What Comes Next English Grammar MCQ with Answers

Question. What I'll do now is ........
(a) up to me
(b) through me
(c) across me
(d) on to me
Answer. A

Question. I'm very tired so I think I'll ........
(a) go out
(b) turn off
(c) turn in
(d) turn over
Answer. C

Question. It must be at least a year since ........
(a) you are here
(b) you will be here
(c) you were here
(d) you had been here
Answer. C

Question. I just don't follow a single word — I'm afraid it's all ........
(a) Spanish to me
(b) German to me
(c) Welsh to me
(d) Greek to me
Answer. D

Question. I'm desperate. All I need really is someone to ........
(a) take me a hand
(b) put me a hand
(c) give me a hand
(d) show me a hand
Answer. C

Question. I'm sorry that's not fair. It's no good ........
(a) blaming me
(b) betraying me
(c) believing me
(d) beholding me
Answer. A

Question. As far as I'm concerned they can all go ........
(a) jump in the oven
(b) jump in the bin
(c) jump in the field
(d) jump in the lake
Answer. D

Question. If you must talk, do it quietly ........
(a) I trust you
(b) I beg you
(c) I follow you
(d) I demand you
Answer. B

Question. Did you hear that noise? I'm sure there must be ........
(a) a bugler in the house
(c) a burglar in the house
(b) a bungler
(d) a bowler in the house
Answer. C

Question. All I ask is that you ........
(a) give me just one last chance
(c) give me just one last time
(b) give me just one last occasion
(d) give me just one last series
Answer. A

Question. I can't make head nor tail of this — ........
(a) it's utter destruction
(c) it's utter rubbish
(b) it's utter paperwork
(d) it's utter cheese
Answer. C

Question. I don't know about you but I'm so hungry ........
(a) I could eat a mountain
(c) I could eat a cow
(b) I could eat the table
(d) I could eat a horse
Answer. D

Question. You don't have to shout ........
(a) I'm not that daft
(b) I'm not that deaf
(c) I'm not that dead
(d) I'm not that dumb
Answer. B

Question. I have tried, honestly but ........
(a) I just can't get across to her
(c) I just can't get in between her
(b) I just can't get up to her
(d) I just can't get through to her
Answer. D

Question. If I had the chances you have, ........
(a) I'd simply grab them
(c) I'd simply hold them
(b) I'd simply control them
(d) I'd simply manage them
Answer. A

Question. If you can't get this right, then ........
(a) there's no sense for you
(c) there's no hope for you
(b) there's no thought for you
(d) there's no idea for you
Answer. C

Question. If the situation's that bad I suggest ........
(a) you sell in
(b) you sell up
(c) you sell on
(d) you sell off
Answer. B

Question. They realised that the police had them cornered and ........
(a) they gave themselves up
(c) they gave them selves to
(b) they gave themselves under
(d) they gave themselves over
Answer. A

Question. There's no rush for an answer so just ........
(a) spend your time
(b) give your time
(c) waste your time
(d) take your time
Answer. D

Question. We can safely say that the business is now concluded so ........
(a) that's him
(b) that's us
(c) that's it
(d) that's them
Answer. C

Question. I wouldn't hesitate to accept that offer. If it were me ........
(a) I'd bite his head off
(c) I'd bite his nose off
(b) I'd bite his hand off
(d) I'd bite his finger off
Answer. B

Question. There are several ways of looking at this and ........
(a) you'll have to opt
(c) you'll have to choose
(b) you'll have to take
(d) you'll have to accept
Answer. C

Question. Nobody's going to call me names and ........
(a) get on with it
(b) get up with it
(c) get away from it
(d) get away with it
Answer. D

Question. You can't agree with both of them ........
(a) make your opinion up
(c) make your brain up
(b) make your mind up
(d) make your thoughts up
Answer. B

Question. Don't worry about not getting enough support ........
(a) I'm with you all the way
(c) I'm with you all the path
(b) I'm with you the whole route
(d) I'm with you the whole road
Answer. A

