the following: 

(i) Heparin.

(ii) Pons varoli.

(iii) Leydig cells.

(iv) Nostoc.

(v) Leghaemoglobin.

(vi) Mast cells.

(e) State the best-known contribution of the following Scientists: 

(i) Julius Sach.

(ii) Robert Hill.

(iii) Ronald Ross.

(iv) Blackman.

(f) Elaborate the following: 

(i) NMEP

(ii) BCG

(iii) NMR

(iv) SCID



Answer any three questions.

Question 2

(a) Describe the Histogen theory. 

(b) Describe the development of the male gametophyte in angiosperms. 

(c) What are fleshy fruits ? Explain with the help of an example.  

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