In Class 10th, in the 2023 examinations, 21,86,940 students from 24491 schools in 76 subjects from India and 26 countries abroad were registered in class 10 and according to the subjects offered by these students about 1,42,15,110 answer books were evaluated.
In Class 12th, in the 2023 examinations, 16,96,770 students from 16738 schools in 115 subjects from India and 26 countries abroad were registered in class 12 and according to the subjects offered by these students about 1,10,29,005 answer books were evaluated.
CBSE Revaluation Process for Class 10 and 12
Evaluation of the answer books was done under a well-settled improved policy for evaluation. To ensure that the evaluation is qualitative, objective, and error-free, CBSE has taken several steps. These steps include the following: -
- More staff was deputed for evaluation work.
- In Science and Social Science, PGT in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Political Science, Geography, and Economics were also deputed to guide the evaluators.
- Capacity Building programs were organised for the evaluation team.
- Training videos for all functionaries involved in the evaluation were prepared and all involved in the evaluation work were shown these videos.
- Senior teachers with higher experience from the schools were used for evaluation.
- Only 20 answer books were assigned for evaluation in 8 Hrs’ time to each evaluator.
- Duration of the evaluation was kept more this year.
- Above steps were taken in addition to previously existing steps wherein the quality of evaluation is crossed checked at 12 levels.
After maintaining the quality of the evaluation, standard operating procedures were used for the preparation of results. Although, CBSE has taken the maximum possible steps in assessment and in the preparation of results, however, if students are not satisfied with their evaluation/result, they are provided the facility for verification of marks, the facility to obtain the Photocopy of their evaluated answer books, and the re-evaluation of their answers. Students using these facilities are requested to read the guidelines carefully before applying to avoid any inconvenience later.
Given below are the Modalities and Schedule for the Class 10 and Class 12 2022-23 for the processes of
(I) Verification of Marks
(Il) Obtaining (Scanned) Photocopy of the Evaluated Answer Book(s)
(Ill) Re-evaluation of Answer(s)
Verification of Marks and Obtaining Photocopy of Answer Sheet
The detailed modalities for applying for Verification of Marks, Obtaining a Photocopy of the Evaluated Answer Book(s), and Re-evaluation of the answers for the candidates who have appeared for the Class 10 and Class 12, 2022-2023 are as given below:
- Requests for all the processes will be accepted only Online and during the specified schedules along-with processing charges. No application after the scheduled date and time and in offline mode will be accepted.
- The processing charges can only be deposited online (Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking) and shall not be accepted through Postal Order/0D/Money order/ cash etc
- Incomplete/offline/without fee applications will be summarily rejected without any correspondence with the candidate.
- Only a single application for each step per candidate will be accepted in the online process. The candidate must decide in advance whether he/she has to apply for one subject or multiple subjects.Once applied, no second opportunity will be accorded.
- Board will not be responsible for any consequences due to revision of mark(s) or delay in the process, for reasons beyond control.
- Decrease even by one mark shall be affected.
- In cases where there is a change in marks (both increase or decrease), such candidates shall have to surrender the Marksheet cum Certificate which is in their possession. Thereafter, they shall be issued a new Marksheet cum Certificate.
- Processing charges are non-refundable.
Verification of Marks for Class 10 and 12
- Schedule is given in Annexure-l. Processing charges are Rs.500/- per subject for Class 10 and Rs 700 for Class 12
- The outcome of the verification of marks will be communicated in the same login account of the candidate from where she/he has applied for verification in the following manner:
- The outcome of the verification of marks will be uploaded to the login account of the candidate on the CBSE Website. No individual communication wil be sent in this regard
- In case of a change in marks, the first communication that marks have been changed (increase/decrease in marks) will be provided/hosted.
- Thereafter, once the result is re-calculated, the actual increase or actual decrease of marks will also be provided/hosted
- Applicants are advised to visit the CBSE website for the status of the verification request
- Only those candidates who will for verification of marks online will be eligible to apply for obtaining photocopy of answer books in that/ those subjects
Application for obtaining a photocopy of the evaluated answer book Class 10 and 12
- Only those candidates who have applied for verification of marks online in the manner as prescribed above will be eligible to apply for obtaining a photocopy of the evaluated answer books
- Processing charges will be rupees 500 per subject for class 10th and rupees 700 for Class 12th. the schedule is given in annexure - 1
- Application submitted on behalf of the candidate and also the incomplete application will be summarily rejected and fees deposited shall be forfeited without any further reference.
- Applicants will be provided a scanned copy of the Answer Book in their login account after blocking all information relating to the identity of the Examiner/Evaluator/ any other official associated with the examination process etc.
Reevaluation of Evaluated Answer Sheets Class 10 and 12
- Only those candidates who have applied for obtaining a photocopy of the evaluated answer book shall be eligible to apply for re-evaluation or challenge the marks awarded to any question(s).
- Request for re-evaluation/challenges shall be accepted only for the theory portion @ Rs.100/- per question.
- The applicant will have to refer to the marking scheme in the subject concerned which would be available on the website alongwith the question paper. Thereafter, candidates can submit an application for revaluation in the required question(s) with reasoning.
- Status of revaluation shall be uploaded on the website followed by a formal communication from the Regional Office.
- Decrease even by one mark shall be affected.
- Result of the re-evaluation will be final and no appeal or review against the re-evaluation would be entertained.
In the case of all the above three activities, i.e. I, II, and III, the decision of the Board on the marks awarded shall be final and binding on the candidates. Photocopy of the Answer Book (s) under RTI-Act-2005 will be provided as per provisions of RTI Act, 2005. However, a request for verification and/or re-evaluation cannot be made under RTI Act and shall not be entertained.
CBSE Revaluation Schedule Class 10 and 12
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