Question. If you could be serious for just one moment ........
(a) I'd accept it
(b) I'd believe it
(c) I'd appreciate it
(d) I'd understand it
Answer. C

Question. Nobody ever got in his way ........
(a) he'd just stride all over them
(c) he'd just hop all over them
(b) he'd just stroll all over them
(d) he'd just walk all over them
Answer. D

Question. You're not telling me you didn't laugh once ........
(a) I bet you will
(b) I bet you did
(c) I bet you have
(d) I bet you do
Answer. B

Question. Don't worry what other people think ........
(a) just take no note of them
(c) just take no hint of them
(b) just take no sign of them
(d) just take no notice of them
Answer. D

Question. We're having a barbecue next week, .......?
(a) will you come
(b) did you come
(c) do you come
(d) were you coming
Answer. A

Question. It's getting very late ........
(a) I'll have to speed you
(c) I'll have to hurry
(b) I'll have to accelerate you
(d) I'll have to push you
Answer. C

Question. If we leave it any longer, ........
(a) we'll catch the bus
(c) we'll lose the train
(b) we'll miss the train
(d) we'll loose the bus
Answer. B

Question. There is a deadline, I'm afraid, ........
(a) so you mustn't dither
(c) so you mustn't dabble
(b) so you mustn't doodle
(d) so you mustn't diddle
Answer. A

Question. We should have been there 2 hours ago, ........
(a) so we're well back
(c) so we're well backward
(b) so we're well off
(d) so we're well behind
Answer. D

Question. If we leave this minute, ........
(a) I'm sure we'll make it
(c) I'm sure we'll get it
(b) I'm sure we'll take it
(d) I'm sure we'll turn it
Answer. A

Question. They arrived in the middle of the night ........
(a) because their flight was detained
(c) because their flight was delayed
(b) because their flight was despatched
(d) because their flight was defused
Answer. C

Question. As the old saying goes: ........
(a) He who hesitates is found
(c) He who hesitates is late
(b) He who hesitates is lost
(d) He who hesitates is long
Answer. B

Question. They should have arrived by now. I wonder ........
(a) what has kept them
(b) what has held them
(c) what has got them
(d) what has done them
Answer. A

Question. I'm being as quick as I can. Just don't ........
(a) hug me
(b) tug me
(c) lug me
(d) bug me
Answer. D

Question. I'm giving you your last warning. If you're not ready in five minutes, ........
(a) you're on your self
(b) you're on your own
(c) you're on your side
(d) you're on your turn
Answer. B

Question. Do you mind repeating that? I didn't quite ........
(a) grab it the first time
(c) seize it the first time
(b) snatch it the first time
(d) grasp it the first time
Answer. D

Question. Did you follow all that? Answer: ........
(a) No, my mind's a complete blank
(c) No, my mind's a complete space
(b) No, my mind's a complete hole
(d) No, my mind's a complete void
Answer. A

Question. Did you get that? Answer: Well, not really. .......?
(a) Could you float that past me once more
(c) Could you fly that past me once more
(b) Could you run that past me once more
(d) Could you walk that past me once more
Answer. B

Question. I don't know about you but I can't make sense of this at all. Answer: ........
(a) Me too, I'm just out of my height
(c) Me too, I'm just out of my depth
(b) Me too, I'm just out of my length
(d) Me too, I'm just out of my size
Answer. C

Question. You look a little confused. Do you know .......?
(a) what I'm on about
(c) what I'm under about
(b) what I'm off about
(d) what I'm in about
Answer. A

Question. I hope it's all clear now, isn't it? Answer: No, ........
(a) you've left me there
(c) you've hit me there
(b) you've dropped me there
(d) you've lost me there
Answer. D

Question. If you want us to follow your argument I suggest you ........
(a) use less conspicuous words
(c) use less confused words
(b) use less complicated words
(d) use less concerned words
Answer. B

Question. Promise me that at least you'll try this exercise, won't you? Answer: ........
(a) I'll have an effort
(b) I'll have a trial
(c) I'll have a go
(d) I'll have a trial
Answer. C

Question. What do you make of this test? Answer: It's quite ........
(a) beyond me
(b) below me
(c) behind me
(d) beside me
Answer. A

Question. If you can't actually say the words then why don't you try ........
(a) sing them
(b) singing them
(c) to have sung them
(d) having sung them
Answer. B

Question. This is most embarrassing. I can't pay the bill for my meal. I'm afraid ........
(a) I've forgotten my wallet at home
(c) I've abandoned my wallet at home
(b) I've left my wallet at home
(d) I've quit my wallet at home
Answer. B

Question. I would be most obliged if you ........
(a) let me to pay later
(c) allow me to pay later
(b) permit me pay later
(d) grant me to pay later
Answer. C

Question. The other thing I could do is ........
(a) leave my watch as a present
(c) leave my watch as a gift
(b) leave my watch as a token
(d) leave my watch as a deposit
Answer. D

Question. I can see by the expression on your face ........
(a) you don't really like the thought
(c) you don't really like the idea
(b) you don't really like the concept
(d) you don't really like the belief
Answer. C

Question. I could phone someone to ........
(a) take me the money
(b) bring me the money
(c) carry me the money
(d) gain me the money
Answer. B

Question. I see. So what you are saying is ........
(a) I'm holding up your trade
(c) I'm holding on your trade
(b) I'm holding off your trade
(d) I'm holding in your trade
Answer. A

Question. Well, I did say I was sorry and I think ........
(a) you're being very indistinct
(c) you're being very unfavourable
(b) you're being very unclear
(d) you're being very unreasonable
Answer. D

Question. You say you have no choice but to ........
(a) collect the manager
(b) call the manager
(c) deliver the manager
(d) present the manager
Answer. B

Question. That sounds a good idea. I'm sure he'll ........
(a) symbolise
(b) energise
(c) sympathise
(d) eulogise
Answer. C

Question. All right, all right Mr manager. Just as you say, ........
(a) of course I'll wash the dishes in the kitchen
(c) understandably I'll wash the dishes in the kitchen
(b) inevitably I'll wash the dishes in the kitchen
(d) indubitably I'll wash the dishes in the kitchen
Answer. A

Question. I know I'm a very bad letter writer but ........
(a) I was thinking for you the other day
(c) I was thinking of you the other day
(b) I was thinking on you the other day
(d) I was thinking to you the other day
Answer. C

Question. And that's what ........
(a) has deduced me to write this letter
(c) has made me to write this letter
(b) has prompted me to write this letter
(d) has concluded me to write this letter
Answer. B

Question. Do you remember the last time .......?
(a) we actually met
(b) we really met
(c) we factually met
(d) we finally met
Answer. A

Question. I remember it as if it ........
(a) is yesterday
(b) would be yesterday
(c) could be yesterday
(d) was yesterday
Answer. D

Question. I believe we met for lunch in an expensive restaurant and you ........
(a) opted the priciest item on the menu
(c) chose the priciest item on the menu
(b) tested the priciest item on the menu
(d) entered the priciest item on the menu
Answer. C

Question. And you must know why this fact ........
(a) has fixed in my mind
(c) has fastened in my mind
(b) has adhered in my mind
(d) has stuck in my mind
Answer. D

Question. I only had a ........
(a) a very modest plate
(c) a very modest dish
(b) a very modest number
(d) a very modest bowl
Answer. C

Question. This was just as well in view of what ........
(a) happened
(b) appeared
(c) transferred
(d) interposed
Answer. A

Question. You haven't forgotten, .......?
(a) certainly
(b) surely
(c) clearly
(d) naturally
Answer. B

Question. I had to pay for you. So isn't it .......?
(a) on time you paid me back
(c) about time you paid me back
(b) in time you paid me back
(d) over time you paid me back
Answer. C